We joined Mary Hill Davis . . .
Or perhaps better put, people who joined Mary Hill Davis joined Literacy Connexus. But who is Mary Hill Davis? She was a very special missions leader who presided over Woman's Missionary Union in Texas from 1906-1931. Among the causes she championed were education and cooperative giving to missions. Literacy Connexus is among 96 ministries in Texas that receive funding through the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions. But what does that look like?
Last night, representatives from a half dozen Baptist churches in the Stephenville area gathered at the Greens Creek Baptist Church to focus attention on the 2013 Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions. Enjoying dinner and playing "allocation Bingo," they learned about where money goes when given to this offering.
And they brought books for the Literacy Connexus Book Bank. Boxes of books. These books will be sorted and shared with churches through family reading fairs in the months ahead. In a question and answer session, participants learned that while the focus of Books for the Border and Beyond is to encourage and equip parents to read to young children, books for all ages are used.
Together we can do more is an oft quoted truism that aptly describes how churches, other organizations, and individuals working collaboratively can make greater strides than working in isolation. This month Texas Baptist congregations focus on giving to missions through a unified offering. Much of the support for Literacy Connexus comes through the Mary Hill Davis Offering for Texas Missions. Thank you, WMU of Texas and churches that support the offering.
Lester Meriwether
Remembering Bill Moon . . .
 Many involved in literacy ministry in Texas and beyond will miss Bill Moon, who passed away Sunday, September 8, 2013, at his home in Belton. Please read about Bill's legacy here.
Funeral services will be held at 1:00 pm on Thursday, September 12, 2013, at the Dossman Funeral Home Chapel in Belton. Burial will be Saturday, September 14, 2013, in Newtonia, Missouri. The family will receive friends for visitation on Wednesday, from 6 pm - 8 pm at the funeral home in Belton.
Refugee Ministry SummitOct. 4-5, 2013, Dallas TX
For all who work--or would like to work--with refugees. Register today. Christian anthropologist & author Darrell Whiteman, Speaker
Lester Meriwether, Executive Director
Trivia Challenge
1. Popularly known as bird's eye chilies, phrik kii noo--the hottest of Thai chilies--literally means:
a) cat tails
b) donkey ears
c) mouse droppings
d) spider legs
2. James Garfield was the first president to campaign in two languages, English and:
a) German
b) French
c) Spanish
d) Yiddish
3. With its name derived, possibly, from the Spanish La Llorona, this Texas arroyo crosses Interstate 10 between Seguin and San Antonio. It is called:
a) Silent Spirit Hollow
b) Woman Hollering Creek
c) Blaspheming Brook
d) Whispering Woman Gulch
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