HoofPrints Email Newsletter Archives
Be sure to sign up for our email newsletters! We talk about new products, offer special sales and discounts, share inspirational stories, and more. You can see past newsletters by clicking the links below.
Sign up at the bottom of this page. You can always unsubscribe at any time!
- It's not too late to order Christmas gifts (12/15/2015)
- Horsewoman's Pampering Set - Barn Blade Pink Knife - Horsewoman's Balm - Woman's Place is on a Horse Metallic Gift Bag - Pink Fleece Vest - Tuff Chix Gloves - Sleeping With A Farrier Nightshirt - Barn is a Sanctuary blog post
- Think PINK for Christmas gifts (12/4/2015)
- Tuff Chix Gloves - Woman's Place is on a Horse Vest - Metallic Pink Gift Bag - Sleeping With A Farrier Nightshirt - Pink Knife - Life is Tough Jewelry
- Shop small, y'all - 8 Gift Ideas that support small business (11/21/2015)
- About HoofPrints size - Call Center Plus - Hand Tied Jewelry - Hand Forged Steel Cross - Listening with a Broken Ear - Copper Jewelry from Karen DeMarte - Grandview Aluminum Products - Path of the Horse - Lizabettas Jewelry
- 6 brand new horsey garments and some old stuff that is going away (11/18/2015)
- Sweater Fleece Barn Jacket - Barn Girl Denim for Ladies - Plaid Lined Hood Quarter Zip - Farriers Tools of the Trade Quarter Zip - Longsleeve Golf Shirt - Maroon Mock Turtleneck - Sherpa Lined Hood is Discontinued
- All Horsewomen Edition (11/14/2015)
- Horsewoman's Prayer - Pony Girl Jewelry & Vest - Disappearing Stress Mug - Horse Women Wall Calendar - What Horses Teach Us - Sherpa Lined Hood discontinued - Woman's Place is on a Horse Tote
- Rob and the Emergency Media Stand: The Housekeeping Edition (11/3/2015)
- HORSEwork before HOUSEwork; the story of the hairball - Rob and the Emergency Media Stand - Hollywood Hoofbeats - Cowgirls Note Cards
- Fall is in the air now but only 58 days until Christmas (10/27/2015)
- Vests are best - Research and Development at HoofPrints - Christmas on the Farm book - New Christmas Card designs
- Thinking ahead to the holidays - NEW Christmas cards + gift ideas (10/20/2015)
- Two new Christmas card designs - Protect this Rider necklace - Pink Barn Blade Knife - HoofPrints is small
- Do not distress yourself with dark imaginings + 3 new books (10/11/2015)
- Billy's Inspiration for nurturing strength of spirit - Power of the Herd - The Western Horse - Horse Lover's Daily Companion - Red Fleece Lined Suede Stable Jacket - Joe - The Horse Nobody Loved - More looking back at scary house pictures
- Sometimes you have to look back... at scary pictures + 6 NEW Fall garments (10/6/2015)
- Gina blogs about her old house - Six new fall garments - Ultimate Guide to Pampering Your Horse
- Could a crazy cog be a cover dog? Read how in the All Dog Newsletter (9/27/2015)
- Bailey's jumping story - Gifts for your dog sitter, groomer, vet - A Dog's Purpose - A Dog's Journey - Dog Lover's Prayer - Giant Spider chases woman
- Revisiting favorite BIG STORIES + Tuff Chix Gloves (9/11/2015)
- Revisiting Billy's Story - Tuff Chix Gloves - Horsepower; A Memoir - Beyond the Homestretch - Joe the Horse Nobody Loved - HoofPrints own T-shirts
- Another NEW item that's going to excite the farriers especially! (9/4/2015)
- All new art on the magnetic farrier calendar - Life is Tough but I am tougher inspirational jewelry
- More NEW stuff + some old stuff that is going away :-( (8/22/2015)
- 2016 Blacksmith Calendar - Correcting a silly mistake on horse eye necklace description - Black Barn Girl hood is discontinued - Home page background color debate
- A Horsewoman's Prayer - NEW framed verse and greeting cards! (8/16/2015)
- A Horsewoman's Prayer - Horse Eye Necklace - Doctor is in Thermometer - Gift Wrap Rolls - Long Tall List for Horsewomen
- The chaos edition - there's no theme whatsoever in this HoofPrints Newsletter (8/6/2015)
- Rebecca Ondov's new book Great Horse Stories for Girls - A Farriers Prayer NEW version - Horse Eye Necklace - Life is Short Play With Your Dog - Coming up with new products is HARD
- All Farrier Edition - check out this New & USELESS product for farriers (7/31/2015)
- Business card sculptures for farriers and equine professionals - New cards added to farrier directory - Doorhanger Envelopes - Invoices - Things Not To Say Mug - folks are watching...
- NEW products - Horsewomen Calendar + unusual Farrier necklace (7/22/2015)
- What Horses Teach Us Day Planner - Horsewomen Wall Calendar - Blacksmith Coin Necklace
- HALF PRICE Sale ends Sunday + a dozen NEW products! (7/15/2015)
- Hollywood Hoofbeats is BACK! - New products online - New Gift Wrap Collections - Christmas Card Sale continues
- It's National Farriers Week; you MUST take :28 to watch this hilarious video! (7/10/2015)
- Farrier Mike Hayward stars in hilarious video by Amber Lydic - Things Not To Say To A Farrier About Money
- It's National Farriers Week + HALF PRICE Sale continues (7/8/2015)
- National Farriers Week - New Horsey Gift Wrap Collections - Cowgirls of the American West Note Cards - Christmas Cards HALF PRICE through 7/19/15
- Christmas in July HALF PRICE Celebration (7/2/2015)
- New Horsey Gift Wrap Collections - Cowgirls of the American West Note Cards - Christmas Cards HALF PRICE through 7/19/15
- A tale of 2 treat pouches + 2 training problems solved (6/26/2015)
- Genuine Leather Treat Pouch - Now TWO Colors to Choose From - Gina solves two real horse problems using treats - Endomondo fitness app tracks your riding miles and more
- Happy Father's Day - A story of a surprise that shouldn't have been... (6/19/2015)
- Dad and the 1935 Chevy Truck - Mary Ann Kennedy Music - Everything I Know About Life I Learned From My Horse - Muybridge's Running Horse Cine Spinner - Farrier Tie Tacks
- Father's Day Gift Ideas (6/13/2015)
- Daddy's Little Helper Print - Sterling Silver Farrier Tools Tie Tacks - Buck Brannaman Products
- Looking for a farrier? Find one here in the All Farrier Edition (6/9/2015)
- Things not to say to a farrier - Printed in USA - Farrier Invoice Pads - Farriers: Folks are watching...
- More looking back at scary pictures + One of a kind TREASURES! (6/3/2015)
- Gina blogs about her old house - Dollar sale continues
- Sometimes you have to look back... at scary pictures + $1.00 sale continues (5/27/2015)
- Gina blogs about her old house - Dollar sale continues - FREE Samples for Farriers
- BIG STORIES edition + NEW Tuff Chix Gloves for summer (5/22/2015)
- Revisiting Billy's Story - Tuff Chix Chore Gloves - Horsepower; A Memoir - Beyond the Homestretch - Joe the Horse Nobody Loved - HoofPrints own T-shirts
- FREE sample products for FARRIERS (5/18/2015)
- Lower price on Doorhanger Envelopes - Farrier Invoice Pads - Traveling Desk - Things Not To Say to a Farrier - Made in USA products
- Especially do not feign affection - Neither be cynical about LOVE... (5/13/2015)
- Desiderata for Horse Lovers - Revisiting Gina's Mistakes with her animals
- Happy Mother's Day from HoofPrints! (5/10/2015)
- Riding Rules for Old Horsewomen - Mother's Day Tribute to Mom and Grandma - Last of the Saddle Tramps and Don't Look Back Necklace
- Pony Girl rides again! + A Spider Story (5/5/2015)
- Pony Girl Jewelry - Bargain Vest - Spider Story - Dream Catchers - Hand Tied Gemstone Shamballa Bracelets - Sherpa Lined Thermal Hood -
- Mother's Day gift ideas + A Special Story for Mothers (4/30/2015)
- Invisible Woman Excerpt - Woman's Place is on a Horse Metallic Pink Bag - Long Tall List for Horsewomen - Cowgirls book series - Listening With a Broken Ear - Smart Woman's Guide to Midlife Horses
- These are so cool - I can't believe I've never talked about them (4/28/2015)
- Horseshoe Coasters - Don't Sell Your Saddle Framed Verse - Laminated Horse Anatomy Charts - Positive Training for Hoof Handling
- HoofPrints says goodbye to Tessie Two Step in the Farrier Art Newsletter (4/21/2015)
- Goodbye to Tessie the Teacher - Passion & Patience Print - Time To Retire Print - Three Down, One to Go Print
- You too can Train Horses to Eat Carrots... (4/16/2015)
- Train Horses to eat carrots positive products - I know great horses live again framed verse - Half price products added - Sleeping with a farrier night shirt
- He's pretending to be a farrier + more HALF PRICE items (4/11/2015)
- Story behind Shoeing the Bay Mare by Edwin Landseer - Passion and Patience Print - A Big Little Life - Cheap Horsey Earrings
- Why doesn't HoofPrints carry more American Made products? (4/6/2015)
- New book: Joe the Horse Nobody Loved - Listening With A Broken Ear - Protect this Rider Medallions - Forged Steel Cross - Farrier Invoice Pads Printed in USA - Copper Jewelry from Karen DeMarte - Pray First, Then Ride Sign - Grandview Aluminum Products
- Remodeling: The Aftermath + Conflicting advice on how to be happy (3/25/2015)
- Aftermath in Remodeling - Spring has sprung - wear a VEST! - Conflicting Advice for Horse Women and Gina's Hairball story
- Feeling overwhelmed? How to be happy anyway (3/19/2015)
- How to be happy; "Make something" by Martha Beck, or "Clean Something" by Gina Keesling - HORSEwork before HOUSEwork Burlap Tote on sale - I Only Clean Up After My Horse Sweatshirt & T-shirt - More about HoofPrints farrier embroidery - Update on Gina's blog
- No one will ever see it. (3/5/2015)
- Remodeling project update; register - Twilight Zone wood slice - Invisible Woman Book - Horsewoman's Papering Set
- We are always on the anvil; by trials God is shaping us for higher things... (2/28/2015)
- Asking for a light load, or a strong back? - Remodeling update - Desiderata for Horse Lovers -
- More remodeling adventures + Airy-fairy BS in the HoofPrints Newsletter (2/20/2015)
- Path of the Horse - Fixing the Fireplace - Healing Shine - Red Fleece Lined Stable Jacket - Beautiful Jim Key to be a Movie
- Pamper Your Horse book + My Stubborn Valentine Sequel (2/13/2015)
- The Ultimate Guide to Pampering Your Horse - "I got this, really. How hard can it be?"
- A Chapter of My Stubborn Valentine - HoofPrints' BARN Girl spotted in Outer Mongolia - Horsewoman's Long Tall List - Sick of hearing about Valentine's Day? Read HoofPrints' All-Crappy Newsletter (2/8/2015)
- Same Sh*t Different Day Mug - Tails of a Horseshoer - Things Not To Say To A Horse Owner - Rant about Crappy Comments - Turd Sign
- My Stubborn Valentine - Mule or Man? (2/5/2015)
- The Natural Superiority of Mules - Stop for a Fix - Brass Donkey Jewelry - Something for your Tired Old Ass - Tell them that we will take it - a chapter of My Stubborn Valentine
- A Barn Story + More Valentine's Day PINK SALE Horsey Gift Ideas (2/1/2015)
- Tired Old Ass Survival Kits - A Woman's Place is on A Horse sweatshirt - Equestrian Hymn for my Beloved - Horse Woman's Balm - Blog Update: What's in a Barn?
- Valentine's Day is just a couple weeks away - PINK SALE on Horsey Gifts (1/26/2015)
- Thermal Sherpa Lined Hood gets rave reviews - Woman's Place is on a Horse Pink Vest - Life is Tough, but I am Tougher - Leather Heart Bracelet - Gina makes a blog
- HALF PRICE Sale at HoofPrints (1/22/2015)
- Gypsy Vanner Planner - BUCK DVD - Magnetic Farrier Calendars - Disappearing Mud Mug
- HoofPrints says goodbye to Puppy-Girl - All Dog Newsletter (1/18/2015)
- A Tearful Goodbye to our Puppy-Girl - A Dog's Purpose, and A Dog's Journey - Life is Short, Play With Your Dog
- Looking for a farrier? Find one here in the All Farrier Edition (1/12/2015)
- Farriers Added to online business card directory - Things Not To Say To A Farrier mug and T-shirts - Get Organized in 2015 - Farriers: Folks are watching you...
- It's a VEST FEST! -more about R&D at HoofPrints (1/4/2015)
- Praises for wearing vests - Mocha Bomber Jacket on sale - Horse Calls book series
- It's Small Business Saturday! How small is HoofPrints? (11/29/2014)
- About HoofPrints size - Call Center Plus - Hand Forged Steel Cross - Listening with a Broken Ear - Copper Jewelry from Karen DeMarte - Grandview Aluminum Products - Path of the Horse - Lizabettas Jewelry - Beyond the Homestretch
- Christmas gift ideas + bad news + good news and more! (11/22/2014)
- Horsey Thermometer - Long Tall List for Horsewomen - Horsewoman's Prayer - Shiny Pink Gift Bag - A Woman's Place is on a Horse - Equine ER - Daisy1010 Collars
- Four all new Christmas cards + 50% off old favorites from HoofPrints (11/8/2014)
- Forging Holiday Greetings - O Holy Night - The Wise are Not Just Men - May your neighs be merry and bright - HALF PRICE Cards - New Fleece Lined Suede Jackets
- OK kids - here's the big SURPRISE! (10/30/2014)
- All new HoofPrints website
- I wasn't going to tell you all about these yet - but I changed my mind... (10/19/2014)
- Forging Holiday Greetings - O Holy Night - The Wise are Not Just Men - May your neighs be merry and bright - HALF PRICE Cards - New Fleece Lined Suede Jackets
- 2015 Blacksmith Calendar now available + Rider's Care Package (10/6/2014)
- 2015 Blacksmith Calendar - Farrier Organizer and Traveling Desk - Riders Care package features Treat Pouch and Protect this Horse / Rider Medallions
- Bad News, Good News and Revisiting farrier gossip (9/21/2014)
- Update on calendars - Magnetic Farrier Calendars available for 2015 - Top Ten Ways to Get Rid of Your Farrier featured in Stacy Westfall's blog - Farrier Gossip: Abby and Dakota
- Check out the Horsewoman's Disappearing Stress Mug (9/11/2014)
- Stories behind the Disappearing Stress Mug and Disappearing Mud Mug - Things Not To Say to a Farrier Mug - Courage Mug - Coffee and Dog Hair Mug
- All Farrier Edition - 2015 Organizers and related products in stock now! (8/31/2014)
- Farrier Organizer - Stock Invoice Pads - Hoof Problems - Essential Principles of Horseshoeing - Things Not To Say to a Farrier Mug - Farrier License Plate - It will cost extra if you allow your horse to bite me... Cap - Farriers: Folks are watching you!
- Repeating big news in case you missed it + story sequel with funny pictures (8/16/2014)
- Bailey's crazy dog story - Dog Scrapbook Ideas - Horse Scrapbook ideas - Calendar pages for scrapbook backgrounds - Beautiful Jim Key story pieced together from scrapbooks
- I've got a SURPRISE in the works... but I need your help. (8/15/2014)
- Historic 30% OFF sale for only 6 days - HoofPrints Barn Blade - Treat Pouch
- It will cost extra if you allow your horse to bite me & more farrier stuff (7/30/2014)
- It will cost extra - farrier cap - Farrier Invoices - Hoof Problems - Farrier Gloves - Horse In Art book
- Tits to the sky! Boobies issue revisited - Hint: it's about POSTURE (7/15/2014)
- Tits to the sky! Boobies issue revisited - Posture hints - HoofPrints Pink Products - Barn Blade rescue story - A Woman's Place is on A Horse Sweatshirt
- The embarrassment continues; read what happened this time (7/9/2014)
- Gina sends her horse into a nest of bees - Life is Tough But I am Tougher - Clutter Busting Continues
- Sorry to be a pest - Here's some more news I wanted to share... (6/26/2014)
- Dog Collars from a Horse Book; daisy1010 - Equine ER - May all your Christmas Prayers be answered - Amazing Rainbow Tie-Dye Number Surprise Cake Recipe Inspires Comment Apocalypse - Healing Shine - Farrier Invoices
- What I've learned from Billy + $5.99 Flat Rate Shipping on ALL orders! HALF OFF Card Sale continues (6/21/2014)
- What I've learned from Billy - Ho!Ho!Ho! Card Half Price - Revisiting hair control ideas for horsewomen
- Happy Father's Day to my Dad & 50% OFF Sale continues (6/15/2014)
- Happy Father's Day to my Dad - Buck DVD - Christmas Cards Half Price
- Inspirational New book from former Cavalia stars reveals their horse training secrets (6/12/2014)
- Cavalia stars new book Building A Life Together, you and your horse - Half Price Greeting Card sale continues - Dear Santa; Please Define Naughty
- HALF PRICE Card Sale and Everything I know about life I learned from my horse (6/9/2014)
- Greeting Cards on Sale - Everything I know About Life I Learned From My Horse - A Look At Life From The Saddle
- I made a grievous mistake + new organizational tool for farriers (6/3/2014)
- TJ's story in the Horses and Hope calendar - Traveling Desk - Daddy's Little Helper Father's Day gift idea - Tooled leather heart bracelet - Horses Leave HoofPrints sweatshirt - What to do about the Christmas Lights?
- Still raving about the GOOD NEWS + a fun discovery & some items ON SALE (5/29/2014)
- Endomondo Fitness App for your smart phone - need a Treat Pouch to carry it with you when you ride - Doctor is In Thermometer on Sale - Horsewoman's Prayer - Hold Your Horses T-shirt on sale - Beautiful Jim Key Movie
- This is the BEST NEWS EVER! Check it out! (5/24/2014)
- Morgan Freeman to star in Beautiful Jim Key MOVIE! - Beautiful Jim Key story pieced together from scrapbooks - Horse Scrapbook ideas - Calendar pages for scrapbook backgrounds - Dog Scrapbook Ideas
- Looking for a farrier? Find one here in the All Farrier Edition (5/22/2014)
- Farrier business cards added to online directory - Things not to say to a hot, tired farrier Mug & T-shirt - Farrier License Plate is made in USA - Farriers - folks are watching you! - INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE: Not Always Easy - Meant To Be
- Don't say this to your farrier (5/13/2014)
- Things not to say to a hot, tired farrier about money - Buck & Faraway Horses - Desiderata for Horse Lovers - The Value of a Life - Farrier Gossip and Fat Horses
- Mother's Day stories, Half Price Books & Riding Rules for Horsewomen (5/6/2014)
- Invisible Woman excerpt comment - Happy Mother's Day to my Mom - Saint Bernard Dogs and remembering my Grandma - Last of the Saddle Tramps - Don't Look Back That's Not Where You're Going - Riding Rules for Old Horsewomen
- A Special Story for Mothers + Mother's Day gift ideas (4/29/2014)
- The Invisible Woman: When Only God Sees - A Woman's Place is on a Horse metallic pink bag - Horsewoman's Long Tall List of Things to Do - Sometimes a Woman Needs a Horse - Listening With a Broken Ear - Smart Woman's Guide to Midlife Horses - Cowgirl Book Series
- I've gone all crafty... Creative scrapbook ideas for horse and dog lovers! (4/22/2014)
- Bailey's crazy dog story - Dog Scrapbook Ideas - Horse Scrapbook ideas - Calendar pages for scrapbook backgrounds - Beautiful Jim Key story pieced together from scrapbooks
- I know great horses live again & are you POSITIVE? (4/16/2014)
- Great Horses framed sympathy verse - Story behind I Train Horses To Eat Carrots - Treat Pouch & Clicker Training Kit
- What would I buy so I could get a FREE copy of The Horse Boy? (4/10/2014)
- Best buys to make a $30 order - Springy T-shirts - Horse Lovers Bible - Horsey Playing Cards - Horsewoman's Hair Control Ideas
- April is Autism Awareness Month - FREE book - The Horse Boy (4/3/2014)
- FREE hardcover 1st edition of The Horse Boy - Excerpts from The Horse Boy - Quote by Temple Grandin
- Look what I found! + Life is Tough but I am tougher (3/27/2014)
- Collectable Spring Magnet FREE with every order while supplies last - Life is Tough but I am Tougher jewelry - Dr Judith Orloff quote on absorbing negative emotions from others - Matted Inspirational Verses on Sale - Dog Lover's Disappearing Mud Mug
- Crappy products from HoofPrints + Don't Sell Your Saddle (3/22/2014)
- Same sh*t Different Day Mug - Don't Sell Your Saddle - Horse Poop Clock - Tails of a Horseshoer - Mary Ann Kennedy Music - Crappy Note Pads - Things Not To Say To A Horse Owner - Turd Sign - Little Book of Horse Poop
- St Patrick's Day Specials + NEW Christian Horse Stories + Yummy Chili recipe (3/17/2014)
- Great Horse Stories - Trail Boss's Cowboy Cookbook w/Yummy Recipe - Horse Breeds Playing Cards - Pet's Prayer on Sale
- Crappy comments sequel + gutsy folks tell their stories in "undeletable" format (3/12/2014)
- Lots more about crappy comments - Bad Dog - A Love Story - Susan Richards' Books
- Sale extended (forgot the farriers) +Crappy comments rant (3/4/2014)
- What's with the crappy comments? We don't all have to agree, but we can be nice - AFJ Farrier Supplies and Services Directory 1� - Not too late to get Organized! - Farriers Greeting Cards home page
- Airy-fairy BS is 20% off until Friday in the HoofPrints Newsletter (2/26/2014)
- The Path of the Horse DVD - What Horses Reveal - Lorenzo the Flying Frenchman - Healing Shine, A Spiritual Assignment - The Doctor is In Thermometer
- It ends this week! 20% OFF Customer Appreciation Sale (2/24/2014)
- Favorite fleece lined sweatshirts: Turquoise Wind Horse - Tao of Equus - Dark Brown Horse Legs
- Well this is embarrassing; read what happened this time in HoofPrints Newsletter (2/18/2014)
- List of embarrassing stories from past newsletters
- Customer Appreciation Sale + Scary story for farriers (2/13/2014)
- 20% off everything until 2/28/14 - Scary story for farriers - Pray First, Then Ride - American West Purses - Horse Woman Embroidered Sweatshirt - Barn Girl Bales Again - Horse Lovers Bible
- Looking for a farrier? Find one here - All Farrier Newsletter (2/5/2014)
- Farrier business cards added to online directory - Magnetic calendars - Farriers - folks are watching you! - Hoof Problems, and other favorite Farrier Books - Confessions of a Horseshoer and Millwater's Farriery
- NEW book + what to wear to keep warm (1/31/2014)
- NEW - Third book in Horse Calls series - Gina tells everybody how to keep warm with vests - Story behind embroidered farrier garments
- Rider's Care Package and a minor rant from Gina (1/23/2014)
- Rider's Care Package includes Protect This Horse, Rider Medallions and Leather Treat Pouch - Horses and Hope Calendar contains some NOT at-risk horses, and why - Manure Movers of America Sweatshirt
- Advice for the New Year: Don't Look Back + Freebie Offer (1/15/2014)
- Last of the Saddle Tramps - Don't Look Back Necklace - Secret Box - Horse Woman's Balm - Five Short Chapters On Change
- What good does it do? Read this testimonial and find out (1/7/2014)
- Horses and Hope Calendar - Testimonial for Camelot and other Rescue Efforts
- Favorite book back in stock, farrier gloves, new jewelry (1/5/2014)
- The Natural Superiority of Mules - Gloves for FARRIERS - Rose quartz HoofPrint necklace - Sometimes A Woman Needs A Horse - This Hug's for You Card
- Big Stories look for the right people to tell them (12/30/2013)
- Horses and Hope; Esme's Story - Horsepower book - Tuff Chix Pink Gloves - Buck DVD - Pharaoh's Horses Necklace and Print history and trivia
- More gift ideas for the horse and dog lover (12/15/2013)
- The Horse In Art - "Hug" dog plaque - Courage Mug features quote by Mary Anne Radmacher - A Pet's Prayer - Coffee & Dog Hair Mug - Copper HoofPrint Gemstone Necklaces
- Holiday gift ideas from HoofPrints (12/7/2013)
- Horses & Hope Calendar - Copper HoofPrint Bracelet - Barn Blade Pink Knife - Leather Treat Pouch - Christmas on the Farm
- Horses & Hope: A story about taking Chances in the HoofPrints Newsletter (11/10/2013)
- The Story of Slim Chance in the Horses and Hope Calendar - If you're going to act like a turd... sign - Christmas on the Farm book
- Talking about Halloween and Christmas at the same time (10/30/2013)
- Horses and Hope Calendar - Christmas on the Farm Book - Protect this Horse / Rider Medallions - Manure Movers of America Sweatshirt - I Make Horse Calls Books
- Lesson in keeping an open mind & my stupid marketing mistake (10/19/2013)
- Listening With A Broken Ear - Smart Woman's Guide to Midlife Horses - Magnetic Things Not To Say To A Farrier Calendars - Horses in the Yard
- Some Bad News and it's Sweatshirt Sunday (10/6/2013)
- No catalog mailing this year - Things Not To Say To A Horse Owner - Horse Woman Brown Sweatshirt - BARN Girl Sweatshirt
- No one said the N-word, but they were all thinking it... (9/29/2013)
- TJ's story in the Horses and Hope Calendar - The Horse In Art book Half Price - Crossroads Sculpture - Coffee and Dog Hair Travel Mug - Pet's Prayer framed Verse
- A stupidity sabbatical - something SMART this time (9/21/2013)
- 2014 Horses and Hope Calendar - a SMART way to help horses! - Copper HoofPrint Gemstone Necklaces - Stupidity sabbatical - Fall Girl Book - Scary dog picture - Amazing Dog Facts & Trivia
- NEW products + more sale items + stupidity sequel (9/9/2013)
- 2014 Blacksmith Calendar - Magazine Back Issue Sale - Memorial Jewelry on sale - 2014 Horse Savvy Day Planner - 2014 Farrier Forms Organizer - Stupidity Sequel
- Looking for a farrier? Find one here in the All Farrier Newsletter (8/28/2013)
- Farrier business cards added to online directory - Magnetic calendars 75% off - Farriers - folks are watching you! - Hoof Problems Book - Quotes on Problems
- Stupidity revisited - the initial mistake + what happened next at Hoofprints (8/19/2013)
- Did it get solved? - Cheap Horsey Earrings - Summer Horsey T-shirts on sale - Hold Your Horses
- Revisiting the stupid horse training mistake (w/scary pictures) (8/14/2013)
- Quote from Temple Grandin's Animals In Translation - More about Gina's stupid training mistake - Barn Girl zippered hood - 52 Thoroughbreds found homes
- My stupidest horse training mistake ever. Read why in the HoofPrints Newsletter (8/10/2013)
- Gina's stupidest horse training mistake - Linda Kohanov's Tao of Equus - Cavalia - Xenophon's Art of Horsemanship - Quote from Unbridled Beauty book
- Don't look back; that's not where you're going! (8/3/2013)
- Another Last of the Saddle Tramps excerpt - Brass Donkey Charms - Lucy gets a new collar from daisy1010.com
- "I think what you're doing is most unladylike" (7/30/2013)
- Last of the Saddle Tramps excerpt - Cavalia - Turquoise Sherpa Lined Hood - Pony Girl & Trapper Hat on sale
- My 2 favorite products under $20 + stories to go with (7/24/2013)
- Barn Blade saves the day for rescue horse - Treat Pouch is better than a purse - FREE calendars
- Things not to say to a hot, tired farrier (7/19/2013)
- Things not to say to a farrier about money - Buck DVD and Faraway Horses Book - Desiderata for Horse Lovers - Value of a Life - Farrier Gossip and Fat Horses
- Horsepower, Horsewomen & Underwater Dogs (7/16/2013)
- Horsepower, A Memoir book - Horsepower framed stamp print - Horsewomen & Underwater Dogs calendars for 2014 - Pony Bead Earrings
- My stupidest marketing mistake + A lesson in keeping an open mind (7/7/2013)
- Better description for magnetic business card calendars - I'm Listening With A Broken Ear - The Smart Woman's Guide to Midlife Horses - Horses in the Yard - Spirit Gemstone and Coin Necklace
- He's pretending to be a farrier + 50% off sale ends 6/30 (6/29/2013)
- Story behind Edwin Landseer's farrier painting: Shoeing - Passion & Patience - More about Copper HoofPrint bracelet - The Doctor is In Thermometer - What Horses Reveal
- Well this got completely out of hand... read how in the HoofPrints Newsletter (6/25/2013)
- Copper HoofPrint Bracelets now in 7 Colors - What Horses Reveal Book - More about "We Are Lost" Christmas Card - Beware of Garbage Trucks by David J Pollay
- A funny story - NEW items - more stuff on sale - DOG edition (6/21/2013)
- Dog Collars from a Horse Book; daisy1010 - May All Your Christmas Prayers Be Answered Card - Bailey's jumping story - Dog Lovers Scrapbook
- Father's Day Edition = Some stories & a 50% OFF Sale (6/16/2013)
- Happy Father's Day to my Dad - The rest of the story: Daddy's Little Helper - Buck Brannaman; a great dad - More about Abby & Dakota
- 50% Off Card Sale continues + more about favorite books (6/12/2013)
- Gina sits on vintage glider to review the books; the rest of the story - Book pages easier to navigate on website - Love is the best medicine - Gift ideas for dog sitter, groomer vet, etc - Riding and training advice from an old lady - Race horses in new careers; Beyond the Homestretch
- HALF PRICE Holiday Card Sale + NEW Jewelry + Cowboy Code (6/9/2013)
- Christmas Cards Half Price through June 30 - New Copper HoofPrint Bracelets - The Cowboy Code from A Look At Life From The Saddle - Another farrier gossip story; Abby and Dakota - Barely Squeakin' By Cat Print
- Only 5 left! The story behind this Father's Day gift idea (6/2/2013)
- Story behind Daddy's Little Helper print - Horse Lovers Bible - More Pharaohs Horses Trivia - Great Horses Collectable Magnet 8th in the series
- Half Price Prints and NEW jewelry (5/28/2013)
- Pharaoh's Horses & Found Prints HALF PRICE - Rose Quartz Pony Girl Jewelry - Bucephalus Products
- Gina brags, then backpedals. See why in the HoofPrints Newsletter (5/21/2013)
- Gina clarifies stance on positive training - Healing Shine, A Spiritual Assignment by Michael Johnson - Horse Calls Books - Living a dream with horses - Inspirational Stretch Bracelets - Cowboy & Cowgirl Pocket Partners
- I know great horses live again & are you POSITIVE? (5/17/2013)
- Great Horses Framed Verse & Sympathy Card - Driftwood Quilted Vest - Gina's Positive Training Stories - Spring cleaning continues - Savvy Day Planner Half Price
- Riding Rules for Old Horsewomen and Happy Mother's Day (5/10/2013)
- When I am an Old Horsewoman framed verse - Cowgirls books - Happy Mother's Day to my Mom - Saint Bernard Dogs and remembering my Grandma - Riding Rules for Old Horsewomen
- A Horsewoman's Prayer & Mother's Day gift ideas (5/3/2013)
- A Horsewoman's Prayer - Bookmarks on sale - The Horse Boy book and DVD - A Woman's Place is on a Horse Metallic Bag - Horse Savvy Day Planner on sale
- Spring Farrier Edition - HoofPrints Newsletter (4/26/2013)
- Farrier business cards added to online directory - Magnetic calendars half price - Farriers - folks are watching you! - Sherpa Lined Vest $10.00 off - Hoof Problems Book
- HoofPrints Mother's Day gift ideas, Unsolved Mysteries, BARN Girl in Mongolia! (4/18/2013)
- BARN Girl in Mongolia with RT & Terry Fitch - Metallic Pink Woman's Place is on A Horse Gift Bag makes a great Mother's Day Gift - Half Price Books - Unsolved Mysteries - Sarah and Roany's Scrapbook page - Invisible Woman; A Special Story For Mothers
- All new material! A funny story & scrapbook ideas (4/14/2013)
- Bailey's funny jumping story - Dog Scrapbook example pages featuring Bailey - Horse Scrapbook example pages featuring Billy & Roany - Beautiful Jim Key
- My stupidest dog training mistake ever - DOG Newsletter (4/6/2013)
- Stupidest dog training mistake - Lucy - Bad Dog Book - I'm Listening With A Broken Ear - Don't Dump The Dog - Dog Lover's Scrapbook - A Prayer for the Animals
- New Cavalia DVD - Farrier Feature - HALF PRICE items (3/28/2013)
- Cavalia Live! DVD - New Farrier Home Page - Thermal Sherpa Hood on Sale - Pony Girl Hood HALF PRICE
- Crappy products from HoofPrints - March 22 Newsletter (3/22/2013)
- Same Sh*t Different Day Mug - Time to Go To The Barn Clock - Tails Of A Horseshoer - Mary Ann Kennedy Music - Note Pads Made from Horse Manure - Crappy Things Not To Say To A Horse Owner - If You're Going To Act Like A Turd Sign - Little Book of Horse Poop - New HoofPrints Home Page
- Don't say this to your farrier and more HALF PRICE items (3/16/2013)
- Things not to say to a hot tired farrier about money - Buck Brannaman DVDs & Book - Desiderata for Horse Lovers - The Value of a Life - Farrier Gossip and fat horses
- Tits to the sky! HoofPrints Boobies Newsletter Repeat (3/7/2013)
- Tits to the sky! (It's about posture) - Nudity! (Celtic Epona Pendant) - Life is Tough, But I Am Tougher Stretch Bracelet
- HALF PRICE sale + Conflicting advice on how to be happy (2/20/2013)
- HORSEwork before HOUSEwork vs Clean Something vs Do Little - Gina's hairball - Spring Cleaning continues with more HALF PRICE items - Vests are the BEST; we tell you why - more quotes about cleaning
- Feeling overwhelmed? How to be happy anyway. (2/13/2013)
- How to be happy; "Make something" by Martha Beck, or "Clean Something" by Gina Keesling - Quotes about Cleaning - I Only Clean Up After My Horse Sweatshirt & T-shirt - More about our farrier embroidery
- Just a reminder: Customer Appreciation Sale ends TODAY! (1/31/2013)
- Free horsey candle with every order over $50. - Lorenzo the Flying Frenchman Book - Cowboy Cookbook Recipe - Horse Savvy Day Planner on Sale - Meeting God in my newspaper inspirational story
- More bargains! HoofPrints 2nd Customer Appreciation Sale Newsletter (1/27/2013)
- 20% off everything until 1/31/13 - American West Purses on sale - Pony Girl Fleece Jacket and Trapper Hat on sale - Heavenly Horse Sense books - Horsey Zipper Pulls - Story from Amazing Horse Facts and Trivia - Gina's favorite blogs
- HoofPrints Customer Appreciation Sale Newsletter (1/23/2013)
- Don't say we didn't warn you! (1/17/2013)
- More Cartoons from Things Not To Say To A Horse Owner - Horses and Hope Calendar about to sell out - Horse Woman's Balm - No Foot, No Horse Mug on sale
- Things not to say to a horse owner + more stuff on sale (1/12/2013)
- Things not to say to a horse owner - Thermal Sherpa hood gets rave reviews - Flawed Cedar framed prints half price - Horse Whispers on Sale
- Shocking Dog Images + HALF PRICE Sale (1/4/2013)
- Underwater Dogs calendar on sale - Dog Lover's Disappearing Mud Mug - Hug Dog Plaque - Amazing Dog Facts & Trivia - Sterling Silver Dog Whistle - Photo of Silver Gem on his chain
- What good does it do, anyway? + HALF PRICE Sale (12/29/2012)
- Farrier & Horse Owner Air Fresheners - Buck DVD on sale - Sterling Silver Dog Whistle - What good does it do? Silver Gem's Story
- Year-End Farrier Edition (12/27/2012)
- Farriers, Folks are WATCHING you... - More business cards added to online directory - Magnetic business card calendars make great promotional efforts - Got Hoof Problems? So do we! - Quotes about Problems
- Favorite books revisited + a sweet homeless horse story (12/19/2012)
- Listening with a Broken Ear - Smart Woman's Guide to Midlife Horses - The Ripple Effect - Horse Woman Flap Hat
- Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly (12/16/2012)
- HoofPrints Barn Blade - Christmas Cards - Bucephalus Fleece Headband - Horses and Hope on TV - Underwater Dogs
- Sale on horsey shirts that tell it like it is + Thanks (12/9/2012)
- Thanks to supporters of Gina's rant about shipping charge complaint - Tales of Two Decembers; Horses and Hope Calendar - A Woman's Place is on a Horse sweatshirt - What fun it is to Ride! - Protect this Horse & Rider Medallions
- You lost my sale because of this arrogant act! (12/2/2012)
- Gina rants again about shipping charge complaints - Equine ER - Horses and Hope Calendar - Just A Little Donkey Card - Hug Plaque - Crossroads Sculpture
- Horsey gifts HALF PRICE Sale (11/24/2012)
- HoofPrints Research and Development - Gina and Billy model some favorite products
- Check out these great horsey gift ideas - Scrapbooks + ? (11/11/2012)
- Preserve Horsey Memories with Scrapbooks - Horses and Hope Calendar makes great scrapbook pages - Beautiful Jim Key originated with scrapbook - Farrier Christmas gift idea - Blacksmith Calendar - Quote by Jim Key author Mim Eichler Rivas
- Did you order a Horses & Hope calendar? please read this (10/31/2012)
- UPDATE: 2013 Horses and Hope Calendar - Faux Suede Trapper Hat - Manure Movers of America Sweatshirt - Girlfriends Horse Sculpture - Inspirational Stretch Bracelet - Count Your Blessings, Not Your Troubles
- NEW Christmas Cards and more (10/6/2012)
- New Holiday Cards - I Train Horses to Eat Carrots hooded sweatshirt - Pharaoh's Horses Necklace, Print & Trivia
- Don't sell your saddle, Keep calm & ride on + NEW stuff (9/30/2012)
- Don't sell your saddle framed inspirational verse - Keep Calm and Ride On Necklace - Horses and Hope; Tristan's page - The catalog that almost wasn't - Protect this Dog Medallions - Epona Horse Goddess Necklace
- Another sneak peek from the calendar + more new products (9/20/2012)
- Sneak peek at 3 horses' special stories in Horses & Hope Calendar - Horse Savvy Day Planner for 2013 - Sterling Silver Shod Horse Hoof Ring - 2013 Farrier Organizer in stock
- Big announcement everyone's been waiting for! (9/9/2012)
- 2013 Horses and Hope Calendar - Faux Suede Trapper Hat - Manure Movers of America Sweatshirt - Girlfriends Horse Sculpture - 4th Inspirational Stretch Bracelet - Count Your Blessings, Not Your Troubles
- New Inspirational Horsey Jewelry (8/28/2012)
- Inspirational Stretch Bracelets - Horse Calls Books - Living a Dream with Horses - Equine Podiatry Book on Closeout - Healing Shine, A Spiritual Assignment - Cowboy & Cowgirl Bible Pocket Partners
- Special pricing on Blacksmith Calendar + more closeouts (8/24/2012)
- 24 Blacksmith Calendars for just $200! - Carrot Earrings on sale - Horse Anatomy Books - Oval shoe and bit license plate
- Good news & bad news - stuff on closeout (8/19/2012)
- French Terry Jacket - Barefoot HoofPrint Necklace - Tao of Equus engraved box - Deerskin Horse Heart Necklace - Women Riders Who Could and Did - Clicker Training for Your Horse Book - BAD NEWS Prayer At Valley Forge Discontinued - Avoid Housework, Live Outside Mug - Coffee & Dog Hair Mug
- Unsolicited Advice Issue (8/13/2012)
- Blacksmith Calendar finished, finally - Unsolicited advice about posting photos on the internet, raptors in the yard, older women riding horses, and fear - 3rd Girly Horse Figurine from Enesco - Sterling Silver Jewelry on Closeout
- No Spoiled Horses and No Advice Needed (8/5/2012)
- New Blacksmith Shop Sign - Girly Horse Figurines from Enesco - Angel Puppy on Closeout - Man's Best Friend Framed Stamp Print - Coffee & Dog Hair Travel Mug - Disaster of Minor Proportions - Gregory's Text of Farriery - Principles of Farriery - Lorenzo Book
- The power of one (7/29/2012)
- Never underestimate the power of one - Thanks to Judye Michaels - Horses and Hope Calendar at Warren County Farmers Fair - What's the real value of that horse? Sarah and Roany - HORSEPOWER framed postage stamp print - New Breyer Breast Cancer Awareness Horse - Some Holiday Cards still Half Price - GOOD STUFF: A Blue Pony With Spots
- Extension on the Half Price sale + some other news (7/24/2012)
- HALF PRICE Sale extended on some Christmas cards - Horseshoe Wreath discontinued - Revisiting a favorite book; The Horse Boy - New Breyer Breast Cancer Awareness Horse - Floral Chintz Cap - I Train Horses To Eat Carrots Hooded Sweatshirt - Horsewoman's Balm
- A Happy Story, New stuff, and a SALE! (7/17/2012)
- Search for a new Benji star + HoofPrints own Benji story - NEW embroidered Floral chintz cap for ladies - Just Shoe It! - New Pink Breyer Stablemate
- A Bad Day revisited & other announcements (7/10/2012)
- Update on the Blacksmith Calendar; Difficult horses page - Horses & Hope Calendar to be on sale at Warren County Farmers Fair in NJ - A Big Little Life - NEW book for dog lovers
- A Bad Day at HoofPrints (7/3/2012)
- New farriers business cards added to online directory - Found print of collie, artist still unknown - FREE bookmark with every order
- HALF PRICE sale ends tomorrow - NEW stuff - Breyer closeout (6/29/2012)
- Pink Breyer Horse on sale - Calendar update features Kriz shoe pile & imagequine.com photography - 2013 Horsewomen Calendar - Underwater Dogs Calendar - FREE bookmark with every order
- Horsewoman art HALF PRICE & Blacksmith Calendar update (6/25/2012)
- Horsewoman art HALF PRICE - Blacksmith Calendar update - Essential Principles of Horseshoeing - Horse & Buggy Days - Cosy; Victorian Greyhound & Terrier Print
- See what you think about this NEW stuff + Happy Fathers Day to my Dad (6/17/2012)
- New Horse Coasters - A Dog's Journey Book - Hold Your Horses T-Shirt - A Farriers Prayer - Greeting Cards 50% Off - Happy Father's Day to My Dad
- 50% OFF Card Sale, Farrier Invoices, Flawed Folks' Books (6/14/2012)
- Things not to say about money to a hot, tired farrier - Half Price sale on cards continues - Farrier Invoice pads at old pricing - Susan Richards books - Bad Dog by Martin Kihn - More about Dakota & Abby
- HALF OFF all Christmas Cards & another farrier story (6/11/2012)
- Holiday Cards 50% off through June 30 - Sometimes a Woman Needs a Horse book - Gallop to Freedom & Cavalia DVD - More Farrier Gossip; Abby and Dakota solve big hoof handling problem
- NEW books - Buck Brannaman's story and farrier gossip (6/5/2012)
- Faraway Horses book chronicles Buck Brannaman's life - Desiderata for Horse Lovers - More pictures of Horse Breeds Playing Cards - The Value of a Life; More photos of stallion with broken leg - Farrier Gossip; addressing equine obesity
- NEW Books for Horse Owners, Farriers & Moms (5/27/2012)
- Tom Moates Honest Horsemanship Book Series - Millwater's Farriery - Confessions of a Horseshoer - Cowgirls Cookbook & Yummy Recipe - This'll make you feel better - wild mustangs being well managed - The Invisible Mom; we've got the book!
- Reminder: 20% OFF Sale ends TODAY check out HoofPrints Barn Blade (5/18/2012)
- Sale reminder + I need your opinion on blacksmith photos (5/16/2012)
- What do you think of these two images? - Preserve Horsey Memories - Scrapbook page example and tips for scrapbooking - Horses and Hope Calendar makes good page backgrounds - More about preserving memories - Beautiful Jim Key - GOOD STUFF: Blacksmith's Prayer
- BIG SALE, Farrier Cards, Frozen Peas & Mom (5/13/2012)
- 20% OFF everything for a limited time - Farriers Cards added to online directory - Dump Him, Marry the Horse - Happy Mother's Day to my Mom - Life is a Bag of Frozen Peas
- NEW stuff - Cowboy 10 Commandments & more (5/5/2012)
- Cowboy 10 Commandments Tin Sign - Horse Breeds Playing Cards - The Doctor is In Horsey Thermometer - Same Sh*t Mug - Note Pads Made with Horse Manure - Mothers Day Gift Ideas
- Big news concerning the Blacksmith Calendar (4/22/2012)
- HoofPrints call for antique photos for 2013 Blacksmith Calendar - Hoof Problems Book - Online Farrier Directory
- FREE Mother's Day gift with every order! (4/19/2012)
- Mother's Day Gift ideas - FREE HORSEwork before HOUSEwork tin sign with every order - A special mention for mothers and babies from the Horses and Hope Calendar - Mother's Day card ideas - Revisiting weirdness: Macaroni's Hoof - The Invisible Woman: A Special Story for Mothers by Nicole Johnson
- More treasures marked down to HALF PRICE! (4/12/2012)
- Crossroads Sculpture - Protect this Rider - Trail Boss's Cowboy Cookbook - story about picking up trash
- Need to get help? Don't make this mistake (4/6/2012)
- Research and development on dog products - Over the Rainbow Dog Training - A Dog's Purpose - Leather Treat Pouch saves the day! - Life is Short, Play with Your Dog - Need to get help? Don't do what I did
- Got Hoof Problems? We do too! and more (3/28/2012)
- Hoof Problems Book - Horseshoes.com Farrier & Hoofcare Resource Center - More New Farrier Business Cards added to Online Directory - Unique Farrier Caps that are NOT Free - Inspirational Quotes about PROBLEMS
- Celebrating spring with a SALE, free gift and conflicting advice (3/22/2012)
- Big SALE on Springy, Horsey T-shirts - FREE collectible spring magnet - Horsewoman's Hair Control Ideas - Conflicting Advice for Horsewomen: Make something, Clean something, or Do little? - More quotes about cleaning
- Stupidity revisited + clean something! (3/19/2012)
- Better late than never, St Patrick's Day mention - Celtic Horse and Epona Jewelry - Revisiting stupidity; so, is it solved? - How to be happy; "Make something" by Martha Beck, or "Clean Something" by Gina Keesling - Quotes about Cleaning
- NEW stuff, a special HALF PRICE offer for dog rescuers (3/12/2012)
- Horsewoman's Long, Tall List - Sterling Silver Dog Whistle - Business Card for Dog Lovers - Tales from a Dog Catcher - Think you're too old to ride like you used to? Check this out! - The Gift; Mental strategies to empower your riding - Copper Jewelry - Prayer of a Rescuer
- New format a success - here's more! (3/4/2012)
- New format a big hit - Update on 21 Days of Positivity - Horses & Hope Calendar; Gina's assessment of volunteers and funds recipients - New Business Card logo - Another Scary Picture for those who liked the tarantula
- See what you think about this new layout (2/27/2012)
- New layout makes newsletter easier to read (hopefully) - 21 days of positive thinking - Fall Girl book about female western stunt double - Amazing Dog Facts and Trivia - Pharaoh's Horses Print Trivia - The Value of a Life; horse with healed broken leg observed by veterinarian with similar malady
- NEW for spring & Can you do this for 21 days? (2/22/2012)
- New Handle With Carrots jacket - The art of POSITIVE THINKING for 21 days - Revisiting Gina's stupidest horse training mistake (warning, there are scary pictures)
- My stupidest horse training mistake ever (2/18/2012)
- Gina's stupidest horse training mistake - Linda Kohanov's Tao of Equus - Cavalia - Xenophon's Art of Horsemanship
- More (ware)house cleaning bargains! Valentine's Day Newsletter (2/14/2012)
- More items added to half price & closeout pages - One photograph saves a horse's life - HORSE WOMAN chocolate sweatshirt - Glass heart locket - Tribute to my Valentine
- My stupidest dog training mistake ever (2/9/2012)
- DOG EDITION: Gina's stupid dog training mistake changes her perspective forever - Look how far we've come; Bad Dog - More about I'm Listening With A Broken Ear - Don't Dump The Dog - Handle Stress Like A Dog sign - Dog Lovers Scrapbook - GOOD STUFF: War Horse commentary & trivia
- FARRIERS: Folks are watching, BAD STUFF (2/5/2012)
- Horse Hoof Bottle & Letter Openers - New book Care & Rehabilitation of the Equine Foot - HoofPrints Spring Catalog - Farriers; Folks are Watching You! - New business cards added to online farrier directory - Magnetic Business Card calendars excellent promotional tool - BAD STUFF: Copyright infringement
- Scrapbook ideas & Sale Ends 1/31 (1/29/2012)
- Preserve Horsey Memories - Scrapbook page example and tips for scrapbooking - Horses and Hope Calendar makes good page backgrounds - More about preserving memories - Beautiful Jim Key - GOOD STUFF: Charles Barsotti dog cartoon
- New Heavenly Horse Sense Book (1/26/2012)
- New Christian Horse Stories Book Heavenly Horse Sense - Deerskin & Horse Heart Necklace - Equestrian Hymn for my Beloved - Frozen Long Johns Excerpt - GOOD STUFF: favorite blogs
- HoofPrints Annual Customer Appreciation Sale (1/21/2012)
- Offer good through 1/31/12 - American West Hill Country Purses built to last - I Train Horses to Eat Carrots - Horse Woman's Balm works great - Like us on Facebook - Inspirational story Hut's on Fire - GOOD STUFF: Puppy-Girl & Proximka's youtube videos
- More stuff on sale, NEW items (1/16/2012)
- A lesson in keeping an open mind - NEW books - I'm Listening With A Broken Ear - Smart Woman's Guide to Midlife Horses - Still cleaning (ware)house - Evenore items added to HALF Price & Closeouts - GOOD STUFF: Ripple Effect - Homeless Horse Walter needs a home
- We are cleaning (ware)house! Check out the deals (1/10/2012)
- More items added to HALF PRICE & Closeouts - Barbie trashes her dream house photos - News on Horses and Hope calendar - Valentine's Day jewelry gift ideas - Creative uses for dead flies
- HoofPrints 2011 year in review - what will 2012 bring? (1/1/2012)
- JANUARY - Goodbye to Zack - FEBRUARY - Petfinder.com celebrates 15 years - MARCH - Temple Grandin movie wins again - APRIL - A true story with a happy ending - MAY - Farriers, folks are watching - JUNE - Blacksmith calendars help with TV commercial - JULY - A new category of books - AUGUST - Thoughts on courage - SEPTEMBER - Tits to the sky! - OCTOBER - Deceptive marketing newsletter backfires - NOVEMBER - Gina brags, then backpedals - DECEMBER - Horses & Hope calendar a huge success
- Some very good news - thanks to you all! (12/27/2011)
- Horses & Hope Calendar raises over $33,000 for charity - More items added to Closeouts section - PRAY FIRST, THEN RIDE metal sign - Bad Clock Roulette for farriers - Healing Shine, A Spiritual Assignment - GOOD STUFF: Eye of God
- It's not too late to order Christmas cards & more closeouts (12/14/2011)
- It's not too late to order Christmas Cards - New CD from Mary Ann Kennedy - Holiday Gift Ideas - Customer favorite gift ideas
- Important announcement, NEW stuff & closeouts (12/6/2011)
- Announcement about Horses & Hope Calendar - Cowboy & Cowgirl Bible Pocket Partners - GOOD STUFF added to closeout section
- A Thanksgiving Story & Crappy Christmas gift ideas (11/27/2011)
- Thanksgiving Story from the Horses & Hope Calendar - Prices reduced on Crappy Gift Ideas - Gina clarifies her stance on positive training - Times like these quote - GOOD STUFF: personalizing gift cards
- Horsey holiday cards that say Merry CHRISTmas! (11/20/2011)
- Order Christmas cards now for best selection - Exotic gemstone necklace features 100+ year old Balinese horse coin - Barefoot HoofPrint necklace - Sherpa fleece lined thermal hooded jacket - GOOD STUFF: Revisiting folks watching (and talking about) farriers
- Product testing updates, Billy, positive stuff and more (11/13/2011)
- New positive training products; how Gina used treats to solve stubborn problems - Research and Development; how we do it - Billy & Bailey updates - Horsey Creeper on sale - Quotes on Perspective
- HoofPrints deceptive marketing - please read if you've ordered or plan to... (10/23/2011)
- Pamper Your Horse, Pamper Your Self set - Update on Sarah K. Andrew's Horses & Hope Calendar - A Horsewoman's Prayer - Farriers Air Fresheners - GOOD STUFF: I rescued a human today - Prayer of a Rescuer
- A blessed project & more new stuff (10/1/2011)
- GOOD STUFF: Calendar is a blessed project - Crossroads Christian Cowboy Sculpture - Life is Short, Ride Your Horse Vest - Embroidered Fleece Headband only 1�! - More New Christmas cards - Henry Beston quote about animals
- NEW Christmas Cards & more (9/25/2011)
- Report on boobies newsletter - New Christmas card designs - Educator Freeze Dried Hoof Model for farriers - Horse Woman wool flap hat - Hoof Print magnets are back! - Buck Brannaman DVD - More Horses & Hope calendar images
- Tits to the sky! HoofPrints Boobies Newsletter (9/18/2011)
- Tits to the sky! - about posture - HoofPrints Pink Products support breast cancer research - Epona Horse Goddess jewelry - Sarah K. Andrews Horses & Hope Calendar - Protect this Horse Medallion - Hill Country Purse & Wallet - BARN Girl bales again - quotes about posture
- HoofPrints update "Where's my stuff?" Newsletter (9/5/2011)
- Protect This Rider Pendant - Trail Boss's Cowboy Cookbook - Oh what fun it is to RIDE holiday longsleeve t-shirt - Update: Where's my stuff? - GOOD STUFF: Paul Harvey rest of story on important equine landmark - Quote about picking up trash
- HoofPrints encounter with an angel & NEW stuff Newsletter (8/29/2011)
- Snuggly thermal & sherpa sweatshirt - Keep Calm & Hang On sweatshirt - Pink Heart riding gloves - Update on Courage mug - Life is Short, Play with Your Dog t-shirt - GOOD STUFF: Encounter with an angel
- HoofPrints Courage Newsletter 8/21/11 (8/21/2011)
- Snuggly thermal & sherpa sweatshirt - Keep Calm & Hang On sweatshirt - Pink Heart riding gloves - Update on Courage mug - Life is Short, Play with Your Dog t-shirt - GOOD STUFF: Encounter with an angel
- NEW Farrier items & lots of dog stuff! (8/16/2011)
- Heritage Gloves for Farriers - Adams Lameness in Horses 6th Edition - Handle Stress Like a Dog plaque - Dog Lovers Scrapbook - Rare dog prints hidden in drawers - GOOD STUFF: spiders webs and dreamcatchers
- Riding Rules for Old Horsewomen (8/12/2011)
- Owney on new stamp & pewter dog keychains - I Make Horse Calls equine vet stories - Real products for REAL Horsewomen - Horses in the Yard & More Riding Rules - GOOD STUFF: Carli Davidson shaking dog pics - MORE GOOD STUFF: A Virtuous Cycle, the Ripple Effect
- 6 NEW Horse-Dog-Farrier Items! (8/7/2011)
- Handle with Carrots T-shirt - Tools of the Trade Travel mug is back - Until Tuesday book - Cowgirl Note Cards - Deerskin & Pewter necklace - French Terry jacket - 52 Thoroughbreds found homes & thoughts on horse rescue
- Lots of NEW stuff! (7/31/2011)
- Lorenzo the Flying Frenchman & His Remarkable Horses - Sleeping Angel Puppy - Gregory's Textbook of Farriery & Principles of Farriery books - 2012 Horse Women Calendar - GOOD STUFF: Positive Training for Hoof Handling - Bad Dog quote & Dr Sophia Yin
- Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly - HoofPrints Barn Blade (7/21/2011)
- HoofPrints Barn Blade Pink knife for horsewomen - Breyer pink horse - Riding for a cure pin - Pink slippers half price - Judith Orloff quote - Hot outside? funny popcorn cartoon
- Book excerpts & special deal for farriers (7/18/2011)
- Special price on farrier invoices - Things not to say to a hot, tired farrier about money - Excerpt from Susan Richards' Saddled - Gina's vacation and women who "fell down" - Equestrian Hymn for my Beloved - Buzz Lightyear's Helmet - GOOD STUFF: Dog videos & pictures
- Half Price Sale Extended & MORE new books! Newsletter (7/3/2011)
- Susan Richards' books Chosen by a Horse, Chosen Forever & Saddled - Bad Dog (A Love Story) by Martin Kihn - Pet's Ten Commandments - We All Fall Down video
- Card Sale Ends & new books! Newsletter (6/30/2011)
- Gina's vintage glider - New books focus on animals healing humans & humans healing animals - Love is the best medicine - Gift idea for dog sitter - Riding advice from an OLD LADY - GOOD STUFF: Race horses in new careers
- More new stuff - HoofPrints Newsletter (6/27/2011)
- Sale on holiday cards that say MERRY CHRISTMAS - New gemstone necklace features 100+ year old Balinese horse coin - Barefoot HoofPrint Necklace - New farrier cards in online directory - GOOD STUFF: Revisiting folks talking about farriers - a happy ending
- New business card logo & book excerpt (6/23/2011)
- Sleeping with a Farrier Night Shirt is back! - Holiday cards half price through June 30 - Another excerpt from Sometimes a Woman Needs a Horse - New business card logo for farriers - Gina's story about Mistakes - GOOD STUFF: Things aren't always what they appear
- New books, old books & Blacksmith calendars help ... (6/13/2011)
- Blacksmith calendars help in Hollywood - revisiting favorite book Gallop to Freedom - NEW books Good Ol' Cowgirl Stories & A Look at Life From the Saddle
- Things Not to Say to a Hot, Tired Farrier (6/6/2011)
- Farriers Summer Survival Set - License plates & signs hand cast in Indiana, USA - Greeting Cards HALF PRICE - Farrier customer looks like hundred year old mule print - Inspirational quote: Not Always Easy / Meant to be - GOOD STUFF: Gifts for horse loving girls
- HALF OFF Christmas Cards (6/3/2011)
- Half Off Christmas Cards - Sometimes a Woman Needs a Horse Excerpt - HORSEwork before HOUSEwork - A Pet's Prayer - 32 Thought Provoking Statements - GOOD STUFF: Other people forget and lose stuff, too
- New Stuff, Funny Stuff & Pond Memories (5/27/2011)
- I Only Clean Up After My Horse T-shirt - New business card logo for farriers - Funny? cartoon of farrier, horse & dog - Farrier stickers on sale - Tecumseh quote - GOOD STUFF: Pond Memories
- Revisiting favorites + Gina's not kidding... (5/22/2011)
- The Horse Boy Book & DVD - Matted Prints on sale - Muddy Paws Mug & Freckles' prayer - Stickers are not just for kids; they help farriers get paid! - GOOD STUFF: SATS Training
- T-shirt Sale & A Dumped Dog's Story (5/10/2011)
- I Only Clean Up After My Horse SALE T-shirt - Horse & Dog Jewelry category revamped - Another Dumped Dog Story; Mystic Dog Paws - Prayers my dogs have taught me; Dog Psalms - GOOD STUFF: Spiders, Webs & more
- Dumped Dogs, Frozen Peas & Mom (5/4/2011)
- Don't Dump the Dog Excerpt - Great Horses custom framed verse - HoofPrints vendors in Horseshoeing Hall of Fame - Life is a Bag of Frozen Peas - Happy Mother's Day to my Mom
- Mothers Day Gift Ideas (4/27/2011)
- Lots of Mothers Day Gift Ideas - You can help us with Christmas Card ideas - Horse Tales from Heaven book + Frozen Long Johns excerpt to read - Shiba Inu Puppy Cam spreads good dog advice to 27 million+ viewers
- Farrier Prints HALF PRICE (4/17/2011)
- Iowa woman is proud to train horse to eat carrots! - Pony Girl rides again; New jewelry - Passion for Horses book - Farrier prints HALF PRICE - Remembering Zack, memorial statue - Old movie shows San Francisco in 1906 - Gina on a soapbox about fat dogs
- Horsewoman's Hair Control ideas (4/12/2011)
- In Praise of Caps for Ladies - Christian Jewelry for Horse Lovers - Naked Liberty Book - Praise for Beautiful Jim Key - Thinking of Marrying a Horsewoman? - GOOD STUFF: Enlightened Horsemanship blog
- True Story With a Happy Ending - March 31, 2011 Newsletter (4/3/2011)
- FREE Collectible Magnet - 100 Years From Now inspirational framed verse with Daddy's Little Helper artwork by Brenda Murphy - Farriers Traveling Desk - Women Riders Who Could, And Did - A True Story With A Happy Ending - GOOD STUFF: Prison inmates & animals helping each other
- "What you're doing is most unladylike..." (3/23/2011)
- What you're doing is most unladylike - quote from Last of the Saddle Tramps book - Dog Treat Pouch handmade in Indiana USA - Preserve your horsey memories - Beautiful Jim Key excerpt - Scrapbook ideas + thanks to my mom - Dog Lovers Prayer bookmark - GOOD STUFF: Canine comfort in crisis - Japan photo essay
- I only clean up after my HORSE! (3/16/2011)
- Sorry - I only clean up after my Horse! Sweatshirt - Good Horsekeeping - HORSEwork before HOUSEwork sign - about our farrier embroidery - Bless this Barn - GOOD STUFF: Temple Grandin movie wins again
- Train Horses to Eat Carrots (3/8/2011)
- Train Your Horse to Eat Carrots - Cowgirls Cookbook, Rio Brazos Salad Recipe - Unbridled Beauty book celebrates horses - Mucking Fabulous Sweatshirt almost sold out - New Business Cards in Farrier Directory - GOOD STUFF: More favorite blogs - Comedy: Everything's Amazing & Nobody's Happy on youtube
- Horses in the Yard - Same Sh*t Different Day Mug (2/26/2011)
- Horses in the Yard book - Same sh*t, different day - Puppys Breath Candle - Greeting Card assortments half price - Lipizzan coin necklace - The five horses we meet on earth - GOOD STUFF: Petfinder success
- Riding Between the Worlds & I Rescued a Human (2/20/2011)
- Linda Kohanov hardcover book on sale - Deerhound wins at Westminster - Help dog rescues through HoofPrints ebay sales - Farrier Caps that are NOT free - GOOD STUFF: Husbands vs Horses - MORE GOOD STUFF: I rescued a human today
- In praise of black dogs, white horses & slippers (2/13/2011)
- More amazing dog facts & trivia - Pharaoh's Horses print details - Slippers on sale - FREE Farrier Directory - New farriers business cards - GOOD STUFF: In Praise of Black Dogs
- Temple Grandin DVD & Book Review + Rider's Prayer (2/2/2011)
- Horsewomen Calendar - Magnetic Calendars - Temple Grandin DVD & Book review- Outerwear sale continues - Rider's Prayer - GOOD STUFF: It Made My Day
- January 27 Newsletter Outerwear Sale (1/26/2011)
- Outerwear Sale - Foolish Thing Mug - Barn Blade now in Black - Thanks for kind words about Zack tribute - Make peace with today to improve your future - GOOD STUFF: Dog stool in the kitchen & other blogs
- The Best Place to Bury a Dog (1/20/2011)
- The best place to bury a dog - Goodbye to Zack - Thoughts on Herding Dogs - Farriers Doorhanger envelope testimony - GOOD STUFF: more dog stuff
- Womans Place is on a Horse Newsletter (1/12/2011)
- FREE woman's place magnet with every order - Pink vs Fuchsia debate settled - Travel Purse still a favorite - Farrier doorhanger envelopes make the job easier - GOOD STUFF You're never too old to take up riding
- Customer Appreciation Sale Newsletter (1/4/2011)
- Resolve for 2010 - a Change in Perspective - Customer Appreciation Sale - Farrier Clock & Difficult Horses - Embroidered Jackets & Grouchy bosses - New Racehorse book & Careers - Inspiration: Your Hut's on Fire - Good Stuff - Puppy's story - source of video - Scary horse trailer blog
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