Vibrant Visions International Newsletter Archives Homepage |
Enjoy our past Vibrant Visions International LLC newsletters to see snapshots (literally!) of what, where, when, and with whom we've been having a blast!
For more information, contact Verena Aibel at 201-742-5478 EST, email her at, or check out the Vibrant Visions International LLC website. |
- Archived Newsletters & Announcements
- 2014 Viva Vibrant Visions' Spring Newsletter!
- Spring $25 Offer; recap of Verena's winter - favorite bird photos and descriptions, events, MRCC new member, Sole Revival Reflexology Try Me Package article, and invite to Verena's Blog on WordPress.
- 2013 Yule Greetings
- 2013 Happy Thanksgiving-Chanukkah!
- 2013 11 Are Your Not Feeling Heard? BCC Class Invite
- Fall 2013 Newsletter
- Quote of the Month: "The Only Thing Necessary" by Mahalene Louis; Animal of the month: goldfinch; Summer Musings, New Essenes Open Meetings, Right Hand versus Left Hand article, Verena back in Berlin article, Favorite Photos, and Calendar of Events featuring Verena's upcoming Bergen Community College Class; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2012 May-June Newsletter: Fluffy White Dog & Heart's Desire? Taboo(b)s: Let's Talk about the "B" word
- Quote of the Month: "Give Birth to Your Images" by Rainer Maria Rilke; Animal of the month: Robin; Tree of the Month: Oak; Calendar of Events featuring tarot readings at Riverside Square Mall in Hackensack for Mother's Day Out and at Senior Source; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2012 April - May Newsletter: Naturally Speaking Your True Voice
- Quote of the Month: "Close Both Eyes" by Rumi; Animal of the month: Muskrat; Calendar of Events featuring "Naturally Speaking Your True Voice" 4-week class by Verena at Bergen Community College; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2012 03 28 Spring Updates: Vibrant Verena offers new services: Photo legacy, Gal Friday, Tarot, and Business Writing (Top 10 writing)
- Vibrant Verena offers new services: Photo legacy, Gal Friday (VA and in person), Business Marketing & Writing, Tarot reading, in addition to Coaching, training, and consulting. See website for more details and flyers.
- 2012 02 08 Intl Coach Week-Coach Blast!
- Boost Your Personal And Professional Life at Coaching Blast! Bergen County Coaches are offering a free introduction to the benefits of coaching to celebrate International Coaching Week. (See website for flyer).
- 2012 January - February Newsletter: Lifting the Veil of Illusion
- Quote of the Month: "Wonderful" Lyrics by My Morning Jacket; Animal of the month: Eagle; Calendar of Events; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2011 December - Jan 2012 Newsletter: Just an Illusion
- Quote of the Month: "The Freedom to Speak" by Pat Maloney; Animal of the month: Mouse; Calendar of Events; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2011 November-December Newsletter2: What is an Energy Vampire?
- Quote of the Month: "The Guest House" by Rumi; Animal of the month: Hummingbird; Calendar of Events featuring class by Verena at Bergen Community College; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2011 October-November Newsletter: Clear the Body: Clear the Mind
- Quote of the Month: "And the day came" by Anais Nin and an excerpt from "I will not be afraid of women" Lyrics by Dar Williams; Animal of the month: Unicorn Chronicles & Totem description by Michael Babcock; Calendar of Events featuring class by Verena at Bergen Community College; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2011 September -October Newsletter: Shakin' Things Up!
- The Soul of Mexico; Quote of the Month:Turn the Lights Back On (a turnaround based on Lucy Kaplansky's song); Animal of the month: Rooster; Calendar of Events; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2011 July - August Newsletter: Moving Up!
- First Annual XPR Convention in Austin Highlights;Vibrant Visions International provides Corporate Development Training and Coaching; Quote of the Month: Drifting by Sarah McLaughlin; Animal of the month: Elephant; Calendar of Events; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2011 June-July2 Newsletter: How Well Do You REALLY Know Yourself?
- Quote of the Month: We are the Decisive Element; One Thousand Cranes for Japan; Animal of the month: Cranes; Calendar of Events; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2011 May-June Newsletter: Be a Mother to Yourself
- Lessons From A Tree that Consumed a Guardrail; Quote of the Month: Now are the Days of Love & Lust by Merlyn; Animal of the month: Ant; Calendar of Events; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2011 April - May Newsletter: Women's History Month Review
- Quote of the Month: I am Willing by Holly Near; Animal of the month: Dove; Calendar of Events; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2011 March - April Newsletter: Tarot Card Reading by Verena
- Quote of the Month: "When I was a boy" Lyrics; Animal of the month: Cardinal; "Tarot/TARO/TORA" article; "Through XPR" quote; Calendar of Events; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2011 Feb.-March. Newsletter: Wave!
- Quote of the Month: "Love After Love"; Animal of the month: Dog; "No matter what flag you wave" photo; Calendar of Events; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- Vibrant Visions International announces Group Coaching starting soon
- TWO LIVE GROUP COACHING PROGRAMS Forming - one in Hackensack; one via telephone/telebridge!
- 2010 Thanksgiving-Dec. Newsletter: Power to Change... Do You Really Want It?
- What is a Cough All About, REALLY? Artwork as Collage; Quote of the Month: I Am There by James Dillet Freeman; Animal of the month: Reader's Choice Request; Calendar of Events; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2010 11 09 Girls Night Out - Englewood NJ
- Holiday Shopping & Personal Readings with Ease Featuring: CAbi Clothing - Lucille Skroce -, Lia Sophia Jewelry - Kimberly Jupin-,
Tarot Card Reading/ Mini-Coaching Sessions -
Verena Visser Aibel -, Miche Bags - Jodi Aspinall, Beauty Addicts Makeup Line - Lillian Lee Salong
- - 2010 Nov.-Dec. Newsletter: Total Transition Into the Light!
- Quote of the Month "General Wolf Rules for Life" Top Ten List; Animal of the month: Dragonfly; XPR Introductory Teleclass descriptions; Calendar of Events; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- Vibrant Visions International - New Address!
- "What WIll it Take for Your Voice to be Heard" NJAWBO Lunch Report; We're moving a few blocks away.
- Monday Sept 20 -- Strategies for Women in Transition
- Transition? What's That? Time's Running Out! Registration for premiere class by Verena being offered through the Women's Institute at Bergen Community College.
- 2010 Sept.-Oct. Newsletter: Alone or All - One?
- Quote of Month: "Life Never Fails"; Animal of month: Dolphin; Requests; Introductory Talk; A Personal Update from Verena & A Top Ten Housing XPR Introductory Teleclass descriptions; Calendar of Events; Photo Library; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2010 August-Sept. Newsletter "Create the Space for Change..."
- Quote of the Month: "Edge of the World"; Animal of month: turtle; New Class Description "Strategies for Women in Transition"; XPR Introductory Teleclass descriptions; Calendar of Events; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children ArtPhoto Library.
- 2010 July-August Newsletter: Independence Day Pledge... "I claim freedom from________."
- Quote of the month: "Put Everything at Stake"; Animal of the month: Hawk; Independence Day Pledge... "I claim freedom from________"; Mahalene Louis' Hat Card Reading: PEH: The ULTI-MATE; XPR Introductory Teleclass descriptions; Calendar of Events; Indigo Children Art; Photo Gallery.
- 2010 June-July Newsletter: "Babies" and "Stories"
- Quote of the month: Dog Diary versus Cat Diary; Animal of the month: Cat; The movie "Babies" and Getting Beyond Our "Stories"; XPR Introductory Teleclass descriptions; Calendar of Events; Indigo Children Art.
- 2010 April - May Newsletter: Life is Like a Bag of Mustard Greens
- Quote of the month: Poem by Verena Visser Aibel; Animal of the month: Frog; "Life is Like a Bag of Mustard Greens (purging external/internal environment)" article; XPR Introductory Teleclass descriptions; Calendar of Events; Indigo Children Art.
- 2010 February - March Newsletter: I OPEN HEARTS!
- Quote of the month: "The Ship"; Animal of the month: opossum; "I OPEN HEARTS!" article about Bob Visser, Verena's recently deceased brother; XPR Introductory Teleclass descriptions; Calendar of Events; Indigo Children Art.
- 2010 Jan - Feb Newsletter: Spontaneity
- Quote of the month: "Come, Sing a Song with Me"; Indigo Children Art; Animal of the month: heron; Spontaneity and the Gift of a home-cooked meal/friendship article; XPR Introductory Teleclass descriptions; Calendar of Events; Indigo Children Art.
- 2009 10-11: Newsletter: Synchronicities...
- "You know, it is to wonder if there are anything else but synchronicites." Mahalene Louis; XPR Introductory Teleclass descriptions; Calendar of Events; Quotation of the month; Indigo Children Art; Animal/element of the month: water.
- 2009 09-10: Reaching out to Mother Nature
- A few days ago, I got upset about something and made a few calls to girlfriends just to vent. One friend suggested I "not buy into the anger thing" and take my daughter and myself to a wonderful refuge known as Abma's Farm & Market in Wyckoff, NJ.... XPR Introductory Teleclass descriptions; Calendar of Events; Quotation of the Month: "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom" by Anaïs Nin; Indigo Children Art; Animal/element of the month: insects.
- 2009 08-09: Top 10 Signs You May Be in Transformation
- 2009 07-08: Expanding Life's Possibilities
- Expanding Life' Possibilities Through a Global Cosmology... Every step of the way, I get a chance to "try life on for size" as they say. I am in the midst of divorcing myself from many things... my old mindsets, my self-sabotaging attitudes and beliefs, the lies I've told myself about what was possible, about what I could and couldn't do, and more...; Stay Connected via Social Networking; Quote of the Month: Quote about handling the discomfort of new growth and Quotes by Audre Lorde and Christiane Northrup; Calendar of Events; Indigo Children Art.
- 2009 06-07: When Life GIves You Lemons
- When Life Gives Your Lemons - Make Lemonade... What can I tell you? My darling daughter re-broke her arm within 30 minutes of arriving at my parents' home for Mother's Day weekend; Share Your TLC Tips with Us! "Wellness is more than just physical, coaches say" Verena featured in article published in 20 northern NJ papers (287,000 subscribers); Quotation of the Month: "You can only give to others what you yourself have. Give yourself love; be a friend to yourself; find compassion for yourself - then you can give to others." by Marilyn Calvano; Animal of the month: Raccoon; Calendar of Events; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2009 05: Top Ten Tips to Create Vibrant Careers
- Top Ten Tips to Create Vibrant Careers...Recently, I had the honor and pleasure of speaking to two different business management classes at the Fairleigh Dickinson University-Metropolitan Campus in Teaneck, NJ.; Creating Order out of Chaos; TLC Tip: Get a Mini-Makeover or Color Consultation or Colour Energy Assessment; Quote of the Month by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2009 04 "Divine Date with Destiny" Workshops Announcement
- Opportunity to eXPeRience Verena's Coach, Mahalene Louis, & Michael Wolf! This is an eXPeRiential Introduction to the Path of XPR, a path to end suffering by earning the receiving of LOVE. In this event, you will: Receive profound and simple insights on mind and how to transcend it; Unlock the codes to your power; Dynamically engage with your heart's vision; Have fun sharing and connecting with a like-minded community; Familiarize yourself with the Tree of LOVE and the potential of the Path of XPR.
- 2009 04: Top 10 Benefits of Creating & Sharing Vibrant Visions
- Top Ten Benefits of Creating & Sharing Vibrant Visions (Photographs) of Your New Contacts...As some of you know, I love to take photos of people that I meet...: Creating Order Out of Chaos; Quote of the month: Reset Button and Center on Wheels by Brian Andreas; Animal of the month: Squirrels; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2009 03 23: Coaching & Spirituality (Verena on Blog Talk Radio program)
- Conscious Coaching Circle program featuring Verena speaking on "Coaching & Spirituality." Verena is a wonderful eclectic and spiritual coach who works with a variety of clients. We will have a lively and in depth discussion on how we incorporate spirituality into coaching. How we might venture into a conversation about spirituality with a client, how we as coaches are growing on our own spiritual paths and also an insight into how our listeners are growing on their own spiritual paths... Audio link (type into your browser):
- 2009 03 09: Intl. Coach Week/Month (Verena on Blog Talk Radio program)
- CoachVille Caffeine (Weekly Radio) Blog Talk Radio program featuring Verena speaking about International Coach Week/Month activities in New Jersey. Audio link (type into your browser):
- 2009 03: International Coaching Month Sightings
- See all the venues and topics that Verena provided in order to give coaching a higher profile as a resource and profession; Quote of the Month: The Lord's Prayer (non-traditional) and Be Someone by Ralph Marston; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2009 02 22: Global Women with Vision Coaching Salon
- Join diverse women and men of all ages seeking new pathways, connections, and strategies for enjoying life throughout the years during our 6th annual Global Women with Vision Coaching Salon. Speakers: Verena Visser Aibel of Hackensack, Founder of Global Women with Vision, and Owner/Vibrant Visions International LLC. Verena is a Visionary, Edgewalker, Business Coach, Life Coach, Speaker, Author, Coaching Extravaganza Coordinator, Workshop Provider, Gayle M. Gruenberg, CPA of Park Ridge, Chief Executive Organizer of Let's Get Organized, LLC, Linda Zeidler, RN, of Hackensack, Reiki Master & Reflexologist, and Owner/ Touch Your Soul.
- 2009 02: Rainbow Dancing through the Winter Blues & Transition
- Quote of the Month: Excerpt from Addiction to Perfection: The Still Unravished Bride -- A Psychological Study by Marion Woodman; Animal of the month: groundhog; Calendar of Events; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2009 01: Winter Solstice Message from Verena
- Quote of the Month: "That I Would Be Good" by Alanis Morissette and The Oversoul by Ralph Waldo Emerson; Calendar of Events; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2008 12: Top Ten Beneficial Conditions for a Truthful Relationship
- Top Ten Beneficial Conditions for a Truthful Relationship: Truth is here for me in this relationship as long as...
We both desire to be here together
We're enjoying one another and having fun
We respect and take good care of ourselves (physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally)
We respect each other, other people and the Universe...; - 2008 12 - Jan 2009: Top 10 Comebacks when Someone Says Something Inappropriate
- 2008 11: Journaling Gems & Transition
- Journaling Gems & Transition; Quote of the Month: A Warrior's Creed by 14th C. Samurai Warrior and "A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play" quote by Thomas Henry Chmielewski; Calendar of Events; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2008 Oct-Nov Newsletter: F. E. A. R.; Top Ten Comebacks When Someone Says Something Inappropriately
- Quote of the Month: Chalice Lighting and Closing by John Freund; Calendar of Events; Indigo Children Art.
- 2008 09: A Tribute to Powerful Coaching
- 2008 08: "I don't know" means "No" and other Tips (teleclass)
- "I don't know" means "No" and other Tips (teleclass reminder): Do you have a tendency to say "yes" first and then wonder why you committed to something, again, that really doesn't turn you on? Do you drag your feet, procrastinate, lose things, forget appointments or deadlines, or do other low esteem-generating things?
- 2008 08: Laughing Eagle Seer asks "Is there another way to look at IT?"
- Animal of the month: Geese; Laughing Eagle Seer asks "Is there another way to look at IT?" In my forty-ninth year on Earth and while working with my coach of several years, Mahalene Louis, Inspiration Anchor (, I was called to take the name "Laughing Eagle Seer." TLC Testimonial: Pedicare; Quote of the Month: I am participating in a much bigger picture than the one in my individual prayers. And the big picture is being carefully orchestrated. I will trust the part I have been chosen to play. And I can be patient. --Each Day A New Beginning; Calendar of Events; Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Art.
- 2008 07-08: Light-Heartening Water Meditation; Top Ten Ways to Increase Your Awareness and Create New Pathways
- Animals of the month: Horse, Great Blue Heron, and amphibians; Light-Heartening (or Heart Lightening) Meditation in the Water: Everyone knows I am a mermaid at heart and love to swim. With a summer full of ushering my daughter to swim practices and meets, I make it a point to swim 20 laps each visit to our local New Milford Swim Club... Top Ten Ways to Increase Your Awareness and Create New Pathways. Testimonial: WebPATH Center.
- 2008 06 Events2
- 2008 05-06 Events
- 2008 04-05 Events
- 2008 03-04 Events
- 2008 03 Newsletter
- 2008 Global Coaching Salon
- 2008 01-02 Newsletter
- 2007 Top 20 Highlights
Contact Info:
Verena Aibel, Vibrant Visions International LLC, Marketing Consultant, Virtual Assistant, Trainer, Global Cosmologist, XPR Path of Self-Mastery Advisor and Coach
64 Elm Ave., FL2, Hackensack, New Jersey 07601 USA
EST; 551-486-7365 Cell |