Vibrant Visions International

February 2009.
Vibrant Visions International LLC Newsletter

2007 VA Self Portraits-Collages Retreat.JPG

Photo  (
above): Dove on Snowy branch in Hackensack, NJ, USA
Photo (left): Girls enjoying indoor antics

In This Issue
Ground(ing)Hog Message
Enjoying a Vibrant Life?
Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children & Grown-Up Magic
Message from Groundhog & Verena Eagle Laughing:
"Get Grounded!"

"Hold on... the bitter days of winter are near their end..." Groundhogs' hibernation, digging, and tunneling behavior "reflect the ability to get deep within an area of interest" (Ted Animals' Animal-Speak).

February 2 marks Groundhog Day, Imbolc, Candlemas, also known as the Feast of Brigid/St. Brigid.

"Imbolc is one of the four principal festivals of the Wheel of the Year, celebrated at the beginning of February or at the first local signs of Spring. Most commonly it is celebrated on February 2, since this is the cross-quarter day on the solar calendar, halfway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere. (Source:


How do I get grounded, dealing with the bitter cold and with times of transition? With humor, of course! Watching comedies such as the 15-year old movie "Groundhog Day" featu
2009 Bill Murrayring the antics of Bill Murray and the more childlike & serene Andi MacDowell for starters!

Also, seventeen days ago, I started a "49 Days to GRace" (thank you, Coach Mahalene Louis) grounding ritual each morning before I leave my bedroom. I call it the "I AM REAL" Spa (IARS).

All you need is enough space for a yoga
mat and/or beach towel. I light a ca
2007 VA Self Portraits-Collages Retreat.JPGndle, put on my inspiring "Rainbow Dancing through the Winter Blues" music (see playlist below), lie down on the mat, and wait until I feel moved to move a muscle. It could start with a wiggle of the toes, a stretching of the legs, rolling like an egg with my arms clasping my legs, whatever....

The music moves along and I find myself eventually standing and stretching, dancing, twisting, or bending to touch my toes. Result? I start each da
y IN my body rather than IN my head and "besides myself" so to speak. When I am grounded, I am actually present and clear. What a concept! Makes everything else work a whole lot better than when my thoughts are racing!

2003 DA Rainbow Dance artwork

My original compilation of the "Rainbow Dancing through the Winter Blues 2003" Playlist:

1) Angel- Sarah McLachlan    (Surfacing)
2) Big Ovaries Baby-Olympia's Daughters (Big Ovaries)
3) Breathe Deeply-Elaine Silver (The Lady Of The Lake)
4) El Día (Remix)-Cielo y Tierra    (Heaven & Earth)
5) How Can I Keep from Singing?- Enya (Shepherd Moons)
6) How Could Anyone Tell You-    Elaine Silver (Faerie Goddess)
7) I Let The Light Of Angels Bless Me -Elaine Silver (I Choose Love)
8) In The Beginning- Phil Sawyer   (Phil Sawyer's Beautiful World)
9) Morwyn Y Blodau (Lady Of The Flowers) -Ceredwen (O''r Mabinogi-Legends Of The Celts)
10) Ocean Lullabye-Anne Hill (Circle Round And Sing)
11) ReTURNING-Jennifer Berezan (ReTURNING)
12) Sailing - Ships Are Sailing- Connemara (Sirensong)
13) Samhain Madrigal-Laura Powers (Legends Of The Goddess)
14) SirenSong-Connemara (Sirensong)
15) The Song Of The Seals - The Song Of The Water Kelpie-   Connemara (Sirensong)
16) The Witch Song- Anne Hill    (Circle Round And Sing)

Now, "Go forth and be Vibrant!" or at least start with lighting a candle and wiggling a toe until YOU are ready to come up out of your nest and see YOUR Shadow!! So mote it be.

Wishing You Bright Blessings & Gentle Breezes during this sacred time and always,

Verena Eagle Laughing

Photo (top): Our favorite groundhog from last year
Photo (middle): movie poster
Photo (2nd from bottom: Delphine's finger paint when she was 2
Photo (bottom): Verena's "I am REAL spa" in bedroom

Are YOU enjoying a Vibrant Life
Rich with Vibrant Visions and Color?

2003 DA Rainbow Dance artwork
How great would it be if you were to give yourself the gift of your most cherished vision? Or the gift of beautifully handling your biggest challenge or transition?
Imagine giving yourself permission to enjoy a full year to discover, explore, experiment, brainstorm, and create brilliant connections, relationships, pathways or strategies?

Desire the inspiration, support, and tools for major transformation and growth?

How about Coaching with Verena?
Experience the amazing power and joy of expressing and creating your ideal life, relationship, and/or profession. Schedule a complimentary consultation where you get to know about our options and where we can learn about your particular situation to see if we are a fit! We are here for you, whether you are just starting out, starting over, or have hit what seems like a roadblock.

Desire a short term solution?--How about a "Just in Time" Coaching appointment when you desire a sounding board or feedback to create clarity around a single issue, situation, or question, or when you just want a good old-fashioned pep talk?

Want a personality assessment? --How about A Colour Energy Personality Profile a
nd a beautiful Colour Energy book as a resource?

Looking for a speaker or  workshop presentation for your office or organization? Tell us what you are looking for and we'll help
you out ourselves or refer you!

Don't know what you want?  --Just call, we'll listen. For more information and links, check out our website: Vibrant Visions International LLC. Telephone: 201-487-6910 EST or email:

Global and Local Access:
We work with clients in person as well as remotely.

Photo (top): Bird and Bird Cloud, Van Saun Park, Paramus, NJ.

 Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children & Grown-Up Magic

2003 DA Rainbow Dance artwork

Photo (above) Avatar's Azula by Delphine, 7, Verena's daughter

Photo (below) Unicorn card by Verena
2003 DA Rainbow Dance artwork2003 DA Rainbow Dance artwork
Photo: Hannah Montana by Delphine, 7, Verena's daughter 
2003 DA Rainbow Dance artwork Vibrant Visions International LLC's
Calendar of Events & Top Picks:

The following is a sampling from our VIBRANT VISIONS INTERNATIONAL ONLINE CALENDAR which is updated daily. Go to Vibrant Visions International LLC and click on "Calendar & Appointments" and scroll through our calendar which we keep updated year-round. Contact information and registration information is also listed per event. Calendar listings also includes events hosted by professional associations such as the New Jersey Professional Coaches Association, New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners, Institute for Sustainable Enterprise, etc. Please also check their websites for latest details. NOTE: All events are subject to change. Please call and confirm event details prior to traveling. Thank you for your understanding.

Questions? Please call 201-487-6910 or email us at if you have any questions. Please feel free to make your private coaching appointments with Verena directly via our Online Appointment Scheduler. Additional Photos may be seen via Verena's iWeb Photo Albums. Please note that Verena's Vibrant Visions International LLC offerings are in Purple. Additional listings are in deep red.

Photo: Verena Visser Aibel, Gayle Gruenberg, Tina Krivoshein at Organization for Entrepreneurial Development meeting featuring Soraye Morgan. I won a lunch with Soraye during Montclair' restaurant week in February! Thanks!
NEWS FLASH! February was sacred to JUNO FEBRUATA, Goddess of the 'fever' (febris) of love and INTERNATIONAL COACHING MONTH! Remember to give YOURSELF a token of YOUR love by checking out some of our upcoming global teleclasses and NJ-based workshops, coaching salon, and talks! "International Coaching Week" was originally founded in 1999 by International Coach Federation (ICF) member Jerri N. Udelson, MCC. The ICF promotes International Coaching Week each year and encourages both members and chapters to hold special events during this period to introduce the benefits of coaching to the public and give opportunities to experience coaching live. Please note that Jim Gober, Create Tomorrow, and 2005-2006 President of NJPCA, had declared February as International Coaching Month for all of New Jersey. We happily keep to this expansive time frame.
"The Top 10 Incentives to Spring Into Action NOW with Coach Week!"; Facilitators: Verena Visser Aibel & Rob Huston (TeleClass)

Date: February 3, 2009* (Tuesday): Time: 8:00 - 9:00 pm EST
Bridgeline: given once you register
Fee: none
Questions or to Pre-Register: Contact Verena Visser Aibel at 201-487-6910,, or
Description: For Coaches, leaders, entrepreneurs, businessowners, and marketing tips seekers:
1) Brainstorm and Q&A with two Coach Week experts about The Top 10 Incentives to Spring Into Action NOW with Coach Week!
2) Create juicy coaching event ideas and handouts to showcase your coaching expertise or connect with your niche market(s).
3) Discover the Power and Fun of pairing up with other coaches and offer your joint expertise to the public, or to your corporate, business or personal contacts!
About Rob G. Huston: Rob Huston, CoachVille Member Services, is a Resource Powerhouse and a Master of Connection. Rob was instrumental in help creating the Parenting after Separation Program in Alberta, Canada, and he has been both an ambassador and a media spokesperson for that program across Canada. He lives in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and his coaching business is LifeCoaching with Rob. Rob is a graduate of Graduate School of Coaching, certified Teleclass Leader in 2001, Licensed Relationship Coach (RCI) 2007

*Additional Teleclass Choices: 2/12/09 (Thursday); 2/19/09 (Thursday); 2/24/09 (Tuesday)
NJAWBO Bergen Chapter's Luncheon Meeting

Date: February 3, 2009 (Thursday); Time:
For further information and reservations: contact  e-mail or call the Bergen Chapter Hotline at 201-444-8773, ext. 3 or visit our Web site

Verena's "Vibrant Life Skills & Tools for Success" Workshop (Held monthly on the first Thursday except if a holiday; then held the next week).

Date: February 5, 2009 (Thursday): Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm EST
Location: Carousel Healing Center & Boutique: 221 Westwood Ave., Westwood, NJ 07675 (201-722-0133).
Description: Learn how to make to the most of your life, exactly where you are right now! Experienc
e the power of women, develop your visualization skills, explore life's challenges, and share the gift of community in a sacred and inspiring space. Practice lightening up and laughing!
Fee: $18.00
Questions or to Pre-Register: Contact Verena Visser Aibel at 201-487-6910;, or
2009 01 22 Verena Visser Aibel-Sister Lovely Ali & family.JPGm.

Next workshop: March 5.

Photo: Fairmount School Literacy Night at Brunchies Restaurant. Verena Visser Aibel and Sister Lovely Ali of Lovely Life Products and her
2003 DA Rainbow Dance artworkfamily.
New Jersey Professional Coaches Association (NJPCA)
"The Leader Within" Dinner Event with Speaker, Luke Iorio, Pres. of the Institute for Professional Empowerment Coaching (iPEC)

Date:  February 4, 2009 (Wednesday); T
ime: 6:00 - 9:00 pm EST
Location: iPEC Coaching school, 149 Avenue at the Common, Suite 202
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702. Contact:
Description: Learn more about: Why do certain individuals emerge as leaders and others struggle to find their place? The answer... is consciousness.
Fee: Members:$39; Non-members: $44 (Price includes Buffet Dinner)
For more information visit the NJPCA Website

New Jersey Association for Women Business Owners (NJAWBO)'s 11th Annual Procurement Event & Expo

Date: February 11, 2009 (Wednesday); Time: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm EST
Location: Pines Manor, 2085 State Route 27, Edison, NJ 08817; (732) 287-22222003 DA Rainbow Dance artwork

Objectives: Education: To build awareness of what Procurement means - not only certification and the process but how to leverage the process; Best Practices Shared: To share best practices on how to leverage this process and
to understand how to gain access to more business by understanding how other businesses are valuing the process - what works and what does not; Build Partnerships:
For more information and to register: visit

Photo: Verena Visser Aibel saying "HI! Hope to hear from you soon!"
Verena's Creating Space & Possibilities during Times of Transition: Secrets from a Life Coach and a Professional Organizer; Speakers: Verena Visser Aibel & Gayle Gruenberg

Date: February 11, 2009 (Wednesday); Time: 7:00 - 8:50 pm EST
Location:  Norwood Public Library, 198 Summit St., Norwood, NJ, 07648-1811; (201) 768-9555.

Overview: Lively interac
tions with Verena Visser Aibel and Gayle Gruenberg: Learn how creating space by understanding and managing clutter/chronic disorganization2003 DA Rainbow Dance artwork can support you during times of transition and assist you in creating a more vibrant and fulfilling life at any age!

Presentation #1: Creating Space & Living a Vibrant Life by Verena Visser Aibel, Chief Visionary of Vibrant Visions International LLC, Hackensack. Learn how creating space can support you during times of transition and assist you in creating (or recreating) a more vibrant life at any age! Learn about the Top Ten Benefits and Top Ten Losses as a result of Clutter or Disorganization, and Identify Your Top 10 Personal Tolerations.

Presentation #2: Change Your Life: Get Organized!  A Roadmap for Women in Transition by Gayle M. Gruenberg, CPA, Chief Executive Organizer of Let's Get Organized LLC, Park Ridge. Learn how to change your life or manage transitions more successfully by getting organized. Learn 4 Simple Steps to Clutter Control, Downsizing, and Curing the Paper Plague.

Fee: No fee. Light refreshments will be served.  Reservations are requested: 201-768-9555.
For more information:  Verena Visser Aibel, 201-487-6910,, or Gayle Gruenberg, 201-248-5208,, or

Photo: Kim Nazzarese (My daughter's second grade teacher at Fairmount), Verena Visser Aibel, Jennifer Lahm, Occupational Therapist, at Verena and Gayle's talk at the Hillsdale Library.

Next Offering: February 15 (Sunday) at Carousel Healing Center and Boutique (Westwood, NJ).

Spa Spirit Day at the Stella Maris Retreat Center (beach front!)

Date: February 11, 2009 (Wednesday); Time: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm EST
Location: Stella Maris Retreat Center, 981 Ocean Avenue, Elberon, NJ 07740, (732) 229 - 0216

Description: Come to the sea and renew your mind, body and spirit. This day will provide each woman with an opportunity to have a body massage, Reiki treatment, as well as other modalities to relax and strengthen our bodies. Reflections on the spirituality of the body and aspects of meditation will round out this exciting day. A healthy gourmet meal will be served.
Fee: $100.00
To Register: (732) 229 - 0216; Office Hours: 9:30 - 4:30 pm EST
Email address:

New Jersey Association for Women Business Owners (NJAWBO)'s Bergen Chapter Business Breakfast

Date: February 12, 2009 (Thursday): Time: 8:00 am - 9:30 am
Location: Panera's Bakery Cafe, 165 Route 4 West (in Kohl's Shopping Center), Paramus , NJ
Fee: Members: $10.00; Non-Members: $15.00 - CASH ONLY
For reservations and information, call the Bergen Chapter hotline at 201-444-8773, ext. 4 or e-mail Joanne Clark at or check out New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners-Bergen Chapter.

*********************************************************************Verena's Verena's Creating Space & Possibilities during Times of Transition: Secrets from a Life Coach and a Professional Organizer; Speakers: Verena Visser Aibel & Gayle Gruenberg

Date: February 15, 2009 (Sunday); Time: 1:00 - 3:00 pm EST
Location:  Carousel
Healing Center and Boutique, 221 Westwood Ave., Westwood, NJ 07675 (201-722-0133).
Fee: $18.00. Pre-registration required.
Description: See details in the February 11 (Norwood Public Library) listing.
For more information:  Verena Visser Aibel, 201-487-6910,, or Gayle Gruenberg, 201-248-5208,, or

Verena's Global Women with Vision's 6th Annual Coaching Salon; Topic: "Secrets to Living a Vibrant Life NOW!

Speakers: Verena Visser Aibel, Business & Life Coach, & Writer, Owner, Vibrant Visions International LLC, Gayle Gruenberg, Professional Organizer and Owner, Let's Get Organized, Linda Zeidler, RN, Nurse and Reiki Master, Owner/Touch Your Soul

Date: February 22, 2009 (Sunday); Time: 1:00 - 3:00 pm EST
Location:   Brunchies Restaurant & Cafe, 450 Hackensack Ave., Hackensack, NJ 07601; 201-488-4100.
Fee: $18.00. Pre-registra
tion required.
Description: Learn some tips for making it the best time of your life.  Vibrant Visions International and Global Women with Vision will host an old fashioned Salon, an informal panel discussion, to explore common myths and coping strategies to handle change of life issues for women from 30 to 60.  Questions such as "How can you manage life changes with mirth and grace?" will be addressed. Learn some tips for making it the best time of your life through visualization, applying professional organizing, holistic health, creativity, and life coaching. Be prepared to laugh and have a great time!

For more information or to Register:  Verena Visser Aibel, 201-487-6910,,

NJAWBO Bergen Chapter's "Alternative Revenue Streams" Dinner Meeting

Date: February 26, 2009 (Thursday); Time: 5:45 - 9:00 pm EST
Location: Holiday Inn Hasbrouck Heights, 283 Route 17 South, Hasbrouck Heights (call 201-288-9600 for directions)
Fee: $45 at the door.
For further information and reservations: contact Stephanie Mace. e-mail or call the Bergen Chapter Hotline at 201-444-8773, ext. 3 or visit our Web site,

Ann Wennhold & Leah Matalon's Shamanic Mandala Constellation Workshop

Date: February 28, 2009 (Saturday); 9:30 am - 6:00 pm
Location: Soho, NYC.
Anne Wennhold, Shamanic Practitioner, will lead us in creating family Mandala drawings, an intuitive process which will help us to clarify the elements of our ancestral dynamics. No artistic experience required. Materials provided. Leah Matalon,  Constellations Facilitator,  will lead us in using the drawings as catalysts for  Constellation work, a unique method of experiencing how inter-generational loyalties, which create suffering in our lives, can be recognized and resolved with life changing results.
Questions or to Register: Contact Ann Wennhold at 201-947-9295 (; Soul Dancer Workshops). Fee: $125.00.

Photo: Anne Wennhold and Verena Visser Aibel at Verena's Croning Celebration November 2007.


 Quotation of the Month

Addiction to Perfection: The Still Unravished Bride -- A Psychological Study by Marion Woodman (Toronto, CA: Inner City  Books, 1982, p. 188).

I originally read this book while living in eastern Germany in the early '90's and I had quoted part of the following excerpt in "The Lady with the Red Hat." A fresh re-reading of it has helped further illuminate pathways to understanding women's mysteries, eating disorders, perfectionism, creativity, relationships, and personal independence. In my copy of this book, I had highlighted the entire following excerpt:
So long as we are concret
izing, love is lost. We are trying to make something happen our way to satisfy our own ego desires. If, for example, I invite you to my home for dinner, hoping to impress you with my Chippendale furniture, my succulent chicken Kiev, my perfectly landscaped garden, then I am concretizing my Self. My ideal of perfection is projected; in effect, I identify with God when I believe I am in control in my little kingdom. If, on the other hand, I am in my own Being, then I invite you to my home because I love you and choose to share these beautiful objects that I love with you. They are a manifestation of my inner Reality, but my Reality is not projected into them.

When the ego is conscious enough to recognize the Self--the kingdom of God within-- it does not project their perfection outside. It is the dead god that is projected into the concretized perfection: the ego, caught in a massive inflation, is denying the inner Reality. Happening cannot happen. So long as we project onto the collective world--institutions, media, society--an authority it does not rightfully possess, we are allowing ourselves to be contaminated by alien elements. If we allow th
e Self to come to consciousness, the authority is inside. Happening happens. We make the space, we unlock the door, and wait. We surrender to ravishment.

2003 DA Rainbow Dance artwork

To be true to the soul is to value the soul, to express it as uniquely as
possible. It is loving from inside, rather than accepting a foreign standard that does not take our essence into consideration. To strive for perfection is to kill love because perfection does not recognize humanity. However driven it become, the ego cannot achieve its perfectionist ideals because another Reality is within. Nor can it accomplish the task of loving. Only by opening ourselves to the inner Reality do we open ourselves to the possibility of the gift of love. Action and ego choice are involved: we can accept; we can reject; we can withdraw at any point. But we cannot make it happen. Love chooses us.

The true feminine is the receptacle of love. The true masculine is the Spirit that goes into the eternal unknown in search of meaning. The great container, the Self, is paradoxically both male and female and contains both. If these are projected onto the outside world, transcendence ceases to exist. The Self--the inner wholeness--is petrified. Without the true masculine spirit and the true feminine love within, no inner life exists. If we try to make perfection outside, try to concretize our unconscious inner ideal, we kill our imagination. We are left holding life in our rigid molds. To be free is to break the stone image and allow life and love to flow.

Marion Woodman is a Jungian analyst, teacher and author of The Owl Was a Baker's Daughter, Addiction to Perfection: The Still Unravished Bride, The Pregnant Virgin: A Process of Psychological Transformation, The Ravaged Bridegroom: Masculinity in Women, Leaving My Father's House: A Journey to Conscious Femininity, Conscious Femininity: Interviews, Dancing in the Flames: The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness (with Elinor Dickson), Coming Home to Myself (with Jill Mellick), The Maiden King (with Robert Bly), and Bone: Dying into Life.

Photo: Verena's double collage processed during a spiritual retreat in 2007.

Contact Info:

Verena Visser Aibel, Eagle Laughing
Owner, Vibrant Visions International LLC, a Global Coaching & Consulting Enterprise
201-487-6910 EST
Vibrant Visions International LLC