"What Will it Take For Your Voice to Be Heard?"
 Here's a quick snapshot of what we discussed at a NJAWBO Lunch where I was the speaker...
My topic was "What will it take for your voice to be heard." Most people think communication is about the words we speak. If we say something to someone we assume or expect that they will respond in a certain manner. Or do what we ask. Or buy what we have to sell. Or at least listen to what we have said! Experience, however, shows us that often we are NOT heard and we wonder how we could have said something differently.
Our discussion revealed that it is possible that people may not "hear" us as a result of us not actually "hearing" or listening to ourselves! When we don't listen to our inner voice/inner guidance, we may end up cutting ourselves off from valuable information, tips, and energy that comes from following our heart.
People actually can tell when we have an agenda. They can tell when we aren't truly comfortable or open to connecting to someone else in a meaningful way. When we see people as potential clients/customers/or dollar signs, they can feel it and they will wiggle away rather then get ensnared in our "force field" so to speak. Is that the result we desire from our so-called communication? I don't think so!
In our discussion at lunch we took a look at a new definition of communication based on the Path of XPR: "Communication is not what is said and done but the result of what is said and done." It stands to reason that if people are running from you or are not responding to your offers or attempts to connect, perhaps it's time to take a look at how you might not be listening to yourself.
A simple example of not listening to yourself follows: When you have a thought that says "stop and eat some lunch" and you don't respond to it, over time, you will no longer hear that thought that is there to benefit your overall welfare. You may end up eating quickly, later on in the day, or drinking more coffee and snacking.
Results? Sluggishness, unhappy with yourself thoughts, angry thoughts or actions, or clouded thinking. When you are in this kind of a state, are you attractive to the people around you, including potential clients? Hummm.... Maybe you really DON'T want new business, underneath it all... Well, that's another coaching scenario for another day.
As an XPR Advisor and Integrity Coach, I assist my clients in removing all blocks to clear and clean communication so that they can have brilliant results! Got a communication dilemma that you'd like to run by me? Call me and we'll take a peek! Or, sign up for an XPR assessment with me if you would like to have a deeper sense of what is at play and what may be possible for you via the Path of XPR!
Photo: Lucille Skroce, Matisse Chocolatier, Kimberly Jupin, Affinity Federal Credit Union.
If you would like to become Verena's contact on FaceBook, Naymz, LinkedIn, Plaxo, etc., please email her directly via Verena@VibrantCoach.com or do a search in your preferred Social Networking site and make your request online.
We're Moving (just a few blocks away)!
Please note that effective 10/15/10 we will be at a new location: Vibrant Visions InternationalAttn: Verena Visser Aibel64 Elm Avenue, Hackensack, NJ 07601 USAAll our other contact information remains the same:
Veréna Visser Aibel Visionary, Shaman, XPR Advisor, & Integrity Coach Vibrant Visions International LLC, a Global Coaching and Consulting Enterprise
Vibrant Visions International's mission is to emPOwer Leaders and Visionaries to receive, develop and maintain the state of mind where ALL things are possible.  "The purpose of a Mystery School, shall you wonder, is to allow the mind to relax on the other side of its constant agenda to control the show. The ego mind does just that- planning and scheming! It wants to know exactly what is going to happen next year, if this investment is going to reveal profitable, if this event will be successful, if this marriage will work." Mahalene Louis, Path of XPR's Author. Futurist. Artist. Infinity Guide. Co-Founder of emPOweringNOW LLC.
 Top Photo: 1/26/06 NJAWBO Photo taken by Mike Jacoby, Image Arts Event & Commercial Photography at a 2006 NJAWBO Passaic Breakfast meeting.
Photo of Painting: "Verena Eagle Laughing" by Verena Visser Aibel ****************************************************************
Curious About Other Vibrant Events in Verena's World ... including NJ/NY and in the Virtual World?!
 Go to Verena's online calendar to see her latest postings on events hosted by NJAWBO, NJPCA, Institute for Sustainable Enterprise, Association for Higher Awareness, and more!
Just click on Vibrant Visions International LLC and click go to "Calendar & Appointments" and scroll through to see what tickles YOUR fancy! Contact information and registration information is also listed per event.
Photo: The girls at the NY Anime Festival - Comic Con, NYC
Verena Visser Aibel Vibrant Visions International LLC 64 Elm Avenue Hackensack, NJ 07601 USA
201-487-6910 W 551-486-7365 C Verena@VibrantCoach.com www.VibrantCoach.com