When Life Gives Your Lemons - Make Lemonade!
What can I tell you? My darling daughter re-broke her arm within 30 minutes of arriving at my parents' home for Mother's Day weekend. When I realized what had happened to her, MY heart immediately sank, thinking of how this would mess up MY plans for traveling the following week. And what about her swimming career? I'm not proud of my reaction, although I am glad to say that my mother handled the emergency really well (as did my daughter). Mom administered to my daughter and to me! Funny what fear does to a person. Turned ME into an 8 year old!
I've enjoyed watching how my daughter has been handling her inconvenient cast, again. Notice she was giving her dolls a pool party in the photo above! And yesterday we went to the New Milford Swim Club and she was sporting her fabulous waterproof cast cover.... and it worked! She was as happy as the dolphins she was named after! Thank you, Daughter, Thank you, Mother, Thank you ALL for being there for us during these interesting times. And now, a bright red male cardinal is pecking around, outside my office window. Life IS good, no matter how it appears on the outside.
My daughter is dressing up her cast, using her own styled "cast covers" to make her own fashion statement. She doesn't see a broken arm, she sees a healed one. Just like the Masters tell us to envision... visualize ourselves as healthy and whole. Wise child, eh? Do you have a story to share with us about how you turned lemons into lemonade? If you share with me, I might share it on our next newsletter! |
Our Evolving Mission Statement:
"All I do, in fact, is directed to leaders, trailblazers, edgewalkers, and other entrepreneurial and creative types who have a passion for self-mastery and professional excellence, and, who wish to enhance their business/or life through the creation of a vibrant vision..." Might you know anyone in that category? Verena
Take the first step to having what you really want by scheduling a complimentary session via Vibrant Visions International's Online Appointment Scheduler.
Looking for a Motivating & Fun Speaker?
 Consider Vibrant Verena for your next corporate, organizational, community, or educational event. She is available for keynote presentations, workshops, "lunch & learn" programs, and retreats. For more information contact us directly via 201-487-6910 EST, email:
Verena@VibrantCoach.com, or check out our
website: Vibrant Visions International LLC.
Global and Local Access:We work
with our clients in person in northern NJ as well as via telephone worldwide.
Photo (bottom): Verena Visser Aibel. |
Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children & Grown-Up Magic

Photo: Girl & Baby, Delphine, 8
 Photo 2: Anime Underwater Fairy, Delphine, 8
Quotation of the Month
You can only give to others what you yourself have. Give yourself love; be a friend to yourself; find compassion for yourself - then you can give to others.
Marilyn Calvano, Spiritual Archaeologist,The House of Light, LLC
Photo: May Flowers in Dutch Vases by Verena
Tender Loving Care (TLC) TIP: Give yourself an "Inner Face Lift" and Get Your Face and Skin Checked On the Outside
Prepare for the summer and for your golden years now. Have yourself checked out. I've been going to Marie Salamón, Marie Salamón, LLC Skin Care & Electrolysis, who recently advised me to see a dermatologist and come back to have several brown spots removed and enjoy a wonderful facial! The glow that I feel on the inside is beginning to come through on the outside! Radiant and healthy. Letting myself treat myself with love, starting from the inside. All the "work" I do with my own coach, Rev. Dr. Mahalene Louis, Inspiration Anchor, Linguist, Futurist & Artist, EmPOowering NOW, really pays off! I get to have realitiy checks and excellent tools to help give my thinking a "face lift" as we identify and extract negative core beliefs. Wow! That's what I call relief! ... How about you? What are you putting off or simply ignoring about your personal health or life? Give yourself the gift of love... Tender Loving Self-Care! Don't know how? Call me, we'll coach!
Now a downy woodpecker is on the pine tree next to my window. A minute ago, a big groundhog was loitering in my b ackyard! And last night I spotted a raccoon on our rooftop! I can't enjoy these sights if I don't take care of my eyesight! Regular visits to the eye doctor help ensure that I preserve my eyesight as long as possible. :)
Notes on Raccoon from Ted Andrews' Animal-Speak
Racoon Keynote: Dexterity and Disguise Cycle of Power: Spring and Summer-Nocturnal
"One of the most striking features of the raccoon is the mask that it wears. When we wear a mask we are no longer whom we thought. We make ourselves one with some other force. We create a doorway in the mind and in the physical world a threshold that we can cross to new dimensions and new beingness.
Raccoon can show you how to wear a healing mask or show you the face you shall become. Do you need to present a different face to people for greater success? Are you hiding your true self? Are others hiding their true self? Raccoon can help you find the answers."
Share Your TLC Tips with Us!
What tips would you like to share with us? We'd love to hear from the women and men on this! I'll publish a few in each upcoming newsletter. Email Verena at Verena@VibrantCoach.com.
Photo: Jerre of s Jerre's Acccessories and Verena trying on one of her jackets, furry hats, and earrings at the NJ Governor's Conference for Women in Atlantic City, NJ.
Want to Follow Verena on Twitter or Stay Connected Via LinkedIn, FaceBook, or Plaxo? If you would like to become Verena's contact on FaceBook, Naymz, LinkedIn, Plaxo, etc., please contact her through the following mediums:
Follow me ... www.twitter.com/VibrantVerena LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/0/416/637 FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Verena-Visser-Aibel/555084343 Naymz: http://www.naymz.com/search/verena/aibel/1554714 Plaxo: http://www.plaxo.com/directory/profile/30064905824/b371cc78/Verena/Aibel
Vibrant Visions International's Recent Verena Sightings, Calendar of Events & Top Picks
Verena likes to check out things that speak to her... She follows her heart and finds herself in all kinds of wonderful and intriguing places, meeting the most amazing people! Check out the "Recent Verena Sightings" and then scroll down to see Verena's Top Picks from our VIBRANT VISIONS INTERNATIONAL ONLINE CALENDAR which is updated daily*. NOTE: All events are
subject to change. Please call and confirm event details prior to
traveling. Contact us if you receive conflicting dates or data. Thanks!
*Go to the Vibrant Visions International LLC website and click on "Calendar & Appointments" and scroll through our calendar. Contact information and registration information is also listed per event. Calendar listings also includes events hosted by professional associations such as the New Jersey Professional Coaches Association (NJPCA), New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners (NJAWBO), Institute for Sustainable Enterprise (ISE), etc. Please also check their websites for latest details.
Questions? Please call 201-487-6910 or email us at Verena@VibrantCoach.com if you have any questions. Please feel free to make your private coaching appointments with Verena directly via our Online Appointment Scheduler. Additional Photos may be seen via Verena's iWeb Photo Albums. Please note that Verena's Vibrant Visions International LLC offerings are in Purple. Additional listings are in deep red.
Photo: Spiritual Archaeologists, Christi and Marilyn Calvano, the House of Light, (shown on far left) conducted a workshop at a recent Association for Higher Awareness meeting in Morristown, NJ. Verena is on the far right. *********************************************************************
Curious About Verena's Vibrant World? Check out some of her recent sightings!
 Photo: Verena, her mom (Annelies) and daughter in Raylene DeVine's art studio at Goggleworks Center for the Arts' Second Sunday in Reading, PA.
Photo2: Judi Neal, Verena, and Patricia Varley at Women on the Leading Edge Retreat in Milford, Connecticut. Judi, author, The Edgewalkers, and Patricia co-facilitated this marvelous retreat.

Photo3: Verena had a booth at the NJAWBO & Girl Scouts of Northern NJ Career Expo 2009 in Wayne, NJ. What a lovely group of young women and their moms!
Photo4: Dawn Noble, Sue Nyoni, Kathy Miller, and Verena attending the NJ Governor's Conference for Women at Atlantic Citiy. Dawn and Kathy co-founded Wellness Possibilities and we represented that organization at the Health Fair portion of the Conference.
 ***********************************************.********************** Vibrant Visions International LLC's Calendar of Events & Top Picks:
********************************************************************* NJAWBO's Bergen Chapter Business Breakfast
Date: June 11, 2009 (Thursday): Time: 8:00 am - 9:30 am
Location: Panera's Bakery Cafe, 165 Route 4 West (in Kohl's Shopping Center), Paramus , NJ Fee: Members: $10.00; Non-Members: $15.00 - CASH ONLY For
reservations and information, call the Bergen Chapter hotline at
201-444-8773, ext. 4 or e-mail Joanne Clark at jcwills@optonline.net or
check out New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners-Bergen Chapter.
********************************************************************* New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners (NJAWBO) Bergen Chapter's Awards Dinner and Installation of Officers
Date: June 17, 2009 (Wednesday): Time: 5:45 pm - 9:30 pm EST
Location: Holiday Inn Hasbrouck Heights, 283 Route 17 South, Hasbrouck Heights (Call 201-288-9600 for directions) Fee: $45.00 at door). RSVP: Call the Bergen Chapter hotline at
201-444-8773, ext. 4 or e-mail Joanne Clark at jcwills@optonline.net or
check out ********************************************************************* "Leverage LinkedIn® to Fill Your Practice" with Raymond Chip Lambert at the New Jersey
Professional Coaches Association (NJPCA) Teleclass
Date: June 18 (Thursday); Time: 7:00 - 8:30 PM EST
Description: Join Raymond Chip Lambert and learn to powerfully deploy LinkedIn® to get EXACTLY the kinds of clients you desire. Learn what LinkedIn® is and why it can work to your advantage in developing referral relationships. Uncover the networks you already have and begin to tap into them for anything you need. Identify where to get started and mistakes you may be making if you are already on LinkedIn®. Learn how to handle privacy concerns. Hear how the top users of this 30+ million-user B2B platform leverage their networks to make more money. Learn how to position yourself in your networks so that people are coming to you. Fee: $5.00 for Basic Members & Non-members Free for Premier Members (use coupon code) For more information & RSVP: visit the NJPCA Website www.njcoaches.org
********************************************************************* Institute
for Sustainable Enterprise (ISE) / Center for Human Resource Management
Studies (CHRMS) Monthly Breakfast Series; Topic: "Proven Strategies for Making Existing Buildings Energy and Operationally Efficient" with Speaker: John Conover, President, Trane Commercial Systems Business in the Americas
Date: June 19 (Friday) 7:30 - 9:30 am EST
Location: Fairleigh Dickinson University, the Mansion Bldg 1, Hartman Lounge, 285 Madison Ave, Madison, NJ 07940 Information: Call ISE/CHRMS at 973-443-8577. Register: http://www.fdu.edu/forms/chrmsregister.html or email your rsvp to pniewski@fdu.edu Fee: $40 ($25 non profit organization members). ********************************************************************* Discover a Hidden Treasure: YOU (An Introductory Workshop) with Marilyn and Christi Calvano, Spiritual Archeologists, The House of Light.
Date: June 19 (Friday) 7:00 - 9:00 pm EST
Description: Do you feel like you've heard it all before? You know about the "law of attraction." You've heard about "The Secret." You've tried this and that. You've been to workshops, had healings, read books, and they all make sense, but are you having a hard time living it on a daily basis? Discover you are not alone! If you are ready and Spirit ndges you, then it is time for you to begin experiencing your true Self. Join them for an evening of discovery. Location: Cha Cha Gifts: 732-249-1821; Cha Cha Gifts 1300 Livingston Ave., North Brunswick NJ 08902; 732-249-1821 Registration: Christi & Marilyn Calvano: 732-828-1422 teachers@thehouseoflight.com ********************************************************************* "From Economic Crisis to Inspiration Economy- A Massive Opportunity for Coaches" with Dave Buck, Master Certified Coach and the CEO of CoachVille, at the New Jersey Professional Coaches Association (NJPCA) monthly meeting
Date: June 24 (Wednesday) Time: 6:00 - 9:00 pm EST
Hyatt Place Fair Lawn/Paramus, 41 S. Broadway #1 Fair Lawn, NJ (201) 475-3888. Description: Dave Buck is the CEO of CoachVille, the original social network for business and life coaches - with the purpose to challenge and support people everywhere to play a big game in life and to find a coach to help them play better.
As a life coach, Dave has coached over 1,000 individuals one-on-one and in small groups. He has also trained several thousand coaches as the lead trainer for CoachVille's Center for Coaching Mastery. Dave is a leader in the coaching industry; he was selected by the International Coach Federation to participate in the first ever Global Coaching Leaders Summit with 40 colleagues. In 2004 Dave was awarded the first annual International Coach Federation (ICF) Peace Maker award for bringing CoachVille and the ICF together.
Fee: Members:$19; Non-members: $24 (Light refreshments) For more information visit the NJPCA Website www.njcoaches.org
********************************************************************* WebPATH SummerFest 2009 "Sounds of the Earth: drumming, rattles, voices"
Dates: June 25 - 28, 2009
Description: A Healing adventure through drumming, Rattling, Song and Dance. A weekend of camping, drumming, vending, celebration, dedication, healing, renewal, friendships, relaxation, storytelling, massage, festival & more!
Every Summer The Web PATH Center, Inc. presents an outdoor festival centered on a theme which includes shamanic practices and earth based spirituality. .
This year we are looking at healing with the sounds of the Earth; drumming, rattles, voices. With a variety of workshops centered around Middle Eastern & African Hand Drumming, Singing Bowls, Sound Vibrational Healing, Creative Visualization to Heal Yourself, Spirit Stones, Songs & More!!! Full array of children's workshops too!!! Location: 2550 Highland Fruit Farm Road, Lyons, NY Register via e-mail: webpathcenter@ yahoo.com Fee: At the Door $90; Single day $30; Kids 13-18 half price; Children under 13 free ************************************************************************
Institute for Sustainable Enterprise (ISE) / Center for Human Resource Management Studies (CHRMS) Monthly Breakfast Series; Speaker: Julius B. Walls, Jr., President and CEO, Greyston Bakery, Inc.
Date: July 16 (Friday) 7:30 - 9:30 am EST
Location: Fairleigh Dickinson University, the Mansion Bldg 1, Hartman Lounge, 285 Madison Ave, Madison, NJ 07940 Information: Call ISE/CHRMS at 973-443-8577. Register: http://www.fdu.edu/forms/chrmsregister.html or email your rsvp to pniewski@fdu.edu Fee: $40 ($25 non profit organization members). *********************************************************************
Association for Higher Awareness Monthly Meeting: "Activate The Lemurian Blueprint" with Alison James.es
Date: September 8 (Tuesday) 7:30 - 9:30 pm EST
Location: Masonic Temple, 39 Maple Ave, Morristown, NJ BRING A FRIEND Cost: $10 Information: Call Bill at 973-627-8012 Association
for Higher Awareness (AHA) is a learning organization and a social
group where like-minded people meet kindred souls. It's a place where
hearts are joined and minds are expanded. Known by most as the "A-HA!"
the organization aims to help all people develop their full potential
so that they and the world in which they live may be more conscious,
compassionate, intelligent and happy.
Early June, I was featured in an article entitled "Wellness is more than just physical, coaches say" by Joe Ritacco. The article appeared in over 20 northern NJ papers with an approximate reach of 287,000 households and had a photo of my peer, client, and friend, Gayle Gruenberg, Owner, Let's Get Organized in Park Ridge. Wow! I just love how the Universe works! Following is an excerpt from the article:
Verena Visser Aibel of Vibrant Visions International in Hackensack put her coaching philospophy into practice in 2001 after completing extensive training at Coach University, an organization created to share core coaching beliefs and practices with its students. Visser Aibel completed 200 hours of training and created a brand of guidance that helps clients grow at a personal and spiritual level. She works with her clients for no less than a year so that a bond can be established and greater depths can be reached. "It doesn't matter what someone comes to me with," she said, "we work on it all. Problems in somebody's personal life bleed into their professional life. Clarity in one usually brings clarity in the other." Visser Aibel emphasizes that wellness coaching should go beyond therapy. People, she says, can have psychological clarity and still be in need of physical, emotional or spiritual guidance. She preaches to her clients the importance of boundaries and understanding how much of themselves they can give. She warns them against trying to be all things to all people and advises them to gain a better understanding of what they want and need. "It's not our place to tell people what to do," she said, "we just guide them." One client that Visser Aibel has 'guided' for more than two years is Gayle Gruenberg, owner of Let's Get Organized in Park Ridge. Her business offers professional organizing and ifestyle management. The two were introduced at an event for the New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners, and Gruenberg decided to take the initiative. "I wanted to feel like I deserved to be successful in business," she said. "I needed a coach." The pair worked together on several fronts, including developing strategies to help Gruenberg overcome her shyness in order to enhance her networking capabilities. From there, Visser Aibel assisted her in developing a plan to grow her business in 2009 by stressing time management. The two analyzed Gruenberg's schedule from the year before and decided what things should stay, what should go and what should be handled differently. A budget was created to fit the new plan and specific goals were set. The plan, said Gruenberg, has been successful thus far. "I'm up to 2-3 clients per week," she said, "which is where I want to be." While clients may rave about the benefits of having a wellness coach, the coaches themselves are quick to point out how rewarding the profession can be to them.
Colour Energy Personality Profile
your own Colour Energy Personality Assessment profile done by Verena
and learn how using colors effectively can help you clear your chakras,
create focus, internal balance, joy, power, and serenity, depending on
what you may be missing! Contact Verena for more details. Verena
retails Canada's Colour Energy products such as Chakra Energy Blends,
Aura Cleanser and the publication, Colour Energy, by Inger Naess.
Save 10%
On any services provided by Vibrant Visions International directly. Offer Expires: 8/21/09
Go to Wellness Possibilities.Network to find out how to obtain gift certificates for yourself or others. Choose from a huge array of services from providers throughout NJ and vicinity.