Animal of the Month
Keynote: Awakening to the Nature Spirits
Cycle of Power: Summer Solstice and Summer Season

On a recent walk, I saw a bright yellow "something" out of the corner of my eye. It took a moment to get that I was seeing a male goldfinch high above in the tree to my right. I fumbled with my camera and was thrilled that I actually got a clear shot. In a second, he was off, merrily singing away. Although I got only one more glimpse, I heard the music for some time. Pure magic.
Ted Andrews, author of Animal-Speak, says that "goldfinch can help you to deepen your perceptions so that you can begin to see and experience the activities of the nature spirits yourself." He also says that, "Goldfinches are rarely silent. This in itself is a reminder that Nature is speaking to us constantly and that we should learn to listen and communicate with it from all levels. It reflects that the nature spirits are around us at all times."
Without a doubt. If I hadn't been out in nature, unplugged, and able to respond to a yellow image "out of the blue," I would definitely not have captured this magical moment. Thank you, God! And thank you, Canon!
Photo1: Goldfinch spotted in tree, Van Saun Park, Paramus, NJ.
Quote of the Month
The only thing necessary
is to be honest and tell the truth, regardless of what the ego says
to preserve appearances.
It's that easy.
And that difficult.
-Mahalene Louis,
Photo: Verena's "costumes" on hangers, Berlin, Germany
Does Your Right Hand Know What Your Left Hand is Doing? Or are you focused on "out there" and just haven't noticed?
If you wish to integrate your vision and your word (from the inside-out) and FEEL your results for REAL, schedule a Simplicity Conversation with Verena. (Details in article on right).
Do You Need an Extra Pair of Hands (or another brain)?
If you have a marketing, PR, or technical/computer skill concern or project in mind, schedule a Project Consulting Consultation with Verena...
Vibrant Project Consulting / Virtual Assistance Services...
- Pet Project? Do you have a key project, but you don't know how to bring it to life?
- Marketing? Do you have a stack of business cards but no newsletter system in place?
- Writing with Style? Do you want to distinguish your services from the crowd, but don't know how to find your voice?
- Public Relations? Do you wish to build your business, but are hesitant on how to get it going via social media, blogging, photography, and/or press relations?
- Start-up, Support, or Training? Are you all thumbs with electronic gadgets, iPhones, computers, etc., but lack patience, skills, or have trouble delegating?
Photo: Verena's daughter (5' 10.5") had a perfectly vibrant coat that fit just fine except for the length of the sleeves.... Photo shows Verena's plan to lengthen the sleeves using part of the HEADBAND that came with the coat.... How can I assist YOU in stretching to create your vision or gain a heightened perspective?
Indigo-Rainbow-CrystalArt Gallery
Photo1: T-Shirt art of Reni Mimura by Delphine Aibel, 12
Photo2: T-Shirt art2 of Reni Mimura by Delphine Aibel, 12
Photo3: T-Shirt art of cousin by Delphine Aibel, 12
Photo4: Journey to the Center of the Earth class work
by Delphine Aibel, 12 Photo5: Mermaid poem by Delphine Aibel, 12
Summer Musings . . .

It's been a summer full of change-ups in weather, clothing, schedules, client needs, and personal growth. Coming to accept the natural flow, internal and external, has helped tremendously.
When I trick myself into thinking I am in charge, I get to feel powerless and useless. When I remember that I am not the doer and that I am merely a channel, I have an opportunity to clear the path of resistance to "what is." Photo (top) New Milford Swim Club, NJ
My daily studies of the Path of XPR material, participation on group calls and one-on-one advisory calls, project consulting/virtual assisting, swimming or walking, noticing my eating patterns, being gentle with myself, and showing up to assist my growing pre-teen with her needs and interests has made this THE BEST SUMMER EVER!! The fact that I suddenly knew I had to go to Germany to visit with friends from a bunch of years ago was PURE BONUS!! (See photos below). The icing on the cake. Life is now. When I live in this 24 hour magical circle of bliss and awe, my life continues to unfold and open up in ever deeper and more expansive ways. I thank you all for being a witness, a catalysis, a pal to enjoy the beauty within and without. Yippee!! 
Photo1: Delphine competing in Counties, NJ
Photo2: Reni Mimira, Verena, and the girls at Reni's grand opening of her Japanese maid restaurant in Chinatown, NY. Photo3: Purple/red morning glory, Hackensack, NJ.
Are You Willing to Explore How to Solve Everyday Problems?
If so, check out a New Essenes Open Community Meeting, Schedule a Simplicity Conversation with Verena, and Discover the Power of the Word through the Path of XPR*

*"The three Roman letters XPR transliterate the Hebrew root-verb for 'light, sound, number, and letter.' Lighting a gentle path for us to eXPRess, eXPeRience, and eXPiRe to our limitations, XPR is perfect to assist us to (re)build our sanctuary..." Path of XPR
The New Essenes is a gathering of ordinary people practicing deep introspection as a way to solve everyday problems. Our inquiry is based on the idea that language is alive and that the Word is where our Power lives: since speech is an act, communication is not what is said and done, but the result of what is said and done. We have regularly scheduled open meetings via telebridge. If you are interested, sign-up up to receive periodic email remainders of these open community meetings and to receive your eBook, via:
Contact Verena Aibel, an XPR Advisor and Coach and Project Consultant/Virtual Assistant directly at 201-742-5478, 551-486-7365 (cell), via email: or go to her online appointment scheduler.
Photo: The New Essenes eBook cover art by Mahalene Louis
Vibrant Visions International's Calendar of Events & Top Picks Subscription Available If you would like to subscribe to my iCloud Calendar of Events, please click on SUBSCRIBE. With this new technology, you can receive immediate updates to any public events that we post, either our
News Alert:

Verena will be offering "Naturally Finding Your True Voice" a 4-week course at the Women's Institute of Bergen Community College
Tentative Dates: October 3 - 24, 2013
(4 Consecutive Thursdays); 7:00 - 9:00 pm EST)
Location: Women's Institute, Bergen Community College, Moses Center (Dept. of Continuing Ed.) 400 Paramus Road, Technology Building, Room T-119, Paramus NJ 07652
Do you feel that you have gone through life not being heard? Have you always been there for others and lost yourself in the process? Have you come to the point of enough with your suffering? If so, join us to discover leading-edge strategies that will enable you to "Be the Change You Wish to See." Find where you lost your keys and get back into your home - where your "heART" is. Learn how to better hear and thus speak the voice of your genius through powerful explorations and playful transmissions. Experience a natural sense of grace and serenity, no matter what your life circumstances may be.
Fall Register pending for WI 022 - Session 002: Naturally Finding Your True Voice, call BCC: 201-447-7488. See Catalog PDF (p. n/a): If you have questions, please call Verena directly at 201-742-5478 or 551-486-7365. Fee for 4 sessions; Approx. $95 plus $6 materials fee to be paid directly to the the instructor. Instructor: Verena Aibel, Vibrant Visions International.
Photo: Verena and Delphine at "HERITAGE:" a Latino Art Exhibit from the La Ruche Art Consortium" Opening Reception at WBGO Radio, Newark, NJ.
Favorite Photos by Verena
Enjoy more photos in higher resolution 2013 08 Photo Album on our website.
Photo (left): Daughter feeding cats, Hackensack, NJ Photo (right): Julia Child cooking in Parisian kitchen
Verena back in Berlin
My trip to see my friends and co-workers in Berlin in June was PHENOMENAL! I had worked there as a business consultant to the German Government in the early '90's, right after reunification... It had been 15 years since my last visit and it felt as if not a day had passed since then. Extraordinary! I could still understand and speak German, too, although Dutch is my mother tongue with English as a close second. I only learned German at night school and on the job in Berlin.
My friends were amazing, and I thoroughly enjoyed our walks about town, our sampling various cuisines, seeing the wonderful homes with flower baskets on everyone's balcony, going to see my favorite museum, the Pergamon, and exploring all the exhibits as if for the first time.... Every aspect of my trip made me feel so at home in every sense of the word.
This experience also reminded me that I am way more than my many roles or "hats" such as mother, business woman, American, woman, etc. I am a global citizen, as are we all. We are citizens of the Universe, in fact! I do believe that Spirit works in mysterious ways, and yet, I felt a connection with everyone I met, whether I knew them from my Germany years, or just met. It is all a reflection of how good I feel about me, right now, in my own skin. I am blessed! :) Here are some photos. More can be seen via my photo album (see "Favorite Photos" note above).
Photo1: Museum Insel (Island), Berlin Photo2: Forest Gatow, Berlin Photo3: Giraffe Restaurant, Berlin Photo4: Cancun Restaurant, Berlin Photo5: The Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche (Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church), Berlin Photo6: KaDeWe department store (top fl.), Berlin Photo7: Neuenhagen Photo8: Tegel See (Lake), Berlin