The Princess & The Jester are In!
Verena Aibel, Visionary & Full Spectrum Life & Business Coach and daughter enjoy Jesting while we work/play!
Testimonial of the Month

Through your encouragement and inspiration, I have learned so much about myself both personally and professionally.
You've introduced me to so many new concepts that have allowed me to grow and feel renewed.
Mary Ann Maiorana, Principal Owner, Gold Coast Appraisal Group, Cliffside Park, NJ, USA
Are YOU enjoying a Full Spectrum Life? Delphine's Day 100 Project Artist's Age: 6
great would it be if you were to give yourself the gift of your most
cherished vision? Or the gift of beautifully handling your biggest
challenge or transition?
Imagine giving yourself permimssion to
enjoy a full year to discover, explore, experiment, brainstorm, and
create brilliant connections, relationships, pathways or strategies?
you're curious, contact us to see how our 2008 Full Spectrum Coaching
Mentoring Program may be the answer to your prayers or dreams! We work
with clients in person as well as remotely.
Contact Verena with your questions via 201-487-6910 or via email:
To make an appointment or for more information, call Verena at 201-487-6910 or visit our website at Vibrant Visions International.
 Photo: Verena's parents (2nd position from front) on their recent Costa Rican Adventure trip with the Reading (PA) Hiking Club.
MARCH IS MARCHING THROUGH!! Are you winging it alone or are you supported on a team?
1) (NJ) Workshop: "Life Skills & Tools for Success" on March 6, 2008 (meets monthly on 1st Thursday/mo.)
2) (NJ) Sassy Global Women With Vision Coaching Salon on Sunday, March 16th (meets monthly on 3rd Sun/mo.)
March 6, 2008 (Thursday) 7:00 - 8:30 pm EST
Life Skills & Tools for Success Interactive Workshop (Westwood, NJ)
Speaker: Verena Visser Aibel, Visionary, Life & Business Coach, and Owner/Vibrant Visions International Location: Carousel Crafts (A Healing Center Offering Handmade Gifts and Products From Around the World), 221 Westwood Ave., Westwood, NJ 07675 (201-722-0133). Description: Verena will be presenting her discoveries and offer opportunities for lively discussion. Learn how to make the most of where you are in life, experience the power of visualization, and explore life challenges and gifts together. Each month we will delve into relevant life skills and tools and develop goals and exercises that can be done between workshops. Be prepared to practice the powerful skill of lightening up and laughing! Questions or to Register: Contact Verena Aibel 201-487-6910 (; Vibrant Visions International) or stop by or call Carousel (201-722-0133). Fee: $15 per person; Paypal, check or cash accepted. Next workshop: April 3, 2008

March 16, 2008 (Sunday) 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Sassy Global Women with Vision Coaching Salon (Englewood, NJ; Women-only)
Speakers: Verena Aibel, Business & Life Coach, & Writer, and Janet Spittler, Coach, Holistic Practitioner, and Artist. Location: Matisse Chocolatier, 260 Grand Ave., Englewood, NJ 07631, 201-568-2288 Description: Come join us for our annual Global Women with Vision Coach Salon and learn what all the excitement is about! We'll discuss how you can manage the changes and transitions in your life with mirth and grace! We'll be exploring how to leap frog your obstacles through play and laughter! Receive support & enjoy networking with zany, wise women such as yourself! Questions or to Register: Contact Verena Aibel via 201-487-6910 or Check out Verena's website for information on the exciting field of coaching: Vibrant Visions International. Fee: $20 per person; Paypal, check or cash accepted. Next Coaching Salon: April 20, 2008.

April 26, 2008: NAPO-NNJ 2nd Annual Shred-a-Thon & 1st Annual Green Expo at Habitat for Humanity, Mine Hill, NJ. Exhibitors and Partipipants Contact: Gayle Gruenberg, NAPO-NNJ President, 201-248-5208, · Visit for more information.
May 6, 2008: Wellness Retreat for NJAWBO at State Convention (Atlantic City, NJ). Coaching Provider: Verena Aibel.
VIBRANT VISIONS INTERNATIONAL CALENDAR ONLINE: Go to Vibrant Visions International and click on "Calendar & Appointments" and scroll through our calendar which we keep updated year-round. Contact information and registration information is also listed per event. Calendar listings also includes events hosted by professional associations such as the New Jersey Professional Coaches Association (NJPCA) and New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners (NJAWBO)-Bergen. Check their websites for latest details.
 Photo: Verena's mom, Annelies, zipping through the Rain Forest in Costa Rica.
Favorite Quote:
It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your hearts' longing. It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon, I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrows, if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of future pain.
I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it.
I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic, or to remember the limitations of being human.
It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul.
I want to know if you can be faithful and trustworthy. I want to know if you can see beauty, even when it is not pretty every day, and if you can source your life from gods presence.
I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of a lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, "YES!"
It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done for the children.
It doesn't interest me who you are, or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.
It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away.
I want to know if you can be alone with yourself, and if you truly like the company you keep in the quiet empty moments.
-- Oriah Mountain Dreamer Indian Elder
Invitation & Tools to Create Your Ideal Life
Are you ready to celebrate? Are you ready to blaze a new trail?
Desire a short term solution?--How about a tarot reading or a mini-coaching session? Or your own Osho Zen Tarot Deck and Companion Book?
Desire the tools and support for major transformation and growth? --How about Full Spectrum Mentor Coaching? Experience the amazing power and joy of expressing and
creating your ideal life, relationship, and/or profession. We are here
for you, whether you are just starting out, starting over, or have hit
what seems like a roadblock.
Want a personality assessment? --How about A Colour Energy Personality Profile and a beautiful Colour Energy book as a resource?
Planning a Private or Office Party or Celebration and want someone to offer tarot readings, chair massages, Reiki sessions, or a combination?
Don't know what you want? --Just call, we'll listen. Telephone: 201-487-6910 EST or email: For more information and links, check out our website: Vibrant Visions International.