Vibrant Visions International
September - October 2009
Vibrant Visions International Newsletter

2009 DA Street Fair

Photo (background: Beach near Stella Maris Retreat Center,Elberon, NJ USA

Photo Left: School children at Hackensack Street Fair, Hackensack, NJ
In This Issue
Indigo Children Art
Quotation of the Month
Animal of the Month
What Color Describes You?
Vibrant Verena Sightings
Calendar of Events

"You know; it is to wonder if there are anything else but synchronicities..." Mahalan
2009 VV south of Bordere Louis

When I am alert, awake, paying attention, I start to notice some amazing so-called synchronicities, things that line up EXACTLY at the same moment. Events that are technically impossible to coordinate or predict. When this happens, I know there is a divine order, a divine plan that is WAY bigge
r than my own.

Last night, I opened my Chinese fortune cookie and got "Pick a Path with Heart"... minutes before going onto an XPR XPRess Teleclass with Mahalene Louis and Michael Wolf. The Path of XPR IntegriTREE IS the definitive Path of Heart. Earlier in the day, two more things lined up for me while I was gearing up to write this newsletter.

#1: I decided to watch "Groundhog Day" while working at my desk. I went on Facebook at the same time, looking to see if Michael was online, and decided to say hi to a friend from elementary school days. She saw my Facebook comment "I'm watching 'Groundhog Day'... Watching a woodpecker and a blue jay while preparing to do my newsletter. To be continued..".and she added her comment when she got onto Facebook: "The guy who wrote the story and screenplay is a friend of mine. What a great movie, eh?" Funny thing is that I've never "chatted" on Facebook with this friend before.

#2: Later, as I was changing one of the teleclass titles on a document and writing the name of a different teleclass entitled "Prepare to DIE", I was watching "The Whalerider" and Pai, one of the main characters was saying "I called you (the ancient ones, the whales) and they came but it wasn't right. They were dying." And then someone else said about one of the whales: "He died." Then a few moments later, when Pai was riding the whale that was beached into the ocean, she said "I wasn't scared to die." Now, how often do I write "Die" and how often do I watch "The Whalerider"? Gave me a giggle and a boost!

Are YOU awake? What are you noticing? What signs are you reading? Are you not picking up on anything greater than yourself? Eitherway, perhaps you'd like to experience a synchronistic moment or two on our upcoming free introductory teleclasses. See "Teleclass Schedule" for more details! 

Photo: three squirrels snug in their squirrel house, Hackensack, NJ backyard
 Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Magic

2009 10 DA blue fairy

2009 DA blue pink witch
2009 10 DA Halloween Girl

2009 10 DA pink girl Dollie
Drawings exceed 8 1/2 x 11 inches and are drawn by Artist and Anime Instructor: Delphine, 8
. The bottom one, Girl with Dollie was a caricature that Delphine did based on a girl she met at the Anime Festival in NYC.

Quotation of the Month

The Breeze at Dawn Has Secrets to Tell You
 2009 10 Mother and Child Statue
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the door sill where the two worlds touch
. The door is round and open..
Don't go back to sleep

- Jelaluddin Rumi (1207-1273), translated by Coleman Barks)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2009 10 VA feet in oceanYou do not have to leave the room.
Remain standing in your place and listen.
Do not even listen, simply wait.
Do not even wait.
Be quiet, still and solitary.
The world will freely offer itself to you.
To be unmasked.
It has no choice.
It will roll in ecstasy at your feet.
-Franz Kafka

photo1: Mother and Daughter by William Zorach, take at dawn in Teaneck, NJ.
Photo2: Verena's feet in the ocean waters, Elberon, NJ.

Animal of the Month

The following passages are from Ted Andrews' Animal-Speak: The spiritual & magical powers of creatures great & small:

"Water is always significant. It is the primal life source. Many myths and scriptures speak of how all life sprang from the seas. The ocean is a symbol of womb, mother, and woman.
2009 9 VV starfish
Ocean, and water in general, is a dynamic force. It is constantly in transition, and it can reflect the same within your life. The totems of it can reveal how best to work with those transitions. The ocean is also the sum total of possibilities.

The ocean and great seas are symbols of the subconscious mind and even the unconscious mind. Totems tied to them can help us to awaken the deeper levels of the mind. Water reflects our spiritual life and our emotions. The quality and activity of the water in seas, oceans, and rivers will reveal much about these aspects of ourselves.

Photo 1: Verena holding a live starfish and a shell. Elberon, NJ.

Photo 2:

2009 10 red dogwoods 
What Color Describes You Best? What Color is Missing?

Have your own Colour Energy™ Personality Assessment profile done  and learn how using colors effectively can help you create focus, internal balance, joy, power, and serenity!

Contact Vibrant Visions International for more details. We carry a selection of yummy Colour Energy™ products such as Chakra Energy Blends, Aura Cleanser and the publication, Colour Energy, by Inger Naess, imported from Canada.

Photo: Red dogwood trees in Hackensack, NJ
Vibrant Verena Sightings

Verena likes to check out things that speak to her... She follows her heart and finds herself in all kinds of wonderful and intriguing places, meeting the most amazing people! What and where is your heart calling you to explore?
 2009 10 NJAWBO lunch
2009 10 Kathy Miller and Verena Visser Aibel2009 10 Women's Institute

2009 9 Anime DA VG Lily**********************************************
2009 10 NJPCA

1993 VV Halloween

Photo1: Sandra Bauman, Bauman Research, Liz Phelps, Inspired Leadership Training, Verena Visser Aibel, Sandra Oswald, Elite Title Services, Gayle Gruenberg, Let's Get Organized, Lucia Portali Waters, Fabu Designs by Lucia at Rudy's Restaurant for a NJAWBO-Bergen meeting.

Photo 2: Kathy Miller, Wellness Possibilities and Verena Visser Aibel at the Wellness Possibilities booth at the American Cancer Society's Walk-A-Thon's Survivor's Tent in Parsippany, NJ.

Photo3: Verena Visser Aibel (far right) with organizers of the the Women's Institute conference (Bergen Community College): Sandra Sroka, BCC Women's Institute, Holly Schepisi, Law FIrm of Holly T. Schepisi and Sue Johnson.

Photo4: The girls at the Anime Festival in NYC visiting Lily Cernak, Yuriko Comics, and Alan Cernak's booth, visiting from Reading, PA. We know Lily and Alan from the Goggleworks Center for the Arts.

Photo5: Dan Bonitsky, Source Ventures, Victoria Roche, LSW, and Verena Visser Aibel at a NJPCA meeting where Janet Cargill, J. Cargill Image Consulting gave us some much appreciated tips.

Photo6: 1993 Verena Visser Aibel with her two brothers, Robert Visser, Computerized Facility Integration (left), Ken Visser, Discover/KCV Photography (right).

2009 10 VA Country Pancake HouseVibrant Visions International's Calendar of Events & Top Picks

Scroll down to see Verena's Top Picks from our VIBRANT VISIONS INTERNATIONAL ONLINE CALENDAR which is updated daily*. NOTE: All events are subject to change. Please call and confirm event details prior to traveling. Contact us if you receive conflicting dates or data. Thanks!

*Go to t
he Vibrant Visions International LLC website and click on "Calendar of Events" and scroll through our calendar. Contact information and registration information is also listed per event. Calendar listings also includes events hosted by professional associations such as the New Jersey Professional Coaches Association (NJPCA), New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners (NJAWBO), Institute for Sustainable Enterprise (ISE), etc. Please also check their websites for latest details.

Newsletters are now archived: Check them out via "Newsletter Archive" on our new website.

Appointments: Please feel free to make your private coaching appointments with Verena directly via
our Online Appointment Scheduler. Additional Photos may be seen via Verena's iWeb Photo Albums. Please note that Verena's Vibrant Visions International LLC offerings are in Purple. Additional listings are in red.

Photo: Verena enjoying a visit to Country Pancake House in Ridgewood with OMG gigantic pancakes! I had a seafood crepe that was really yummy.
NEWS FLASH! Verena has teamed up with Mahalene Louis and Michael Wolf, of Empowering Now, to offer a series of free Interactive, Introductory Teleclasses related to their cutting edge Course entitled "XPR IntegriTREE: Nature's Path to Let the Integrity of a Higher Power Bloom in You." For specifics on each introductory teleclass, check out this link: "Teleclass Schedule."

Free Introductory XPR Teleclass Schedule
 (Oct. 22- Nov. 30)

"What will it take for your voice to be heard?"
  • Would you like for the important people in your life to really hear you and to recognize your uniqueness?
  • Would you like to be done with that paralyzing fear around picking up the phone, or writing that next email which is required to sell your services?
Oct. 22 (Thursday), from 12-1pm EST or
Nov. 5. (Wed.), from 8-9 pm EST

"The BIG Question" -
  • If you are an Executive (and body/matter or results oriented), would you like to be a little more of a Dreamer, and add serenity to your success in both life and career?  
  •  If you are a Dreamer (and soul or feelings oriented), would you like to be a little more of an Executive, and be so entire that you would have no qualms selling your coaching, holistic or artistic services?
Oct. 28 (Wed.) from 1-2 pm EST (Verena co-host),
Oct. 28 (Wed.) from 9-10 pm EST, or
Nov. 30 (Mon.) from 8-9 pm EST

"Prepare to DIE so that you may live!"
In the East and the West, an ancient legend speaks of a 3rd key to be revealed at the shift of the age, a key powerful enough to unlock the mystery and to give the universal mind a safe way to die! Yet what was the third key and when will it be found? Awaited with great anticipation, that key was prophesized to open a path so intuitively sound that it would permit not only for a few highly evoloved individuals to get to the 'other side,' but also for the collective. Come and walk in with us: join us on the Path of XPR for an introduction where to discover the third key!

Nov. 11 (Wed.) from 12-1 pm EST
Nov. 11 (Wed.) from 8-9 pm EST (Verena co-host)

"What will it take for Wisdom to REALLY be at work?"

Nov. 17 (Tues.) from 9-10 pm EST

These teleclasses provide a highly interactive, lively and fun experience. Please bring an open mind and your most skeptical questions. There is no preparation required for these free events.

Fee: Complimentary
For more information or to register: call Verena at 201-487-6910 EST or email her directly at and Specify preferred teleclass, date, and time. Once you have registered we will email you the bridgeline information.
New Jersey Professional Coaches Association's (NJPCA)'s "Show Your Clients How to De-Clutter Their Homes,  Minds and Lives" with Jamie Novak.

Oct. 21, 2009 (Wednesday) 6 - 9 pm EST

Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel, (at GS Parkway Exit # 135)
36 Valley Rd., Clark, NJ 07066, 732-574-0100

Fee: $19 Members; $24 Nonmembers
To register, go to NJPCA website

Family Constellation Workshop with Leah Matalon, CMA, CAT

Oct. 21, 2009  (Wednesday) 6 - 10 pm EST

Take this opportunity for increasing the flow of love in your life, for personal deepening and connecting to well-being. In the circle everyone comes as a healer and a teacher.  You must be there to see how profound this is. Fee: $75 per person.
For questions or to register, contact Leah Matalon, 212-860-7228;

Shamanic Drumming Circle (8 Consecutive Weeks)

Oct. 21, 2009 (Wednesdays) 7 - 8:30 pm EST

Location: Center for Light, 123 Woodland Ave., Westwood, NJ (201-358-2700.

Description: Anne Wennhold, FSS, SSP, Shamanic Practitioner, facilitates an ongoing drumming circle.
If you are interested in developing and enhancing your spiritual path, you will: *Learn Shamanic Drumming Techniques; *Experience Shamanic meditative skills; *Open to new levels of Your Journey. Comment: Bring a drum or rattle if you have one, water, a blanket or pillow, pencil, notebook and a scarf. Also, Anne is available for soul retrievals and regressions by appointment. Questions or to Register contact Ann Wennhold at 201-947-9295 (; Soul Dancer Workshops). Fee: $120 for 8 consecutive weeks.

New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner's "Using Social Networks to Build Your Business"
with Juliet Johnson" Dinner Meeting

Oct. 22, 2009 (Thursday) 5:45 pm - 9:30 pm EST

Location: Holiday Inn of Hasbrouck Heights, 283 Route 17 South, Hasbrouck Hts, NJ 07604, (201) 288-8580.

Too cheap to pay for a web guy, Juliet Johnson, a professional home stager learned social media in order to get her website found. In less than 90 days, went from invisible to the #1 position on Google, Yahoo, MSN and Bing for her chosen keywords. Wanna know how she did
it?  Join us for a lively presentation, filled with fun examples and goofy exercises, where Juliet will de-mystify Facebook, Twitter, Ning, Squidoo, Yelp and a whole bunch more stuff that will rocket your business into 2010 once you just give it a go!

For further information and reservations, contact Stephanie Mace at or call the Bergen Chapter Hotline at 201-444-8773, ext. 3.

Cost: $45.00.

Center for Spiritual Living's Movie and Discussion about "The Shadow Effect"

Oct. 23, 2009 (Friday) 7:30 - 9:30 pm EST

Location: 662 Eagle Rock Ave., West Orange, NJ 07052; 973-669-1900.

"The Shadow Effect" is an emotionally-gripping, visually-compelling docudrama that reveals why suppressed emotions and unresolved internal conflicts leads to behavior that continually unseats politicians, destroys celebrity careers, destabilizes the economy and affects the lives of millions each year. Doors open at 7:30 pm. Fee: $10 at the Door.

Northern New Jersey Coaches Group

Oct. 26, 2009 (Monday) 7:30 - 9:30 pm EST

Location: 461 Valley Rd, Wayne, NJ 07470-3557; (973) 694-4272.

We'll be providing support for one another, sharing resources, and learning more about marketing ourselves, as well as promoting the community spirit among coaches!
For more Information: Abigail Gary, 201-689-9095, or Renee Sussman, 551-206-9019

Verena offering Sample Coaching at the Wellness Possibilities booth during the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) 18th Annual State Conference & Expo; Theme: "Blueprint for a Changing Reality"

October 26-27, 2009 (Mon - Tue)

Location: Ocean Place Resort and Spa, 1 Ocean Blvd
Long Branch, NJ 07740, (732) 571-4000.
"Closing the Sale During These Times" with Ken Abrams at the New Jersey Professional Coaches Association's (NJPCA)

Oct. 29, 2009 (Thurs.) 6:30 - 9:30 pm EST

Ken Abrams will discuss how he does business and will share insights and processes with the group so you can get a "full Practice". You'll learn, have some fun, and walk away with several Ideas you can immediately use to get clients.

Location: Greate Bay Country Club, 901 Mays Landing Road
Somer's Point, NJ 08244, (609)927-5071.

Price: $19 Members; $24 Nonmembers
To register, go to NJPCA website.

"Earth Energies, Power Spots and Human Consciousness" with Richard Feather Anderson at the Higher Awareness Monthly Meeting

November 3, 2009 (Tuesday) 7:30 - 9:30 pm EST

How do earth energies at power spots affect human
Location: Masonic Temple, 39 Maple Ave, Morristown, NJ 07980
Information: Call Bill at 973-627-8012 or go to the AHA website.

Vibrant Visions International participating in the Health & Wellness Fair at Mizuho Capital Bank (Jersey City)

November 4, 2009 (Wed.) 11 am - 2 pm EST

For more information: Dwayne Decker, New York Health & Wellness Fairs. 718-273-3316;


New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner's (NJAWBO) Bergen Chapter Business Breakfast Guest Speaker, Suzette Rodriguez, VP for the Hispanic Bar Association, will discuss Diversity in Business.

November 12, 2009 (Thursday): Time: 8:00 am - 9:30 am

Location: Panera's Bakery Cafe, 165 Route 4 West (in Kohl's Shopping Center), Paramus , NJ
Fee: Members: $10.00; Non-Members: $15.00 - CASH ONLY
For reservations and information, call the Bergen Chapter hotline at 201-444-8773, ext. 4 or e-mail Joanne Clark at or check out New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners-Bergen Chapter.

New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner's Diversity Dinner Meeting

November 18, 2009 (Wed.) 5:45 - 9:30 pm EST

Location: Holiday Inn of Hasbrouck Heights
283 Route 17 South
Hasbrouck Hts, NJ 07604
(201) 288-8580

Members: $45.00

For further information and reservations, contact Stephanie Mace at or call the Bergen Chapter Hotline at 201-444-8773, ext. 3.
"Sustainability Analytics: Assessing Environmental    
and Social Risks and Opportunities in the Food Products Sector" and "Building Sustainability into the Fabric of  Business Strategy" at the Institute for Sustainable Enterprise (ISE) / Center for Human Resource Management Studies (CHRMS) Monthly Breakfast Series

November 20, 2009 (Friday) 7:30 - 9:30 am EST

Location: Fairleigh Dickinson University, the Mansion Bldg 1, Hartman Lounge, 285 Madison Ave, Madison, NJ 07940
Information: Call ISE/CHRMS at 973-443-8577.
Register: or email your rsvp to
Fee: $40 ($25 non profit organization members).


Gift Certificates for Wellness...

Go to Wellness Possibilities.Network to find out how to obtain wellness-related gift certificates for yourself or others. Choose from a huge array of health and wellness professions throughout NJ. Select from a list of charities if you would like to make a portion of your sale to be donated.

Contact Info:

Verena Visser Aibel, Eagle Laughing
Visionary, Shaman, Integrity Coach, Artist
Vibrant Visions International LLC, a Global Coaching and Consulting Enterprise

Email:   * phone: 201-487-6910  *  mobile: 551-486-7365

Vibrant Visions International's mission is to help Dreamers and Executives be 100% (Integrity/IntegriTREE) and bloom in all areas of their life and work