Vibrant Visions International

June-July 2011 

Vibrant Visions International Newsletter2011_05_22_DA_Dandelion












Background Photo:  Incredibly fragrant Japanese Pieris-Andromeda, Hackensack River Pathway, Hackensack,NJ


Photo (left): young girl with dandelion wishes, Van Saun Park, Paramus. NJ 

In This Issue
Half Measures Avail Us Nothing
Quote of the Month
Indigo Children Art
One Thousand Cranes for Japan
Photo Gallery
Animal of the Month
Calendar of Events
Time To Get Off the "Not-So-Merry" Merry-go-round?
Through XPR...

 How Well Do You REALLY Know Yourself? 

I ask you, as I ask myself, what are you doing only "halfway," or half-halfheartedly, so to speak? What particular goal comes to mind that continues to elude you, no matter how much you force yourself to affirm it, meditate on it, throw money at it, or try to conjure it up out of sheer willpower? Has it been working for you?  

Well, speaking from personal experience, I have found that I can't "kinda" do something. It just doesn't work. When I get distracted it is because, I have discovered, I actually DON'T want the so-called goal or it WOULD already be in my life. Projecting or wanting a result to appear out of thin air is sheer madness.  


So, back to the drawing board for with the help of my XPR studies, exercises, and coaching. I have gotten pieces of the puzzle back, my personal "self-knowledge" pieces, when I'm not "trying." No effort. Amazing. GRace instead of GReed. The heart becomes full and the path becomes crystal clear. Have you had enough? Call me and let's schedule a "Power to Change" conversation, no charge. You might even get a glimpse at your own puzzle!   

Photo: Kitty being held by girl


Quote of the Month


We Are The Decisive Element  


-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1832


I have come to the frightening [illuminating] conclusion that I am the decisive element. 


It is my personal approach that creates the climate. 


It is my daily mood that makes the weather. 
















I possess tremendous power to make life miserable or joyous. 


I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. 


I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. 


In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a  person is humanized or de-humanized. 


If we treat people [or ourselves] as they are [or think they/we are], we make them [ourselves] worse.


If we treat people [ourselves] as they ought to be [divine], we help them [ourselves] become what they [we already are in God's eyes] are capable of becoming.


Note: In the Path XPR, we ascribe to the belief that we are all One. Any comment made about someone else is actuallly a comment made about (or to) ourselves. I have taken the liberty to amend this quotation slightly with my remarks in [  ]... would you like to discuss? Call me! 


Photo: Mother and daughter's shoes... who's is who's?  


Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children  Magic





















































2011_05_Mikah_WonderlandPhoto1: Anime sketch by Mikah, 10 (left) and Delphine, 10 (right)


Photo2: Anime Fairy by Delphine, 10


Photo3: Delphine at Central Unitarian Church Art Expo, Paramus, NJ


Photo 4: Mikah (10) in Wonderland 


One Thousand Cranes for Japan



 The 6th and 7th grade class from my UU church completed an amazing project during their Questing Year. In their words: 



This year our main project was to raise money for the victims of the earthquake which devastated the people of Japan.  We raised over 1000 dollars which will be sent to the CUC Japanese Relief Fund.  We made cranes to represent each dollar that was donated to our cause - 1000 cranes means good luck in Japan.  [Verena's note: see "Animal of the Month: Crane" below for more interpretations] 


We held a WAKE-A-THON to raise the funds - we stayed up almost all night on May 14 and people pledged $1 or more for each hour we could stay awake!  This was an action quest which was part of our questing curriculum.   We hope you enjoy walking under our cranes which are hanging in the main hallway as you enter the church.


This action-filled curriculum engages students in four quests designed to help them develop their own age-appropriate answers to questions about life and spirituality.

Students will take on challenges in The Mystery Quest, The Inner Quest,The Action Quest, and The UU Quest. For more information on how you can still donate to their project, please contact Merrin Clough, the interim Religious Education Director: 201-262-6300 or email her at

Photos: Part of the 1000 cranes that the CUC 6th and 7th graders made to raise funds. 

Photo Gallery


For additional photos or full-size ones, check out Vibrant Visions International's website!

Latest photos viewable via the "2011 06-07 Photos" folder. 

Animal of the Month

Cranes Red-Crowned_Crane_Hokkaido_Japan


KEYNOTE: Longevity and Creation through Focus


CYCLE OF POWER: Year-round--during daylight    


The crane was a powerful symbol to the ancient Chinese. It is a symbol of justice and longevity, and it is one of many solar symbols. The crane is a bird of the waters, and so is one that will often help teach you how to express your own feminine energies.

The whooping crane, since the early part of this century, has been a symbol of the wildlife conservation movement. At one point, due to over hunting, they almost became extinct. If the crane has shown up in your life as a totem, it could very well reflect that you are about to recover what had almost become extinct within you.

Most photos of cranes only reveal the adult birds. This is partly due to the fact that the young are very scarce and also because the parents are highly secretive in rearing their vulnerable young. This can reflect a new sense of protectiveness, or even a need for secrecy in regard to something new you have given birth to or are about to give birth to.

Although the crane lays two eggs but usually only raises one, it will also reflect the importance of not dividing your attention--especially in rearing your children, be they your actual children or symbolic children, as in the case of special projects. Women who have cranes as totems do better to stay at home with the children rather than to divide their time between work and motherhood. If this is impossible, as is often the case in today's world, the crane can teach you how best to accomplish both.

The crane can also provide possible clues to past life experiences. "In China it is 'The patriarch of the Feathered Tribe' and in Japan it is "honorable Lord Crane'. It is usually depicted with the sun and the pine trees in oriental art. In direct contrast, in Celtic mythology, it is sacred to the king of the underworld and heralds war and death."

One of the most remarkable aspects of this bird is its loud whooping sound. Its haunting tone is reminiscent of a primal celebration over birth. The crane can teach you how to celebrate your creative resources and keep them alive, regardless of the conditions in which they are manifest, both by simply having the proper focus in your life.


 Source: Ted Andrews' Animal-Speak 

Vibrant Visions International's Calendar of Events & Top Picks 

Scroll down to see Verena's Top Picks from our VIBRANT VISIONS INTERNATIONAL ONLINE CALENDAR which is updated daily*. NOTE: All events are subject to change. Please call and confirm event details prior to traveling. Contact us if you receive conflicting dates or data. Thanks! 


*Go to the Vibrant Visions International LLC website and click on "Calendar of Events" and scroll through our calendar. Contact information and registration information is also listed per event. Calendar listings also includes events hosted by professional associations such as the New Jersey Professional Coaches Association (NJPCA), New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners (NJAWBO), Institute for Sustainable Enterprise (ISE), etc. Please also check their websites for latest details.
2011_05_12_Verena_Visser_Aibel-Robert_Rosado-La_Ruche_ArNewsletters are now archived: Check them out via "Newsletter Archive" on our new website.Appointments: Please feel free to make your private coaching appointment or complimentary assessment with Verena directly via our Online Appointment Scheduler. Please note that Verena's Vibrant Visions International LLC offerings are listed and described separately above in this newsletter and maybe listed below in Purple. Additional listings are in red.  

NOTE: July Office Schedule: July 5-July 8; July 12-15th. Office re-opens on August 2nd. Please schedule your appointments in a timely fashion. 


Photo: Verena Visser Aibel  and Robert Rosado of La Ruche Art at the Meadowlands Regional Chamber of Commerce/Hackensack Regional Chamber of Commerce/Mahwah Regional Chamber of Commerce Connections Expo 2011.


Experience the "Power to Change" in one amazing hour  



Have you repeatedly tried fixing something, trying to get something, trying to be someone (else), and still don't like what you see or feel? Is sustainability a foreign word to you? Are you somedays "great!" and other days "so-so"? Do you feel invisitble because no one seems to listen to you or notice when you are trying to m2011_05_20_Verena_Jonathan_Sprout-Gayle_Gruenberg.JPGake a contribution? Have you had enough?               


If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, maybe it's time to connect with us and set up your personal, complimentary, one-hour "Power to Change" conversation with Verena or join us during one of "Power to Change" teleclasses. What do you have to lose? Imagine what you could gain...  

Contact info:. or 201-487-6910.


Complimentary Group Teleclasses Schedule:

6/9/11 (Thursday) 8-9 pm EST 

6/21/11 (Tuesday) noon - 1 pm EST 

7/1/11 (Friday) noon - 1 pm EST 

7/8/11 (Thursday) 8-9 pm EST   


Photo: Verena, Jonathan Sprout and Gayle Gruenberg of Let's Get Organized at a recent Sprout show at West Ridge Elementary School, Park Ridge, NJ. 



Mark Sganga & Friends Perform an Acoustic Journey: 400 years of unplugged rock classics! 


June 10, 2011 (Friday): 7:00 - 10:00 pm EST


Location: The Presbyterian Church of Franklin Lakes, 730 Franklin Lake Road, 07417; For tickets call: (201) 891-0511


Do some of you guys remember the concerts Carl Asch & I put on for several years a decade ago? Well we're going to reprise the fun, this Friday in Franklin Lakes! Carl, our friend Laura Crisci (The ProdiMark Sganga at the Valley Bargal Daughter of Asbury Park) & myself (along with Freddy on bass & Springsteen sideman Larry Eagle on drums) are doing a benefit concert, this Friday, for The Presbyterian Church of Franklin Lakes. This concert is not religious at all!!! (Though I reserve the right to a religious experience whenever I play a show!) keyboard. For more information, contact Mark Sganga Photo: Mark Sganga performing. 


Art in the Park organized by the Pascack Art Association


June 11, 2011 (Saturday): 10:00 am - 4:00 pm EST2011_06_05_CUC_Art_Expo-Elizabeth_Wandelmaier_art.


An outdoor event featuring fine arts and crafts by local artists and crafts people. Including jewelry, greeting cards, etc. Enjoy!


Location: Veteran's Park, Borough of Hillsdale, NJ (Broadway & Hillsdale Avenue)


For more information about the Pascack Art Association, contact President Anneliese Landerer by phone at 201-391-5344 or by email at 


Photo: Elizabeth Levine Wandelmaier (who will be have her greeting cards and jewerly on display at Art in the Park) is exhibiting her work at Centeral Unitarian Church Art Exposition, Paramus, NJ. 




Teaneck New Theatre's 25th Anniversary Celebration Fundraiser


June 12, 2011 (Sunday): 2:30 - 5:00 pm EST


Location: Ethical Culture Society of Bergen County, 687 Larch Ave., Teaneck, NJ 07666


Staged readings of one-act plays by local playwrights: The selections are Napa Valley Here We Come by Frances Simon, Nearer My God To Thee by Theodore D. Kemper, Number Our Days by Katheryn White, and Wanderer by Grace Wessbecher. The readings will be followed by a talk-back with the playwrights, cast, and director, Lisa Garrabrant. Fee: $15 (includes refreshments). Reservations & Info: visit 




New Jersey Professional Coaches Association presents "The Business of Soul-Co-Creating with the Soul of Your Business for Success" with Presenter: Jennifer Urezzio - Founder of Know Soul's Language


June 15, 2011 (Wednesday): 6:00 - 9:00 pm EST


Location: Crowne Plaza Hotel, 36 Valley Road in Clark, NJ 070662011_05_12_Verena_Visser_Aibel_-_Jimmys_Artistic_Creations_ice_sculpture

During this presentation you will have a better understanding of why you are in business and how to create and develop your business without struggles.  Exercises will be conducted to allow the audience to interact and help them to develop a better understanding of their business.


Price: $39 Members; $44 Non-members; $19 Virtual Attendees

* Price includes buffet dinner; Register Early - Limited Seating Available.

To Register:    


Photo:  Verena enjoying Jimmy's Artistic Creations ice sculpture at the Meadowlands Regional Chamber of Commerce/Hackensack Regional Chamber of Commerce/Mahwah Regional Chamber of Commerce Connections Expo 2011


"Sustainability in Pharmacy: from the Jungle to the Patient? with 2011_06_Flowering_tree_by_river"Ruth E. Nemire, BSPh, PharmD, EdD.,  and Dr. Susan Snodgrass, BPharm, M D., Novartis Pharmaceuticals at the Institute for Sustainable Enterprise/CHRMS Breakfast

June 17, 2011 (Friday) 7:30
- 9:30 am EST      
Location: Fairleigh Dickinson University, the Mansion Bldg 1, Hartman Lounge, 285 Madison Ave, Madison, NJ 07940 

Register: or email your rsvp to  Information: Call ISE/CHRMS at 973-443-8577.
Fee: $40 ($25 non profit organization members).


Photo: Tree in bloom along Hackensack River Pathway, Hackensack, NJ  



Open Mic Night 


June 18, 2011 (Saturday): Time: 8:00 - 11:30 pm EST2011_06_DA_VG_giant_beach_ball_target.

Location: Rest Stop Rejuvenate, 21 Maple Ave, Rockaway, New Jersey 

Cost is $10 - $20 (donation). We are a gathering place for well-being. Upon entering you will find a living room atmosphere that nurtures and replenishes your wellbeing as soothing aromas fill the air and mood-enhancing music assists in addressing life's daily stress. Rest Stop Rejuvenate is a place that enhances life by bringing people together and offering enriching conversations, thought provoking exercises, transformational games
, creative classes, workshops, and entertainment. When we care for and nurture ourselves we are better able to make choices that are not driven by the stress and discord of daily life. Information: Vicky at 1-862-209-1439.  


Photo: Girls playing with solid beach ball at Target, Paramus, NJ  



New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner's (NJAWBO)'s Board Installation and Awards Dinner


June 22, 2011 (Wednesday): 5:45 pm - 8:30 pm


Location: Donn Pomodoro Italian Restaurant

70 Hackensack Avenue, Hackensack, NJ 07601; (201) 489-0743


Members:$35 (If paid by 6/14) or $40.00 at the door; Non-members: $40.00.


For reservations: call2011_05_25_Verena_Visser_Aibel-Caryn_Starr-Gates_NJAWBO the NJAWBO Bergen Chapter Hotline at (201) 444-8773, ext. 3 or email Diane McGuire at   



Photo: Verena and Caryn Starr-Gates of Starr-Gates Business Communications 

at NJAWBO's Keys to Success event.



New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner's (NJAWBO) Bergen Chapter Breakfast Networking 


July 14, 2011 (Thursday): 8:00 - 9:30 am EST2011_06_05_CUC_Art_Expo_Verena_Visser_Aibel_art

Location: Panera's Bakery Cafe, 165 Route 4 West (in Kohl's Shopping Center), Paramus, NJ
Fee: Members: $10.00; Non-Members: $15.00 - CASH ONLY
For reservations and information, call the NJAWBO Bergen Chapter hotline at 201-444-8773, ext. 4 or e-mail Joanne Clark at or check out New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners-Bergen Chapter.


Photo: Verena showing her vibrant artwork at Central Unitarian Church's Art Exposition, Paramus, NJ. 



New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner's (NJAWBO) Bergen Chapter Breakfast Networking 


August 11, 2011 (Thursday): 8:00 - 9:30 am EST2011_05_27_Verena-Rae_Strang-Roseann_Strang
Location: Panera's Bakery Cafe, 165 Route 4 West (in
2011_05_27_Awesome_colored_glass_chandelier-Luckys_SaugertiesKohl's Shopping  


Center), Paramus, NJ


Fee: Members: $10.00; Non-Members: $15.00 - CASH ONLY


For reservations and information, call the NJAWBO Bergen Chapter hotline at 201-444-8773, ext. 4 or e-mail Joanne Clark at or check out New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners-Bergen Chapter.


Photos taken at Lucky Chocolates. People: Verena, Rae Strang of Lucky's Chocolates and Roseann Strang, fabric artist and entrepreneur, Saugerties, NY.  


Time To Get Off the "Not-So-Merry" Merry-go-round? 

This is the uncut version (text and photo) for NJAWBO's Member Spotlight for the month of June...  


Who do you call when you want to get off the "not-so-merry" merry-go-round? Who can you turn to who will REALLY help you know the truth in an openhearted way? Who could teach you how to see and unravel the self-imposed webs or Belief Systems that trip you up, again and again? "Vera Verena" (Latin Vera is the feminine of verus = true). Verena, aka "V," is a Visionary, a Shaman, an XPR Advisor, and an Integrity Coach. She has a knack for seeing the not-so-obvious connections or impasses that has made many a client's head spin! After a Verena-encounter, you may start asking yourself the classic Verena question: "Is there another way of looking at it?"


Verena continues to play an important role in the advancement of people from all corners of the globe. For over 25 years, Verena has been providing international consulting, coaching, and training services for trailblazers, leaders, professionals, and visionaries in a huge array of industries as well as domestic and foreign governments.


Verena joined NJAWBO i2011_06_DA_VG_Wax_Museumn 2005 after having read an advertisement in the local paper. Currently, Verena serves as the Bergen Chapter Luncheon Coordinator and the unofficial group photographer. Verena credits her NJAWBO "Team 100" of spirited, savvy, and inspirational entrepreneurs and professionals, with contributing to her success as well as the success of her clients in a myriad of ways. Each connection is a joy, a learning opportunity, and a chance for an exciting strategic alliance. What could be better than that?! 


For further information or to schedule a complimentary "Power to Change" conversation, please contact Verena Visser Aibel, President & Founder, Vibrant Visions International, a global coaching and consulting enterprise, via; 201-487-6910; or .


Photo1: Verena at the Carousel at Van Saun Park, Paramus, NJ 

Photo2: Fourth Grade "wax museum" characters, Bethany Hamilton and Venus Williams, Hackensack, NJ.  



Verena Visser Aibel, Owner, Vibrant Visions International, is an XPR Advisor, licensed through emPowering NOW LLC. The Mission of emPowering NOW LLC: "To bring forth the Path of XPR as a way of transition from a world mainly in GReed where Giving/Receiving communicates via fear, confusion and domination, to a world of GRace where our word flows freely from the silence and the sounds of LOVE." Mahalene Louis, Futurist, Artist, Author, and co-Founder of emPOwering NOW LLC  


Photo: Verena under a cherry blossom tree in Damascus, MD.


Photo: Sunset in Paramus, NJ


Contact Info:

Verena Visser Aibel, Founder, Visionary, Shaman, XPR Advisor, Integrity Coach
Vibrant Visions International LLC, a Global Coaching and Consulting Enterprise

Email:   * phone: 201-487-6910  *  mobile: 551-486-7365

Vibrant Visions International's mission is to emPOwer Leaders and Visionaries to receive, develop and maintain the state of mind where ALL things are possible.