Testimonial about the Web PATH Center & Friends by Verena Aibel Photo: Great Blue Heron. Keynote: Aggressive Self-Determination and Self-Reliance. Source: Ted Andrews' Animal-Speak.
Every now and then you just have to go visit your pack or tribe. Even if they aren't your given family but are chosen family instead. I did this recently when I went to visit the Web PATH Center in the heart of New York State. I took my daughter and we had a lovely train ride up to Syracuse and then were picked up by the co-founders of the Web PATH Center.
We had a thoroughly enriching and enlivening trip! We want to thank our hosts, Dorothy and Eric, for all their help, hospitality, giggles, and amazing history lessons of every sort imaginable! Being with two retired (right, I don't think so!) teachers, hearing them banter and explain everything from "Drumlins" made by the Ice Age Glaciers, and visiting the site of the first Women's Rights' Convention in Seneca Falls. They left no stone unturned, quite literally. My 7 year old daughter was totally enamored with the 10 visible cats that lived in and around the Web PATH Center farm house and took her duties as cat feeder to heart.
We enjoyed one entire day at the Picnic which was lovingly hosted and organized by Tom and Dawn. They worked like crazy erecting the portable tents way into the night. Good thing they had them because we had a few frog-strangling downpours in the middle of the day! The kids had a blast, you better believe it! The Brunch the next day was hosted and prepared by the amazing Dorothy and Eric at the Center. We got to eat the eggs that we had seen collected from the hen house ourselves! My daughter got a chance to understand a little bit more about the cycle of life. She saw many a baby chick and baby turkey at the neighboring chicken coop.
For more information, check out their website: Web PATH Center. For two albums' worth of photos of our sojourn, check out Verena's iWeb photos.
Top Ten Ways to Increase Your Awareness and Create New Pathways
Photo: Life Skills Workshop participants, Alissa Latner, Shari Goetz, Pat Mallory (Carousel Crafts Owner), and Verena Aibel.
I have been hosting a monthly Life Skills & Tools for Success Workshop at the Carousel Crafts International and Native Healing Center in Westwood (Look for details under "Vibrant Visions International's Offerings & Top Picks" on Sept. 4 for next one). This Top Ten was birthed as a result of our workshop this past April. Thank you to all the attendees for being so amazing!
How do you find ways to cope with life's ups and downs, transitions, and challenges? How do you grow and change gracefully? How can you develop ways to increase your awareness of your inner universe as well as the larger universe that is (so they say) all around us? Here are some nuggets that I have gleaned from my topsy-turvy life and offer to you as possibilities to explore.
1. Create Sacred Space: Light a Candle, say a prayer or intention to keep the space sacred and clear of negativity while lighting the candle
2. Get Grounded: Breathing exercises, make loud noises when you exhale; Use or do a Centering guided Visualization or Meditation. Remember where your feet are! Get outside and touch the earth! 3. Daily Meditations: read daily in the morning and/or evening. Place a book of 365 daily meditations in your private bathrooms. [contact Verena for her top ten favorites].
4. Self-Knowledge and Tips for Focusing: These can be gained through various, perhaps, unlikely sources:
· Physically: What is your body telling you, really? Do you believe that you are NOT your body? That your body is your mask, your "face" to the world? Are you plagued with physical ailments or conditions that you have accepted as irreversible? Refer to Louise Hay's books and video "You Can Heal Your Life" or "Heal your Body" to explore the mental mindsets associated with physical problems. Learn new thought patterns/affirmations to help you heal your thoughts and perhaps enjoy better health! [Links provided on #8 below].
· Nature: Have you considered that nature may be trying to communicate with you? Check out what Nature may be communicating via a resource such as Ted Andrews' Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small or the Animal Spirits Knowledge Cards.
Photo: Red Efts (young Eastern Newts) making a getaway (Location: Lake Hopatcong, NJ). These amphibians start their lives in the water, spend several years on land, and return to the water as adults. According to Ted Andrews' Animal-Speak: "If amphibian totems show up in your life, you may need to ask yourself in what stage of development or metamorphosis are you presently?"
· Divination: Have you ever considered using age-old sources of divination such as angel cards, tarot cards (Osho Zen Tarot is my favorite), Fairy decks, or the ancient alphabet inscribed on stones known as Runes? Look at Ralph Blum's Book of Runes and make your own runes on your favorite polished stones.
· Gemstones: Did you know that stones have specific healing properties too? There are many excellent resources for learning more about this.
· Dreams: Keep a Dream Journal and look things up in an Encyclopedia of Dreams. Your dreams may be describing your heart's desire or that thorn in your side that you've been trying to ignore! Symbols are powerful and speak volumes. What are the recurring symbols in your dreams? Share your dreams with a dream buddy.
· Color Energy: Have your Colour Energy Assessment done (ask Verena Aibel, the author of this article, about this) and learn how using colors effectively can help you create internal balance, joy, power, and serenity, depending on what you may be missing!
5. Journal! Buy an inspirational journal and write your personal thoughts and ideas in it daily. Keep a separate one for your business actions and ideas.
6. Develop your interests! Check into pursuing an interest you have absolutely no experience with, or tons of experience with from years ago!
7. Volunteer! Give back to your community, church, synagogue, college, children's school, etc. Be of service.
8. Inspire Yourself! Read inspirational literature, listen to inspirational tapes, watch inspirational DVD's, go re-read your old journals or simply go outside and look around! Examples: "What the Bleep!? Down the Rabbit Hole"; Louise L. Hay's You Can Heal Your Life (DVD or book); and Anodea Judith's The Illuminated Chakras: A Visionary Voyage into Your Inner World (DVD).
9. Play! Don't take yourself so seriously! Find a way to rekindle your childlike sense of play. Remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained!
10. Take the Higher Path! Don't get too attached to your story of woe or to material/physical things. Remember, whatever is meant to be, is, or you wouldn't be exactly where you are at this moment. All is well. Say daily even when you don't believe it: "Thank you, God/Universe/All that is, for everything. I have absolutely no complaints."
*************************************************************** Questions? Comments? Contact Verena via 201-487-6910, email: Verena@VibrantCoach.com, or through her website.
To make an appointment or for more information, call Verena at 201-487-6910 or visit our website at Vibrant Visions International.
Photo at NJAWBO Awards Dinner: Verena Aibel and Marie Salamón, Owner, Marie Salamón, LLC Skin Care & Electrolysis of Paramus (mariesalamon@optonline.net).
Are YOU enjoying a Vibrant Life Rich with Vibrant Visions and Color?
great would it be if you were to give yourself the gift of your most
cherished vision? Or the gift of beautifully handling your biggest
challenge or transition?
Imagine giving yourself permimssion to
enjoy a full year to discover, explore, experiment, brainstorm, and
create brilliant connections, relationships, pathways or strategies?
Desire the inspiration, support, and tools for major transformation and growth? --How about Coaching with Verena? Experience the amazing power and joy of expressing and
creating your ideal life, relationship, and/or profession. Schedule
a complimentary consultation where you get to know about our options
and where we can learn about your particular situation to see if we are
a fit! We are here
for you, whether you are just starting out, starting over, or have hit
what seems like a roadblock.
Desire a short term solution?--How
about a "Just in Time" Coaching appointment when you desire a sounding
board or feedback to create clarity around a single issu.e, situation,
or question, or when you just want a good old-fashioned pep talk?
Want a personality assessment? --How about A Colour Energy Personality Profile and a beautiful Colour Energy book as a resource?
Looking for a speaker or workshop presentation for your office or organization? Tell us what you are looking for and we'll help you out ourselves or refer you!
Photo: Verena Aibel and Kristine Laguardia. Verena's necklace made by Pat Axani Ellson, Owner, Floral Gems (NJAWBO member).
Don't know what you want?
--Just call, we'll listen. Telephone: 201-487-6910 EST or email:
Verena@VibrantCoach.com. For more information and links, check out our
website: Vibrant Visions International.
Global and Local Access: We work
with clients in person as well as remotely. |
Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Artwork
Photo: Magical Women with Fancy Dresses using scented markers
Photo by Delphine. Artist's Age: 7. |
LIGHT-HEARTENING (or Heart Lightening) Meditation in the Water
Everyone knows I am a mermaid at heart and love to swim. With a summer full of ushering my daughter to swim practices and meets, I make it a point to swim 20 laps each visit to our local New Milford Swim Club. When it is sunny outside, I get to visit the rainbows that the sun makes through the water. Very inspiring! More recently, I have discovered a marvelous phenomenon while swimming the breast stroke in the sun. I have observed a vision that nurtures me, reminds me that "I am not my body," and gives me a glance at what a "Lightworker" (definition below) actually is and looks like!
 Photo: Verena swimming the breaststroke; Photo by Rowena Dikitanan, Hackensack, NJ.
Specifically, with goggles on, I swim my breaststroke and look downward, face in the water. As I start the stroke by pushing my hands and arms forward, I often see the sunlight make a crystal ball of light at the top of my hands, then, as I continue the stroke by scooping the water as I trace a giant heart, I see the light follow the outline of my body and ripple out in gentle waves. Then I kick. As I slow down from my kick, my hands are in prayer position, pushing forward through the water and I start the heart tracing motion again. It is totally exhilarating to "see" the glow of light that emanates from the vibration of my body in the water. This simple experience offers me a chance to feel "All is One" and "We are One." Invoking the LIGHT HEART increases the feeling of deep and profound LOVE.
 This experience reminds me of one of my favorite children's book entitled "All I see Is Part of Me" by Chara M. Curtis (Published by Illumination Arts Publishing Co., Inc. 888-210-8216). Check it out at any age!
LightWorker Defintion: A Lightworker is anyone who chooses to be a channel between heart and mind, heaven and earth. These terms are used loosely to reflect the broad scope that LightWorker's encompass in their mission. There are many theories put forth as to what it means to be a LightWorker, from those who have the ability to work with unseen energies, such as Chi, to incarnated wanderers from distant universes and planar dimensions. The answer to this question can only come from within, when you sit in peaceful contemplation, and can search the depths of your heart for your inner truth. Source: www.Lightworkers.org.
Updated Vibrant Visions International's Calendar of Events & Top Picks:
Please note our Revised Schedule for summer vacation: August 4 through August 15th. Please plan accordingly and make your appointments via our Online Appointment Scheduler. Please email us at Verena@VibrantCoach.com or call 551-486-7365 if you have any questions. We will check our messages periodically.
Also, we are temporarily suspending our Sassy Global Women with Vision workshops. Stay tuned for more yummy offerings being developed for your pleasure over the coming months! Enjoy your summer! Please note: Verena's events are HIGHLIGHTED in PINK below and that NJAWBO will not be hosting a luncheon in August. Their normal schedule resumes in September.
July 17, 2008 (Thursday) 8:00 - 9:30 am
New Jersey Association for Women Business Owners (NJAWBO) Bergen Chapter's Business Over Breakfast
Description: Attendees will brainstorm solutions to a member
presented challenge. Location:
Panera's Bakery Cafe, 165 Rt. 4 West, Paramus NJ (in Kohl's Shopping
Center). Questions or to Register: email Joanne Clark at
jcwills@optonline.net or call the Bergen Chapter Hotline at
201-444-8773, ext. 4. or check out New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners-Bergen Chapter. Fee: Members $10, non-members $15, cash only. *********************************************************************
July 21, 2008 (Monday) 6:00 - 8:30 pm
Mahway Regional Chamber of Commerce offers: "July -- A Midsummer Networking Dream"
Description: Witness the do's and don'ts of networking etiquette through 3 short vignettes. Act l ~ Inappropriate Behavior Act ll ~ How to Engage, Converse and Disengage Act lll ~ That Guy (a compilation of actions we have all witnessed) and Participate in MRCC's own "Networking Idol" Prizes ~ Refreshments ~ Cash Bar. Mahwah Regional Chamber of Commerce Members bringing two non-members receive a free Business Card Exchange pass for a future event.. Location & Sponsor: The Hilton Woodcliff Lake, 200 Tice Boulevard, Woodcliff Lake, NJ. Questions or to Register contact Sharon Rounds Executive Director via this link or via the Mahwah RCC website.
Fee: Members and non-members $15, cash only.
August 9, 2008 (Saturday) 10:30 am - 2:30 pm
Annual Qi Gong Event: Earth Wisdom Rises--Sharing Wisdom & Practices from Ethnic Peoples
Description: Anne Wennhold, FSS, SSP, Shamanic Practitioner, will present history and ritual based on the world wide Shamanic practice among ethnic peoples dating back to Siberia thousands of years ago. She will talk about the Vision Quest experience and share information on the spiritual nature of Power Animals and their presence plus how they aid travel into Non Ordinary Reality type meditations. In addition there will be the opportunity to learn a technique of dialoging with nature and to personally journey to an element of nature. You will meet a power animal and learn a way to dialogue with Nature.
Location: The SPA at the Galaxy Condo, 7002 Boulevard East, Room 3, Guttenberg, NJ 07093. Questions or to Register: Space is limited so you must register in advance with Barry Sheinkonopf bsheinkopf@optonline.net. Comment: Bring a drum or rattle if you have one, water, a blanket or pillow, pencil, notebook and a scarf. Lunch Contact: Muge at ercanmuge@gmail.com Fee: $25 per person, due on registration, includes lunch and program. ********************************************************************* August 14, 2008 (Thursdays) 8 - 9:30 pm
Shamanic Drumming Circle
Anne Wennhold, FSS, SSP, Shamanic Practitioner, facilitates an ongoing drumming circle where participants: *Learn Shamanic Drumming Techniques *Experience Shamanic meditative skills *Open to new levels of Your Journey,
Location: Carousel Crafts Native & International Handwork & Healing Center, 221 Westwood Ave., Westwood, NJ 07675 (201-722-0133). Questions or to Register: Contact Ann Wennhold at 201-947-9295 (wennhold@aol.com; Soul Dancer Workshops or stop by or call Carousel (201-722-0133).
Comment: Bring a drum or rattle if you have one, water, a blanket or pillow, pencil, notebook and a scarf. Also, Anne is available for soul retrievals and regressions by appointment. Fee: $12 per person. Next Circle: August 28, 2008 ********************************************************************* August 14, 2008 (Thursday) 8-9:30 am
New Jersey Association for Women Business Owners (NJAWBO) Bergen Chapter's Business Over Breakfast
Description: Attendees will brainstorm solutions to a member
presented challenge. Location:
Panera's Bakery Cafe, 165 Rt. 4 West, Paramus NJ (in Kohl's Shopping
Center). Questions or to Register: email Joanne Clark at
jcwills@optonline.net or call the Bergen Chapter Hotline at
201-444-8773, ext. 4 or check out New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners-Bergen Chapter. Fee: Members $10, non-members $15, cash only. *********************************************************************
August 21, 2008 (Thursday) 6:00-9:00 pm
New Jersey Professional Coaches Association (NJPCA) Joint Meeting with Philadelphia Area Coaching Alliance (PACA)
Featured Presentation by Marianna Lead: Emotionally Charged Coaching: Tapping the Power of Feelings and Imagination
Location: Clarion Hotel - The Palmer Inn 3499 Route # 1 South, Princeton, NJ 08540 609-452-2500 Description: The coaching profession is now discovering the importance of working with our clients' feelings and imagination. We will explore the controversy surrounding this topic, look at the relevant research and learn to use powerful Goal Imagery® coaching tools to tap the subconscious power of feelings and imagination within ourselves and our clients for self-discovery, better rapport, to increase motivation, clarify goals and help your clients to create meaningful and effective strategy to achieve them. To Register: Call Verena at 201-487-6910 for more information or go to the NJPCA website to register. Fee (includes networking & buffet dinner): $39 for members; $44 for non-members ********************************************************************* August 28, 2008 (Thursdays) 8 - 9:30 pm
Shamanic Drumming Circle
Anne Wennhold, FSS, SSP, Shamanic Practitioner, facilitates an ongoing drumming circle where participants:
*Learn Shamanic Drumming Techniques
*Experience Shamanic meditative skills
*Open to new levels of Your Journey,
Location: Carousel Crafts Native & International Handwork & Healing Center, 221 Westwood Ave., Westwood, NJ 07675 (201-722-0133). Questions or to Register: Contact Ann Wennhold at 201-947-9295 (wennhold@aol.com; Soul Dancer Workshops or stop by or call Carousel (201-722-0133).
Comment: Bring a drum or rattle
if you have one, water, a blanket or pillow, pencil, notebook and a
scarf. Also, Anne is available for soul retrievals and regressions by
Fee: $12 per person.
********************************************************************* September 4, 2008 (Thursday) 7:00 - 8:30 pm EST
Verena's Life Skills & Tools for Success Interactive Workshop (Frequency: monthly; Location: Westwood, NJ)
Speaker: Verena Aibel, Visionary, Full Spectrum Life & Business Coach, Writer, and Artist and Owner/Vibrant Visions International.
Location: Carousel Crafts Native & International Handwork & Healing Center, 221 Westwood Ave., Westwood, NJ 07675 (201-722-0133).
Verena will be presenting her discoveries and offer opportunities for
lively discussion. Learn how to make the most of where you are in life,
experience the power of visualization, and explore life challenges and
gifts together. Each month we will delve into relevant life skills and
tools and develop goals and exercises t hat can be done between
workshops. Be prepared to practice the powerful skill of lightening up
and laughing! Questions or to Register: Contact Verena Aibel 201-487-6910 , Verena@VibrantCoach.com; Vibrant Visions International or stop by or call Carousel (201-722-0133). Fee:
$15 per person; Paypal, check or cash accepted. Next workshop: October 2, 2008
Photo: Pat Mallory,
Owner, Carousel Crafts Native & International Handwork &
Healing Center
and click on "Calendar & Appointments" and scroll through our
calendar which we keep updated year-round. Contact information and
registration information is also listed per event. Calendar listings
also includes events hosted by professional associations such as the New Jersey Professional Coaches Association (NJPCA) and New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners (NJAWBO)-Bergen. Check their websites for latest details.
Quotations of the Month (Wolf)
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between 2 "wolves" inside us all.
One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy,sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."--author unknown
Namaste, Wolfie
Wolf Spirit As the Wolf runs, So my spirit soars. As the Wolf howls, At the newly full Moon- So my spirit connects to the Divine. As the Wolf hunts, So my spirit remembers- Life comes from death. As the Wolf plays, So my spirit dances- In joy with the Ancestors. As the Wolf sleeps, So my spirit walks the Dreamtime.
Photo: Two girls holding lily pads while toddler looks for frogs, Andover, NJ.