Vibrant Visions International
December 2007
Vibrant Visions International Newsletter
In This Issue
Top 20 Highlights of 2007
Invitation & Tools
Japanese berry bushes Croning Ceremony
Verena Aibel, Visionary & Full Spectrum Life & Business Coach and Anne Wennhold, Shamanic Practioner celebrate Verena's stepping into Cronehood. See #20 on the "Top Twenty Highlights" for  more information.

Enjoy wonderful pathways to connect to your vision and joy through Vibrant Visions International's services, links, and products. To make an appointment or for more information, call Verena at 201-487-6910 or visit our website at Vibrant Visions International.
Japanese berry bushesDecember 14, 2007

This has been a pivotal and most extraordinary year of loving, vibrant connections all around. Turning 50 this year has prompted me to take a look back and begin to really see the bigger picture. And just reflecting on the past 12 months, look at this luscious and yummy web I have been honored to experience and enjoy with all of you! This photo captures one moment of the Rainbow Dance. It was taken during Thanksgiving with my entire family in Pennsylvania. Here, I was called to invoke the spirit of the American Indian. I responded.

My deepest thanks and blessings go out to you. In the words of Caryn Starr-Gates: "Go forth and be vibrant!" May your new year and life be filled with Love and Light. Yours in service, Verena, a.k.a. Laughing Eagle Seer

Top Twenty Highlights From My Vibrant and Full Spectrum Life and Business for 2007:  I have thoroughly loved:

1.    Participating in and promoting many numerous local community/school events, and swim meets year round with my loving, brilliant, and supportive husband, Kurt, and our Indigo Child who happens to be six years old technically, but who clearly operates from a much higher plane. They are both my teachers and my muses. I am so blessed!

2.    Playing, working, stretching, and creating magic with my Dear amd amazing family, friends, clients, peers, (and various combinations) and my inspired  L.O.V.E. coach, Mahalane Louis (, with whom my family and I started the year by participating in her "Maha's New Year's QKleanse!" in Austin, TX.

3.    Co-creating and coordinating the Small Group Ministry at the Central Unitarian Church, and facilitating a monthly Covenant Circle in my home.

4.    Coordinating the second annual Coaching Extravaganza at the Morristown Women's Festival; provided mini-coaching sessions at the festival on May 14th (

5.    Participating as a Penn State Alumni Mentor and attending events in NYC.

6.    Participating as a vendor offering tarot readings and mini-coaching sessions afloat at the New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners (NJAWBO) Northern Region Networking Harbor Cruise and Expo leaving from Hoboken on August 7th.

7.    Enjoying an excellent summer of fun swimming at the New Milford Swim Club and NJ beaches, camping at Mahlon Dickerson Reservation in NJ, and visiting with family in NYC, Maryland, Lake Hopatcong, NJ, and Pennsylvania.

8.    Having a Bird's Eye View, literally, of northern New Jersey with Erik Aibel, pilot and my brother in law from Florida on July 16th.

9.    Visiting the wonderful "Mythic Creatures: Dragons, Unicorns, and Mermaids" exhibit at the Museum of Natural History with friend and peer, Gayle Gruenberg of Let's Get Organized ( and our children on August 31st.

10.    Joining Kathy Miller and Dawn Noble's Kalyana Mitra Network (Wellness Possibilities Network) as provider ( on May 15th and attending the Meadowland Chamber Wellness Expo on September 21st.

11.    Participating as a sparkly, purplely witch offering tarot readings and mini-coaching sessions at the Latin American Culture and Arts Festival held at the Hackensack Recreation Center on September 29th.

12.    Becoming a founding member of the Take Control of Your Life Group and participating as a vendor offering mini-coaching sessions at our first Expo in Ridgewood on September 30th.

13.    Attending a Spiritual Autobiography Retreat at St. Mary's Abbey at Delbarton School, Morristown, NJ, facilitated by Marge and Frank Quinn of Milford, PA.

14.    Experiencing Marianne Williamson live in Montclair on November 4th.

15.    Chairing on the 20th Anniversary of the Katheryn Miller Award Committee at the Central Unitarian Church of Paramus, NJ and learning about a group of amazing women nominees... The jury had a most
challenging task! The service on November 18th was extremely well attended and we heard from friends of the community-minded Katheryn Miller.

16.    Participating as a vendor offering mini-coaching sessions in a corporate Health and Wellness Fair in Jersey City at the Mizuho Bank on November 29th.

17.    Participating as a vendor offering tarot readings and mini-coaching sessions at the New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners (NJAWBO) Passaic Chapter's Holiday Marketplace and Business Expo in Totowa, NJ on November 29th.

18.    Offering and hosting a class entitled "Top Ten Creative Ways to Find & Express A Deeper Meaning in Your Life" at Sue Waldman's "Reinventing Yourself from the Inside Out" Series held at the Montclair Adult School ( on December 4th.

19.    Offering tarot reading as a sparkly, purplely witch during the Central Unitarian Church's Halloween party and leading the Halloween parade there as well as at the Hackensack Recreation Center during their Halloween party.

20.    Turning 50 on November 8th and celebrating my status as a "woman of a certain age" by having a Croning Ceremony at my home on November 10th in Hackensack. Soul Dancer, Anne Wennhold of Leonia, a Shamanic Practitioner (, helped create and officiate the ceremony. Janet Spittler and Emma Hotar had created a magnificent Flower Crown using fresh flowers and glittery pipe cleaners! My daughter received a rainbow butterfly sling for future generations. Upon completion of the Croning ceremony, Soul Dancer presented "Laughing Eagle Seer" to the group of 45+ loving family and friends who were in attendance. This was followed by lots of cheers, exquisite gifts, and sharing a lovely old-fashioned "potluck". The more vocal well-wishers joined in doing karaoke before the evening ended. What a blessed, moving time!

Japanese berry bushes
nvitation & Tools to Create Your Ideal Life

Are you ready to celebrate? Are you ready to blaze a new trail?

Desire a short term solution?--How about a tarot reading or a mini-coaching session? Or your own Osho Zen Tarot Deck and Companion Book?

Desire the tools and support for major transformation and growth? --How about Full Spectrum Mentor Coaching?
Experience the amazing power and joy of expressing and creating your ideal life, relationship, and/or profession. We are here for you, whether you are just starting out, starting over, or have hit what seems like a roadblock.

Want a personality assessment? --How about A Colour Energy Personality Profile and a beautiful Colour Energy book as a resource?

Planning a Private or Office Party or Celebration and want someone to  offer tarot readings, chair massages, Reiki sessions, or a combination?

Don't know what you want? --Just call, we'll listen. Telephone: 201-487-6910 EST or email: For more information and links, check out our website: Vibrant Visions International.
As I Walk in Beauty

In beauty, may I walk.
All day long, may I walk.
Through the returning seasons,
may I walk.
Beauty will I possess again.
Beautiful birds.
Beautiful joyful birds.
On the trail marked with pollen,
may I walk.
With grasshoppers about my feet,
may I walk.
With dew about my feet, may I walk.   
With beauty, may I walk.
With beauty before me, may I walk.
With beauty behind me, may I walk.
With beauty above me, may I walk.
With beauty all around me, may I walk.
In old age, wandering on a trail of beauty, lively, may I walk.
In old age, wandering on a trail of beauty, living again, may I walk.
If it is finished in beauty.
It is finished in beauty.
It is finished in beauty.

Note: This is commonly referred to as the Navajo Prayer. Per Rev. Mahalene Louis (, "Before being a Navajo Prayer, it is and has been a Quabbalistic prayer. The Tree of Life, which I am rewriting as the Tree of Love is centered around beauty. At the center of this framework is the Sphere of beauty that aligns the vertical and horizontal axis into beauty. Beauty is part of many prayers."

Contact Info:

Verena Visser Aibel,
Owner, Vibrant Visions International, a Global Coaching & Consulting Enterprise
201-487-6910 EST
Vibrant Visions International