Vibrant Visions International

September - October 2011 

Vibrant Visions International Newsletter











Background Photo: 2002 Verena & daughter  in  

starry waters of Santa Barbara, CA, USA 

Photo (right): Young girls enjoying the surf at Asbury Park, NJ, USA

In This Issue
Shakin' Things Up!
Quote of the Month
Indigo Children Art
Animal of the Month
Photo Gallery
Calendar of Events
The Soul of Mexico
Corporate Dev. Training & Coaching

 Shakin' Things Up! 

2011_08_10_Flower_border_at_chiropractor. I read that every 350 years an earthquake is expected in this part of the U.S. Well, on 8/23/11, we felt one at 2:55 am EST! Talk about a "wake up" call! I was in the office with my daughter and her friend and I felt my chair shaking like crazy. I thought my daughter was messing with it! She thought I was shaking HER chair. We both were wrong. Mother Earth was shaking ALL of us up! Some people felt it, some people didn't. We did and it was most unsettling. AND, it underscored, BIG TIME, a request for a sign that I had JUST asked for.


My homework that day was to meditate on a specific question and then ask for a sign when I was clear. The second I finished typing out my thoughts, the rattling started! The Earth quaked. OK, I would've settled for a pretty feather, however, maybe God knows I needed a REAL BIG sign, one that I wouldn't miss.


And doesn't it make sense that the quaking earth would be represented by an "earthshaking" tower of destruction? Maha's corresponding Hebrew letter and TORA/TARO card pose the question "What will it take for you to ask and answer the only question: Who am I?" Hummm... How would YOU answer?! 


Photo: Flowers between two driveways, Hackensack, NJ 

Quote of the Month


Based on "Turn the Lights Back On" by Lucy Kaplansky


I was inspired by the external and internal power outages... Please note: I used a technique known as "the turnaround" (created by Byron Katie, sometimes known as "the work") and applied it to the original song by Lucy Kaplansky. To create a turnaround, simply take all the references to someone else (you, him/her, it, them, etc.) and make it self-referencing (me, I)... Very interesting what truths can come out of doing a turnaround. Can you see the value in owning a projection and NOT blaming something on someone else? I do!  


Enough with my mood lighting, I'm not in the mood;

Apparently I don't have the right attitude

Do I think this is a sense, maybe that's what I need

Then I could channel some of the dead air between me and me


Dry my new age tears, I'll stick to the facts

Don't need my phony pearls of wisdom, I can have them back

Don't want my earnest sympathy, keep it to myself

If I'm gonna be alone I'd rather be my myself



[Time for me to] Turn the lights back on

Turn the lights back on

That trusting girl I [thought I] knew [me] is dead and gone

[The old idea of me] is dead and gone


I've read The Road Less Traveled

I think I know everything

A little knowledge can be such a dangerous thing

If I'd look in the mirror I could tell me what I'd see

It'd be a real education, tuition's free


How could I just sit there all those years

And watch me throw away

Everything I wanted and worked for

And the dreams I couldn't even say

Didn't it ever occur to me to once ask me why?

I guess it didn't, and I think that's maybe worse than a lie




I was deaf, dumb and blind when I came to me

I trusted me, I said I was supposed to

But I couldn't understand me, I couldn't even see

My hand before my face, much less me

So I told me all this stuff about me, pretended it was about me

And I'd have been better off with nothing.


..... Which is our cue to take a look inside of ourselves....Does any of this ring true to you, truly? "How could I just sit there all those years and watch MYSELF throw away everything I wanted and worked for..." When i look at it THIS way, it's nobody's fault where I am in my life or what I am. Even repeating stories about "what he/she did" or "if he/she hadn't have told me.... I'd be better off"keep us in the mode of pain and suffering. Problem is, if you/I keep on projecting our pain and suffering onto others (their fault!) then we will never have to feel the pain we are actually causing ourselves with our painful stories!


Want to get off the merry-go-round? Call me and let's schedule a "Power to Change" conversation and see what develops! You might want to lighten up and perhaps even jump in with both feet! Imagine having a life rather than wishing your life were another way... Personally, I am ever so grateful to Maha and the Path of XPR for helping me "look in the mirror" and get real about "what I'd see." I feel more in my body that "besides myself" these days... The power DOES reside inside, where it belongs!

Contact info: Verena: 201-487-6910 or  


Photo: Pharmacist peeking through her window, Mexico City, Mexico. 



Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children  Magic













Photos above: Sketches of Our Lady of Guadalupe by Delphine, 10     


Photos below: various Anime characters by Delphine, 10 





2011_08_29_DA_Luna Lovegood Drawings 




 Animal of the Month 





Keynote: Sexuality, Watchfulness, and Resurrection

Cycle of Power: Daybreak  


On my recent trip to Mexico, I had occasion to meet a man who has been breeding prize roosters for many years. Roosters have a special place in my heart because I was born in the year of the Rooster (also known as co ck). Eccentric, who me? That's another one of my life lessons... to become one with the inner Rebel (inner rooster?) and embrace discipline and peace. Let's see what Ted Andrews, Author, Animal-Speak, has to say about the rooster...


The rooster has a long history of symbolism associated with it. Its primary symbolism is that of sexuality, because one rooster will fertilize and serve an entire brood of hens. Because of its early morning crowing, it is often considered a solar symbol. Every morning the sun resurrects itself, and the rooster heralds this resurrection. It is because of this same activity that it is considered the enemy of ghosts and evil spirits which roam free at night and are bound during the day. Another reason for its association with resurrection is the old tale of how a rooster heralded Christ's birth. 


The rooster is extremely vigilant in its activities with the hens in its yard. It is very active, moving often among them, and many believe that this is a reminder to be vigilant in keeping things of the spirit first.


The rooster will always be a totem of great power and mystery. It has ties to the ancient past and clues to your own powers in the future.  


The rooster is also one of the 12 signs of the zodiac in traditional Chinese Astrology. It is a sign of enthusiasm and humor. Roosters are considered very eccentric and colorful,  but they do have a direct approach to life. If the rooster is your totem, it may be telling you the same thing, or it may have shown up to teach you how to be more direct. A rooster can stimulate a new sense of optimism, and it will help you to come to terms with your own wonderful eccentricities.   



Photo: Rooster Breeder, Juan-Migel, and prize rooster, Mexico 


Photo Gallery


For additional photos or full-size ones, check out Vibrant Visions International's website!

Latest photos viewable via the "2011 09 Photos" folder. 

Vibrant Visions International's Calendar of Events & Top Picks 


Scroll down to see Verena's Top Picks from our VIBRANT VISIONS INTERNATIONAL ONLINE CALENDAR which is updated daily*. NOTE: All events are subject to change. Please call and confirm event details prior to traveling. Contact us if you receive conflicting dates or data. Thanks! 


*Go to the Vibrant Visions International LLC website and click on "Calendar of Events" and scroll through our calendar. Contact information and registration information is also listed per event. Calendar listings also includes events hosted by professional associations such as the New Jersey Professional Coaches Association (NJPCA), New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners (NJAWBO), Institute for Sustainable Enterprise (ISE), etc. Please also check their websites for latest details.
Newsletters are now archived: Check them out via "Newslet
ter Archive" on our new website.Appointments: Please feel free to make your private coaching appointment or complimentary assessment with Verena directly via our Online Appointment Scheduler. Please note that Verena's Vibrant Visions International LLC offerings are listed and described separately above in this newsletter and maybe listed below in Purple. Additional listings are in red.   


Photo: Verena Visser Aibel on rooftop in Mexico 


New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner's (NJAWBO) Bergen Chapter Breakfast Networking 


September 8, 2011 (Thursday): 8:00 - 9:30 am EST

Location: Panera's Bakery Cafe, 165 Route 4 West (in
Kohl's Shopping Center), Paramus, NJ


Fee: Members: $10.00; Non-Members: $15.00 - CASH ONLY

For reservations and information, call the NJAWBO Bergen Chapter hotline at 201-444-8773, ext. 4 or e-mail Joanne Clark at or check out New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners-Bergen Chapter.


Photo:  Verena, Joanna Brick, Attorney, and Julie Cohen, The Worth Collection Fashion Consultant at NJAWBO meeting. 



New Jersey Professional Coaches Association's (NJPCA) Bergen County Group Meeting (new monthly meeting on the 2nd Tuesday)   


September 13, 2011 (Tuesday): 10:00 am - 12:00 pm EST


Location: Whole Foods Paramus, Rt 4 East, 300 Bergen Town Center, Paramus NJ 07652, 201-670-0383, www.WholeFoodsMarket.2011_08_11_Gayle_Gruenberg-Jill_Rodriguez-Catherine_Perry-Verena_NJAWBOcom  


This special group has been on hiatus for a while, let's get together to meet each other and discuss how we can support one another. Meet other coaches and individuals seeking to become coaches.


RSVP: Call or email Sarah Jack,, 201-530-5850.


Photo: Gayle Gruenberg, Chief Executive Organizer & Specialist in Chronic Disorganization & ADD, Jill Rodriguez, Mary Kay Indep. Beauty Consultant, Dr Catherine Perry, Spiritual Healer & Author, and Verena at NJAWBO. 


"Creating Performance Breakthroughs through Self-coaching" with speaker: Howard M. Guttman, Principal, Guttman at the Institute for Sustainable Enterprise/CHRMS Breakfast


September 16, 2011 (Friday) 7:30 - 9:30 am EST      


Location: Fairleigh Dickinson University, Lenfell Hall, The Mansion (Bldg. #1)  

285 Madison Ave, Madison, NJ 07940.

Register: or email your rsvp to  

Information: Call ISE/CHRMS at 973-443-8577.
Fee: $40 ($25 non profit organization members).



New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner's (NJAWBO) Bergen Chapter Open House and Business Card Exchange Sponsored by Courtyard of Marriott  


September 20, 2011 (Tuesday): 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm EST  


Location: Courtyard by Marriott, 100 Chestnut Ridge Road, Montvale, NJ 07645. For Directions: 201-391-7700. Members: Free for Members and Non-members. Light appetizers and cash bar.  

RSVP by September 15 to Eleanor Reiche-Garcia at 


********************************************************************    New Jersey Professional Coaches Association (NJPCA) presents "ICF (International Coach Federation) Code of Ethics... Your GPS for Coaching" featuring Brooke Manino, President, NJPCA & President of Advanced Leadership Performance Strategies

September 21, 2011 (Wednesday): 7:30 - 8:45 pm EST    


Location: Hilton Garden Inn, 50 Raritan Center Pkwy, Edison, NJ 08837, (732-225-0900).

Featured Presentation: Updated information on the ICF Code of Ethics that current ICF chapter leaders have been asked to cascade. What Is Your Coaching Ethics I.Q.? Could you be treading into some ethical gray areas as a coach, and not even know it? We will explore why the ICF Code of Ethics should be an important part of our professional behavior. What the code says and what does that mean? What kind of sticky situations should we be aware of as coaches? And lastly, we'll engage in a lively discussion concerning ethical issues and concerns locally and globally.This promises to be a special event for all coaches, whether new or experienced. In addition, 2 core compentency CCEUs are available for all attendees. This is an IN-PERSON event only.2011_08_18_Verena_and_family_at_Samurai_Restaurant.
Price: $39 Members; $44 Non-members.
* Price includes buffet dinner; Register Early - Limited Seating Available.
To Register:    
Photo: Verena and family at Samurai Restaurant, Huntington, NY

North Jersey Biz Expo


September 22, 2011 (Thursday): 12:00 - 5:00 pm EST 


Location: Birchwood Manor, 111 North Jefferson Road, Whippany, New Jersey 07981, 973-887-1414.


North Jersey's Premier Business Expo - 7 organizations unite to offer the ultimate networking opportunity - and NJAWBO Northern Region is one that is partnering with the NJ BIZ Expo for 2011. All chapters in the Northern Region will share in the profits made from this event. This is a great way to network your business and help it to grow. This event draws over 1,000 attendees from all over the state and has around 200 vendor tables.  


For information: call Bea Chaiklin, Northern Region President at 973-992-3650 or email her via   


NJAWBO Morris - Bergen - Passaic - Essex Chapters of New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners' Joint Networking Event


September 26, 2011 (Monday): 6:30 - 9:00 pm EST 


Location: Ramada East Hanover 130 Rt 10 West, East Hanover, NJ 07936, (973) 386-5622. 


Quad-Chapter Networking Roundtable: Bergen, Essex, Morris & Passaic Chapters are getting together to do a Networking Roundtable. Come meet your fellow members from surrounding chapters.   

Pricing: $30 Members by 9/20/2011; $35 Members after 9/20/2010; $40 Prospective Member; $45 at the door. To Register:  


Busy Girls' Night Out Networking Expo - Verena of Vibrant Visions International offering laser coaching/tarot readings as a vendor (NJAWBO co-Sponsor) 


September 27, 2011 (Tuesday): 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm EST 


Location: Glenpointe Marriott, 100 Frank W Burr Boulevard, Teaneck, NJ 07666 

(201) 836-0600. Fee: $10.00. 


Local women-owned businesses will display their products and services - NJAWBO Bergen will have their own table! Make connections - leave with lots of new business contacts - there will be food and wine tasting as well as beauty/fashion tips and makeovers! Event activities include: Empowerment and professional tips from our featured CELEBRITY speaker, as well as The Busy Girls themselves! Local women-owned businesses such as Verena's and others displaying products and services. Connect with other fabulous females - leave with lots of new business contacts. Food and wine tasting. Beauty and fashion tips & makeovers, Gift bags ($25 value) to the 1st 100 attendees. Live entertainment and more! For information contact



Fall Food & Wine Festival   

September 30, 2011 (Friday): 7:00 - 10:00 pm EST


Location: The Logan - 274 Central Avenue, Hackensack, NJ

Cost: $55 August 31st until event sells out

Enjoy a spectacular evening where local caterers will showcase their culinary specialties. Enjoy tasting incredible foods and wines while you collect recipes and watch live demonstrations. Featuring Aaron McCargo Jr. of Food Network's Big Daddy's House. Sponsorships are available. For more information, contact Ruth Harris, 201-790-7776


"Naturally Finding Your True Voice" 4-week course with Verena Visser Aibel, instructor  

4 Consecutive Thursdays from October 6 - 27, 2011 (7:00-9:00 pm EST)


Location: Women's Institute, Bergen Community College, Moses Center (Dept. of Continuing Ed.) 400 Paramus Road, Technology Building, Room T-119, Paramus NJ 07652-1592


Do you feel that you have gone through life not being heard? Have you always been there for others and lost yourself in the process? Have you come to the point of enough with your suffering? If so, join us to discover leading-edge strategies that will enable you to "Be the Change You Wish to See." Find where you lost your keys and get back into your home - where your "heART" is. Learn how to better hear and thus speak the voice of your genius through powerful explorations and playful transmissions. Experience a natural sense of grace and serenity, no matter what your life circumstances may be.


Instructor: Verena Visser Aibel, Vibrant Visions International 


To register for WI 022 - Session 001: Naturally Finding Your True Voice, call BCC: 201-447-7488. If you have questions, please call Verena directly at 201-487-6910 or 551-486-7365. Fee for 4 sessions; $85 plus $6 materials fee to be paid directly to the the instructor.




Spooktacular Entertainment Lunch Getaway: "Unmasking Your Top Ten Energy Vampires and How to Put Them to Rest" - an Interactive Talk given by Verena of Vibrant Visions International at the New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners' Passaic Chapter Lunch Getaway. Verena will be offering Optional Laser Coaching/Tarot Readings Offered   


October 17, 2011 (Monday): 12:30 - 2:00 pm EST


Location: Tap House Grille 344 French Hill Road, Wayne, NJ 07470, (973) 832-4141 


We all know what a technical energy drain or "vampire" are ... air conditioning, keeping the television on for hours, etc. Well, there is such thing as an energy vampire of another kind, the kind of feeling we may have when we are around certain people or when we do something that seems to "sap" our energy. Join us as we unmask those types of people, activities, or even types of thinking that may "bring us down" or do something to rob us of our joy. Next, we'll see what we can to challenge them so they don't steal our personal/professional peace of mind and subsequent success!


Fun-Fundraiser After Verena's Talk: Verena, a member of NJAWBO Bergen, and a professional coach and tarot reader, has agreed to offer laser coaching/laser tarot card readings on a first-come, first served basis ($1 per minute suggested 2011_07_15_Verena-Harry_Potter_moviedonation). A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Cystic Fibrosis. For more information about Verena, go to: Vibrant Visions International.

Cost: $18 Members; $22 Non-Members.   To  




Photo: Verena at Opening Day of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2" in Bergenfield, NJ  




"Naturally Finding Your True Voice" 4-week course with Verena Visser Aibel, instructor


4 Consecutive Thursdays (except for 11/24 - no class) from November 10 - December 8, 2011 (7:00-9:00 pm EST)


Location: Women's Institute, Bergen Community College, Moses Center (Dept. of Continuing Ed.) 400 Paramus Road, Technology Building, Room T-119, Paramus NJ 07652-1592


Do you feel that you have gone through life not being heard? Have you always been there for others and lost yourself in the process? Have you come to the point of enough with your suffering? If so, join us to discover leading-edge strategies that will enable you to "Be the Change You Wish to See." Find where you lost your keys and get back into your home - where your "heART" is. Learn how to better hear and thus speak the voice of your genius through powerful explorations and playful transmissions. Experience a natural sense of grace and serenity, no matter what your life circumstances may be.


Instructor: Verena Visser Aibel, Vibrant Visions International 


To register for WI 022 - Session 002: Naturally Finding Your True Voice, call BCC: 201-447-7488. If you have questions, please call Verena directly at 201-487-6910 or 551-486-7365. Fee for 4 sessions; $85 plus $6 materials fee to be paid directly to the the instructor.



New York Anime Festival


October 13 - 16, 2011 (Thursday through Sunday)

Location: The Jacob K. Javits Center, 655 West 34th Street, NY, NY   


The New York Anime Festival is a celebration of Japanese popular culture from the creators of New York Comic Con. NYAF conducts, promotes and is involved in anime and Japanese cultural activities year-round in New York City, including events at Kinokuniya Bookstore, Japan Society and the Brooklyn Botanic Garden's Sakura Matsuri. Our flagship event is the New York Anime Festival at New York Comic Con. The New York Anime Festival at New York Comic Con showcases the best of anime pop culture, including the latest anime, manga, Japanese cinema, music and games as well as anime-influenced comics, animation and films from around the world. The festival features exclusive and extensive screenings, a gala cosplay masquerade, sessions with the some of the biggest names in anime from Japan, Asia and America, and explores the Japanese cultural experience with displays of both traditional and cutting-edge Japanese life.  


Individual tickets for the New York Anime Festival are available right here. All children 12 and under are free on Sunday Kids Day. Advanced registration is suggested. Kids Day Tickets will not mail.   


Photo: Anime drawing by Delphine Aibel, 10  

2011 Digable Arts Festival


October 15-16, 2011 (Saturday and Sunday)


Location: Monroe Center in Hoboken, NJ. This is Hoboken's only INDEPENDENT ARTS FESTIVAL. Independent as "We are doing this because we LOVE Hoboken, and want to see more arts here". 


We have over 6 Galleries ALL UNDER ROOF! Artists are given a great amount of space. 


Highlights: The "Hoboken Outdoor Stage" curated by Local music personality David Entwhistle will host many local favorites overlooking the expansive Monroe Center Parking Lot! 

The "Mothership Stage" is an indoor stage hosting a cavalcade of sophisticated musicians from all over the map, including blue grass, experimental music and world renowned xylophonist Eldad Tarmu.

"The Black-light Sound Room" will host a number of visually striking light pieces of black-light art including Light boxes, Video Art, accompanied by an array of talented DJ's and Designers, making this special room an experience within an experience.


You may be wondering "How can I be part of this Art Festival"?, the answer is simple. Visit our website where we are taking and processing all submission. We have extended our submission deadline till September 15th. To submit art and find out more about this wonderful event, please visit our website at





The Soul of Mexico Opened Up for Us 


 My daughter and I traveled for two weeks in the inner sanctuaries / private homes of really good friends and their many relatives still residing in the Mexico City suburbs. We were treated like royalty, being ushered from home to home and venue to venue, while seeing, sharing, eating, experiencing and absorbing as much as we could with such vibrant, warmhearted, and enthusiastic new friends! I had to take daily siestas because there was so much to take in! A giant "Gracias! to everyone who helped make this trip possible! Many people were involved on the U.S. as well as on the Mexican side. Luckily, we are now in FaceBook touch with some of you. I miss you already! What follows are some of my favorite photos from this soulful, eclectic country. 


































































 2011_07_27_VV_dancing_Xochimilco   2011_07_25_heavenly_skies_Mexico_City    2011_07_25_VV_Dancing_with_Hermes

Vibrant Visions International provides Corporate Development  

Training and Coaching


For over 25 years, Verena has been involved in the advancement of people from all corners of the globe by providing international consulting, coaching, and training services for leaders and visionaries in a huge array of industries as well as domestic and foreign governments.


Verena Visser Aibel, Founder, Vibrant Visions International, Visionary, Shaman, XPR Advisor, and Integrity Coach, is available for corporate training and development programs, Lunch & Learn programs, and Wellness Fairs, as well as one-on-one professional or personal coaching. Verena is passionate about empowering her clients to "be the change you wish to see" but are unsure of how or where to begin.  

Verena was professionally trained as an International Coaching Federation Coach through Coach University in 2001. She has an honors degree as a charter Communication Studies graduate from Pennsylvania State University with a specialization in Interpersonal and Organizational Communication.


For further information or to schedule an appointment or complimentary "Power to Change" conversation, please contact Verena Visser Aibel, President & Founder, Vibrant Visions International, a global coaching and consulting enterprise, via; 201-487-6910; or

Contact Info:

Verena Visser Aibel, Founder, Visionary, Shaman, XPR Advisor, Integrity Coach
Vibrant Visions International LLC, a Global Coaching and Consulting Enterprise

Email:   * phone: 201-487-6910  *  mobile: 551-486-7365

Vibrant Visions International's mission is to emPOwer Leaders and Visionaries to receive, develop and maintain the state of mind where ALL things are possible.