Vibrant Visions International

2010 06 DA VG backyard fountain.JPGSeptember - October 2010
Vibrant Visions International Newsletter

Background Photo: Sunny Starry Skies at Asbury Park Beach, NJ
Photo on Right:
The girls checking out fish pond at backyard fountain, Hackensack, NJ
In This Issue
Alone or All-One/Update
Quote of the Month
Animal of the Month
Indigo Children Art
Strategies for Women in Transition Announcement
XPR Intro Teleclasses & Coaching Salon
Calendar of Events
Alone or All-One?

A Personal Update from Verena
& A Request for Housing Tips

If you have been reading between the lines over the past two years, you may have gathered that I was in the process of purging. Well I was and will continue to do so for the rest of my life! One major purge, however, included my 15+ year marriage. After much intensive coaching, personal work, and solid legal representation, we were officially and harmoniously divorced on 6/15/10.

My new status is not "single" or "alone" (except for my daughter).
I do believe I am instead, "All-One," as my coach Mahalene Louis calls it. I have made a sacred marriage with my creator and am enjoying feeling complete unto myself.
I no longer believe that I "need a man" (or a husband) to make me whole. How liberating is THAT! I never did buy the Adam and Eve story ever since I was a little kid. I drove my mom crazy asking why, in fact, did Eve need Adam in the first place? OK, relationships can be yummy and productive, literally, however, I do not believe I am defined by the man I keep or "by the company I keep." I chose to make myself good company by being 100%, as in, 100% in integrity, the whole purpose behind the Path of XPR!

On a technical note, I will continue to use my professional name, "Verena Visser Aibel." By the way, I have a few nicknames: "V" or "VV" and am also fondly known as "Verena Eagle Laughing" in some circles.

What about our great blue Dutch Colonial home with the "lemonade porch" you might ask? Some of you have had our coaching sessions there or joined me for tea on a sunny day. Well, as part of detaching from major ego attachments, and, as part of the property settlement, we are selling our marital home. We could be closing by Oct 30th. I'd like to keep my  daughter in her local school (Fairmount) so she can complete her 4th grade year there. We have started the process of letting people know we would like to hear about local housing opportunities. See our Wish List below...

2010 05 Wishing Well
Please let us know if you hear of anything, even if it's through an agent! I am using our Realtor, Nancy Price of RE/Max, to show us properties that involve other agents. Call me at 201-487-6910 or 551-486-7365 (cell) or email me at
Verena and Delphine's Wish List for our next Home
  • Location Preference #1: Fairmount District, Hackensack (Bergen Co.)
  • Location Preference #2: another nice neighborhood in NJ (you can make suggestions if you like!)
  • Size: 2 bedroom apt. in 2 family home, condo, townhouse, or home (we would consider house-sitting)
  • bathtub & shower (need my bubble baths by candlelight!)
  • porch & yard & access (obvious)
  • "light" & clean environment
  • nice views from windows
  • quiet surroundings
  • cats, OK
  • Ideal monthly rental: $900-$1500/mo.
  • utilities included or reasonable
  • covered parking spot a plus
  • Available Oct 1, 2010 or Nov 1, 2010
Thank you for your good wishes and forthcoming tips!

Photo: "Magic Dipped" and acrylic painted wishing well by Verena, Delphine, and Valeria.
Quote of the Month

Life Never Fails by Hearts Deesire

I have fallen between the cracks
and landed in the spaces
where love never fails

Beloved, you are my captor
and I am bound by your love

I hear you whisper softly
don't speak. words fail here, just listen2010 07 flower bouquet.JPG

churning on the seas of your desire
I am the rising and the falling

the beginning and the ending
the fullness and the emptiness

journey to the furthest point of your yearning
I am the anguish and the exaltation

I am the grain of sand awakening the pearl

I am the morsel you are tasting
be it bitter or sweet

quench your deepest thirst here
where you think I'm not

I Am.

Photo: flower bouquet, Hackensack, NJ
Animal of the Month


My daughter Delphine (which is French for "dolphin) suggested dolphin, a personal favorite.
2009 Dolphin-Marineland, FL

In German: "De
lphin--Kraft des elementaren Leben: Der Delphin huetet den heiligen Lebensatem. Er steht in Verbindung mit dem grossen Geist und wirkt als Bindeglied zwischen Kosmos und irdischem Leben. Astrologie: die Kollektiv Planeten, Uranus, Neptun und Pluto."

Translation: "Dolphin--the power of vital living: the dolphin guards the sacred breath of life. The dolphin stays in connection between the cosmos and earthly existence. Astrology: the collective planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto."

Source unknown (note was written in Verena's personal journal 3/21/1993)

Photo: 2009 Dolphin-Marineland, FL

Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children  Magic

2010 07 DA Anime Karon2.jpg

2010 07 DA Anime Cartoon2010 05 DA Parents Thank you card

Delphine, 9, Pencil sketches and drawing with markers

NEWS FLASH! Bergen Community College's Women's Institute Offering  "Strategies for Women in Transition," a 12-Week In-Person Class Facilitated by XPR Advisor, Verena Visser Aibel, Starting September 22nd!
2008 Verena at Dawn-Long Branch beach.jpg

VERENA OFFERING A FREE INTRODUCTORY TALK: "Strategies for Women in Transition" at Bergen Community College on Wednesday Sept. 8, 2010, from 8-9 pm. Find out what it takes for you to make successful transitions. Meet Verena and have an opportunity to experience or see live coaching in action. Ask questions and discover if you are ready to jump on board and register for a 12-week, dynamic, life-changing experience!

Are you experiencing transition in your job, marriage, parenting, or other aspect of your life? Discover strategies to develop direction, look within and be the change you wish to see, relax your judgment and foster a healthy sense of community, overcome resistance and develop accountability and trust, unleash creativity and feel increasingly alive, let go of personal agendas and allow yourself and others to express their unique potential, to feel rather than react, and communicate impeccably.

2009 VV at FDU Biz Class

These 12 sessions are based on the Path of XPR and will help you navigate through new and uncertain territory to discover and arrive at your desired destination. Participants should have valid e-mail address and Internet access to receive course materials prior to each session.

Location: Bergen Community College, Moses Center (Dept. of Continuing Ed.) 400 Paramus Road, Technology Building, Room T-119, Paramus NJ 07652-1592

To register, call BCC: 201-447-7488. If you have questions, please call Verena directly at 201-487-6910 or 5510486-7365.

BCC Continuing Education Fall Catalog (go to page 49)

Strategies for Women in Transition Flyer

Photo: Verena at beach at Long Branch, NJ
Photo2: Verena at Fairleigh Dickinson University Metropolitan Campus, Hackensack, NJ

Verena, a licensed XPR Advisor and Integrity Coach, continues to offer Introductory Teleclasses for The Path of XPR... "Nature's Path to Let the Integrity of a Higher Power Bloom in You."

Our time together is going to be highly interactive, lively, fun, and revealing. Please bring an open mind and/or your most skeptical questions. There is no preparation required for this event.

Our mission: to emPower you to receive, develop and maintain the state of mind where all things are possible. *"XPR" is the evolution in Roman script of the Hebrew word for "sound, number, letter, light!"

Free Introductory XPR Teleclass Schedule

"What Will it Take for Your Voice to be Heard?"
Monday, Sept. 6th from 12 - 1 pm EST
Wednesday, Sept. 15th from 8 - 9 pm EST

"How Can a Mystery School Benefit You?"
Friday, Sept. 3rd from 12 - 1 pm EST
Tuesday, Sept. 21st from 12 - 1 pm EST

"The BIG Question"
Thursday, Sept. 9th from 8 - 9 pm EST
Thursday, Sept. 23rd from 12 - 1 pm EST

"Wisdom REALLY at Work"
Friday, Sept. 10th from 12 - 1 pm EST



XPR XPRess: Join us for this one hour complimentary teleconference call to be conducted on the second and fourth Sunday of each month from 8 - 9 pm EST.  Verena Visser Aibel will be hosting this call and course. This is a forum where you can:
Bridgeline: (218) 339-4300; Code: 875157#

Bring your questions regarding the Path of XPR including our multimedia courses and the XPR IntegriTREE Course. Or whatever is on your mind. Bring your real life issues.

We would like to know...
·   Would you like to be confident about whom you are in the world?
·    Would you like to feel congruent in doing what it takes each day to reach your goals?
·    Would you like to move out of "Scare City" and to feel abundant?
·    Would you like to tap into the treasures of boundless creative energy?
·   Would you like to be free and have no complaints whatsoever?
·   Would you like to feel day in and day out as if you were a 5-year old, while increasingly experiencing a wiser and more powerful version of yourself?

Facilitator: Verena Visser Aibel, Visionary, Shaman, XPR Advisor, Integrity Coach, and President, Vibrant Visions International.

For more information or to register: call Verena at 201-487-6910 EST or email her directly at and specify preferred teleclass, date, and time. Once you have registered we will email you the bridgeline information.

For in depth information on the Path of XPR, please check out EmPOwering Now's incredible website:

Vibrant Visions International's Calendar of Events & Top Picks

Scroll down to see Verena's Top Picks from our VIBRANT VISIONS INTERNATIONAL ONLINE CALENDAR which is updated daily*. NOTE: All events are subject to change. Please call and confirm event details prior to traveling. Contact us if you receive conflicting dates or data. Thanks! 2010 07 DA Summer girl at railing.jpg

*Go to the Vibrant Visions International LLC website and click on "Calendar of Events" and scroll through our calendar. Contact information and registration information is also listed pe
r event. Calendar listings also includes events hosted by professional associations such as the New Jersey Professional Coaches Association (NJPCA), New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners (NJAWBO), Institute for Sustainable Enterprise (ISE), etc. Please also check their websites for latest details.

Newsletters are now archived: Check them out via "Newsletter Archive" on our new website.Appointments: Please feel free to make your private coaching appointment or complimentary assessment with Verena directly via our Online Appointment Scheduler. Please note that Verena's Vibrant Visions International LLC offerings are listed and described separately above in this newsletter and maybe listed below in Purple. Additional listings are in red.

Photo: Pencil sketch by Delphine, 9

"Strategies for Women in Transition" an Intro Talk about an upcoming 12-week class being offered by Bergen  Community College's Women's Institute and facilitated by Verena Visser Aibel (Class commences on 9/22/10, and will be held for 12 consecutive Wednesdays from 7-9 pm EST)

September 8, 2010 (Wednesday); 8 - 9 pm EST

Come hear what the Strategies for Women in Transition course is all about. Meet Verena and review the materials for this impactful learning experience.

(See related news piece at top of newsletter for more information)

For more information, contact the Women's Institute at 201-447-7488 or visit us at

Location: Bergen Community College's Open House, The Moses Family Meeting and Training Center, 400 Paramus Road, Paramus, NJ 07652.

To register, call BCC: 201-447-7488. If you have questions, please call Verena directly at 201-487-6910.

BCC Continuing Education Fall Catalog (go to page 49)

Strategies for Women in Transition Flyer


"How to Develop an Effective Online Newsletter" with Susan Fonticoba, Owner, Home & Office Computer Training -- New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner's (NJAWBO) Bergen Chapter

September 14, 2010 (Tuesday)  12:00 - 1:30 pm EST

Location: Clinton Inn, Palmers Crossing Restaurant, 145 Dean St, Tenafly, NJ 07670
Members: Members: $17; Non-members: $22
CASH ONLY (no checks, please).
or information and reservations: email Verena Visser Aibel at lunch@njawbobergen.orgor call the Chapter Hotline at 201-444-8773, Ext. 5 or call Verena directly at 201-487-6910 or check out New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners-Bergen Chapter.

Northern New Jersey Coaches Group Monthly Meeting

Sept. 15, 2010 (Wednesday) 7:30 - 9:30 pm

Location: Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Rd, Wayne, NJ 07470-3557; (973) 694-4272.
We'll be providing support for one another, sharing resources, and learning more about marketing ourselves, as well as promoting the community spirit among coaches! Contacts:
Abigail Gary, 201-689-9095, or
Renee Sussman, 551-206-9019,

"Alcatel-Lucent's Eco-Sustainability Programs and Green Touch"; Speakers: Barry Dambach and Tom Okrasinski, Alcatel-Lucent - Institute for Sustainable Enterprise/CHRMS Breakfast

Sept. 18, 2010 (Friday) 7:30 - 9:30 am EST

Location: Fairleigh Dickinson University, the Mansion Bldg 1, Hartman Lounge, 285 Madison Ave, Madison, NJ 07940
Information: Call ISE/CHRMS at 973-443-8577.
Fee: $40 ($25 non profit organization members).
Register: or email your rsvp to


Open Mic Night

September 18 (Saturday): Time: 8:00 - 11:30 pm EST

Location: Rest Stop Rejuvenate, 21 Maple Ave, Rockaway, New Jersey

Cost is $10 - $20 (donation). We are a gathering place for well-being. Upon entering you will find a living room atmosphere that nurtures and replenishes your wellbeing as soothing aromas fill the air and mood-enhancing music assists in addressing life's daily stress. Rest Stop Rejuvenate is a place that enhances life by bringing people together and offering enriching conversations, thought provoking exercises, transformational games, creative classes, workshops, and entertainment. When we care for and nurture ourselves we are better able to make choices that are not driven by the stress and discord of daily life.
Information: Vicky at 1-862-209-1439.
"The Great Masters of Art Reveal the Secrets to a New Coaching Paradigm" Featured Presenter: Fred Mandell - New Jersey Professional Coaches Association Meeting
September 21, 2010 (Tuesday) 6:00 - 9:00pm EST

Location: Hilton Garden Inn, 50 Raritan Center Parkway, Edison, NJ 08837
(732) 225-0900

6:00 - 6:30 NJPCA Premier Member only conversation with Author and Workshop Presenter Fred Mandell
6:30-7:00 Three Course Buffet for all (in person) registered attendees
7:00 - 8:30 Educational Program
8:30 - 9:00 Book Signing
$39* Members; $44* Non-members; $19 Virtual Attendees
* Price includes buffet dinner
Register Early - Limited Seating Available.
(CCEU's approved for 0.75 Core Competencies' and 0.75 other tools and skills)

Description: The Great Masters of Art taught us how to see ourselves and the world around us in new and powerful ways.  This 90 minute program will introduce a new paradigm for understanding personal change as a fundamentally creative process based upon his new book Becoming a Life Change artist: 7 Creative Skills to Reinvent Yourself at Any Stage of Life to be published by Penguin books in August. The research for this book included a deep understanding of the great artists' lives, working process and extensive interviews with over 100 individuals who experienced significant life changes.

Info or to Register: New Jersey Professional Coaches Association


"Jump-Start Your Business This Fall!" with Suzanne Bugge, Owner, A Focused Advantage, at the New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner Dinner

September 22, 2010 (Wednesday) 5:45 - 9:00 pm EST

Location: Hasbrouck Heights Holiday Inn, 283 Route 17, South Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604, 201-288-9600.
Cost: $35.00 (if paid by 9/10); Members; $40.00 - Non-members
For further information and reservations, contact Diane McGuire at or call the Bergen Chapter Hotline at 201-444-8773, extension 3 or check out New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners-Bergen Chapter.

"Strategies for Women in Transition" 12 week class offered by Bergen  Community College's Women's Institute
and facilitated by Verena Visser Aibel

September 22, 2010 (Wednesday); 7 - 9 pm EST (Class commences on 9/22/10, and will be held for 12 consecutive Wednesdays except for Thanksgiving week)

Are you experiencing transition in your job, marriage, parenting, or other aspect of your life? Discover strategies to develop direction, look within and be the change you wish to see, relax your judgment and foster a healthy sense of community, overcome resistance and develop accountability and trust, unleash creativity and feel increasingly alive, let go of personal agendas and allow yourself and others to express their unique potential, to feel rather than react, and communicate impeccably.

(See related news piece at top of newsletter for more information)

For more information, contact the Women's Institute at 201-447-7488 or visit us at

Location: Bergen Community College's Open House, The Moses Family Meeting and Training Center, 400 Paramus Road, Paramus, NJ 07652.

To register, call BCC: 201-447-7488. If you have questions, please call Verena directly at 201-487-6910.

BCC Continuing Education Fall Catalog (go to page 49)

Strategies for Women in Transition Flyer


New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner's (NJAWBO) Bergen Chapter Breakfast Networking

September 29, 2010 (Wednesday): 8:00 - 9:30 am EST

Location: Panera's Bakery Cafe, 165 Route 4 West (in Kohl's Shopping Center), Paramus , NJ
Fee: Members: $10.00; Non-Members: $15.00 - CASH ONLY
For reservations and information, call the Bergen Chapter hotline at 201-444-8773, ext. 4 or e-mail Joanne Clark at or check out New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners-Bergen Chapter.
"A New Decade of Self-Discovery" -The Women's Institute Second Annual Conference

October 1, 2010 (Friday): 8:30 am - 4:30 pm EST

A Resource for Women in Our Community: Bergen Community College's Women's Institute is dedicated to developing the skills and innate abilities of all women who care about taking greater control of their lives. The Institute is a consortium of local businesses, site teaching and professional programs at Bergen Community College. We offer women the opportunity to build new skills, impart their lifelong set of values and partner with a wide variety of business and educational leaders to become more influential and stronger contributors to the local community.

Our continually expanding organization is caring, nurturing and supportive; imparting its collective years of experience to other women interested in expanding their skills in the workplace and at home.

Location: Bergen Community College, The Moses Family Meeting and Training Center, 400 Paramus Road, Paramus, NJ 07652.

For more information, contact the Women's Institute at 201-447-7488 or visit us at

"What Will it take for your voice to be heard?" Presented by: Verena Visser Aibel at the New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner's (NJAWBO) Bergen Chapter Lunch and Learn Meeting

October 5, 2010 (Tuesday): 12:00 - 1:30 pm EST

A wise person once said "Communication is not what is said and done, but the result of what is said and done."  In considering this statement, are you receiving the results you want in your life? Join Verena Visser Aibel as she offers an interactive opportunity to discover the secret to adding serenity to your success in both life and career or to having no qualms selling your products or services.

Verena is a Visionary, Shaman, XPR Advisor, & Integrity Coach, and President/Founder, Vibrant Visions International LLC, a Global Coaching and Consulting Enterprise,

Location: Matisse Chocolatier, 260 Grand Avenue, Englewood, NJ 07631,
Fee: No fee. Please bring own lunch and drink. For more information and reservations, E-mail  Verena Visser Aibel,  or
call the Chapter Hotline at 201-444-8773, Ext. #5

Contact Info:

Verena Visser Aibel, Founder, Visionary, Shaman, XPR Advisor, Integrity Coach
Vibrant Visions International LLC, a Global Coaching and Consulting Enterprise

Email:   * phone: 201-487-6910  *  mobile: 551-486-7365

Vibrant Visions International's mission is to emPOwer Leaders and Visionaries to receive, develop and maintain the state of mind where ALL things are possible.