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November 2013
Happy Thanksgiving - Happy (C)Hanuk(k)ah!
Thankful Blessings
To all my lovely Angels, 
I want to simply say, "thank you" for all you are. I already know you are wonderful, do you? I already know you make the room brighten up when you enter, do you?
For all the stuff that you do (or stuffing you stuff, including feelings), "running around like turkeys with your heads cut off" (sorry, turkeys), may you remember to pause and check in with your (inner) self. Listen to that still quiet voice. And breath......... Ahhhh..... feels lighter, doesn't it? 

Today I will be what I want to be. 
I will not alienate myself from my needs and feelings by pretending I'm something I'm not. 
When I disconnect from my true self, I lose touch with my spirit. 
I become deadened and depressed and wind up throwing part of myself away. 

Today I resolve to wake myself up. 
Living life in a trance is not what I desire. 
If I need to be touched, if I need attention or recognition, I will acknowledge those needs without feeling ashamed. 

No longer do I need to pretend that I'm too powerful or too perfect to have needs. 
No longer must I "act" my way through life, hoping for emotional leftovers. At this moment, I take time to think about who I real am and what I really want. 

Through the course of this day, I will proudly introduce the "real" me to me.

Adapted by Verena from an Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA) daily reader for Dec. 15th.
Whatever Your Persuasion is...
Anonymous Photo
Let's Remember to Lighten Up!

Vibrant Verena wants to know...

Does Your Right Hand Know What Your Left Hand is Doing? Or are you focused on "out there" and have lost track?


If you wish to integrate your vision and your word (from the inside-out) and truly FEEL your results for REAL, schedule a complimentary one-hour Simplicity Conversation with Verena, XPR Advisor and Coach. Or check out our New Essenes link for more information, meeting schedule sign-up, & complimentary eBook.


Or Do You Simply Need an Extra Pair of Hands (or another brain)?


If you wish to enjoy "eBlasts for More Call-Backs" or if you need hands-on assistance bringing out your services in a vibrant and effective manner, schedule a complimentary 15 minute Project Consulting Consultation with Verena, Project Consultant & Virtual Assistant.


Office: 201-742-5478

Cell: 551-486-7365



Simplicity Conversation

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