
May - June 2012 

Vibrant Visions International Newsletter













Photo (left): Weeping Willow Tree in Sunlight, Damascus, MD (In the Celtic Tree Alphabet, Willow represents "S" for "Saille which means "Willow," night vision, lunar rhythms, female aspects, fourth month; February)  

Photo (right): Fun in the woods, Damascus, MD 





In This Issue
Animal of the Month: Robin
Quote of the Month: Rilke
Tree of the Month: Willow
Indigo Children Art
Bonus Animal: Fluffy White Dog
Calendar of Events
Taboo(b)s and Custom-Fitted Bras

Animal of the Month



Keynote: Spread of New Growth

Cycle of Power: Spring

2006 VV Bright Swan


Who hasn't noticed these vigilant, calm, and busy creatures as Spring makes her appearance? Ted Andrews, Author, Animal-Speak, has this to share: 


Most commonly known as robin redbreast, this wonderful bird is a traditional herald of spring. Although robins often migrate, they do not always need to do so. Migration occurs due to lack of food and not to avoid colder weather as many believe. If the food supplies are beneficial, the robin will make its home year-round.


In spring, its song is often recognizable to all. In fact, few birds outdo the robin in overall distribution throughout North America. When a robin comes into your life, you can expect new growth to occur in a variety of areas of your life - not just a single area.


(...) a study of the robin can reveal much of its true worth as a totem. Robin reacts to red. In males, it signals other males "to get out of my territory." The red is, of course, connected to the kundalini. In the robin, it is more of rust, as if it has been diluted with other colors. This, along with the fact that it covers the entire breast area, reflects its activation in a manner that will stimulate new growth in all areas of your life.


The song of the robin is a cheery, rolling trill. Part of its purpose is to help the robin establish its territory. Two males in the same area will puff up and sing with all their force. Fights between robins over territory are usually in song. Physical confrontations are more symbolic without injury.


This is very significant for anyone with this bird as a totem. It reflects a need to sing your own song forth if you wish new growth. Any confrontation or hindrances are more show than actual threats, so go forward.


The robin lays a distinctive powder-blue egg. This is a color that is often used to activate the throat center in humans. This is a center associated with will force and creativity. The robin egg reflects the innate ability of those with this totem to assert the will force to create new growth in his/her life. When the robin comes to you, it is to help you in this process. It may reflect you have been doing so inappropriately or ineffectually. Either way, the robin will show you how to do it successfully.


Both parents share in the feeding of the young - on the average of once every twelve minutes. This is necessary, as the young are born entirely without feathers. Still, the robin has energy to raise more than one brood a year. Again, this reflects the activation of the creative life force, reflected within the red coloring. It is the heart of the robin that gives it this ability.


Source: Animal-Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small


Photo1: Robin on branch, Hackensack River Pathway, Hackensack, NJ


Quote of the Month    


You must give birth to your images.
They are the future waiting to be born. Fear not the strangeness that you feel.  
The future must enter you  
long before it happens.  
Just wait for the hour,  
the birth of new clarity. 
   -- Ranier Maria Rilke
2006 VV Bright Swan

Photo: Giant pink flowering bud "salt shakers," Hackensack, NJ   


Tree of the Month: Oak


Celtic Tree Oracle (Ogham) for May
Duir Oak: Solid protection, doorway to the mysteries, strength. Seventh month: May. (The Celtic calendar starts November 1st.)

I found myself wanting to explore and honor a tree this month. I decided to go with Celtic Tree Divination. Some background first, from Whats-Your- Sign.com): "At its simplest, the Ogham is an ancient Celtic alphabet consisting of twenty characters. These characters were simple and easily drawn using downward and upward strokes. It's theorized that these characters might have been conveyed as hand signals (much like sign language on a simplified level) too.

When we get past this face-value definition of the Ogham, we discover that the Celts intertwined their communion with nature into this writing system. They did this by assigning a tree to each of the twenty symbols of the Ogham (or more accurately, vice versa). Stepping into another level of intricacy, we find each tree represents a particular characteristic within the Ogham.

I have a gorgeous deck of cards and hard cover book entitled "2006 VV Bright SwanThe Celtic Tree Oracle: A System of Divination" by Liz and Colin Murray. They say this about the Duir Oak ("Duir" is Celtic for "Oak"):

Choosing this card means that you will be secure and strong in your pursuits. The doorway to inner spirituality will be opened to you and you will be protected on your journey, with the chastity and determination of the female Hawthorn and the fighting strength and vigor of the male Holly. This Ogham represents primeval strength and the ability to overcome and survive.

Photo: Ogham card for Oak, illustrated by Vanessa Card from The Celtic Tree Oracle


2006 VV Bright SwanPhoto (top): Acrylic Portrait by Verena
Photo of Mermaid sketches and four girls watching tv/movie by Delphine, 11
Photo of miniature Sears Building by Valeria, 11
Photo of miniature red Arts & Crafts Store by Delphine, 11 

What Does a Fluffy White Dog Have to Do in Order to Have it's Hearts' Desire?


It's amazing how many fluffy, white dogs I've seen in the past week or so.... "DOG" spelled from right to left (Hebrew-style) is: "GOD"... When I see a white dog, I think of a pure spirit, a spirit that knows how to give and receive joy and obey the law of LOVE / GOD / heART. According to Ted Andrew's Animal-Spirit, he states: "Dogs represent faithfulness and protection and their cycle is year-round... " 'He goes on to state: "It takes a lot to break a dog's spirit. It's ability to love, even when abused, is tremendous. It's spirit and willingness to love and to be a companion is great. Are you being faithful to yourself. Does your spirit need bolstering?" Are you obeying your heart's calling? If not, what or whom are you actually obeying?   


Perhaps You'd Like to Explore My Expanded and Empowering Offerings...


Feel free to contact me to discuss whether or not you could benefit from our Virtual or Not-So-Virtual Assistance Services (office administration, marketing, writing services) or if you wish to schedule a complimentary "Power to Change" conversation. Contact Verena via telephone: 201-487-6910; email  Verena@VibrantCoach.com; or check out my website:  www.VibrantCoach.com.   


Vibrant Visions International's Calendar of Events & Top Picks


Scroll down to see Verena's Top Picks from our VIBRANT VISIONS INTERNATIONAL ONLINE CALENDAR which is updated daily*. NOTE: All events are subject to change. Please call and confirm event details prior to traveling. Contact us if you receive conflicting dates or data. Thanks! 


*Go to the Vibrant Visions International LLC website and click on "Calendar of Events" and scroll through our calendar. Contact information and registration information is also listed per event. Calendar listings also includes events hosted by professional associations such as the New Jersey Professional Coaches Association (NJPCA), New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners (NJAWBO), Institute for Sustainable Enterprise (ISE), etc. Please also check their websites for latest  details.
Newsletters are now archived: Check them out via "Newsletter Archive" on our new website.Appointments: Please feel free to make your private coaching appointment or complimentary assessment with Verena directly via our Online Appointment Scheduler.    


Photo1:   Verena showing purple yam dish (Philippines)... yummy!!


Vibrant Verena Presents "Vibrant Visions with Tarot Car d Readings"at the Riverside  Square Mall's Senior Source


May 4, 2012 (Friday): 1:00 - 2:30 pm EST   


Location: Senior Source: Riverside Square Mall, 190 Hackensack Ave., Suite 310, Hackensack NJ 07601: 201-342-0962 (call for directions to parking and meeting location).


Learn about the history and use of tarot card readings with Verena. Demonstration reading for entertainment also. Senior Source is a new, unique and empowering form of socialization and education founded on the well-being of Seniors, their Families and Service Providers. Relax, learn and grow at no expense, in a comfortable and empowering environment infused with activities, speaking engagements, education, food and fun.  

Fee: No charge.
For more information, call Verena at 201-487-6910 or call  Senior Source directly at 201-342-0962.


Photo (L): Verena, Lucille Skroce, Matisse Chocolatiers, and Jill Rodriguez, Mary Kay Cosmetics. Photo (R): Delphine (5/6"), 11, with giant Delphinium Flowers (grow 5-6 feet) from Tiger Lily, Teaneck, NJ

New Jersey Professional Coaches Association's (NJPCA) Bergen County Group Meeting (new monthly meeting on the 2nd Tuesday)   

May 8, 2012 (Tuesday): 10:00 - 11:30  am EST (call to confirm)  


Location: Whole Foods Paramus, Rt 4 East, 300 Bergen Town , Paramus NJ 07652, 201-670-0383, www.WholeFoodsMarket.com .  This special group has been on hiatus for a while, let's get together to meet each other and discuss how we can support one another. Meet other coaches and individuals seeking to become coaches. RSVP: Call or email Sarah Jack,  sarahcoaches@gmail.com, 201-530-5850.


Photo: Lady Justice statue at The Forget- Me-Not Factory, Ellicott City, MD. 


New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner's (NJAWBO)  Bergen Chapter Breakfast Networking    


May 10, 2012 (Thursday): 8:00 - 9:30 am EST


Location: Panera's Bakery Cafe, 165 Route 4 West (in Kohl's Shpping Center), Paramus, NJ. Join us to for networking and help us brainstorm solutions to a member-presented challenge. Fee: Members: $10.00; Non-Members: $15.00 cash only. 

For reservations and information, e-mail Joanne Clark at jcwills@optonline.net  or check out New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners-Bergen Chapter.


Photo: Verena, Susan Corbo, Attention 2 Detail, and Susan McCue, Dressed 2 Perfection at Maggiano's (Hackensack) for NJAWBO Dinner. 


Vibrant Verena- tarot reader at the Shops at Riverside Third Annual National Mom's Nite Out
May 10, 2010 (Thursday) 5:00 - 8:00 pm EST  
Location: Riverside Square Mall, Hackensack, NJ 07601 (Level 1 between Saks Fifth Avenue and Omega. 
2006 VV Bright Swan  
A much deserved night out with the "girls", this FREE event is designed just for moms!
Mall Activities: Elements of this grass roots event will include Verena offering free tarot readings, and other vendors providing free massages and manicures, product displays and demonstrations, complimentary drinks, hors d'oeuvres and desserts, live music, dancing, prize giveaways, goody bags and more. Goody Bags: The first 250 moms who register will receive a complimentary goodie bag with special offers from participating retailers. Enter to Win: Great prizes every half hour to participating moms! For more information, contact Verena at 201-487-6910 or Simon Malls.
photo: Verena at Shops at Riverside, Hackensack, NJ     
"Global Strategic Organizational Effectiveness: Assessing HR and OD Strategy and Execution" - Institute for Sustainable Enterprise (ISE)/CHRMS Breakfast


May 18, 2012 (Friday) 7:30 - 9:30 am EST      

Location: Fairleigh Dickinson University, Lenfell Hall, The Mansion (Bldg. #1)  

285 Madison Ave, Madison, NJ 07940.

Register:   www.fdu.edu/forms/chrmsregister.html or email your rsvp to pniewski@fdu.edu. Information: Call ISE/CHRMS at 973-443-8577. Fee: $40 ($25 non profit organization members).   


Fifth Annual Keys to Success Dinner Event -- New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner (NJAWBO) Bergen (Verena offering giveaway)   

May 23, 2012 (Wednesday), 5:45 - 9:00 pm EST (dinner at 6:30)

Location: Courtyard by Marriott 100 Chestnut Ridge Rd., Montvale, NJ 07645

Pre-paid Early Bird Pricing until May14th. Register & prepay for an opportunity to win fabulous prizes and participate in interactive events! In addition to our Treasure Chests, there will be opportunities to win Grand Prizes! Keys to Success is a unique night of networking and a chance to take home a fabulous prize in the Treasure Chest Challenge. All guests are eligible to play. If your key unlocks a treasure chest, you win that prize!
Guest Speaker: Julia Torres.

Cost: $40 if paid in advance by 5/14, for members (including members of RBWN,
Gold Coast Chamber, Greater Ft. Lee Chamber), $45 for non-members registrations received after May 14th. Every registration includes a set o
To register via Paypal: www.whoscoming.com/njawbo-passaic
. Mail-in Registration: mail to Lois Kramer-Perez, 76 Hemlock Drive, Paramus, NJ 07652. Her email is: dinner@njawbobergen.org

Photo: RN, Reiki Master and Certified Massage Therapist, Owner/Operatior of Touch Your Soul Now, Holistic Healing.

"Coaching's Creative Quotient: Pictures, Stories, and Humor in Coaching"

Speaker:  David Matthew Prior, MCC 

May 30, 2012 (Wednesday) 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. EST

Location: Hilton Garden Inn, 50 Raritan Center Parkway, Edison, NJ 08837, Telephone:  732-225-0900

This presentation was offered at the 2011 ICF conference. David Matthew Prior, MCC, will present an evening of three live coaching demonstrations on stage with three different clients, exploring creative techniques that coaches can use to tap into the visual, verbal and imaginative world of one's client. Sharing his experience and resources from the world of applied improvisation, the audience will experience a client's journey through the power of a picture, "re-storifying" a coaching topic, and the 3-Word Coach.  The session will end in a short coaching film (animation) produced by the presenter.


Price: $39 Members or $44 Non-members -- Click Here to Register. Price includes buffet dinner.  Photo: Verena on walk at Van Saun Park, Paramus, NJ 

Vibrant Verena Presents "Vibrant Visions with Tarot Card Readings"at the Riverside  Square Mall's Senior Source


June 4, 2012 (Monday): 1:00 - 2:30 pm EST   


Location: Senior Source: Riverside Square Mall, 190 Hackensack Ave., Suite 310, Hackensack NJ 07601: 201-342-0962 (call for directions to parking and meeting location).


Learn about the history and use of tarot card readings with Verena. Demonstration reading for entertainment also. Senior Source is a new, unique and empowering form of socialization and education founded on the well-being of Seniors, their Families and Service Providers. Relax, learn and grow at no expense, in a comfortable and empowering environment infused with activities, speaking engagements, education, food and fun.  

Fee: No charge. For more information, call Verena at 201-487-6910 or call
 Senior Source directly at 201-342-0962 to go online to get a calendar of events.   

Photo: Verena and Senior Source workshop participants

Upper Main Street Hackensack Alliance 2012 Business Expo


June 14 (Thursday): 6:00 - 9:00 pm EST


Location: Bergen Community College Metropolitan Campus Lobby, 355 Main Street, Hackensack, NJ 07601

Now in its third year, the 2012 Business Expo, hosted by the Upper Main Alliance, gives you the opportunity to meet your business neighbors, Upper Main Alliance Board Members, City Council Members, and representatives from city departments. The topic this year is: Extreme Makeover Main Street!BECOME A SPONSOR AND BOOST YOUR VISABILITY!
As always we are pleased to offer you the opportunity to participate in this year's event and boost your company's recognition. As an Extreme Makeover - Main Street Sponsor your company will receive: Premiere Exhibit Space

Your name displayed on the following promotional outlets:
Email blast to over 800 of our members and contacts

Facebook to over 1000 "friends"

Twitter to over 3000 "followers

LinkedIn to over 250 contacts

Networking opportunities to all attendees. With free admission we get a large targeted turnout.
Exclusivity in your industry category.  
Sponsorships are $250 and are limited to Business to Business relationships with specific programs that are geared towards Upper Main Alliance members. The deadline for sponsorship requests is Tuesday, May 15th, 2012.   
If you are a business interested in a sponsorship or a restaurant who would like to know more about our Local Restaurant Tasting Program, please call Eric Anderson of Alexander Anderson Real Estate Group and Upper Main Alliance board member at 201-343-6640 or email him at eanderson@alexander-anderson.com for more information and to reserve your space.     Photo: David Katz, organizer, Linked-N Bergen County, Charles Jones, Sovereign Bank, and Verena, Vibrant Visions International, at LinkedN Bergen Live Event, The Brick House, Wyckoff, NJ. 


Verena's "Naturally Finding Your True Voice" a 4-week course at the Women's Institute of Bergen Community College   


October 4 - 25, 2012 (4 Consecutive Thursdays); 7:00 - 9:00 pm EST) or

November 1, 8, 15, and 29 (not including Thanksgiving); 7:00 - 9:00 pm ESt 


Location: Women's Institute, Bergen Community College, Moses Center (Dept. of Continuing Ed.) 400 Paramus Road, Technology  Building, Room T-119, Paramus NJ 07652-1592


Do you feel that you have gone through life not being heard? Have you always been there for others and lost yourself in the process? Have you come to the point of enough with your suffering? If so, join us to discover leading-edge strategies that will enable you to "Be the Change You Wish to See." Find where you lost your keys and get back into your home - where your "heART" is. Learn how to better hear and thus speak the voice of your genius through powerful explorations and playful transmissions. Experience a natural sense of grace and serenity, no matter what your life circumstances may be.


Fall Register pending for WI 022 - Session 002: Naturally Finding Your True Voice, call BCC: 201-447-7488. See Catalog PDF (p. n/a):  www.bergen.edu/continuinged. If you have questions, please call Verena directly at 201-487-6910 or 551-486-7365. Fee for 4 sessions; $95 plus $6 materials fee to be paid directly to the the instructor. Instructor: Verena Visser Aibel,  Vibrant Visions International.  


Photo: Verena and new BCC friends, Paramus, NJ 



2006 VV Bright Swan

Let's talk about the "B" word...  

So, I was at a networking event and Holly Goldin came over to me to introduce herself. She had a golden brasserie pin and she announced that she had her own firm, Best Custom-Fitted Bras LLC. Well, she followed up and scheduled an appointment for me to have a fitting. Who would've known that I was a 32 JJK and NOT a 44 DDD? Did you know that the measurement right under the breast is actually the smallest measurement and is typically not measured correctly because there are relatively few bras that accommodate a full bosom in most stores? Holly, on the other hand (or should I say, "other breast"?) boasts 500 different sizes and offers a bra with exceptional qualities, health-wise, structurally, and appearance-wise. Guess which picture is my "before" photo and which is my "after..." I haven't had my bust line match a dart line on a dress, top, or blazer IN YEARS... Who knew/new this was possible?

And here it comes, my metaphor is thus: Being open-minded, to a new approach, a new perspective, a new way to see yourself, a new way of letting go of restrictive beliefs (or bras) can make a whole world of difference, starting with a keen eye and a good product such as Holly's, or an empowering ("uplifting") set (another word for "you know what") of services such as mine (see top of newsletter, above the dart line, hee-hee!). 

Thought for the Day: Just Because You've Done Something (or worn something) Your Whole Life, Doesn't Mean You Have to Continue Doing So....    
"Helping You to Visualize & Become the Change You Wish To See... Vibrantly!"


Contact Info:


Verena Visser Aibel 
President, Vibrant Visions International LLC, a Global Coaching & Consulting Enterprise;
Management Consultant, Coach, Trainer, Shaman  & Licensed XPR Path of Awakening Advisor 

Email:  Verena@VibrantCoach.com   * phone: 201-487-6910  *  mobile: 551-486-7365
Website: www.VibrantCoach.com

Vibrant Visions International's mission is to emPOwer Leaders and Visionaries to receive, develop and maintain the state of mind where ALL things are possible.