Vibrant Visions International

January 2009.
Vibrant Visions International LLC Newsletter

2008 Delphine-Eileen Snow

Photo  (
above): Sunrise over Hackensack River, Hackensack, NJ, USA
Photo (left): Girls enjoying first real snow fall this season in Hackensack, NJ

In This Issue
Winter Solstice Message
Enjoying a Vibrant Life?
Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children & Grown-Up Magic
Upcoming Events
Quote of the Month
Winter Solstice Message from Verena
2008 DA Sinteklaas

"That I Would Be Good"

by Alanis Morissette

that I would be good even if I did nothing
that I would be good even if I got the thumbs down
that I would be good if I got and stayed sick
that I would be good even if I gained ten pounds

that I would be fine even if I went bankrupt
that I would be good if I lost my hair and my youth
that I would be great if I was no longer queen
that I would be grand if I was not all knowing

that I would be loved even when I numb myself
that I would be good even when I am overwhelmed
that I would be loved even when I was fuming
that I would be good even if I was clingy

that I would be good even if I lost sanity
that I would be good
whether with or without you

While attending a Unitarian Universalist Church in Reading, PA this past November with my parents, a woman sang this solo by Alanis Morissette and I was moved to tears... When I first heard her sing the phrase "that I would be good," I immediately thought it referred to approval-seeking. I was wrong. The compelling melody and lyrics speak of self-acceptance, acceptance by all, no matter what.  2008 magical Hannah Montana Wish Fairy

In my studies over the past three years with my coach, Rev. Dr. Rev. Mahalene Louise of, I have come to accept that "there is no one out there;" that we are all ONE. Every time I complain or hope someone else will read my mind, I move from that place of Oneness into duality and "Us-Them" thinking takes over. Instantly, fear strikes and my feelings of self-acceptance and love evaporate. Today I choose to stay centered and to no longer project, as much as humanly possible. I now enjoy a serenity that transcends all my fears and doubts. Even when I forget, I can start the day over and "WOW!" I'm back!

My deepest wish is that we all touch that place within where we feel "we are good" as in "good enough", right now, wherever we are, and come to believe that "All is well," even if it doesn't appear that way on the outside. Peace on Earth begins within. Remember Indira Gandhi's request: "You must be still in the midst of activity and be vibrantly alive in repose."
Now, "Go forth and be Vibrant!" So mote it be.

Wishing You Bright Blessings & Gentle Breezes during this sacred time and always,

Verena Eagle Laughing

Photo (top): Delphine visit St. Nicholas (Sinterklaas) at the Garretson Forge & Farm in Fair Lawn, NJ, USA.

Photo (middle): Magical Hannah Montana Wish Fairiy
Are YOU enjoying a Vibrant Life
Rich with Vibrant Visions and Color?
2008 purple on snow

How great would it be if you were to give yourself the gift of your most cherished vision? Or the gift of beautifully handling your biggest challenge or transition?

Imagine giving yourself permission to enjoy a full year to discover, explore, experiment, brainstorm, and create brilliant connections, relationships, pathways or strategies?

Desire the inspiration, support, and tools for major transformation and growth?

How about Coaching with Verena?
Experience the amazing power and joy of expressing and creating your ideal life, relationship, and/or profession. Schedule a complimentary consultation where you get to know about our options and where we can learn about your particular situation to see if we are a fit! We are here for you, whether you are just starting out, starting over, or have hit what seems like a roadblock.

Desire a short term solution?--How about a "Just in Time" Coaching appointment when you desire a sounding board or feedback to create clarity around a single issue, situation, or question, or when you just want a good old-fashioned pep talk?

Want a personality assessment? --How about A Colour Energy Personality Profile a
nd a beautiful Colour Energy book as a resource?

Looking for a speaker or  workshop presentation for your office or organization? Tell us what you are looking for and we'll help
you out ourselves or refer you!

Don't know what you want?  --Just call, we'll listen. For more information and links, check out our website: Vibrant Visions International LLC. Telephone: 201-487-6910 EST or email:

Global and Local Access:
We work with clients in person as well as remotely.

Photo (top): Berry-stained snow atop branches, Hackensack, NJ.

 Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children & Grown-Up Magic

2008 DA Hannah Montana sketch2008 Rudy Visser's Yule card

Photo (above) Delphine, 7, Verena's daughter

Photo (below) Rudy Visser, 82, Verena's father 
Vibrant Visions International LLC's
Calendar of Events & Top Picks:

VIBRANT VISIONS INTERNATIONAL CALENDAR ONLINE: Our calendar is updated daily online. Go to Vibrant Visions International LLC and click on "Calendar & Appointments" and scroll through our calendar which we keep updated year-round. Contact information and registration information is also listed per event. Calendar listings also includes events hosted by professional associations such as the New Jersey Professional Coaches Association (NJPCA), New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners (NJAWBO)-Bergen, Institute for Sustainable Enterprise, etc. Please also check their websites for latest details.

Questions? Please call 201-487-6910 or email us at if you have any questions. Please feel free to make your private coaching appointments with Verena directly via our Online Appointment Scheduler. Additional Photos may be seen via Verena's iWeb Photo Albums: Please note that Verena's offerings are in Purple. Additional listings are in red.

Vibrant Visions International LLC Presents Life Skills for Success Workshop with Verena Visser Aibel (Held monthly on the first Thursday except in January).

Date: January 8, 2009 (Thursday): Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Location: Carousel Healing Center & Boutique: 221 Westwood Ave., Westwood, NJ 07675 (201-722-013
2008 Verena with Poinsettias3),

Learn how to make to the most of your life, exactly where you are right now! Experience the power of women, develop your visualization skills, e2008 12 10 Rosanna-Monica McDermott-Verena Aibelxplore life's challenges, and share the gift of community in a sacred and inspiring space. Practice lightening up and laughing!

Fee: $15.00
Questions or to Pre-Register: Contact Verena at 201-487-6910, or

Next workshop: February 5.

Photos: Verena and friends, new and old, at the recent holiday party of the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) at Stony Hill Inn, Hackensack, NJ. Verena even won a beautiful poinsettia! Thanks!


New Jersey Ass
ociation for Women Business Owners (NJAWBO)'s Bergen Chapter Business Breakfast
2008 Vivian Gaspari-Verena Aibel
Date: January 15, 2009 (Thursday): Time: 8:00 am - 9:30 am

Location: Panera's Bakery Cafe, 165 Route 4 West (in Kohl's Sho
pping Center), Paramus , NJ

Fee: Members: $10.00; Non-Members: $15.00 - CASH ONLY
For reservations and information, call the Bergen Chapter hotline at 201-444-8773, ext. 4 or e-mail Joanne Clark at or check out New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners-Bergen Chapter.
2008 Gayle Gruenberg-Terry Schuster-Maria Swain

Photo (right): Vivian Gaspar, Farewell Mortgage, and Verena Aibel of Vibrant Visions International LLC at NJAWBO Breakfast meeting in Paramus, NJ.

Photo (left): Gayle Gruenberg, Let's Get Organized LLC, Terry Schuster, Clutter Free, and Maria Swain, Doncaster at NJAWBO event.
Ladies Night Out Talk & Tea: Secrets from a Life Coach and Professional Organizer: Creating Space &
Possibilities in Times of Transition;

January 20, 2009 (Tuesday); Time: 7:00 - 8:50 pm.

Hillsdale Free Public Library, 509 Hillsdale Avenue, Hillsdale, NJ 07642

Description: Lively interactions with Verena Visser Aibel and Gayle Gruenberg: Learn how creating space by understanding and managing clutter/chronic disorganization can support you during times of transition and assist you in creating a more vibrant and fulfilling life at any age!
2007 Verena & Gayle-Mus Nat History.JPG
Presentation #1:
Creating Space & Living a Vibrant Life by Verena Visser Aibel, Chief Visionary of Vibrant Visions International LLC, Hackensack. Learn how creating space can support you during times of transition and assist you in creating (or recreating) a more vibrant life at any age! Learn about the Top Ten Benefits and Top Ten Losses as a result of Clutter or Disorganization, and Identify Your Top 10 Personal Tolerations.

Presentation #2: Change Your Life: Get Organized!  A Roadmap for Women in Transition by Gayle M. Gruenberg, CPA, Chief Executive Organizer of Let's Get Organized LLC, Park Ridge. Learn how to change your life or manage transitions more successfully by getting organized. Learn 4 Simple Steps to Clutter Control, Downsizing, and Curing the Paper Plague.

Fee: No fee. Light refreshments will be served.  Reservations are requested: 201-358-5072.
For more information: 
Verena Aibel, 201-487-6910,, or Gayle Gruenberg, 201-248-5208,, or  

Photo: Verena Aibel and Gayle Gruenberg at the Museum of Natural History this past summer

NJAWBO BERGEN CHAPTER'S Annual "POWER OF 100 WOMEN" Dinner Event; Keynote Speaker: Lori Stokes, Anchor, Eyewitness News Good Morning & At Noon
2008 Lori Stokes
Date: January 28, 2009 (Wednesday); Time: 5:45 - 9:00 pm

ay Inn Hasbrouck Heights, 283 Route 17 South, Hasbrouck Heights (call 201-288-9600 for directions)

Make new connections, have fun, and be a part of our largest networking event of the year!

Fee: $45 at the door.
For further information and reservations: contact Stephanie Mace. e-mail or call the Bergen Chapter Hotline at 201-444-8773, ext. 3 or visit our Web site,


Date:  January 28, 2009 (Wednesday); Time: 6:00 - 9:00 pm
2008 12 10 Rosanna-Monica McDermott-Verena Aibel
Location: iPEC Coaching school, 149 Avenue at the Common, Suite 202
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702. Contact: 732-982-8155.

Learn more about: Why do certain individuals emerge as leaders and others struggle to find their place? The answer... is consciousness.

Fee: Members:$39; Non-members: $44 (Price includes Buffet Dinner)
For more information visit our Website

Photo: Verena Aibel, Vibrant Visions International LLC, and Erica Panek, Garden of Life, at the NJAWBO Passaic Chapter Holiday Expo at the Bethwood, Totowa, NJ.
Upcoming NJAWBO Events & Other Happenings

2/11/09 NJAWBO 11th Annual Procurement Event - 8 AM - 3PM, at Pines Manor, Edison, NJ. For more information, visit

3/18/09 Bergen Chapters' Business Card Exchange - Email for sponsorship information.

4/23/09 Bergen Chapters' **2nd Annual Keys to Success Event** - Email for more information.

5/11-12/09 NJ Governor's Conference for Woman - Details to follow.

6/2-3/09 NJAWBO Annual Conference - Crown Plaza Hotel - Somerset, NJ
All events are subject to change. Please call and confirm event details prior to traveling. Thank you for your understanding.

Photo Gallery: NJAWBO Passaic Chapter Holiday Expo at the
Bethwood, Totowa, NJ

I had a booth at this expo and saw many wonderful people! Here are some of their photos. V.
2008 Joy Pedersen2008 12 04 Isabelle Ortego
Photo (top right): Joy Pedersen, My Verve

Photo (top Left): Isabelle Ortego, Crystaline Heart

2008 Lisa Wald
Photo (left): Lisa Wald, DeClutter By Lisa

2008 12 04 Maribel Soto-Nancy Price-Marisol DengriPhoto (right): Maribel Soto, No. Jersey FCU, Nancy Price, RE/Max Real Estate, and Marisol Dengri.

2008 Pat and Susan McCuePhoto (bottom left) Susan McCue (right) of Color Me Beautifuland her mother, Pat..

Quotation of the Month
2008 5 trunk tree-Reading Museum

The Oversoul

Let us learn the revelation of all nature and thought; that the Highest dwells within us, that the sources of nature are in our own minds. As there is no screen or ceiling between our heads and the infinite heavens, so there is no bar or wall in the soul where we, the effect, cease, and God, the cause, begins.

I am constrained every moment to acknowledge a higher origin for events than the will I call mine. There is deep power in which we exist and whose beatitude is accessible to us.

Every moment when the individual feels invaded by it is memorable. It comes to the lowly and simple; it comes to whosoever will put off what is foreign and proud; it comes as insight; it comes as serenity and grandeur. The soul's health consists in the fullness of its reception. For ever and ever the influx of this better and more universal self is new and unsearchable.

Within us is the soul of the whole, the wise silence, the universal beauty, to which every part and particle is equally related, the eternal One. When it breaks through our intellect, it is genius; when it breathes through our will, it is virtue, when it flows through our affections, it is love.

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Photo: Five-pronged Tree at Reading Public Museum, Reading, PA
Contact Info:

Verena Visser Aibel, Eagle Laughing
Owner, Vibrant Visions International LLC, a Global Coaching & Consulting Enterprise
201-487-6910 EST
Vibrant Visions International LLC