In May, I had a wake-up call which pulled the proverbial "rug" right out from under me. My preconceived ideas about life and how I felt it "should" run were challenged, big time. I ran straight into a brick wall: m y head full of illusions and "old tapes." What to do? Naturally, I spoke to key friends, family members, and Spirit. Who helped me the most? Well, that's easy! My coach, Rev. Dr. Mahalene Louis, an Inspiration Anchor, a Futurist, an Artist, an Author and the President of Soulvision Axis, Inc.! I even ended up expanding my current agreement with her so that I could have even more access to her invaluable reflection and wisdom during this time.
For the past four years, I have been working with Maha through virtual coaching sessions, retreats, emails, and a multitude of group coaching via teleclasses of various natures. Although Maha has not been my only coach (I have been working with coaches since 1996 and have received gifts beyond measure from all of them, including Arlene Rosenberg, Bea Fields, & Michael Port) Maha's coaching and teachings gleaned from 23 years of studying the Kaballah have given me powerful tools and ushered in many opportunities to challenge my old beliefs, mindsets, and misconceptions. (For more on that, check out two of Maha's other websites: www.qkabbalah.com or www.thywillbedoneinc.com.)
Well, Maha gave me one major suggestion: SIMPLIFY. Cleanse, clean-out, clear-out, declutter, purge, sort, reduce, "less is more," meditate, detach, no-thingness, do whatever it takes to make a clean sweep, inside and out. So, I have been doing just that. For over 80 days I have been tracking my progress: No coffee, almost no sweets, regular meditation, journaling, swimming, and lots of excellent TLC.
My culmination month has been this past August. I actually chose to take a two-week hiatus from my regular roles and activities and let my family go on vacation without me. Here's a round-up of some of the things I did this past month:
- Hired a professional organizer, Gayle Gruenberg, Owner, Le
t's Get Organized LLC, to help me with "the Big Picture" and work with me to scope out and scoop out what needed to be done in my home and office. I ended up working countless hours on my own being spurred on by Gayle's example and influence. See photos.
- Took an intro session with a certified professional trainer, Carlos F. Perez.
- Ramped up my offerings and exposure by offering events and affiliating with Carousel Healing Center and Boutique in Westwood, NJ. (Events are posted on my calendar on my Vibrant Visions International website).
- Continued coaching with Mahalene, hosting my monthly Vibrant Life Workshop, coaching my regular clients, attending business meetings, and connecting with prospects.
- Attended "Earth Wisdom Rises-Sharing WIsdom Practices from Ethnic Peoples" workshop by Anne Wennhold FSS, SSP, Shamanic Practioner, artist, therapist, facilitator/Soul Dancer Workshops.
- Had an amazing Reiki/Reflexology session with a fellow Wellness Possibilities Network Provider, Linda Zeidler, RN, CARN, RMT: Owner/Touch Your Soul, Reflexologist, Reiki Master, Certified Hypno-Counselor, certified Addiction/HIV Registered Nurse.
- Got an unbelievable facial with fellow NJ Assoc. of Women
Business Owners member, Marie Salamón, Licensed Aesthetician & Electrologist, and Owner, Marie Salamón, LLC Skin Care & Electrolysis. See photo of Verena with Cucumber mask (Marie's own brand).
- Had an upper endoscopy and a routine colonoscopy procedure done by Dr. George Nikias at the same time.
- Attended Anne Wennhold's Shamanic Drumming Circle at Carousel.
- Was the guest speaker on Hueina Sus teleclass on "I don't know means 'No' and other Tips for Overcoming Indecisiveness or Over-Committing Tendencies." Hueina is also a fellow Wellness Possibilities Network Provider.
The result? I have a NEW MAGIC CARPET (several, actually)!! I have a new foundation, a fresh home and office, and a sense of clarity and well being that has eluded me off and on. I have a renewed vision and sense of purpose. Life keeps opening up and I am filled with gratitude and joy for all the wonderful people with whom I am honored to know and share my life and joys. My family and I are healthier and happier, and I am more "present" at work and at home. Thank you, All!
Photo (top right): Gayle Gruenberg, owner, Let's Get Organized LLC entering "the Dancing Room" during the further transformation at Vibrant Visions International's office and Verena's home.
Photo (below): My New Magic Carpets! .........Entrance, ..Dancing Room transformed, ready to host new groups, meditation, yoga, or creative projects such as painting wishing wells!

Photo (top): Verena at home.
Are YOU enjoying a Vibrant Life Rich with Vibrant Visions and Color?
great would it be if you were to give yourself the gift of your most
cherished vision? Or the gift of beautifully handling your biggest
challenge or transition?
Imagine giving yourself permimssion to
enjoy a full year to discover, explore, experiment, brainstorm, and
create brilliant connections, relationships, pathways or strategies?
Desire the inspiration, support, and tools for major transformation and growth? --How about Coaching with Verena? Experience the amazing power and joy of expressing and
creating your ideal life, relationship, and/or profession. Schedule
a complimentary consultation where you get to know about our options
and where we can learn about your particular situation to see if we are
a fit! We are here
for you, whether you are just starting out, starting over, or have hit
what seems like a roadblock.
Desire a short term solution?--How
about a "Just in Time" Coaching appointment when you desire a sounding
board or feedback to create clarity around a single issu.e, situation,
or question, or when you just want a good old-fashioned pep talk?
Want a personality assessment? --How about A Colour Energy Personality Profile and a beautiful Colour Energy book as a resource?
Looking for a speaker or workshop presentation for your office or organization? Tell us what you are looking for and we'll help you out ourselves or refer you!
Don't know what you want?
--Just call, we'll listen. Telephone: 201-487-6910 EST or email:
Verena@VibrantCoach.com. For more information and links, check out our
website: Vibrant Visions International.
Global and Local Access: We work
with clients in person as well as remotely. |
Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Artwork
Photo: Daughter on her First Day of School (Second Grade) by the New Wishing Well at Vibrant Visions International that had been dipped in Magic Dip, then painted with acrylic paints by Verena, 50, and her daugher, Delphine, 7, and her friend, 7. |
Quotation of the Month
You don't need endless time and perfect conditions. Do it now. Do it today. Do it for twenty minutes and watch your heart start beating.
Barbara Sher

Photo: Dondersteen Bliss, Hackensack, NJ.
Vibrant Visions International's Calendar of Events & Top Picks:
Please call 201-487-6910 (or 551-486-7365 cell) or email us at Verena@VibrantCoach.com if you have any questions. Please feel free to make your private coaching appointments with Verena directly via our Online Appointment Scheduler. Please note: Verena's offerings are in Purple.
****************************************************************************************************** 9/4/08 (Thursday) Vibrant Life Skills for Success Workshop with Verena Visser Aibel, Laughing Eagle Seer (7:00 - 8:30 pm). Frequency: the first Thursday of each month. Join in on an ongoing monthly gathering where participants learn how to make the most of where we are in life, experience the power of visualization, explore life challenges, and share the gifts from our experiences in a sacred and inspiring space. Experience the powerful skill of lightening up and laughing! Questions or to register: Call Verena at 201-4887-6910. Fee: $15.00. Next workshop: October 2, 2008. Location: Carousel Healing Center & Boutique: 221 Westwood Ave., Westwood, NJ 07675 (201-722-0133), www.westwoodcarousel.com.
****************************************************************************************************** 9/8/08 (Monday) Feng Shui Workshop for Beginners featuring Tina Munson, MA, ATR, Feng Shui Consultant & Art Teacher. (7:00 - 8:30 pm). Frequency: bi-monthly. Come learn the fundamental concepts of feng shui: how to use the "Bagua" and map that can help you harmonize the energy or "Chi" (Qi) of your home or business. Learn basic remedies to improve finances, health, relationships. Fee: $19 total ($18 workshop fee plus put $1 in a red envelope for the instructor). Location: Carousel Healing Center & Boutique: 221 Westwood Ave., Westwood, NJ 07675 (201-722-0133), www.westwoodcarousel.com
****************************************************************************************************** 9/9/08 (Tuesday) "Color Me Beautiful: Discover the power of color and make it work for you!" presented
by Susan McCue of Color Me Beautiful - a Brown Bag Lunch Meeting
sponsored by New Jersey Association for Women Business Owners (NJAWBO)
Bergen Chapter (12:00 noon - 2:00 pm). Description: The
topic will be "Color Me Beautiful: Discover the power of color and make
it work for you!" presented by Susan McCue of Color Me Beautiful. This
event will be interactive as she demonstrates her color analysis system
on a few lucky members! Location:
Matisse Chocolatier, 260 Grand Ave, Englewood, NJ (rear of building).
Call 201-568-2288 for directions; www.matissechocolate.com. To register, call the NJAWBO Bergen Chapter hotline at 201-444-8773, ext. 5 or e-mail Stephanie Mace at Stephanie.mace@wachovia.com or check out New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners-Bergen Chapter. Fee: This event is free; please bring your own lunch.
******************************************************************************************************* 9/11/08 (Thursday) Shamanic Drumming Circle facilitated by Anne Wennhold, FSS, SSP, Shamanic Practitioner, (8:00 - 9:30 pm). Frequency: the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month. Join in on an ongoing drumming circle where participants: Learn Shamanic drumming techniques; experience Shamanic meditative skills; and open to new levels of your journey. Please bring a drum or rattle if you have one, water, a blanket or pillow, pencil, notebook and a scarf. Fee: $12 per person (introductory rate; new rate in October: $15 per person). Location: Carousel Healing Center & Boutique: 221 Westwood Ave., Westwood, NJ 07675 (201-722-0133), www.westwoodcarousel.com
****************************************************************************************************** 9/16/08 (Tuesday) Taste Test Coaching with a Twist* with Verena Visser Aibel, Laughing Eagle Seer, by Appointment (*optional Osho Zen tarot consultation) (12:00 - 2:00 pm). Frequency: bi-monthly). Would you like to get a fresh perspective and gain clarity around an issue, opportunity, or concern? Please note, you may request an Osho Zen Tarot consultation for focusing & entertainment purposes if you desire. Questions or to schedule appointment: Call Verena at 201-487-6910. Special Introductory Rates: $20 for 15-minutes; $45 for 30-minutes; $65 for 45-minutes. Location: Carousel Healing Center & Boutique: 221 Westwood Ave., Westwood, NJ 07675 (201-722-0133), www.westwoodcarousel.com. ****************************************************************************************************** 9/17/08 (Wednesday) Feng Shui Workshop for Beginners featuring Tina Munson, MA, ATR, Feng Shui Consultant & Art Teacher (1:00 - 2:30 pm). Location: Carousel Healing Center & Boutique: 221 Westwood Ave., Westwood, NJ 07675 (201-722-0133), www.westwoodcarousel.com. See description above.
****************************************************************************************************** 9/17/08 (Wednesday) NJAWBO Business Card Exchange Evening: Sponsored by and located at the Heritage Pointe of Teaneck, 600 Frank W Burr Blvd., Teaneck, NJ 07666. BUSINESS CARD EXCHANGE -- Wednesday, September 17, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Light appetizers and beverages will be served. The cost is $20.00. For reservations please call 201-444-8773 ext. 3. New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners (NJAWBO)-Bergen.
****************************************************************************************************** 9/25/08 (Thursday) North Jersey's Premier Business Expo (1:00 - 6:00 pm) (Verena will be exhibiting at this event where SIX organizations, including NJAWBO Northern Region, unite to offer the ultimate networking opportunity. All 5 chapters in the Northern Region will share in the profits made from this event. This is a great way to network your business and help it to grow. Location: The Birchwood Manor in Whippany, NJ. This event draws over 1,000 attendees from all over the state and has around 200 vendor tables. Any questions please call Bea Chaiklin, Northern Region President at 973-992-3650 or reply to this e-mail and we will help you in any way.
****************************************************************************************************** 9/25/08 (Thursday) Shamanic Drumming Circle facilitated by Anne Wennhold, FSS, SSP, Shamanic Practitioner (8 - 9:30 pm). Location:
Carousel Healing Center & Boutique: 221 Westwood Ave., Westwood, NJ
07675 (201-722-0133), www.westwoodcarousel.com. See description above.
****************************************************************************************************** 9/26/08 (Friday) Taste Test Coaching with a Twist* with Verena Visser Aibel, Laughing Eagle Seer, by Appointment (*optional Osho Zen tarot consultation) (12:00 - 2:00 pm). Frequency: bi-monthly). Questions or to make an appointment, contact Verena at 201-4887-6910. Location:
Carousel Healing Center & Boutique: 221 Westwood Ave., Westwood, NJ
07675 (201-722-0133), www.westwoodcarousel.com. See description above.
****************************************************************************************************** 9/27/08 (Saturday) Cedar Grove Wellness Day, Health Fair and Expo (10:00 am - 2:00 pm). Verena will be exhibiting and offering Taste Test Coaching with a Twist* (*optional Osho Zen tarot consultation). Location: Cedar Grove Memorial Middle School, Ridge Road, Cedar Grove, NJ. Share the Wellness fundraiser, the Cedar Grove Education Foundation is planning a community wellness event. This event will give residents of Essex County the opportunity to explore resources for creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Wellness Possibilities Network Gift Certificates and Wellness Savings Club memberships will be for sale at the event, and CGEF will receive a portion of the proceeds. Cost: Admission is free to the public.
******************************************************************************************************* 9/30/08 (Tuesday) Reflexology with Linda Zeidler RN, CARN, RMT by Appointment (5:00 - 7:00 pm; Frequency: Bi-monthly). Location:
Carousel Healing Center & Boutique: 221 Westwood Ave., Westwood, NJ
07675 (201-722-0133), www.westwoodcarousel.com. See description above.
and click on "Calendar & Appointments" and scroll through our
calendar which we keep updated year-round. Contact information and
registration information is also listed per event. Calendar listings
also includes events hosted by professional associations such as the New Jersey Professional Coaches Association (NJPCA) and New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners (NJAWBO)-Bergen. Check their websites for latest details.