Vibrant Visions International

October-November 2011 

Vibrant Visions International Newsletter









 Background Photo:  Thunderclouds above Pennsylvania Farm Landscape 

Photo (right): Girls chatting at Lyons Fiddlers Festival, Lyons, PA 


In This Issue
A Ten Day Fast Experience
Indigo Children Art
Quote of the Month
Animal of the Month
Photo Gallery
Calendar of Events
Corporate Dev. Training & Coaching

Clear the Body: Clear the Mind  

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."  

Anais Nin 


I discovered that the FASTest way to "be here now" is to FAST... Literally. By fasting, you slow down, really fast... Mid-September, I was feeling strange. I was feeling lethargic, unclear, and generally "not myself." On a physical note, I felt as if my entire body was experiencing "shin splints"... a painful, pulsating feeling in my arms and legs that started waking me up at night. No way! This could not go on! I sought the services of a few cherished energy healers, however, that wasn't working. I was told to "breathe" more consciously and stop hunching the shoulders... Good suggestions but ones that I couldn't just command to "happen." I tried exercising more. Meditation. And then, I was given a suggestion by someone who had done this many times before ... fast for 10 days.


Up until then, I didn't know that 80% of the body's energy is apparently devoted to digestion. I was told that if I fasted and gave me body a break from all that digestion activity, my smart body could instead devote itself to healing what needed to be healed, from the inside out. No medicines, no diagnoses.  


[NOTE: Let me caution you here, I am NOT implying that YOU should jump into a 10-day water with lemon juice only fast plus a colon cleanse "to boot." I am merely sharing my experience with you ... As always, seek the advise of your trusted healers/physicians before embarking on anything that requires a major change along with a lot of discipline.] 


Well, I am here to tell you that I didn't not shrivel up and crawl into a hole. Yes, I became quite slow and calculated about my every move. It was a humbling experience to say the least. I had to ask my daughter to really help me out a lot because I didn't have tons of energy in the first few days. I hibernated, mostly, rested when I needed to, still did my half-hour exercise earlier in the day, and gave myself over to the drinking just water with fresh-squeezed lemons. My cravings went away very quickly. I truly felt "OK" within a few days, and started feeling more energetic.  


When I got finished with the fast, certainly, I had dropped a few pounds (how many? who knows?!), however, what was more amazing to me was that I dropped some deep-seated attitudes about food and "needing" food compulsively... I also found I was really clear on what REALLY matters, my values, desires and raison d'être (purpose of being).  


What started out as a lark, a challenge TO MYSELF, ended up being a marvelous way to get my head AND body clear, and open up pathways in my mind that I didn't even know were closed! My inner eye, as it were, opened. WOW! Who would've known that one person could get so much out of NOT EATING?


Getting through the tenth day was a milestone as well as a "touchstone" experience. It became a reference point for me when I am feeling unsure about myself. I quickly remind myself of what I was able to achieve, with the help of my Higher Power and my awesome support team. People had asked me "why are you doing this?" and I would tell them "for spiritual reasons." Well, that turned out to be true! I have a much keener sense of what "going with the flow" means.... And, I love it!  




Photo:  Mermaid and Companion by Delphine, 10 

Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children  Magic











































Photo1: Finger painting of pegasus unicorn by Delphine (age 4) 


Photo2: Pegasus Unicorn with Mermaid Tail by Delphine (age 5)


Photo3: Pegasus Sketch by Delphine (age 8)  


Photo4: Delphine (10) collaboration with her Grandfather (Opa): Delphine's Self-portrait and sketch of cousins and Opa's coloration  

 Quote of the Month


Excerpt from "I Will Not Be Afraid of Women" Lyrics
by Dar Williams

You tried to make me doubt, to make me guess.

Tried to make me feel like a little less.

Oh I liked you when your soul was bared; I thought you knew how to be scared.


And now it's amazing what you did to make me stay.

But truth is just like time, it catches up and it just keeps going.

And so I'm leaving, you can find out how much better things can get.

And if it helps, I'd say I feel a little worse than I did when we met.



So when you find someone else, you can try again, it might work next time.

You look out of the kitchen window and you shake your head and say low "If I could believe that stuff I'd say that woman has a halo."

And I look out and say yeah she's really blond.


And then I go outside to join the others: I am the others.


Oh and that's not easy.

I don't know what you saw; I want somebody who sees me.


I will not be afraid of women.

I will not be afraid of women.


Photo: Verena and her mom, Annelies, at the Lyons Fiddlers Festival, Lyons, PA.  

 Animal of the Month 


Unicorn Chronicles à la Delphine:  

A personal story about Unicorn as a Totem, Power Animal, or "Familiar"



Here's the deal. I always loved horses. I drew them and painted them constantly when I was young. I don't remember being aware of unicorns. In 1996, my dad made me a unicorn birthday card back that I have hanging on my wall. In 200
0, one year before the birth of my daughter, Delphine, I had a dream about a unicorn, a blackhorse, and a hippo in a tub out back. With the birth of Delphine, many plush unicorns and winged horses found their way into our home. In 2004, when my d2004_Delphine_Unicornaughter was 3, we found a unicorn costume on the floor at Costco, no packaging, no hanger, no others hung up. She wore that costume countless times throughout the years and not just on Halloween. She'd sleep with it, take on vacations. It was her constant companion. 2005_DA Red_Pegasus_Unicorn

When Delphine was 5, she would draw and paint unicorns constantly.


She would a
lso mount Cecile B. Demille-size campaigns, erecting every unicorn, horse, and pony in min-tribes, everyone having a specific function on the floor of her bedroom. It's embarrassing to admit, however, I counted no less than 100 figures in action...

When she was six
, she drew two pictures. One of a blue unicorn with a rainbow mane and tail (yes, she IS a rainbow child), and a rainbow egg. She wrote: "It is Delphine in the rainbow egg. And the unicorn is prtekting (protecting) me. In the second picture, 2007_12_DA_Blue_Unicornshe portrayed herself popping out of the rainbow egg while still next to the blue unicorn. She wrote: "I came out of the egg. And She is still petecting (protecting) me."

And so it goes...  How can this possibly be relevant to YOU? Clearly, my daughter feels comforted, inspired, and pleased by the THOUGHT of a unicorn. What could be more spiritual than that? What ins
pires you, or who or what do you privately believe is watching over you or protecting you? If you haven't a clue, you could always start with one of Nature's creatures... Through dreams, animals that you actually see crossing your path, or faint memories of what USED to make you smile... just relax... open up, pay attention, and one will certainly find you.   


Michael Babcock wrote
(Source: Susan Seddon Boulet's Animal Spirit Knowlege Cards):

Symbology: Guardianship

Although the word totem derives from the Algonquian word "nto'tem," meaning "my kin," the concept of animal totems is univer2011_09_20_Verena_Wolf_marriage_howls-vowssal in Native American culture and other cultures around the globe. Animals are the guardian or tutelary spirits, and each person and group has an animal totem. Individuals inherit totems at birth, acquire them through marriage or by membership in a clan, or learn of their watchful presence while in a trance.

Native American dancers invoke the power of the totem by imitating the animal in posture, mofement, and dress. Totems were also represented in elaborately carved totem poles, which functioned as grave markers or the emblems of a family or clan.





Photo1: Unicorn raiding toybox

Photo2: Unicorns reading Unicorn book
Photo3: Red Pegasus Unicorn by Delphine, 5

Photo4: Verena wearing Wolf power animal shirt, sporting her new howls/vows 

Photo5: Blue Unicorn & Delphine Hatching by Delphine, 6 
Photo6: Blue Pegasus Unicorn (acrylic on bedroom door) by Verena
Photo7: Delphine wearing Anime Unicorn hat at church 


Photo Gallery


For additional photos or full-size ones, check out Vibrant Visions International's website!

Latest photos viewable via the "2011 09-10 Photos" folder. 

Vibrant Visions International's Calendar of Events & Top Picks 


Scroll down to see Verena's Top Picks from our VIBRANT VISIONS INTERNATIONAL ONLINE CALENDAR which is updated daily*. NOTE: All events are subject to change. Please call and confirm event details prior to traveling. Contact us if you receive conflicting dates or data. Thanks! v


*Go to the Vibrant Visions International LLC website and click on "Calendar of Events" and scroll through our calendar. Contact information and registration information is also listed per event. Calendar listings also includes events hosted by professional associations such as the New Jersey Professional Coaches Association (NJPCA), New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners (NJAWBO), Institute for Sustainable Enterprise (ISE), etc. Please also check their websites for latest details.
Newsletters are now archived: Check them out via "Newslet
ter Archive" on our new website.Appointments: Please feel free to make your private coaching appointment or complimentary assessment with Verena directly via our Online Appointment Scheduler. Please note that Verena's Vibrant Visions International LLC offerings are listed and described separately above in this newsletter and maybe listed below in Purple. Additional listings are in red.   


Photo: Verena Visser Aibel and new friend, Mexico City, Mexico 


How to Turn 4 Seasonal Superfoods into 12 Terrific Meals in No Time!

Workshop Leaders: Ellen Harnett, Kitchen Coach and Natural Foods Chef & Kathy D'Agati, Holistic Nutrition Coach  

October 4, 2011 (Tuesday): 7:00 - 9:00 pm EST 


We'll have you looking brilliant in the kitchen in just one class as you learn how to take fresh seasonal veggies and combine them with the satisfying goodness of whole grains to make 12 sensational meals your family will love. Oh and did we mention how much fun our cooking classes are? We laugh a lot in the kitchen with our clients, so there's no stress and no bad cooks! You'll feel like a Food Network guru in no time. Our recipes are made with clean whole foods, no gluten or dairy and taste absolutely scrumptious!
Menu: Exotic Butternut Squash (with a little kick); Ga Ga for Quinoa (oooh ma-ma)
Fabulous Greens in Five (minutes that is!); Palate Poppin' Pears
Registration Fee:    $49.00 Deadline: Midnight October 1st
Questions: Ellen Harnett & Kathy D'Agati, BACK TO BASIC WELLNESS
To register:  


Photo: Ellen Harnett & Kathy D'Agati of Back to Basic Wellness    


"Naturally Finding Your True Voice" 4-week course with Verena Visser Aibel, instructor  


October 6 - 27, 2011 (4 Consecutive Thursdays from 7:00-9:00 pm EST)


Location: Women's Institute, Bergen Community College, Moses Center (Dept. of Continuing Ed.) 400 Paramus Road, Technology 2011_09_30_Verena_under_colorful_archesBuilding, Room T-119, Paramus NJ 07652-1592


Do you feel that you have gone through life not being heard? Have you always been there for others and lost yourself in the process? Have you come to the point of enough with your suffering? If so, join us to discover leading-edge strategies that will enable you to "Be the Change You Wish to See." Find where you lost your keys and get back into your home - where your "heART" is. Learn how to better hear and thus speak the voice of your genius through powerful explorations and playful transmissions. Experience a natural sense of grace and serenity, no matter what your life circumstances may be.


To register for WI 022 - Session 001: Naturally Finding Your True Voice, call BCC: 201-447-7488.
See Catalog PDF (p. 133): If you have questions, please call Verena directly at 201-487-6910 or 551-486-7365. Fee for 4 sessions; $85 plus $6 materials fee to be paid directly to the the instructor. Instructor: Verena Visser Aibel,  Vibrant Visions International.


Photo: Verena at Van Saun Park, Paramus, NJ.


New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner's (NJAWBO)  Bergen Chapter Breakfast Networking 


October 6, 2011 (Thursday): 8:00 - 9:30 am EST

Location: Panera's Bakery Cafe, 165 Route 4 West (in
Kohl's Shopping Center), Paramus, NJ


Join us to for networking and help us brainstorm solutions to a member-presented challenge. Fee: Members: $10.00; Non-Members: $15.00 cash only. 

For reservations and information, call the NJAWBO Bergen Chapter hotline e-mail Joanne Clark at or check out New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners-Bergen Chapter.


Photo:  The Record "Success" Special Section article featuring NJAWBO Bergen and Photo by Verena.  Publication Date: May, 18, 2010.  



Women's Institute at the Bergen Community College's Annual Women's Institute Conference: "Innovation, Inspiration and Collaboration"  


October 7, 2011(Friday): 8:00 am - 1:00 pm EST


Location: The Moses Family Meeting and Training Center, Technology Education Center, Bergen Community College, 400 Paramus Road, Paramus NJ 07652. Use Parking Lot B.


Join Tracye McDaniels, President and CEO of Choose NJ a non-profit corporation that is designed to promote New Jersey as a viable place to make investments and conduct business and Carlos Domingos, Senior Vice President, Office of the Chairman and CEO of Cisco Systems., a multinational corporation that designs and sells consumer electronics, networking voice and communication technology and services. Our breakout sessions include tips on leadership, marketing and entrepreneurship with a technology event "Using your iPad for Business" presented by Matt Winnship, Apple Business Manager.  Bring your iPad. The day begins with breakfast and networking at 8AM, lunch at noon and ends by 1PM. Registration cost: $35 plus $2.92 fee 

For details, click here:  


********************************************************************  "The Secrets of Presenting Successful Webinars" with Frank Ciecierski


October 7, 2011 (Friday): 12:00 - 1:00 pm EST


During Frank's Interactive Webinar, you will learn: The difference between teleconferencing and Webinars; How to structure Mastermind questions to begin to involve your audience; The concepts and content involved in creating a successful Webinar; The Internet meeting source that is free to use; How best to set up an evaluation of your Webinar.  


To register: Click here  (to receive your login instructions). 



New Jersey Professional Coaches Association's (NJPCA) Bergen County Group Meeting (new monthly meeting on the 2nd Tuesday)   


October 11, 2011 (Tuesday): 10:00 am - 12:00 pm EST2011_09_21_Verena-Jamie_Sussel_Turner_NJPCA


Location: Whole Foods Paramus, Rt 4 East, 300 Bergen Town Center, Paramus NJ 07652, 201-670-0383,  This special group has been on hiatus for a while, let's get together to meet each other and discuss how we can support one another. Meet other coaches and individuals seeking to become coaches. RSVP: Call or email Sarah Jack,, 201-530-5850.


Photo: Verena and Jamie Sussel Turner, life & leadership coach, mentor, and workshop facilitator.   



New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner's (NJAWBO) Lunch: "Is your business "Brain-Sticky" or "Brain-Antagonistic?" Speaker: Lizbeth Phelps, CEO of Inspired Leadership Training


 October 12, 2011 (Wednesday): 12:00 - 2:00 pm EST


Location: Matisse Chocolatier, 260 Grand Ave, Englewood, N J 07631 (For directions, call 201-568-2288, Matisse Chocolatier).  


Lizbeth Phelps will share the distinction between businesses that "stick" to the brain and those that "antagonize" it. She will then share nine proven methods that help differentiate a business in today's market- place so it is compelling, memorable and original. This is a highly interactive session. Lizbeth coaches speakers to develop original and advanced on-stage speaking skills, as well as innovative off-stage business messages that stand apart.
Cost:    This meeting is free to members and non-members - Bring your own lunch!
To register, email Verena Aibel at  


New York Anime Festival


October 13 - 16, 2011 (Thursday through Sunday)2011 09 DA and Tiffany

Location: The Jacob K. Javits Center, 655 West 34th Street, NY, NY   

The New York Anime Festival is a celebration of Japanese popular culture from the creators of New York Comic Con. NYAF conducts, promotes and is involved in anime and Japanese cultural activities year-round in New York City, including events at Kinokuniya Bookstore, Japan Society and the Brooklyn Botanic Garden's Sakura Matsuri. Our flagship event is the New York Anime Festival at New York Comic Con. For information go to: New York Comic Con. Advanced registration is suggested.  


Photo: Two girls playing by Delphine, 10 

Back To Healthy Living & Wellness Expo 
October 15, 2011 (Saturday): 10:00 am - 4:00 pm EST

Location: Hilton Woodcliff Lake 200 Tice Boulevard, Woodcliff Lake, NJ (201) 391-3600 ·

Two of my favorite people will be present: Lois Kramer Perez and Linda Zeidler. Lois Kramer Perez is a featured speaker at this event & will offer Personal 5 Element Readings. Combining her intuitive talents as well as feng shui principles, & 5 element face reading, these assessments have proven to be an integral portion of each private consultation. In depth private readings are available. Contact  Lois directly at or 201.906.5767.

Linda Zeidler Reiki Master, Reflexologist, Certified Hypno-Counselor, Certified Addiction/HIV Registered Nurse & Massage Therapist, Ow
 ner of Touch Your Soul,

Photo: Flowers along the Hackensack River Pathway, Hackensack, NJ.

2011 Digable Arts Festival


October 15-16, 2011 (Saturday and Sunday)


Location: Monroe Center in Hoboken, NJ. This is Hoboken's only INDEPENDENT ARTS FESTIVAL. Independent as "We are doing this because we LOVE Hoboken, and want to see more arts here". 

We have over 6 Galleries ALL UNDER ROOF! Artists are given a great amount of space. Highlights: The "Hoboken Outdoor Stage" curated by Local music personality David Entwhistle will host many local favorites overlooking the expansive Monroe Center Parking Lot! The "Mothership Stage" is an indoor stage hosting a cavalcade of sophisticated musicians from all over the map, including blue grass, experimental music and world renowned xylophonist Eldad Tarmu. For more information, please visit our website at Questions: Roland Ramos at 201-394-9891. 



Spooktacular Entertainment Lunch Getaway: "Unmasking Your Top Ten Energy Vampires and How to Put Them to Rest" - an Interactive Talk given by Verena of Vibrant Visions International at the New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners' Passaic Chapter Lunch Getaway. Verena will be offering Optional Laser Coaching/Tarot Readings Offered   


October 17, 2011 (Monday): 12:30 - 2:00 pm EST


Location: Tap House Grille,  344 French Hill Road, Wayne, NJ 07470, (973) 832-4141 

We all know what a technical energy drain or "vampire" are ... air conditioning, keeping the television on for hours, etc. Well, there is such thing as an energy vampire of another kind, the kind of feeling we may have when we are around certain people or when 2011_09_27_Verena-Angelica_Ybanez_Criscuolowe do something that seems to "sap" our energy. Join us as we unmask those types of people, activities, or even types of thinking that may "bring us down" or do something to rob us of our joy. Next, we'll see what we can to challenge them so they don't steal our personal/professional peace of mind and subsequent success!


Fun-Fundraiser After Verena's Talk: Verena, a member of NJAWBO Bergen, and a professional coach and tarot reader, has agreed to offer laser coaching/laser tarot card readings on a first-come, first served basis ($1 per minute suggested donation). A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Cystic Fibrosis. For more information about Verena, go to: Vibrant Visions International.  

Cost: $18 Members; $22 Non-Members.   To  register:  


Photo: Verena and Angelica Criscuolo, professional photographer at The Busy Girls' Night Out at the Glenpointe Marriott, Teaneck, NJ.     


Verena Offering Laser Coaching & Tarot Readings at the Wine, Cheese, & Chocolate Fondue Networking Evening & Fundraiser of the Junior Women's Club of Somerset Hills, Hosted by Affinity Federal Credit Union

October 18, 2011 (Tuesday): 7:00 - 9:00 pm EST

Location: Affinity Federal Credit Union, 73 Mountainview Blvd, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920. Affinity's Basking Ridge office is conveniently located off of Route 78, exit 33 just past 100 Marketplace (where Panera Bread is located).

The Junior Women's Club of Somerset Hills is part of the national Greater Federation of Women's Clubs, a non-profit, community service organization, serving Warren, Basking Ridge, Bernardsville, Peapack-Gladstone, Bedminster, and Far Hills for more than 80 years. Networking for a purpose: all proceeds from the 2011_09_27_Verena-Karintia_De_Jesus_tarot_readingevening's sponsors will benefit the Red Cross of Somerset, NJ-additional contributions are welcome! Cost: Complimentary Admittance. No charge. To Exhibit: $25.00. To register or to be an exhibiting sponsor:

Verena, a professional coach and tarot reader, has agreed to offer laser coaching/laser tarot card readings on a first-come, first served basis (on a donation basis; portion of which will go to the Red Cross of Somerset-NJ). For more information, contact Verena at 201-487-6910 or

Photo: Verena and Karintia De Jesus at the The Busy Girls' Night Out at the Glenpointe Marriott, Teaneck, NJ.  

New Jersey Professional Coaches Association (NJPCA) presents "A 3-Step Process to Creating a Confident Client Connection" featuring Ben Dooley

October 19, 2011 (Wednesday): 6:00 - 9:00 pm EST    


Location: Hilton Garden Inn, 50 Raritan Center Pkwy, Edison, NJ 08837, (732-225-0900).

Workshop Description:  This interactive workshop exposes three deadly coaching myths and provides three incredibly easy and amazingly effective techniques that will get you instantly out of your head and back into your client.  Create powerful connections with your clients so your coaching style can be confident, impactful and empowering. In addition, 2 core compentency CCEUs are available for all attendees. This is an IN-PERSON event only.
Price: $39 Members; $44 Non-members. * Price includes buffet dinner; Register Early - Limited Seating Available. To Register:    

"Upcycling": Growing and Profiting from an Emerging, Sustainable Industry (Speaker: Andrew Sell, Chief Hipcycler, Hipcycle, LLC) at the Institute for Sustainable Enterprise (ISE)/CHRMS Breakfast


October 21, 2011 (Friday) 7:30 - 9:30 am EST      


Location: Fairleigh Dickinson University, Lenfell Hall, The Mansion (Bldg. #1)  

285 Madison Ave, Madison, NJ 07940.

Register: or email your rsvp to Information: Call ISE/CHRMS at 973-443-8577. Fee: $40 ($25 non profit organization members).


Photo: Dawnette Walker of Verizon, Verena, and Speaker Howard Guttman of Guttman Development Strategies  at recent ISE Meeting 


New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner's (NJAWBO) Dinner Meeting: "Do you stand out enough?" with Maggie Anderson, a marketing communications expert & coach 


October 26, 2011 (Tuesday): 5:45 pm -9:00 pm EST  2011_09_16_The_Mansion_FDU_Florham_Park.


Location: The Hasbrouck Heights Holiday Inn, 283 Route 17 South, Hasbrouck Heights NJ 07604 

Maggie Anderson works with entrepreneurs to transform the way their companies are perceived in the marketplace. She will address "you are brilliant - so why don't they buy" as well as how to attract new prospects and opportunities. She will also demonstrate how to shift from an "old marketing" to a "new marketing" mentality in order to attract more opportunity.  

Fee: $35.00 members; $40 non-members if paid by October 19th 

$45.00 at the door; RSVP by October 19th to Eleanor Reiche-Garcia at  


Photo: The Mansion at Fairleigh Dickinson University-Florham Park, Madison, NJ. Scenes from "A Brilliant Mind" were filmed here. 



"Naturally Finding Your True Voice" 4-week course with Verena Visser Aibel, instructor


November 10 - December 8, 2011 (4 Consecutive Thursdays from 7 - 9 pm - except for 11/24 - no class)   


Location: Women's Institute, Bergen Community College, Moses Center (Dept. of Continuing Ed.) 400 Paramus Road, Technology Building, Room T-119, Paramus NJ 07652-1592


Do you feel that you have gone through life not being heard? Have you always been there for others and lost yourself in the process? Have you come to the point of enough with your suffering? If so, join us to discover leading-edge strategies that will enable you to "Be the Change You Wish to See." Find where you lost your keys and get back into your home - where your "heART" is. Learn how to better hear and thus speak the voice of your genius through powerful explorations and playful transmissions. Experience a natural sense of grace and serenity, no matter what your life circumstances may be.


To register for WI 022 - Session 002: Naturally Finding Your True Voice, call BCC: 201-447-7488. See Catalog PDF (p. 133): If you have questions, please call Verena directly at 201-487-6910 or 551-486-7365. Fee for 4 sessions; $85 plus $6 materials fee to be paid directly to the the instructor. Instructor: Verena Visser Aibel,  Vibrant Visions International  


Photo: Verena being serenaded by Mariachi Players, Molinas des Flores, Mexico. 




Vibrant Visions International provides Corporate Development  

Training and Coaching


For over 25 years, Verena has been involved in the advancement of people from all corners of the globe by providing international consulting, coaching, and training services for leaders and visionaries in a huge array of industries as well as domestic and foreign governments.


Verena Visser Aibel, Founder, Vibrant Visions International, Visionary, Shaman, XPR Advisor, and Integrity Coach, is available for corporate training and development programs, Lunch & Learn programs, and Wellness Fairs, as well as one-on-one professional or personal coaching. Verena is passionate about empowering her clients to "be the change you wish to see" but are unsure of how or where to begin.  

Verena was professionally trained as an International Coaching Federation Coach through Coach University in 2001. She has an honors degree as a charter Communication Studies graduate from Pennsylvania State University with a specialization in Interpersonal and Organizational Communication.


For further information or to schedule an appointment or complimentary "Power to Change" conversation, please contact Verena Visser Aibel, President & Founder, Vibrant Visions International, a global coaching and consulting enterprise, via; 201-487-6910; or

Contact Info:

Verena Visser Aibel, Founder, Visionary, Shaman, XPR Advisor, Integrity Coach
Vibrant Visions International LLC, a Global Coaching and Consulting Enterprise

Email:   * phone: 201-487-6910  *  mobile: 551-486-7365

Vibrant Visions International's mission is to emPOwer Leaders and Visionaries to receive, develop and maintain the state of mind where ALL things are possible.