Are You NOT Feeling Heard?
Do you feel invisible?
Would you like to find & speak your true voice?
If so, check out these three options...

Join me LIVE for my Northern NJ-based class (starts 11/21) at Bergen Community College:

Learn how to better hear and thus speak the voice of your genius through powerful explorations and playful transmissions. Experience a natural sense of grace and serenity, no matter what your life circumstances may be.


Class starts this Thursday, November 21, skipping Thanksgiving, and continues for three more Thursdays, from 7 - 9 pm ET. Location: the Women's Institute, Bergen Community College, Moses Center (Paramus NJ).


Register Today for the WI 022 - Session 002: Naturally Finding Your True Voice, call BCC: 201-447-7488. For details, see Catalog (p. 72). Fee for 4 sessions; $95 plus $6 materials.

Join me virtually for a complimentary Simplicity Conversation:

Together, we will explore what may block you from knowing and speaking your truth. Would you like to know "What will it take to change an insane engrained habit, and thus move to wisdom?"

For more information click here. Call Verena to schedule your Simplicity Conversation: 201-742-5478, or email her via
The New Essenes is a gathering of ordinary people practicing deep introspection as a way to solve everyday problems. Enjoy our community calls on Blog Talk Radio.

For more information and to sign up to receive email remainders about emPowering NOW / New Essenes announcements.

Sign up here to see the New Essenes Blog Talk Radio Schedule (please note, events are listed in Central Time).

Drive Traffic to Your Website via a Virtual Chat Room App...

The NetworkingTheRoom.Com App lets you create a Virtual Networking Room, on the internet, that instantly turns a crowded event into a networking event. The Virtual Room allows everyone to use their computers or mobile devices to connect and network with one another before, during, and after the event, driving traffic to your site with each visit. Generate good will and new leads. Create advertising revenue as well.

Contact Verena to set up a demonstration: Verena@Vibrant-Visions.Com or 201-742-5478. Sample Virtual Networking Room:
Vibrant Visions International Virtual Chat Room 209.

Questions? Contact:
Verena "V" Aibel
President, Vibrant Visions International LLC
XPR Advisor & Coach - Marketing Project Consultant - Virtual Assistant - Corporate/Professional Trainer
Phone: 201-742-5478 W; 551-486-7365 C

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