Testimonial about Verena:
"If you think I wake you up, that's nothing! I was so asleep and I didn't even know it. Verena woke me up! From working with Verena, I realized 'Oh, my God, there's so much more to life!' Verena helped me to find my inner spark, taught me how to fan the flame, and burn brightly in a rainbow shower of light. I now know I'll never feel alone, boring/bored, or 'less than' ever again. If you are Ready, Able, and Willing (RAW), Verena will help you to change your life."
Signature: Gayle M. Gruenberg, CPA, Chief Executive Organizer, Specialist in Chronic Disorganization and ADD, & Owner, Let's Get Organized Photo: Verena and Gayle at NJAWBO Passaic Holiday Marketplace, The Bethwood, Totowa, NJ.
If you would like to become Verena's contact on FaceBook, Naymz, LinkedIn, Plaxo, etc., please email her directly via Verena@VibrantCoach.com or do a search in your preferred Social Networking site and make your request online.
TWO LIVE GROUP COACHING PROGRAMS STARTING IN JANUARY - one in Hackensack; one via telephone/telebridge!
Start to see; Learn to be Free
We are initiating two exciting Path o f XPR Group Coaching Programs that will be held monthly, starting in January, and rotate throughout the years. Anytime you choose to step up the plate and start, you win! Groups are limited to 11 people - first come, first served! Call today to reserve your spot!
A Live Group will meet on the Third Sunday of each month from 3-6 pm EST, starting January 16th. This group will feature potluck style gatherings in a private home.
A Virtual Group will be held on the Fourth Sunday of each month from 3-5 pm EST, starting January 23rd. This group will meet via a Bridgeline.
Experience 12 months of unwrapping your own mysteries and become empowered to receive, develop, and maintain a state of mind where ALL things are possible. To support your learning and absorption of the material, each participant will receive access to 12+ fully illustrated Path of XPR eBooks and recordings.
Pre-requisite: "Power to Change" complimentary session with Verena (schedule one today!) or must be a current one-on-one coaching client.
Fee: $90/month for 12 months or pay $990 in advance and save 10%. Credit cards accepted.
Questions? Please call Verena directly at 201-487-6910 or send us an email
Vibrant Visions International's mission is to emPOwer Leaders and Visionaries to receive, develop and maintain the state of mind where ALL things are possible.  "The purpose of a Mystery School, shall you wonder, is to allow the mind to relax on the other side of its constant agenda to control the show. The ego mind does just that- planning and scheming! It wants to know exactly what is going to happen next year, if this investment is going to reveal profitable, if this event will be successful, if this marriage will work." Mahalene Louis, Path of XPR's Author. Futurist. Artist. Infinity Guide. Co-Founder of emPOweringNOW LLC.
 Top Photo: the girls playing freely in the snow, Hackensack, NJ.
Photo of Painting: "Verena Eagle Laughing" by Verena Visser Aibel **************************************************************** |
Curious About Other Vibrant Events in Verena's World ... including NJ/NY and in the Virtual World?!
Go to Verena's online calendar to see her latest postings on events hosted by NJAWBO, NJPCA, Institute for Sustainable Enterprise, Association for Higher Awareness, and more!
Just click on Vibrant Visions International LLC and click go to "Calendar & Appointments" and scroll through to see what tickles YOUR fancy! Contact information and registration information is also listed per event.
Photo: 2010 11 30 Thomasina Hyland, Verena, Gayle Gruenberg, and Maria-Elena Grant at the Bethwood - NJAWBO Holiday Marketplace and Business Expo.
Verena Visser Aibel Vibrant Visions International LLC 64 Elm Avenue Hackensack, NJ 07601 USA
201-487-6910 W 551-486-7365 C Verena@VibrantCoach.com www.VibrantCoach.com