It's by far, the most
unimaginable thing I've had to cope with... the news that my older brother had
been killed in a car accident. Stunning. I have layers of memories surfacing in
addition to waves of emotions rising and falling. At the time I got the news, I
called my coach, Mahalene Louis, who suggested I ask for a dream that could inform me about what Bob is trying to tell me. I got one: Bob threw the castle door wide up, Kramer-Style (Seinfeld TV Show), dressed in a funky Monty
Python knight attire and had a crazy look in his eyes. [Bob loved Monty Python]. As he
does so, he proclaimed proudly and dramatically, "I OPEN HEARTS!!!" and pounds
his chest with his right hand and swings it wide to underscore what he just
exclaimed. No mistaking who THAT was!
The image of this dream is what is carrying me. I continue to scan the landscape for signs from nature to help lighten my heavy heart. I see a dove, again, in the snow-laden Dogwood tree out back...
Our family chose to host a "Celebration of Life" in Bob's honor. That was an extraordinary happening. Following is my Facebook entry (2/8/10) recounting that event: Thanks to everyone who contributed to this amazing afternoon. It was a celebration
worthy of Bob and his outrageous, brilliant life. Over 150 came from as far
away as Thailand and the Netherlands. Someone brought potted flowers and
lavender for the tables. Home made food of every nationality and delicacy were
brought in by many guests. We met in the Fellowship Hall of the United
Methodist Church of Huntington, NY where Heidi used to have her Girl Scout
meetings with her daughters.
At the front of the room we had set up a giant
altar with statues of whales, Ganesh, crystals, a purple and blue dragon,
significant rocks and shells, and books of his about Atlantis and How to
measure the Universe, etc. We had displays of Bob's artwork from his Pratt
Institute days, including his famous 240-mile high elevator shaft (his senior
year project), a chess set, and a pen and ink rendition of the United Nations
building in NYC. Several family members, friends, and peers spoke about what
Bob meant to them. I spoke about the dream I had of Bob declaring, "I open
hearts!" I believe, from the bottom of my heart, that we are connected and
that a belief in separation is but an illusion. Bob is with me now, as are
Quotation of the Month

A printed note from my dear friend, Barbara Malone, Queensbury Press:
The Ship
I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails in the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength and I stand and watch until at least she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come down to mingle with each other. Then someone at my side says, "There she goes!"
Gone where? Gone from my sight ... that is all.
She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and just as able to bear her load of living freight to the place of destination. Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says, "There she goes!"
There are other eyes watching her coming and other voices ready to take up the glad shout, "There she comes!"
Henry Jackson Van Dyke (1852 - 1933) Photo: Delphine, 8, Boat, watercolor
Indigo-Rainbow-Crystal Children Magic FUNDRAISER 
Andy Warhol Style Self-Portrait (4-up), 8"x10" drawing with markers by Delphine, 8. Made in her 3rd grade Fairmount School Art Class (Ms. Kate Seborowski, art teacher).
Full-color poster available upon request. A portion of each sale will be donated to the Waldorf School of Garden City on your behalf in memory of Robert C. Visser, Delphine's uncle. Contact Verena directly for more information.

Photo: Valentine Anime Drawing by Delphine, 8 Photo below: Anime Cartoon (partial) by Delphine, 8.

Verena's Older Brother, Bob, Passed Away in January
Article by Arlene Gross www.NorthShoreofLong Island.com
Robert "Bob" C. Visser, AIA, born in Marrakesh, Morocco 53 years ago to Rudy and Annelies Visser, died on January 27, 2010 in a car accident in Centerport, NY.
Bob graduated from Wyomissing High School, Wyomissing, PA. He graduated from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY as an architect where he met his wife Heidi Steinhauer who gave him two lovely daughters, Julie and Kristi. In 1993, Bob founded Visser Software Services, centered in NYC, and began serving the world of facility management, reaching throughout the US, Europe, and Asia.
 Robert was a kind, patient man with a tremendous depth of vision and a heart of gold. Everyone who met him was inspired to be a better person and to live out their lives to the fullest. He will remain in the hearts and minds of those who had the pleasure of knowing him.
dream realized
Visser worked for
Computerized Facility Integration, a facilities management company that six
months ago acquired Visser Software Services.
In the latter months
of his life, Visser was able to do what he did best. "Bob was so thrilled
because he didn't have to run a whole small business by himself but could
really focus on his specialty of problem solving," his wife, Heidi, said.
"He was a very deep thinker. He was the kind of person who could not give
you a yes or no answer. He was the kind of person who would give you a complete
As a young boy, Bob was so influenced by his dad, a civil
engineer and artist whom he accompanied on weekend inspections of projects,
that he knew by age 8 he wanted to be an architect, Heidi recalled
Once he became a
professional in computer-aided design, Visser was frequently called upon to
train other architects on the system. He also developed software to further
enhance architects' capabilities.
Characterizing her
father as a fun person, Julie Visser, 23, of Huntington said, "He always
knew how to cheer people up. In bad situations he would always know what to say
to kind of make people smile and laugh, and enjoy the smaller things that are
still around."
Kristi, 19, a
sophomore at college, studying Japanese language and culture, recalled how
family trips brought out the consummate planner in her dad.
"He'd research
everything and know every little bit of it," Kristi said. "I never
really thought about it, but who else was going to do that? It made it easier
for everyone. It wasn't a burden to him. He enjoyed it."
In addition to his
wife and daughters, Visser is survived by his parents, Rudy and Annelies Van
den Assem Visser of Pennsylvania; sister, Verena Visser Aibel of New Jersey;
and brother Kenneth Visser of Maryland. Donations in his memory may be made to
The Waldorf School of Garden City, 225 Cambridge Avenue, Garden City, NY 11530
or at www.waldorfgarden.org.
Photo 1: Bob, Verena, Ken (1993) Riverhead, NY Photo 2: Bob's 1978 Pratt Institute Project of a 240-mile high elevator shaft... His own pathway to the stars...
Animal of the MonthThe other evening, after learning about my older brother's death, I was driving my parents back to their home in Pennsylvania. All of the sudden, we
spotted an opossum running across the
street as fast as it could!
Opossum Keynote: The Use of Appearances. Sometimes it is necessary to "play dead."
Sometimes it is necessary to pout up a particular front to succeed most easily
and effectively. It also can show you when others are putting up false fronts
and deceptions. Opossum can help us learn to divert attention or to get
attention any way we need.
Sometimes it is necessary to behave or act in a
strategic manner. We may need to appear fearful or fearless in spite of how we
truly feel. We may need to show submission or aggression. We may need to be
apathetic or extremely caring. Opossum is the supreme actor, and those in the
acting field or that need to learn something of it can do no better than to
work with the opossum. They are marsupials that raise their young in a pouch
on the abdomen. The pouch, especially in regards to the opossum's defense of
"playing dead," links it to the ability to help us draw from our own bag of
tricks that which will most benefit us.
Question to ask yourself: Are you
acting or about to act in an inappropriate manner? Do you need to strengthen
your own appearance? Are others putting up false appearances in front of you?
Do you need to divert attention away from some activity? Are others trying to
divert your attention? Is it time to go into your bag of tricks and pullout
some new strategy? Learning to pretend and act in a ways and with realism is
the magic that opossum teaches.
Source: Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews
Photo is of one seen in our backyard last
NEWS FLASH! Verena, a newly minted XPR Advisor and Integrity Coach, will continue to facilitate Empowering Now LLC's Introductory Teleclasses related
to their cutting edge Course entitled "The Path of XPR... Nature's Path
to Let the Integrity of a Higher Power Bloom in You."
Free Introductory XPR Teleclass Schedule (TeleBridge & In-Person Coaching Salon)
In the East and the West, an ancient legend speaks of a 3rd key to be revealed at the shift of the ages, a key powerful enough to unlock the mystery and to give the universal mind a safe way to die! Come and walk with us: join us on the Path of XPR for a free introduction where to discover the third key! Our time together is going to be highly interactive, lively, fun, and literally dicey. Please bring an open mind and/or your most skeptical questions. There is no preparation required for this event. The Path of XPR - to let your mind gently XPiRe and receive the XPRience of your full XPRession! (Yep: XPR is the evolution in Roman script of the Hebrew word for "sound, number, letter, light!").
We offer the following opportunities:
Introducing PaRaDiSe Mystery School (Teleclass): Thursday, February 18th from 12-1pm Eastern Friday, March 5th from 12-1pm Eastern
The BIG Question (Teleclass:) Thursday, March 11th from 8-9pm Eastern
Wisdom REALLY at Work (Teleclass) Wednesday, February 24th from 8-9pm Eastern Wednesday, March 17th from 9-10 pm Eastern
What Will it Take for Your Voice to be Heard? (in-person and teleclass)
IN-PERSON EVENT: Sunday, February 21st from 3-5pm Eastern. Global Women with Vision' 7th Annual Coaching Salon. Location: Vibrant Visions International, 193 Louis St., Hackensack, NJ 07601.
Teleclass: Tuesday, March 23rd from 12-1 pm Eastern
Facilitator: Verena Visser Aibel, Visionary, Shaman, XPR Advisor, Integrity Coach, and President, Vibrant Visions International.
Fee: Complimentary For more information or to register: call Verena at 201-487-6910 EST or email her directly at Verena@VibrantCoach.com and specify preferred teleclass, date, and time. Once you have registered we will email you the bridgeline information.
Top Photo: Verena relaxing at YMCA state swim championships for 8 & Unders... Delphine won 11th place in 25 yard breaststroke (Total no. swimmers in this event: 118).
Vibrant Visions International's Calendar of Events & Top Picks
Scroll down to see Verena's Top Picks from our VIBRANT VISIONS INTERNATIONAL ONLINE CALENDAR which is updated daily*. NOTE: All events are
subject to change. Please call and confirm event details prior to
traveling. Contact us if you receive conflicting dates or data. Thanks!
*Go to the Vibrant Visions International LLC website and click on "Calendar of Events" and scroll through our calendar. Contact information and registration information is also listed per event. Calendar listings also includes events hosted by professional associations such as the New Jersey Professional Coaches Association (NJPCA), New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners (NJAWBO), Institute for Sustainable Enterprise (ISE), etc. Please also check their websites for latest details.
Newsletters are now archived: Check them out via "Newsletter Archive" on our new we bsite.
Appointments: Please feel free to make your private coaching appointments with Verena directly via our Online Appointment Scheduler. Please note that Verena's Vibrant Visions International LLC offerings are in Purple. Additional listings are in red.
Photo: Verena's brother, Ken Visser, Veren'a cousin, Pauline v.d. Assem, and Verena Visser Aibel, Huntington, NY
********************************************************************** "How to Listen So Teens Will Talk" with guest speaker, Fern Weis, CEC, Owner, Your Family Matters, LLC
February 25, 2010 (Thursday) 7:30 - 8:30 pm EST (teleclass) March 2, 2010 (Tuesday) 1:00 - 2:00 pm EST (teleclass) March 9, 2010 (Tuesday) 7:00 - 8:30 pm EST Location: Louis Bay 2nd Public Library 345 Lafayette Avenue, Hawthorne, NJ
the skills to go from silence to sharing and conflict to calm. For more
information contact: YOUR FAMILY MATTERS, LLC; 201-747-9642; fgweis@gmail.com; www.familymatterscoach.com
********************************************************************** "Giving
Voice to Values: the 'How' of Business Ethics" with Mary Gentile,
Ph.D., Director, "Giving Voices to Values"-Institute for Sustainable
Enterprise/CHRMS Breakfast Seminar
February 19, 2010 (Friday) 7:30 - 9:30 am EST
Location: Fairleigh Dickinson University, the Mansion Bldg 1, Hartman Lounge, 285 Madison Ave, Madison, NJ 07940 Information: Call ISE/CHRMS at 973-443-8577. Register: www.fdu.edu/forms/chrmsregister.html or email your rsvp to pniewski@fdu.edu Fee: $40 ($25 non profit organization members). ******************************************************************* Vibrant Visions International & Global Women with Vision's 7th Annual Coaching Salon; Topic: "What Will it Take for Your Voice to Be Heard?" Presenter: Verena Visser Aibel, Visionary, Shaman, XPR Advisor, and Integrity Coach.
February 21, 2010 (Sunday) from 3:00 - 5:00 pm EST
* Would you like for the important people in your life to
really hear you and to recognize your uniqueness?
* Would you like to be done with that paralyzing fear around
picking up the phone, or writing that next email which is required to sell your
services? * Would you like to feel so confident about your
communication that you have no fears about getting exactly what you want, and
have no issues with wanting everything you have?
*Is the "dread" of the current economic situation
affecting your ability to speak your truth?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Path of XPR may be of interest to you! Are you receiving the results you want in your life? Please come to our annual Coaching Salon and enjoy an introduction to the Path of XPR, first hand. Experience or witness Laser Coaching. 
Location: Vibrant Visions International, 193 Louis St., Hackensack, NJ 07601 Fee: Complimentary. RSVP: Seating is limited. Please RSVP by Saturday, February 20th to Verena Visser Aibel at 201-487-6910, verena@vibrantcoach.com. Photo: Victoria Roche, LSW, Linda Trignano, HR Performance Solutions, Verena Visser Aibel, Vibrant Visions International, Laurie Kelley, Laurie Kelley Consulting, and Miriam Nelson-Gillett, "Coach Mim" ******************************************************************* Transitioning to Green Forum
February 23, 2010 (Tuesday) 9 am - 5 pm EST
Location: Fairleigh Dickinson University, Lenfell Hall, 285 Madison Ave, Madison, NJ 07940
Accelerate your transition to a green career. Attend a highly interactive, unique,one-day event with subject matter experts in sustainability and green jobs. Let experts help you explore your interests in industries, functional areas and show you how to chart your new green career. For information about the Transitioning to Green Forum, please contact Jeana Wirtenberg, jwirtenberg@transitioningtogreen.com
********************************************************************** New
Association of Women Business Owner's "Girls' Night Out" (Verena Visser
Aibel speaks about Venus/Valentine and "Top Ten Benefits of Self-Love")
(Dinner Meeting)
February 24, 2010 (Wednesday) 5:45 - 9:00 pm EST
Location: Courtyard by Marriott Montvale, 100 Chestnut Ridge Road, Montvale, NJ 07645; 201-391-7700
Valentine's Day by taking time out to take care of YOU! Join us for a
"hands on" evening of fresh flower arranging fun. Shake off the winter
blahs and create a unique flower arrangement and vibrant attitude to
brighten up your home or office.
Bergen Chapter member, Rima
Hamade of Exclusively Staged LLC will demonstrate how fun and easy it
is to create your own fresh floral arrangement - to gift YOURSELF for
the Valentine's Day! Verena Visser Aibel, Vibrant Visions International LLC, will share some Venus/Valentine Day secrets and offer you her thought-provoking "Top Ten Benefits of Self-Love"
Cost: $40.00 - Members $45.00 - Non-members For
further information and reservations, contact Stephanie Mace at
dinner@njawbobergen.org or call the Bergen Chapter Hotline at
201-444-8773, ext. 3. ********************************************************************** New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner's (NJAWBO) Bergen Chapter Breakfast Networking
February 25, 2010 (Thursday): Time: 8:00 am - 9:30 am
Location: Panera's Bakery Cafe, 165 Route 4 West (in Kohl's Shopping Center), Paramus , NJ Fee: Members: $10.00; Non-Members: $15.00 - CASH ONLY For reservations and information, call the Bergen Chapter hotline at 201-444-8773, ext. 4 or e-mail Joanne Clark at jcwills@optonline.net or check out New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners-Bergen Chapter. *********************************************************************
"7 Tips to Get Women Customers/ How to Change Your Marketing & Sales Mindset" with Marian Gordon of Yippee Printing & Marketing; New Jersey Association of Women Business Owner's Network at Noon Meeting
March 2, 2010 (Tuesday) 12:00 - 2:00 pm EST
Location: Matisse Chocolatier's 260 Grand Ave., Englewood NJ 07631-1735 www.getfreshchocolate.com
No fee; bring own lunch and beverage.
For further information and reservations, contact email Verena Aibel at lunch@njawbobergen.org or call the Chapter Hotline at 201-444-8773, Ext. 5.
Photo: Elsayed "Steve" Elmarzouky, Owner, Queen City Family Restaurant, Reading, PA and Verena. Elsayed recently closed the restaurant to the public for one evening and provided meals for homeless people. ********************************************************************* "The Spiritual Path As It Is: Sufi Spirituality; Speaker: Hafizullah Chisti" at the Higher Awareness Monthly Meeting
March 2, 2010 (Tuesday) from 7:30 - 9:30 pm EST
Meeting Fee: $10
What is the "spiritual path?" Why go on one? What does it do, what is the journey like, and what does it make of us in the end? In this talk we will look at the spiritual path as a process of awakening from the trance ("maya") of the personal ego, and what things in life can support or hinder the natural unfolding of the soul into manifesting the divine beings that we truly are. In addition to discussion, we will do a bit of experiential Sufi practice as an aid to our inquiry. Be prepared for some surprises!!!
 Location: Masonic Temple, 39 Maple Ave, Morristown, NJ 07980. Information: Call Bill at 973-627-8012 or go to the AHA website.
Photo: Verena's long shadow, Hackensack, NJ ********************************************************************* NJ Creatives Network "A Social Networking "How to" for Creatives; presentation by Irina Smirnova
March 3, 2010 (Wednesday) 6:30 - 9:00 pm EST
Location: Unique Photo, 123 US Highway 46, Fairfield, NJ 07004
There's no avoiding it...social networking is big, and can even help build business! Don't be left behind. If you are brand new to Social Networking, or are already in the throes and have some valuable insight to offer, join us for a special 'must see' pre sentation.
WHO should attend: Creative Communications Professionals [Graphic/Web Designers, Illustrators, New Media, Film/Video Producers, Photographers, Writers...]
COST: Non-members $12 - Students $6 - Members FREE! BRING: Business cards to exchange LIGHT REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED NJ Creatives Network http://www.NJCreatives.org
Photo: Reni Mimura at Winter Anime Day hosted by the Kinokuniya Bookstore in NYC. ********************************************************************* Northern New Jersey Coaches Group Monthly Meeting
March 15, 2010 (Monday) (tentative-call to confirm)
Location: Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Rd, Wayne, NJ 07470-3557; (973) 694-4272
be providing support for one another, sharing resources, and learning
more about marketing ourselves, as well as promoting the community
spirit among coaches! Contacts: Abigail Gary, 201-689-9095, agary@optonline.net or Renee Sussman, 551-206-9019, reneecoach@gmail.com
******************************************************************* New
Association of Women Business Owner's "Power of 100 Women" (Dinner Networking Meeting)
March 18, 2010 (Thursday) 5:45 - 9:00 pm EST
Location: Holiday Inn of Hasbrouck Heights 283 Route 17 South Hasbrouck Hts, NJ 07604 (201) 288-8580
Cost: $40.00 - Members $45.00 - Non-members For
further information and reservations, contact Stephanie Mace at
dinner@njawbobergen.org or call the Bergen Chapter Hotline at
201-444-8773, ext. 3. ********************************************************************** "The Crystal Shift: Transforming Yourself Through Stone Energy" at the Higher Awareness Sponsored Workshop
March 27, 2010 (Saturday) from 1:00 - 4:00 pm EST (workshop)
Location: Masonic Temple,39 Maple Ave, Morristown, NJ 07980.
as transmitters, receivers, and amplifiers of electromagnetic energy
are the perfect guides to assist us in the transition from fear to
love, anger to hope, and war to peace. At the workshop: · Learn how to utilize crystal tools to increase concentration while expanding your thought processes. ·
Explore the crystal kingdom as a bridge to communicate with the angelic
and celestial beings answering our prayers for peace and abundance.
Workshop Fee: $45.00
Information: Call Bill at 973-627-8012 or go to the AHA website
"How to Thrive as a Chief Everything Officer (CEO)" a New Jersey Professional Coaches Association Special Event
April 17, 2010 (Saturday) from 8:00 - 5:30 pm EST
Location: Hamilton Park Conference Center, Florham Park, NJ
Are you a small business owner who loves what you do and struggles with the business aspects of running a business?
Would you like to learn from experts on the following topics: - How to leverage social media (Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, etc.) to get more business
- Generate, Manage and Maximize a Powerful Network of Referrals
- How to utilize Accounting and Finance Systems for the small business owner
- Writing a Business plan
Keynote Speaker is Michael Port, called "an uncommonly honest author" by the Boston Globe and a "marketing guru" by The Wall Street Journal, Michael Port is New York Times Bestselling author of four books including Book Yourself Solid, Beyond Booked Solid, The Contrarian Effect an The Think Big Manifesto.
Who should attend:
Coaches, Accountants, Health and Wellness Professionals, Attorneys, Consultants and other Service Professionals, any professional who delivers their services in a solo practice or small business.
Fee: $149 |
Celebration of Bob Visser's Life - a photographic Collage by Kenneth C. Visser
Ken is Verena's younger brother and Owner, KCV Photography.
Robert Visser, Verena's older brother, wrote the following poem:
When I Close My Eyes
When I closes my eyes What do I see? Clouds. Confusion. Swirling Images. Many blue stars. And there, just out of reach. A bright light. My star. My Center. Will I ever grasp it?
written by Bob Visser, 1997
