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Vibrant Visions International News Flash!

News Flash!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
In This Issue
Calendar Updates
Curious About Other Vibrant Events in NJ and in the Virtual World?!

Go to Verena's online calendar to see her latest postings on events hosted by NJAWBO, NJPCA, Institute for Sustainable Enterprise, Association for Higher Awareness, and more! 

Just click on Vibrant Visions International LLC and click go to "Calendar & Appointments" and scroll through to see what tickles YOUR fancy! Contact information and registration information is also listed per event.

Want to Stay Connected Via FaceBook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, etc?

If you would like to become Verena's contact on FaceBook, Naymz, LinkedIn, Plaxo, etc., please email her directly via
Verena@VibrantCoach.com or do a search in your preferred Social Networking site and make your request online.
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Boost Your Personal and Professional Life at Coaching Blast 2012!


Have you ever wondered if a Coach could help you improve your personal or professional life?


DROP IN AT THIS FREE EVENT- Bergen County coaches will be celebrating International Coaching Week by offering a FREE  Introduction to Coaching & Coaching Demos.


Wednesday, Feb 82011 NJPCA No NJ Coaches






  • MEET LOCAL COACHES  - The event will feature some of the top coaches in New Jersey, and will offer the public a chance to learn and experience the benefits of coaching firsthand.  All featured coaches are affiliated with the New Jersey Professional Coaches Association ("NJPCA"), a charter chapter of the International Coaching Federation. 

For more information, contact: Verena Visser Aibel, President, Vibrant Visions International at (201) 487-6910 or Sarah Jack at (201) 530-5850


Press Release Version:

Teaneck, New Jersey - On Wednesday evening, February 8, 2012, Bergen County coaches will be celebrating International Coaching Week by offering a free Introduction to Coaching at BLAST Art Gallery & Coffee Bar in Teaneck.  The event, called Coaching Blast 2012, will feature some of the top coaches in New Jersey, and will offer the public a chance to learn and experience the benefits of coaching firsthand.  All participants of Coaching Blast 2012 will have an opportunity to sign up for a complimentary 20-minute coaching session at a later date with the coach of their choice.  Coaching Blast 2012 will take place from 6:30-9:00 p.m., at BLAST Art Gallery & Coffee Bar, 445 Cedar Lane, Teaneck, New Jersey 07666. The event is informal and participants may arrive and depart at any time.  For more information, please contact Sarah Jack at info@coachsj.com or 201-530-5850.


According to Sarah Jack, a business coach and the owner of BLAST, "The purpose of Coaching Blast 2012 is to help the public learn about the benefits of all types of coaching, including career, business, health & wellness, and life coaching." Alec Borenstein, also a business coach based in Teaneck said, "The public has a general sense of what coaching is and what it can do for them, but we will offer Coaching Blast 2012 participants a firsthand experience of how coaching can help them improve specific areas of their personal and professional lives." 

All featured coaches are affiliated with the New Jersey Professional Coaches Association ("NJPCA"), a charter chapter of the International Coaching Federation.  President of the NJPCA, Anthony Calabrese, and Membership Director of the NJPCA, Carole DeLaOsa, will be giving presentations at Coaching Blast 2012 aimed at raising coaching awareness.  Other featured coaches who will be at Coaching Blast 2012 are Sarah Jack, Verena Visser Aibel, Alec Borenstein, Jean Marie Bradley, Jeff Harmon, Lynne Roe, Paula Tutein, Pearl Mattenson, Renée M. L. Toplansky, and Tara Harkins.


The NJPCA has over 250 professional coaches working with individuals and organizations locally and worldwide.  NJPCA members represent a large range of coaching specialties such as executive and business coaching, life coaching, corporate coaching, and coaching for individuals with special needs. The NJPCA was founded in 1996 and has members in 20 different counties throughout the state of New Jersey. NJPCA offers monthly networking and educational programs of interest to coaches, aspiring coaches, individuals, and to professionals in all businesses. As of late 2011, the International Coaching Federation reported that they had 19,795 members in more than 100 countries.


NJPCA members include accomplished public speakers, authors, and writers who are prepared to offer customized coaching programs or services upon request.  For further information about NJPCA, coaching, or to search for a coach/speaker, visit our web site at www.njcoaches.org or contact Anthony Calabrese at tony@absolutetransitions.com or 973-762-1350 or Carole DeLaOsa at Carole@transition4you.com or 973-214-2127. 

****************************************************************  About2009 Verena Purple Sari Verena Visser Aibel: Visionary, Shaman, XPR Advisor, and Integrity Coach. As President, Vibrant Visions International, she continues to play an important role in the advancement of people from all corners of the globe. For over 25 years, Verena has been providing international consulting, coaching, and training services for business owners, entrepreneurs, association and corporation executives, professionals, airline pilots, and governmental leaders.

Vibrant Visions International's mission is to emPOwer Leaders and Visionaries to receive, develop and maintain the state of mind where ALL things are possible.


Verena Visser Aibel
Vibrant Visions International LLC
64 Elm Avenue
Hackensack, NJ 07601 USA

201-487-6910 W
551-486-7365 C