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Vibrant Visions International News Flash!
News Flash!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
In This Issue
Calendar Updates
Social Media Connections
Transition? What's That?

Let's ask Verena, the Transition Expert: My entire life has been about transition. Starting at birth (or earlier) in a southeast Asian country, to a giant move to the US, to countless moves in the east Coast and in the Gulf Coast. Many valiant attempts at traditional careers, more successful at non-traditional ones. Another broad jump across the Atlantic to live & work in eastern Berlin after leaving my first husband.

Worked for the German government with only 40 hours of language training. Developed a mastery of real estate terminology while helping Jewish people reclaim their properties that were taken over by the former East German government.

Numerous attempts at relationships and two marriages now gone by. Multiple miscarriages and becoming a mother at the age of 44... and the list goes on. 2001 VV Delphine rose

Part of my "story" or tale of woe? No! I use my history as talking points to help women and men find the inspiration and courage to create the vibrant vision that is in each one of us, and fire it up so that we may all live outrageous, interdependent, and wildly fulfilling lives, not lies! 

Want first hand experience working with Verena to assist you in YOUR transition(s)? If you're a woman, jump into her "Strategies for Women in Transition" class (registrations end at 10 am EST tomorrow morning, see article to the right), or, for men and women: call for a complimentary assessment, or just call/email to connect and let's see what develops!

Referrals are welcome!

In Love and Light,
Photo (top): Verena as baby on the beach, Hawke's Bay, Pakistan.
Photo (middle): Verena carrying daughter in a sling - Reading, PA

Curious About Other Vibrant Events in NJ and in the Virtual World?!

Go to Verena's online calendar to see her latest postings on events hosted by NJAWBO, NJPCA, Institute for Sustainable Enterprise, Association for Higher Awareness, and more! 

Just click on Vibrant Visions International LLC and click go to "Calendar & Appointments" and scroll through to see what tickles YOUR fancy! Contact information and registration information is also listed per event.

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If you would like to become Verena's contact on FaceBook, Naymz, LinkedIn, Plaxo, etc., please email her directly via
Verena@VibrantCoach.com or do a search in your preferred Social Networking site and make your request online.

Time's Running Out! Registrations for the New "Strategies for Women in Transition" course hosted by Verena at the Bergen Community College in Paramus will be taken until 10 am EST tomorrow morning, Tuesday, September 21st.

This premiere offering from the Women's Institute of Bergen Community College is a 12-Week In-Person course facilitated by XPR Advisor, Verena Visser Aibel, Starting this Wednesday, September 22nd!

2007 Verena & Gayle-Mus Nat History.JPG

Photo: Verena Visser Aibel & Gayle Gruenberg of Let's Get Organized

Are you experiencing transition in your job, marriage, parenting, or other aspect of your life? Discover strategies to develop direction, look within and be the change you wish to see, magnify your judgment and foster a healthy sense of community, overcome resistance and develop accountability and trust, unleash creativity and feel increasingly alive, let go of personal agendas and allow yourself and others to express their unique potential, to feel rather than react, and communicate impeccably by simply remaining present. These 12 sessions are based on the Path of XPR and will help you navigate through new and uncertain territory to discover and arrive at your desired destination. Participants should have valid e-mail address and Internet access to receive course materials prior to each session.

Course Overview: Strategies for Women in Transition is designed like a treasure hunt. We are
going to ask each participant to look at their own treasures, and communicate what they would
like to do with their life, in this course, and beyond this course. This course offers a unique
mode of sharing information (hearing and seeing) to open new pathways in the brain to assist
and fulfill each participant's inner search for meaning, and, assist in the creation of new
possibilities during times of stress and transition. The course is structured in 12 modules, each
one exploring the symbolism behind a different number, starting with the number zero, and
ultimately moving through the ten digits that represent the absolute basis of this world. We will
be utilizing a bounty of ideas and surprises in richly illustrated eBooks which participants will be given in advance so that they may download and read before each class. Each ebook will also provide exercises that invite the participants to create the space to change and grow in between classes.

Registrations will be taken until 10 am EST tomorrow morning, Tuesday, September 21st. Course to be offered again in the Spring.
To register, call BCC: 201-447-7488.
BCC Continuing Education Fall Catalog (go to page 49)
Strategies for Women in Transition Flyer

Looking forward to connecting with you,

Veréna Visser Aibel
Visionary, Shaman, XPR Advisor, & Integrity Coach
Vibrant Visions International LLC, a Global Coaching and Consulting Enterprise
Email: Verena@VibrantCoach.com   * phone: 201-487-6910  *  mobile: 551-486-7365

Path of XPR website: www.EmpoweringNow.com

Vibrant Visions International's mission is to emPOwer Leaders and Visionaries to receive, develop and maintain the state of mind where ALL things are possible.
2010 VV Laughing Eagle
"The purpose of a Mystery School, shall you wonder, is to allow the mind to relax on the other side of its constant agenda to control the show. The ego mind does just that- planning and scheming! It wants to know exactly what is going to happen next year, if this investment is going to reveal profitable, if this event will be successful, if this marriage will work." Mahalene Louis, Path of XPR's Author. Futurist. Artist. Infinity Guide.  
Co-Founder of emPOweringNOW LLC.

Maha banner
Photo: "Verena Eagle Laughing" by Verena Visser Aibel
For more about the Path of XPR, go to:
or go to www.VibrantCoa

About2009 Verena Purple Sari Verena Visser Aibel: Visionary, Shaman, XPR Advisor, and Integrity Coach. As President, Vibrant Visions International, she continues to play an important role in the advancement of people from all corners of the globe. For over 25 years, Verena has been providing international consulting, coaching, and training services for business owners, entrepreneurs, association and corporation executives, professionals, airline pilots, and governmental leaders.

Vibrant Visions International's mission is to emPOwer Leaders and Visionaries to receive, develop and maintain the state of mind where ALL things are possible.


Verena Visser Aibel
Vibrant Visions International LLC
193 Louis Street
Hackensack, NJ 07601 USA

201-487-6910 W
551-486-7365 C