Our veterinary hospital in Russell Vale, is all about animals - keeping them happy, healthy, safe and doing it as simply as we can, so there is more time to enjoy being with them.
- Kindness, itchy pets and Diabetes. and more (11/12/2015)
- Open up to get some tips on some strategies for itchy pets, information on diabetes, and of course, always be kind to everyone. The world needs more kindness.
- Our invitation to you to come to Santa Paws 2015 (11/10/2015)
- Our annual Santa Paws photos are on again at Russell Vale vets - every year!
- For the Love of Animals - Open Day (10/10/2015)
- OUr annual Open day "For the Love of Animals" is on again!
- Spring, Shampoos and Shows (9/2/2015)
- Spring is sprung! -
- Did you'Ear about the teeth! Have a heart and Open UP (8/3/2015)
- A jam packed issue about ear problems, dental problems, and heart problems. Phew! Lots of info!
- A Hodge Podge Newsletter (7/7/2015)
- Need some info on exercises to stretch your pets muscles and joints? What about upcoming events such as Spring into Corrimal and our Open Day! New products, and of course, some pressies for you.
- Winter is Coming (5/9/2015)
- Some tips on preparing your pet for Winter, as well as introducing some new products for 2015!
- How Ya Goin Easter April news (4/6/2015)
- Our Easter Animail Tails, which was more like a "How Ya Goin", these are our open hours this April.
- Ta Da! Kidneys, Skin and more (3/8/2015)
- Well, the first issue of Animail Tails is finally here, packed with information on itchy pets, rabbits, updates on our award wins, and all about kidney disease.
- Santa Paws time (12/21/2014)
- Christmas is always busy. Open up to find out more!
- Itchy Pet solutions, being Fire Safe and Sugar (11/2/2014)
- Handy hints on how to help your itchy pet, as well as how to prepare for emergencies (such as bush fires, evacuations etc). Diabetes Awareness Month is here too, with free blood glucose test all month for all pets.
- Our Dog Beaches and Other Spring Dramas (10/1/2014)
- We talk about the loss of George, (the stray that stayed), update you on the fight for our right to our beaches (i.e we speak for our dogs), and some hints to help you cope with the spring onslaught of ticks, fleas, snakes, storms, bees.
- Open Day 2014 - Prize Winners! Woo Hoo (9/16/2014)
- Our Third Annual Open Day and "Thanks to You" party was a success, despite the weather. This email shares some initial photos until we get our official ones back, with an early invite to our Santa Paws photo shoot for 2014.
- Ticks, Venom, George and You're Invited to our Open Day (8/5/2014)
- Do you love reptiles... we do too. Open to find out more about First Aid. Update on George (obviously), and an invite to our OPen Day... plus much more.
- Healthy Joints and Wee (6/30/2014)
- Since the June newsletter didn't happen, this July edition is packed. Information on urinary diseases in cats and dogs and how to help them. Updates on our Prince (George), helpful tips on crate training, and the official invite to our Thank You party (and Open Day) in September 2014. Open up to find out more.
- Ears, Bum George and More (4/30/2014)
- May edition is packed with information about ear problems, itchy bottoms (eew), our new resident senior, George and lots lots more.
- Itchy Pet Help and Appdate Yourself! (4/13/2014)
- April is our birthday month, but this edition is a pressie for all of you. Help about itchy pets, giardia medic alert, and exciting news about our two new apps and much more.
- What is Max? (3/1/2014)
- The March edition which showed off Piper's the Practice Manager's BREED DNA result, and asked a question - What is Max - his breed DNA was very interesting.
- New Year, New Pup (2/2/2014)
- Welcome to 2014 - the New Year - and introducing our new puppy, Piper. Find out more about DNA testing, and how to help your pet when the fear of noises gets too much.
Russell Vale Animal Clinic 17 Bellambi Lane Russell Vale, 2518 02 42 845988 |