For those of you who are wondering what has happened to our Animail Tails this year, you are correct in that I haven't sent an issue this year.  There are many reasons for this, including my recent trip to Europe in May with our youngest daughter Paige, and the sudden recent illness and loss of Dirk's parents.  As many of you will understand, things have to be sacrificed to be able to retain one's sanity, and unfortunately, the newsletter was one of those things at the time.

For those of you who are new to Russell Vale Animal Clinic, we usually send out a monthly newsletter called Animail Tails. If you want to see back issues, please visit here.

The website needs updating, the blog - well, that has been neglected too, but we assure you, that we promise to get back on track.

WE are pleased to announce new services, new equipment and new products, which we are will share with you in upcoming editions.  And, we are working some exciting new developments for Russell Vale Animal Clinic, as we are entering our 18th year of business in the local community.


Dr Liz

TWO days left for voting

Vote for us 2016

We have been finalists of this Award in 2012 and 2015, but we won our category of Pet Services in 2013 and 2014.

Each year, local small businesses are voted in by wonderful people like you to become finalists, and then independant judges.

Voting for this year's competition ends on June 15th, so we ask you to take the time to visit the Local Business awards page, and vote for businesses, such as ours. 

Click here to vote for us.


Dr Andrew

A BIG Thank you to Dr Andrew and Dr Catherine (and to you)

From end of March to early May, I took a five week holiday (without Dirk and three of the kids) to go to Europe.

Dr Andrew filled in for 1.5 weeks with Dr Catherine doing the remainder.   As you can read from their biographies that was shared on Facebook, they are both gifted and caring veterinarians. 

Being a locum veterinarian coming into a solo veterinary practice is not easy, and it is thanks to all of you, that both veterinarians enjoyed their time here, with Dr Catherine summing it up as a "lovely vet practice".

If you have any "Thank You" comments that you would like me to pass forward, just hit reply and let me know (as I will be forwarding their payment summaries in early July).  As a vet who used to be a locum in her previous veterinary life, it will be very much appreciated.


The "Liz and Paige Adventure"  aka The Big Europe Trip

As many of you know, I went to Europe for five weeks with our youngest daughter, Paige.  Part of it was part of her schools Battlefields tour of Paris and Belgium (WWI), but whilst we were in the neighbourhood, we stayed a few weeks longer.  Even though I have been back a month, I am yet to go through my photos and video from my Europe trip, but I promise to work on that.

But to sum it up in a few words "It was awesome." I ticked off quite a few things off my bucket list, including visiting the birth places of my father and my mother, as well as visiting Florence (my most favourite place in Europe before my visit, and now it is competing with Ypres for that honour), plus celebrating Anzac Day at Villers- Brettoneaux
Dr Liz with Friend at

Falcon Hospital in Abu Dhabi


The summary of my trip is as follows - Sydney to Abu Dhabi to Amsterdam to Eindhoven to Wroclaw (then visit my cousins in Jawor), then Krakow (of course visit Auschwitz and Birkenau) to Lviv (then to Bialo Krynitsa which was my fathers birth place) and Ternopil, to Istanbul, to Rome then Florence, then to Paris to go to Ypres via Peronne then back to Paris via Amiens (and Villiers-Brettoneaux and Le Hamel for Anzac Day) to London and then home.

grade 2 dental

For best results, do not resize after swapping Each vet visit with us includes a conscious ral cavity examination, simply because dental disease is THE most common disease to affect dogs and cats.

The most crucial time period is from 8 weeks and 4 months, then at 6 months of age, and then each six months thereafter.  In younger pets, we are looking for juvenile periodontititis, malocclusion (with the most common being base narrow canines) and unerupted/missing teeth.

Our free dental checks have helped many pets in early identification of problems, and thus early (in some cases very easy) intervention to ensure a pain free mouth for life.


Book Now different logo

cat arthritis joints

Is your pet slow to get up and down from rest, has swelling of joints now and then, having trouble going up and down stairs, or pulls up lame after a walk.

Arthritis, or degenerative joint disease is very likely, and yes, there are many options available that may help your pet, ranging from exercises, supplements, injectable and oral medications.

As a vet, it saddens me when I see a pet so far advanced, that no amount of medication will help other than euthenasia, with the owners not realising that vets can help them.

Book your pet in for their free arthritis check and general advice on how to best support your pet's joints through every month of the year.

Thank you for your ongoing support of our veterinary hospital, Russell Vale Animal Clinic.  Don't forget to put us in the safe senders box, as we are back to sending out our monthly Animail Tails.  We would hate for you to miss out on the latest news, as there is alot to update you on.


Russell Vale Animal Clinic
02 42 845988

Russell Vale Animal Clinic | 17 Bellambi Lane | Russell Vale | 2518 | Australia