Phone 02 42 845988 It is the knowledge and care which we provide which makes all the difference. |
Animail Tails - it's all about family
December 2012
 | Fear is normal, but phobias are not. You need to get help for your pet. |
Fears, Fireworks
You know of a pet that escapes because of its fear of being alone or loud noises.
Did you know that there are over 40 different tried remedies for thunderstorm/firework phobias? And, the scary part is, most of them do work, but only in a small number of pets. For over-the-counter stress relief, try Homeopet Anxiety.
Now available - PAW Multi plus Tryptophan supplement - a new stress formula for anxious dogs
Read more:
Now Available:
PET QRtags are now available at Russell Vale vets
Click on Pandora's name to see her website information.
 | PetQrtags - the smart pet tag |
A QR tag is a laser engraved "pet tag" which is linked to a unique website. Anyone with a QR reader on their smart phone or internet access (as there is a website on the back) can access the information on your pet that you are happy to have available.
For only $14.95 - it is a good investment for your pet. You can update your details at any time of the day or night.... you are in control of the information.
And a great Christmas gift idea for your pet loving friends!
We have various lists which you can choose to be a part of. You are currently receiving our Animail Tails (enews) and you may be on other lists too.
Other lists include
- Funny Pet Videos
Medic Alerts/New Products
Notifications of when we will be closed
Online Booking
Click on the button, select your procedure,
Choose your date and time,
Follow the prompts to set up your online booking account (from which you can change/monitor your booking).
It is not suited for emergency or same day appointments.
We have tested the Online booking in IE and Google Chrome browsers.
_____________ |
Is your pet registered at Russell Vale vets?
If so, go to our online store, and choose your pet's Xmas gift....
from all of us at Russell Vale vets
our online store
Check it out for Behavioural, Joint, Flea and worming products. and now, ready for Spring, Skin care products for pets.
Is there anything you buy online from your current online shop that you would like us to provide you?
Email me with your request, and what price you currently pay, and we will see what we can do. We know it is not all about price, and we know that we can't match every single price.
All proceeds from this store goes towards our Good Sam fund.
For the love of Peace.
 | Peace On Earth by EVOLVE! Campaigns |
Don't you love Competitions?
We love to have fun at Russell Vale vets, as some days bring challenges.
We are part of the Illawarra Mercury's Countdown to Christmas, so fill in those entry forms, and drop them in to the vet clinic.
Now for the fun one... animalclinic has a monthly competition, with different prizes each month. Past prizes include movie tickets, Bunnings Gift Card, and Feline Frenzy Pack (vaccinations, flea control and viral testing). Future prizes... Look and see!
The monthly competition can also be accessed via our facebook page.
Even more reasons to "Like " Us!
 | Happy Mutt Day! |
It is amazing how many days are dedicated to our animals!
Don't you wish they were all Public Holidays? I do!
Pandora may not like this idea, but give your dog a hug! and celebrate their uniqueness.
Want to know what kind of mutt you have? DNA testing is now available at Russell Vale vets for only $125
 | What breed am I? |
We also offer Genetic screening for inheritable diseases.
We know how busy this time of year gets... it is the same for all of us, and our pets must think we are absolutely
 | Paws are always in our heart! |
mad with how we run around like headless chooks.
But pets always teach us the most important lesson ....pets say "enjoy the day ". So, with this good advice on board, take big breaths, and enjoy the day... every day.
Diabetes Awareness Month, sadly, increased my diabetes patients tally higher ( a good thing in that they were diagnosed, a bad thing as it means that it supports the consensus that Diabetes is on the increase in our pets). We always have urine glucose strips available for free screening, so if you ever suspect your pet may be diabetic, drop in for a free urine strip so you can test your pet at home.
For summer, should we be prepared for floods or fire? The ads on TV show that we should be prepared for both. And the weather.... who knows! I can't help but nag, but do you have your pet's Emergency Pet Details ready? Are you ready for an Emergency? Am I? Anyway, another reminder about our Emergency Page.
Finally, we want to thank you and yours for being part of our animalclinic family for 2012 and hope you continue to be part of our family for many years to come.
We will be sending you one more email this year, just before Christmas, to let you know our Christmas Hours, as we know how full our email inboxes can get at this time of year. But, if in any doubt, visit our website or download the Pocketvet app, and it will all be there for you.
Yours for happy healthy pets (and all animals),
Dr Liz
Russell Vale Vets
PS Join our  family to keep up to date on monthly competitions & giveaways, new products, hints and tips, and notice of closing days.
PPS Our original logo of the dog and cat is going into semi-retirement. I loved that it showed happy faces, as that is what I wanted, but it is too chunky for the smart phones and ipads. Be prepared to see alot of the hearts and paws now, as I love that pet paws are always in my heart.
Pet Recovery Month?
Are your pet's details up to date?
At every pet visit (almost every), we scan your pet and check the NSW Companion Animals Registry to check that your pet's contact details are up to date. This service is for our registered patients. Whilst we cannot change the information, it gives peace of mind knowing that everything is up to date, and ready, in the event of an emergency or a lost pet.
 | Scan & Check Your Pet Every Year |
But not many vets do this for their clients and their pets. In the UK, there is a campaign to get vets scanning, which is slowly gaining pace over there. Australia is way behind in this. So, if you move, please ask your new vet to scan and check for you. It is only when vets are asked by their clients to "scan and check" that "vets will get scanning".
For December, we will "scan and check" any pet that comes to see us without the need for a consultation. That is, we will do this at no charge. (so spread the word to your friends.)
Do your friends and their pets a favour!
Did you know? The Lost Dogs Home in Melbourne are running a 12 hour spree of $12 microchip implantation.
- we are not part of the Lost Dog's Home,
- we aren't in Melbourne,
- nor can we be open for 12 hours.
But, we can fully support the "Identify, Update, Reunite" program.
So, on the 12th of December, we will offer microchip implantation for $12 only, by online booking Conditions do apply.
 | "Microchip or Scan & Check " at Russell Vale vet. |
As an AVA Accredited Microchip Implant Centre, we adhere to the highest standards of microchip implantation and database recording.
Our Lost & Found Facebook Page
 | Our Teddy - the face of our Lost and Found Page |
For a few years now, we have maintained a Facebook Page for our Lost and Found pets. Our dog Teddy, is the "masthead' for this page, even though he was not one to get himself lost.
This page is linked to several other Lost & Found pages from Wollongong and Nowra, extending the reach.
Not on facebook? That is OK too. You can visit our website to find out what steps you can take to get your pet reunited back home.
Our website always has a link to this page too, so if you can't remember, always go to my website.
When there is a storm, or at Christmas time, some pets just seem to get lost. Help them get back home, quickly.
FREE Pet ID tags
Thanks to Lost Dogs Home.
Do you need a new ID tag for your pet - you can get a free one through the Lost Dog's Home.
 | Make a Donation Now |
Did you know?
We are an app.... or have an app... or are on an app... Download PocketVet app -
on iphone! We are there!
 | We are an "app" |
Got an iphone? ipad? ipod? Get the PocketVet app, and select us as your vet hospital. You can also set up your pets reminders for their vaccinations, check ups, flea control, worming, and load up your pet's photos.
And if you move, it will help you search out the best local vet in your new town, as well as keeping all of your pet's reminders at your finger tips.
Our Christmas Hours
Christmas is all about family.... and we love our animalclinic family.
 | Ho Ho Ho - Merry Christmas Our Christmas hours are on our website. |
About Russell Vale Animal Clinic
Did you know.... I graduated from the University of Sydney with my Bachelor of Veterinary Science degree in 1989, on December 19th. (That means, that I have been a working vet for 23 years! )
Vets on the Move, our housecall practice, opened in December 6th, 1995.
Our son, Haiden, was born on December 23rd.
And, Christmas is all about baby Jesus, on December 25th.
That all makes December super special.
Have a happy, healthy, safe Christmas and New Years.
Let's hope next year is better!
17 Bellambi Lane
Russell Vale, 2518
Russell Vale Animal Clinic
02 42 845988
Email: lizvet@animalclinic com.au or russellvalevet@gmail.com

Microchip Implantation for only $25
All cats born after 1998 and all dogs should have a microchip. Does yours? At Russell Vale vets, in 2012, 22% of the strays we saw were un-microchipped, and this means that the likelihood of a fast reunion with their owners was slim
 | Select " A Microchip Implant" or SMS 0401349849 your details and preferred time. |
We fully support the Lost Dog's Home "Identify, Update, Reunite" Campaign, and as such, are offering Microchip Implantation at a heavily discounted price of $25.00.
And, by booking only only, on December 12th, 2012, we will even discount it even further, to only $12.00.
| Offer Expires: 20th December 2012. Conditions apply: By appointment only. Walk ins will be refused. |