Russell Vale Animal Clinic
Phone  02 42 845988
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It is the knowledge and care which we provide 
which makes all the difference
Animail Tails  - Bring Spring On!
September 2012
In This Issue
Photos of our Open Day
All in the "Dog" Wash
Getting Ready for Spring.
We have various lists which you can choose to be a part of. You are currently receiving our Animail Tails (enews) and you may be on other lists too. 

Other lists include
- Funny Pet Videos
Medic Alerts/New Products
Notifications of when we will be closed

 Online Booking
online booking 
  Click on the button, select your procedure,
Choose your date and time,
Follow the prompts to set up your online booking account (from which you can change/monitor your booking).
It is not suited for emergency or same day appointments.
We have tested the Online booking in IE and Google Chrome browsers.
If you are having problems, then email me directly on
animalclinic recently had "online shelf space" for cupcakes for RSPCA Cupcake Day. We had on sale Leo's, Dash's Choice, Fitz Grey's, Dirk's Delight, Pandora's Box, Teddy Bites and Pusski Meowbites (named after our pets (and Dirk)
Check it out for Behavioural, Joint, Flea and worming products. and now, ready for Spring, Skin care products for pets.

 Dear Pandora
Did you like "Pandora's Box" shot?
 Ready for Spring?
Did you know that most pet injuries occur in Spring?
Did you know that ear infections are the most common infection of dogs, and they occur in times when the weather is wet or humid, and usually 1-2 weeks after a dog wash (even if no water gets into the ears)
Did you know that all Pet First Aid kits should include a pack of antihistamines in case of a bee sting reaction or other allergic reaction.
Are you ready for an Emergency, such as thunderstorm, flash flooding, fire?  Pet's suffer too - Be prepared.


National Pet Memorial Day


Sunday, 9th of September 2012. 

rainbow bridge 
Please light a candle on this day, and hold a moment of quiet contemplation of the pets we have lost.


"All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle."

Saint Francis of Assisi




Visit Our Blog


We have a Bellambi Vets Blog, where I write about alot of odd things. 










Welcome to Spring! This is my most favourite time of the year (other than the Spring Cleaning, which has to happen, or the trying on last years summer clothes (but that's another story again).  It is my favourite time as the bees start humming, and the birds start singing...with spring love in the air!



Last month we had our Cupcake Party and Open Day, where we conducted tours of the vet clinic.  We raised $498.50  which is a great effort for our first year of direct involvement.   We thank all of those who supported our efforts, and also thank those who supported the efforts of others, or even hosted their own party.

A Medic Alert went out last month about Tick Poisoning, as we had seen a few cases, so start the tick searches and tick prevention if your pet is in a high tick risk area. You can read the Medic Alert in our newsletter archive (on the home page of our website). 

So Bring Spring On - let's get the blankets shook out, the shampoos ready for the baths, the leads ready for the long walks, and let's get ourselves ready. Our getting prepared checklists is below.

September is also a busy month on the Community Calender with World Rabies Day, First Aid Month, Dementia Awareness, Pet Memorial Day, and Cancer Awareness, with a few more I can't remember.  As we do every year, we will be recognising National Pet Memorial Day, as we remember all of the pets who are no longer with us. Our dog Teddy passed away in November last year, and we will never forget him, nor all of our other pets that have been a part of us. 

"Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim."

(Vicki Harrison)
mobile paw logo

Yours for happy healthy pets,


Dr Liz

Russell Vale Vets

PS We are trialling a different newsletter format for Spring. Tell us what you think.






Open Da  Open Day 1

Open Day 2 Open Day 4

Open day 3
Pandora's Box

Our Open Day and Cupcake Party was a blast!  Pencil in a Saturday in August 2013 for the next one!


It's All in the " Dog  " Wash
Surviving a Tough Allergy Season
It is going to be a tough itchy pet season if the past winter was any guide . Need some survival tips?  Don't wait for problems to start. Start your allergy prevention program now.  Read on.
The Art of Choosing the Correct Shampoodog blinking

Your dog smells.  You go to the dog cupboard, and look at the bottles of shampoo, check the expiry date.... Read On:


Washing Itchy/Smelly Pets.


Our website has been updated to include a Skin Management Page, which will be updated throughout the Spring/Summer Months with handy handouts and tips. Read On:


Allergy Testing:

Did you know that we are able to do Serum Allergy Tests for grasses, pollens and foods?  Spot Test (91 Allergens) is available for $399.00 (including vet check, blood sampling and Dermatology questionnaire)


Book Now different logo
Select "A Allergy Test"


We now have a Hydrobath Dog Wash each Saturday morning between 9 am and 1 pm.
No booking necessary.

Getting Ready for Spring -

Pet Smoke Alarm 
Here is your Spring Checklist....
Emergency Preparedness:
  • Get your pet First Aid Kit ready to go, including antihistamines and bandaging. 
  •  Fire Alarms check and Window Pet Alerts update.
  •  Pet's Emergency Information updated. 
  • Look at Pet Insurance and look at how you can budget for your pet's medical needs in the event of a medical emergency.
  • Don't forget that we will help out with emergency boarding in the event of a Natural disaster (if we can).


Exercise and Activity:


 Spring is the most common time for Cruciate Ligament ruptures, joint sprains, and bloat.

  • Check your pet's collar, leads and all catches to make sure that they are up to  lots of walking (and those Pet Tags are readable).
  • Build up your pet slowly to its exercise regime -  Make sure your pet's muscles are given an opportunity to warm up, and cool
    dachsun d
    Warming Up those muscles
    down after exercise. At home muscle strengthening helps, such as sit to stand exercises.are great.
  • Start Joint support supplements such as Seaflex or Joint Guard.
  • Don't exercise within an hour of feeding time (especially those breeds at risk of Bloat, such as Great Danes and German Shepherds).


Parasite Control:

 The bees are humming, the birds are singing, and the mosquitoes are out and about. The fleas didn't take a break over winter in most households, but if they did in yours, then start your eviction program now.

  • Start flea control now with fortnightly applications to get started, and don't forget to spray the house and yard too.
  • Start Paralysis tick control if you are in a "high tick area" - such as near bushland, near long grassy areas.
  • Heartworm prevention is crucial in all dogs (and in cats who also go outdoors).

Is your pet Thunderstruck?

Help your pet cope with the fear of thunderstorms, fireworks and other loud noises.

  • Get your pet's "safe place" ready - this is an area your pet knows to go to when it is fearful, but feels safe
  • Teach your pet to be 'Calm on Cue".
  • Consider using Adaptil Collar for dogs and Feliway for cats in those pets who are especially stressed, whereas Lavender scent may help those who are miildly anxious. Homeopet Anxiety Medication is also available for mild anxiety (and is now scientifically proven to help)
  • Look at purchasing items which may help such as a Thundershirt.

About Russell Vale Animal Clinic


Did you know....  Russell Vale Animal Clinic started as a Housecall veterinary practice called Vets on the Move in 1996? The first veterinary housecall practice in the Illawarra?  And we still provide housecall services when we can to our patients.




17 Bellambi Lane
Russell Vale, 2518
Russell Vale Animal Clinic
02 42 845988


Email:  lizvet@animalclinic   or



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FREE Skin Check 

with Dr Liz


Dog Wash

with Dirk



for skin check



Finally, we are happy to offer a Dog Wash service each Saturday Morning from 9 am to 1 pm.

3D Wash

First Time EVER starting Saturday 1st of September 2012.

It's by Dirk, for Dogs, using Dermatologically safe products.

No Appointment necessary for the Dog Wash each Saturday, BUT, you do need to make an appointment for the Skin Check, as this is with Dr Liz.

The Skin Check can be any time during the week, and then you can bring your dog down for the wash on Saturday, but you  must pay for your pet's Dog wash at the time of the Skin Check.

Dog Wash fees are :

Dogs < 10 kg    $10.00
Dogs 10-25 kg   $15.00
Dogs 25 to 45 kg   $20.00
Dogs 45 kg and above  $30.00

The shampoo will be personally selected for your pet's skin type, and all pets will receive a conditioning treatment too.

Veterinary Skin Check will include - Skin and Ear cytology assessment, Skin scrape (for mites), selecting the correct shampoo and conditioner for your pet's skin. 
online booking
Select " A Skin Check for the Dog Wash"
Offer Expires: 30th September 2012

Save 20%




Essential 6


Reduce Dog



Is dog hair getting you down? 
Does your dog or cat smell but hates a bath?

Now a solution on reducing the amount of hair your pet sheds, naturally, and a bath-free solution to smelly dogs.Leo fast asleep

Dermoscent Essential 6 is scientifically proven treatment for pets with skin irritations, and can also be used in dogs to reduce the amount of hair they shed (it won't stop it completely, as losing hair is a normal process).

Applied weekly for six weeks, then each 2 weeks thereafter during Spring will help support all dog's (and cat's) skin and coat.

 Purchase through animalclinic to automatically receive the 20% discount over in -store prices.

Offer Expires: 30th October 2012. Voucher must be produced in the Veterinary Clinic to receive the discount or purchase online with the 20% discount automatically included.