Animail Tails

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For Fun -- Pumpkin when she was very little

Pumpkin the feral kitten - realising that humans arent bad.
Pumpkin the feral kitten - realising that humans arent bad.
March  2015

Who realised that they didn't receive a January or February Animail Tails?

Thanks to those who mentioned that they "missed me".  Aaaw!

 I didn't publish for two months, and for this, I am truly sorry. But we were still blogging and facebooking though!    As you can guess, we publish our own newsletter, and this was the first time in 3 years we didn't publish an issue. But no excuses... It wasn't done!

I promise to deliver more regularly, as we know 2015 is going to be the BEST year ever with alot more exciting things planned!

Thank you for those who do look forward to opening and reading (and sharing), as it was because of you that we were awarded the Constant Contact All Star Award 2014 (the second time in a row, and we have only been with CC for three years).

This year is shaping up to be an interesting one, with new products on the horizon, and new services that we will be offering at Russell Vale Animal Clinic.

An Alert for all Rabbit Owners
Various council areas will be releasing the deadly calicivirus to kill the wild rabbit.

Ensure your pet rabbit is protected by
- getting their vaccinations up to date.  They need to be done annually.
- ensuring your hutch is "mosquito and fly proof" through netting

Give your pet a BIG hug, and a yummy treat and collect that pee!
"Love Your Pet Day"
Every day is "love your pet", but we also know that time can get in the way of getting the essential things done.

So please go and check whether your pet's vaccinations, worming and flea control are all up to date.

Every pet needs an annual (at least), and some pets even need twice a year physical examinations.

And don't forget that we have FREE dental checks all the time, we don't just wait for Pet Dental Month (which is in August by the way).  Our regular visitors are either on a six month or twelve month dental check.

And (as you will read below), I expect to be inundated with pee samples from our pets for their FREE urine test in support of Kidney Day this March.

Book Now.

FREE Urine tests in March
Do you look after your own kidneys?
Do you know how to look after your own pet's kidneys?

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is common in people and in our dogs and cats.  Whilst an improved screening test is now available in the US, in Australia, we still have to rely on monitoring for trends in urea, creatinine (creeping up) and urine specific gravity (creeping down) and urine protein levels.

Every time we perform a pre-anaesthetic profile in your pet or their annual health profile, we are able to "trend" the results, and look for any changes.

Why not start the "urine" trend this month by dropping in a sample of your pet's urine for a free Urine test. We will check for 7 parameters including blood, sugar, protein and bilirubin, as well as urine specific gravity.

Our "forms" page has a handout on how to collect a urine sample.  Please bring it in a clean jar or you can pick up a sterile container from us.

For us humans, March 12th is World Kidney Day - take the time to find out how to look after your own kidneys!

 How to Collect a urine Sample

Have you been watching the Itchy Scratchy Show?
dog blinking
"I'm so me"
The humidity has meant every day we are seeing itchy pets, from dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits and birds.

Online Vet Consults has been inundated with requests for help, as has our consult room at the vets.

Common Causes and treatments:
1. Staph infection - This type of infection can be itchy or not itchy. Typically we see red sores, flaky skin. May affect any part of the body, and hair may fall out. This is diagnosed through skin cytology tests.  Treatment - is varied, and may include antibiotics, antibacterial ointments or antibacterial shampoos (3% chlorhexidine)
2. Yeast infection - (Malassezia pachydermatis) - This type of infection can be greasy, dandruffy and smelly, or dry peeling skin. It is a very common cause of itchy feet. Treatment varies, and includes diet modification, identifying underlying irritants such as fleas/food, antifungal shampoos (miconazole usually), rinses (Imaverol), ointments (usually of the -azole) family and prescription medications.
3. Fleas and Lice - Fleas can cause problems either through sheer numbers, or through exposure only. We have had great responses with Comfortis (for both cats and dogs), and most recently Activyl.

In all itchy pets, we need to do some simple tests to help identify the problem, and then to develop an appropriate plan.  These tests include
- skin scraping - to look for mites and lice
- Skin cytology - to look at the surface of the skin - we can often see pus cells, bacteria, yeasts and more
- fungal culture - to confirm the diagnosis, and then to differentiate into which fungus is the culprit.

Let us not forget that allergies often cause many of these
More advanced tests include skin biopsy and allergy testing.  There is alot more available now than there was 5 years ago, so please make sure your pet's "Itch Management Plan" is updated.

FIV is in our area...

I don't like to instill fear to get people to do things, but, we are seeing FIV positive cats, especially after a couple of cat fights.

A vaccine is available that will prevent infection and disease in 85% of vaccinated cats.

As of 1st February, 2015, we have added FIV to our kitten vaccinations (unless your kitten is 100% guaranteed indoors and an only child).

For the adult cats, an FIV test is needed first before we can start the vaccine course.

Does your cat get into fights?  Our FIV test gives us results in minutes.

.Find Out More

Have you met Pumpkin yet?
Pumpkin is the "newest" staff member at the vets.

She is feisty, energetic, playful, and never does as she is told!

She is not scared of anything or any dog or cat, and never gives up.

She fits right in!

As for Pandora, she is starting to get used to the idea of another cat being in the building, and they have been known to share the reception counter.
family photo Change to our Emergency Out-of-Hours contact

As of 1st February, 2015, until further notice, there is a huge change in the provision of our out-of-hours emergency service.

An arrangement has been made with Greencross Vets Fairy Meadow and Greencross Vets Crown Street to allow all pet owners of Russell Vale Animal Clinic to access their after hours emergency services.

As a solo veterinarian and mother of four, it became increasingly difficult to be "on call", especially as our  family is growing all too quickly.  Last year, I had the privilege of hearing Trav Bell speak (the Bucket List Man), and it made me remember to live a life of no regrets.

We pride ourselves on being a 100% family owned, independent veterinary business. 

there is no change to the "Online Consults", and feel free to email me at any time with any question or concern.  I respond as soon as I can. 

 Bellambivet blog explains more

Bellambivet blog on the Bucket List

Our Awards so far in 2015  - thanks to all of you -
The year started with a surprise email to say that we were again awarded the Constant Contact All Star Award.  This is only given to a small percentage of registered businesses, and it reflects our open and share rates. So it is purely thanks to you!

We were again "Highly Commended" in the Australian Veterinary Association Practice of Excellence Awards.  This is one of the most prestigious, and highly contested veterinary practice award. Part of the award process are suggestions on how we can improve, and we have taken those comments on board. 

Perhaps you have suggestions too?  You can always hit reply and let us know, or if you wish to be anonymous, you can fill out our "new client survey", as it allows for suggestions.

And finally (so far), we are Finalists in the nationally recognised Australian Small Business Champion Awards.  The award night is in mid April, so follow us on twitter to hear the updates on the night, or on Facebook or Google + for the overall experience. (and instagram too).

We may be a "small" practice but we are "BIG" in many many ways... thanks to all of you!
Friendship Day
Go on the walk with your best friend!
Special Dates and Upcoming Events
1. Register now for the Million Paws Walk - Early bird registration finishes soon!

We have 4 lots of $50 donations to give to any registered animalclinic family member.  Just send me your donation address, and consider it done!

As in previous years, we will be donating prizes for the auction too, so don't forget to go down and make a bid.

. RSPCA Million Paws Walk Registration
  Our donation page.

2. Dr Liz and Dirk will be attending the Australian Veterinary Association Regional Conference, at one of the best locations in the world!  In Wollongong!  That's right... hundreds of veterinarians will descend upon Wollongong to attend.  The topic? Cardiorespiratory medicine.

As a result, we will be closed on Saturday 21st March.

3. Don't forget that April is full of school holidays, Easter and of course Anzac Day!  We will be taking some time off during April for some much needed renovations to the vet hospital (well, at least that is the plan), as this is our quietest month generally, and we want to disrupt as few people as possible.
If in doubt, just check out or your PocketVet app.
Ivory Coat
Hypoallergenic Food

We stock all sizes and all flavours.

It is a super premium grain free Australian made food (and is Piper's fav food)

$1 from each 8 kg bag goes back to Aussie Farmers.
Aussie ingredients, Aussie made, Aussie packaged,
and it is Awesome! value in pet feeding.
As the picture says
Get $10 off when you purchase a six pack at Russell Vale Animal Clinic
Advocate is a monthly spot on
that covers
Heartworm, Adult Fleas, Lice, Lungworm (in cats), Demodectic mange, Sarcoptic mange, Rounworm, Hookworm
Advocate is safe for Dogs, Cats, and under veterinary supervision can be used in Rats, mice, rabbits, guinea pigs and ferrets

A new generation in "spot ons"

Available as single packs to help with the budgeting.
We have both Dog and Cat packs available.
And starting from 1.5 kg ranging up to 60 kg.

This spot on is only activated (i.e develops its killing ability) once it is ingested by the flea.

Nexguard For Dogs Only

A yummy (to most) chew for dogs that will kill fleas quickly (within minutes)
kill Paralysis ticks (within first 48 hours of attachment)

Thank you for your understanding on not receiving the January or February Animail Tails, and I hope I have made it up to you with the March issue. 

Don't forget to share if you found the information useful, to hit reply and ask questions, and definitely, stay healthy and happy!


Dr Liz
on behalf of Dirk, Tegan, Pandora, Pumpkin and Piper (and it is pure coincidence that their names start with "P")

The Dreaded Nail Clip
Have you looked at  your pet's nails and thought they were too long?
Have you heard the "tap tap" as they walk? we call it the "tap dance"

Take advantage of this offer. We won't offer it again until later in the year!
Offer Expires 30/4/2015. Value $25.00

Flea Control
For Dogs - 50% off Nexguard Single
For Cats - 50 % Activyl Single
Offer Expires 15/04/2015 First dose only per registered family (not per pet in the family... sorry)  Voucher MUST be presented (as we may forget!)
Russell Vale Animal Clinic | 02 42 845988 |
17 Bellambi Lane
Russell Vale, 2518