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          at  Russell Vale ....



For Happy, Healthy Pets... Always!

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We're Back.. and ready to walk!
May , 2013
Million Paws Walk 2013

We're back!  Holidays are over.... we are revitalised, energised, and Dr Lizhappy to be back.  The holiday was great... and we thank all of the animalclinic family for their understanding and tolerance. 

When is the next holiday?  Not planned for yet, but probably not until next year. We'll just grab a break during Public holidays and school functions instead. 

We thank all of you who have referred us to your friends and their pets.  This gives us the best feeling - - to hear the words - "my friend said to me that you have to go see Dr Liz"...  and so, thank you for that priceless gift.  It is truly appreciated. 

facebook paw
If you haven't "liked us" on Facebook, would you mind swinging over and clicking the "Like" box? We have been stuck on 88 likes for a few months now, and would love to grow it to a few more.  

We would also appreciate it if you could review us on womo, as this lets other loving pet owners, who may be new to the area, know more about us.  Because we know, that without loving pet owners such as yourself, Russell Vale Animal Clinic just wouldn't exist.


Dr Liz

Fight against Cruelty
Let the animalclinic family walk together... for our animals.
million paws walk 2013
Are you involved in the RSPCA Million Paws Walk? 

If you are, let us know your fundraising page, and we would love to help your tally. 

And, to help you say hallo to other animalclinic family members, we have sexy orange bandannas for your dog to wear on the day - come in to pick yours up, or email us, and we will get it sent out to you.  We will probably have some spare on the day, so if you see us... wave out too!  Then we can all wave to other animalclinic family members on the day, and make a good day, great! 

The RSPCA have green bandannas for sale too - as a fashion statement,  you could layer the two - orange one on top of the green one? 
pusski in orange
Our cat Pusski showing off
the "animalclinic Walk" Bandanna.

We are also registered, and will be adopting Jake and Smiles (thanks Jeanette and Arthur) for the walk.  Here is the link to our fundraising page.

The walk is all about raising funds to help fight animal cruelty - but I also think of it as a walk by pet lovers to show off to non pet lovers (yes, there are those type of people out there... sad, but true) that we are not a minority group.... that there are alot of loving pet owners out there. 

It is sad that  governments legislate in such a way that makes pet ownership extremely difficult.  Let us not forget that rental accommodation, and strata developments often does not allow pets. 

"My doctrine is this, that if we see 
cruelty or wrong that we have the 
power to stop, and do nothing, we 
make ourselves sharers in the guilt"
Anna Sewell
(quoted from a recent post of mine)

 Unless all loving pet owners stand up for the right and privilege of owning a pet,  vets all over the country will continue to hear the line "I have to euthenase because I am moving into a flat and they won't take animals". Animal shelters, such as RSPCA, become inundated with surrendered happy animals, whose only crime is that their family are moving to a non pet friendly accommodation, or that there is no one willing or able to care for them.


Happy 1st Birthday Jake!

Let us eat "cake"
Jake birthday
Jake's 1st Birthday

Do you give your pet a birthday party? Well, Jake got one, with one very yummy birthday cake too. Jake is part of the animalclinic family, and he lives with his "sister" , Smiles. 

Thank you to his mum for sending in the birthday photos.  I shall play Auntie, and we will be taking Jake and Smiles for the Million Paws Walk for this year. Thanks Jeanette and Arthur. 

Google is wonderful in that there are alot of recipes out there for dog and cat birthday cakes. The dog cakes usually include peanut butter, and the cat ones, are usually fishy.
Why not post your pet's party photos on our facebook page, or email them to me... I love a good party! 

Happy Birthday to everyone!

How well is your pet ageing?
Save $20 off a Senior Vet Check & $15 off Hills Pet food.
Hills senior screeningAgain, this year, we are supporting Hills Nutritional Products promotion of getting senior pets checked up.

I know I am preaching to the converted here, so I need you to do me a favour. Once you have downloaded your senior pet voucher (if your pet qualifies, of course - being mature is an exclusive club), forward this promotion to all of your pet friends that may have an older pet that rarely sees the vet.  

This is a limited number (only 2000 vouchers Australia wide) are available, and for a limited time. 

All senior pets deserve a check up each six months, but at the bare minimum, you should go through the senior pets checklist each six months at home. Visit my Senior Pet Page to find out more.


Free Service
FREE urinalysis
many of you know that I love "liquid gold"  (aka your pet's urine), as I can test it to screen for kidney, liver, diabetes, infections just through a single test.  We are adding an extra bonus, which is a FREE urinalysis.

Senior Pet Vet Check Price: $40.00 

Usually would be: $60.00
Plus $15 off Hills Prescription food (such as j/d, t/d)    

AND a  free Urinalysis test valued at $45.00 

Wow... just wow.  So go to Hills now and get your voucher, ring us up (or book online) to book your pet in, and get that senior checklist done!


"Animal" Days of our Lives
"Days" are important reminders that there is a whole world out there.
days of our lives
Be Kind to animals month - anyone who knows me, knows that I believe we need more kindness and tolerance in the world 

National Dog Bite Prevention Week - 

3rd - International Respect for Chickens Day 

11th - Animal Disaster Preparedness Day

20th - Endangered Species Day

23rd - World Turtle Day 
Animal Disaster Preparedness Day
Yes.... be prepared...
  bulldog workerAustralia is a very very special country - in many wonderful ways - but as we know how to be friendly, caring and tolerant... the environment can be challenging, and sometimes, disastrous. 

Disasters can sometimes just affect you and your family (house burning down, for example), or an entire community (flooding)... and our pets deserve a disaster plan too.  

I am not a Doomsday prepper, as I have survived many "End of the World Days", and will likely survive more ( until the final one comes along), but there is alot to be said for "being prepared". 

Our Emergency - First Aid page is available to help you with your Emergency preparations for your family pet. Download the word document, fill it out, save it, file it, and then recheck it each 3 months.

About Russell Vale Animal Clinic

As always, your pet's paws are always in my heart. 


I must apologise for this newsletter being a few days late - but as the nights cool down, it is hard to get things done.  Feel free to send me any comments (good or bad) about the newsletter - such as are you happy with the information? perhaps there is something you want to know about? 

animalclinic logo .


ava member logo


  Till next month.... 




We would love you to review us

Customer satisfaction is extremely important to us at Russell Vale Animal Clinic and word-of-mouth feedback is our main source of customers.  So if you like our service, we'd love it if you could take a moment to review your experience with us on - Word Of Mouth Online.

To review Russell Vale Animal Clinic and share your experience with others, just click here: 
It only takes a moment and we'd be so grateful.

If for some reason, you have not been totally satisfied with our service, please call or email us directly.  We would love the opportunity to rectify this.

Thank you very much for your help!

Our Holiday was Awesome
But not animal free 
Dr Liz and her Spirit Animals
Dr Liz and her Spirit Animals
You would think that going on a cruise would mean that there would be no animals around me.... but everywhere we looked, we saw them. 

I wrote a blog about the animals around us on the boat, and above is a video of the animals we were able to cuddle to at the end of the day.

We thank you all for your support of Russell vale vets... as we cannot be without you, and the pets you allow us to look after. 

Award winning?

Tegan attended the Awards dinner for the Australian Small Business Champion Awards for 2013.  We didn't win, but Tegan did say the night was full of successful businesses from all over Australia - so we were in great company. 


 The day before we left for our holidays, we were notified that we were finalist in the Illawarra Women in Business Awards 2013, in the category of Best Business. 













Being part of the process of being involved in these types of Awards is humbling when we are nominated or if we enter ourselves, and then are shortlisted as a Finalist.  It is a big boost for our morale, as well as re-inforcing in us what it is all about. 


 When we are surrounded by death, illness, sadness... it can be easy to lose sight of the joy, love happiness that animals bring into our lives... and how lucky we are that we can be part of the love, joy and happiness in the life of your pet and your family.


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Pandora's 40th Birthday
Pandora's Box
I am turning 40 in September!
Pandora is turning "40" this year, and we are going to have a party! 

Watch this space in upcoming newsletters, PocketVet or Facebook for updates.


Pandora says...
" You may not have seen me about much... this is because of a little kitten that was abandoned at the vets!  It has run of the waiting room, which is annoying me! She has even taken to my favourite spot... Dr Liz's chair"

Kitten Minnie
"Here is the "interloper" Minnie", says Pandora.
Minnie needs a forever home... a place where she can lounge in the chair without being evicted every time Dr Liz wants to sit on it, a place where it doesn't matter when she adds 666666666666666666666666666 onto the letter you are trying to type, and a household that doesn't mind sharing the glass of water. 

If you know of someone who can offer this kind of forever home, as well as cope with the multiple "love bites", please let us know.  

Minnie is desexed, vaccinated (against cat flu, enteritis and FIV), microchipped & registered, wormed, and will go home with a bag of cat food, and 3 months flea/worm control - good value for $250.00. Includes 4 weeks free pet insurance, and 10% discount on veterinary services at Russell vale vets,  for the rest of Minnie's life.

Be aware though... Minnie was abandoned at the vets with a fractured hip - she has now had surgery and has recovered well but will do the obligatory limp if she knows you are watching.


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Word of Mouth is the best way!