Russell Vale Animal Clinic
Phone  02 42 845988
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It is the knowledge and care which we provide 
which makes all the difference
Animail Tails  - Springing On and On!
October 2012
In This Issue
October Long Weekend Hours
My pet is sick!
The Wild Life!
We have various lists which you can choose to be a part of. You are currently receiving our Animail Tails (enews) and you may be on other lists too. 

Other lists include
- Funny Pet Videos
Medic Alerts/New Products
Notifications of when we will be closed

 Online Booking
online booking 
  Click on the button, select your procedure,
Choose your date and time,
Follow the prompts to set up your online booking account (from which you can change/monitor your booking).
It is not suited for emergency or same day appointments.
We have tested the Online booking in IE and Google Chrome browsers.
If you are having problems, then email me directly on
Check it out for Behavioural, Joint, Flea and worming products. and now, ready for Spring, Skin care products for pets.

All proceeds from this store goes towards our Good Sam fund.

Update on Leo
Leo fast asleep
Leo in the beginning
Leo in his new home
Leo in his new home
Leo is now in his new home, and he is doing very well. 
They have learnt that, for a little fellow, he is very energetic!
 Ready for Spring?

Tick Alert is On! 
Did you know that most pet injuries occur in Spring?
Did you know that ear infections are the most common infection of dogs, and they occur in times when the weather is wet or humid, and usually 1-2 weeks after a dog wash (even if no water gets into the ears)
Did you know that all Pet First Aid kits should include a pack of antihistamines in case of a bee sting reaction or other allergic reaction.
Are you ready for an Emergency, such as thunderstorm, flash flooding, fire?  Pet's suffer too - Be prepared.


Vet Nurse Day

 12th October 2012

Veterinary Hospitals cannot function without our veterinary nurses. 


They have to deal with the general public, answering all sorts of questions, handle all of the different types of animals we see, and do the boring cleaning up after them.




 Dirk is originally from New Zealand, having moved 

to Wollongong in 1989.  He has a Bachelor of Science degree, with a major in Geology.  


Before he saw the light and became a vet nurse, he was a Petroleum Geologist.  He has been a vet nurse since 1992.


He grew up with a Great Dane, called Boris.  At home, he has three cats - Pusski, Dash and Fitz.  Pusski is the one who sits on him the most, and is the one who bites his feet at 4 in the morning. 


At work, he is Pandora's best friend.  He is often found sitting in front of the computer, with Pandora on his lap - arguing that he is working, making Pandora (the boss) comfortable. 


He is so passionate about responsible care of all animals, especially.


We wish our vet nurses - Dirk Tegan, and Haiden (our Animal Attendant) a  Happy Vet Nurses day on Friday, October 12th.  



Visit Our Blog


We have a Bellambi Vets Blog, where I write about alot of odd things. 










I know this is out early, but the long weekend did happen to coincide with my usual release date for the newsletter, and I am sure that you want to be doing other things on the weekend!  


Did all of you get your pet's Emergency Details sheet ready? And your First Aid kit for your pet's packed?  My guess, that for some of you, your answer is the same as mine -  not quite yet.  Go back to our last newsletter or to our website for the links to those pages, and get it done.


Whilst I love spring, it is also a busy time for the 3 i's - injuries, itchies, infections.  


The weather reports say that we are in for a hot hot summer, so take extra precautions. Keep your pet well hydrated, have multiple water bowls, and watch them in the car, even at current temperatures, they can start to overheat very quickly.


And let's not forget our wildlife too, they need all the help they can get from those who care about them.  


mobile paw logo

"Dear Pandora" needs more letters, so please send in your questions for her to answer (they can be about anything). 


Yours for happy healthy pets (and all animals),


Dr Liz

Russell Vale Vets

PS We are trialling a different newsletter format for Spring. Tell us what you think.




October Long Weekend Hours - 

We will be open Saturday 9 am to 12 noon. 


Closed Sunday & Monday

 After hours advice  0401 349 849


All Emergencies:  Animal Referral Hospital

02 975 88 666





My pet is sick, do I need to see the vet?...
Sick pet helpers? 
We often get phone calls about pets being sick, and owners worried about whether they really need to see the vet. Well done for picking up those subtle clues.  Vets can help narrow down the cause of what has you concerned, but to do this, we need to "lay hands" on your pet.  But to help you,  we also have a link on our website to a very useful site called "Sick Pet Helpers"  which will help you sort out whether you need to see sooner or later . Read on.
Who are ya going to Google?
The Bellambi Vets.... They haven't made that movie yet, but I am sure it is not too far away! (for the younger ones, it is the Ghostbusters catch line... who are ya gonna call --- Ghostbusters!) We are here to help, if we can, and we know Dr Google is a very knowledgeable entity.  So am I, most days. If you have a question about your pet, please ask we do offer Online Vet Consults.  In most cases, this is free. And it is handy at the times when you just need a bit of advice.... Read On:


But I need advice at 11 o'clock at night?

 Make sure our mobile number is put into your mobile phone - it is 0401 349 849.  We will try to answer if we can, but if not, then send a txt message.  We recommend Animal Referral Hospital for all serious out of hours emergencies, as they are the closest fully manned, fully equipped veterinary hospital, capable of dealing with life threatening emergencies, as I believe my pets deserve the best of care. You can call them at any time as they are a fully equipped emergency centre.  Read On;



We now have a Hydrobath Dog Wash each Saturday morning between 9 am and 11 am.
No booking necessary.

It's all about the Wild Life -

wildlife  .


Give Wildlife a Brake:

Have you ever been on a long drive in the country, and saw some things that made your shoulders drop? I am talking about the dead animals on the side of the road. Why not learn some defensive driving tips to give our Wildlife a Brake.  This link is to an American site, but it has some handy tips.


Watch out when you are driving in the bush or at night. Keep a box with a blanket, gloves, and the phone number to WIRES, or whatever the local wildlife group is in the area you are in. 



Emergency Advice for Injured Birds:


 We often see injured, shocked and stunned birds and other wildlife, but Spring is the peak season for this. We give emergency First Aid , and when the animal is stabilised, we then give any ongoing medical treatment if  needed. Handling kills wild animals, so don't be surprised if we put it into a box for a little while to regroup.


Sometimes, the injuries are too severe, and we have to do the unthinkable. But mostly, all they need is a bit of R and R, and they are right to go. 


WIRES always needs more rescuers, so if you are an animal lover with time on your hands, then why not volunteer? 

Call 1300 094 737


Wild animals are not used to being handled. The first rule of dealing with them is to reduce stress.  Do not attempt to give them food or water. Use common sense.  


Bushfire season is upon us, so be prepared, especially those of you who live near the bush. WIRES have a great factsheet.


Swooping Magpies & Baby Birds:

At this time of year, we can guarantee that if you go walking in a bushy area, you will be "swooped".  It just means that you are too close to their baby's nest, and they are warning you to move on.  So walk fast, move on, avoid that area in the future, or if you can't, take a few steps magpie swooping to protect your face. 

For more information:


This time of year we also see lots of baby birds who try to leave home a bit too early, and end up on the ground.  


If possible, get a small container, line it with some twigs/leaves, nail it to a tree branch near where the baby fell out, and fingers crossed.  Most birds will find their babies, and continue to feed them. (don't forget to put in some holes  for drainage). 

For more information:


If it is unfeathered, this is its best chance for survival. Don't be well meaning, don't bring it inside, don't feed it milk and bread, don't try to look after it.  Stress kills these little guys. Let their mum do the job! 


Sharing your backyard:


How many of you feed your native birds, naturally.  I have been in some yards, where the residents, (with the best intentions), hand feed the birds, or put out bowls of food for them.   


I hate to tell you but you are not being fair to all of the birds - some will push forward and grab the food, and push the more shy species out of the way.  Some of the food is not the right nutritional mix for these guys.  


Isn't feeding them naturally the best? In our backyard, we planted lots of native trees and bushes (through Wollongong City Council Greenplan), and chosen those with edible fruits. Nature then feeds itself. 

For more information:


About Russell Vale Animal Clinic


Did you know....  We are an independent, family run, veterinary hospital, not a branch clinic of another veterinary hospital.   This means all surgeries are done here, and by Dr Liz. We are a family vet hospital especially for family pets. 


 As we say, with Dr Liz and you... we are the perfect healthcare team for your pet!

For happy, healthy pets.



17 Bellambi Lane
Russell Vale, 2518
Russell Vale Animal Clinic
02 42 845988


Email:  lizvet@animalclinic   or



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FREE Skin Check 

with Dr Liz


Dog Wash

with Dirk



for skin check



Finally, we are happy to offer a Dog Wash service each Saturday Morning from 9 am to 11 am.

3D Wash

First Time EVER starting Saturday 1st of September 2012.

It's by Dirk, for Dogs, using Dermatologically safe products.

No Appointment necessary for the Dog Wash each Saturday, BUT, you do need to make an appointment for the Skin Check, as this is with Dr Liz.

The Skin Check can be any time during the week, and then you can bring your dog down for the wash on Saturday, but you  must pay for your pet's Dog wash at the time of the Skin Check.

Dog Wash fees are :

Dogs < 10 kg    $10.00
Dogs 10-25 kg   $15.00
Dogs 25 to 45 kg   $20.00
Dogs 45 kg and above  $30.00

The shampoo will be personally selected for your pet's skin type, and all pets will receive a conditioning treatment too.

Veterinary Skin Check will include - Skin and Ear cytology assessment, Skin scrape (for mites), selecting the correct shampoo and conditioner for your pet's skin. 
online booking
Select " A Skin Check for the Dog Wash"
Offer Expires: 30th October, 2012

Save 20%




Essential 6


Reduce Dog/Cat



Is dog
(cat) hair getting you down? 
Does your dog or cat smell but hates a bath?

Now a solution on reducing the amount of hair your pet sheds, naturally, and a bath-free solution to smelly dogs.Leo fast asleep

Dermoscent Essential 6 is scientifically proven treatment for pets with skin irritations, and can also be used in dogs to reduce the amount of hair they shed (it won't stop it completely, as losing hair is a normal process).

Applied weekly for six weeks, then each 2 weeks thereafter during Spring will help support all dog's (and cat's) skin and coat.

 Purchase through animalclinic to automatically receive the 20% discount over in -store prices.

Offer Expires: 30th October 2012. Voucher must be produced in the Veterinary Clinic to receive the discount or purchase online with the 20% discount automatically included.