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          at  Russell Vale ....



For Happy, Healthy Pets... Always!

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We're Back.. and ready to walk!
May , 2013
Million Paws Walk 2013



I'm walking to fight animal cruelty in the 2013 Million Paws Walk this Sunday. If you are, keep an eye out for us and give us a wave.


Why are we walking? Because I believe that all animals should be treated humanely and not have to live in fear or pain.

But the sad fact is that many people mistreat and neglect their pets...


Did you know the RSPCA rescued 30,080 animals just last year?


It's awful to think that so many animals need to be rescued each and every day.


So far I have raised $570 to fight animal cruelty.


A huge THANK YOU to all my awesome supporters - your support will help ensure these animals get the support and love they so desperately need.


But for those of you still to donate...


Can you support my efforts this Sunday by sponsoring my walk? (and our adopted pets Jake and Smiles)


It would really mean a lot.


To sponsor my walk, simply click on the link below to view my fundraising page and make a donation:


All funds raised will support RSPCA NSW to prevent cruelty to animals by actively promoting their care and protection.


I really hope you can support my efforts to help animals in need.


Thank you so much!


Dr Liz

We would love you to review us

Customer satisfaction is extremely important to us at Russell Vale Animal Clinic and word-of-mouth feedback is our main source of customers.  So if you like our service, we'd love it if you could take a moment to review your experience with us on - Word Of Mouth Online.

To review Russell Vale Animal Clinic and share your experience with others, just click here: 
It only takes a moment and we'd be so grateful.

If for some reason, you have not been totally satisfied with our service, please call or email us directly.  We would love the opportunity to rectify this.

Thank you very much for your help!

Quick Link


Fight against Cruelty
Let the animalclinic family walk together... for our animals.

Are you involved in the RSPCA Million Paws Walk? 

If you are, let us know your fundraising page, and we would love to help your tally. 

And, to help you say hallo to other animalclinic family members, we have sexy orange bandannas for your dog to wear on the day - come in to pick yours up, or email us, and we will get it sent out to you.  We will probably have some spare on the day, so if you see us... wave out too!  Then we can all wave to other animalclinic family members on the day, and make a good day, great! 

The RSPCA have green bandannas for sale too - as a fashion statement,  you could layer the two - orange one on top of the green one? 
pusski in orange
Our cat Pusski showing off
the "animalclinic Walk" Bandanna.

We are also registered, and will be adopting Jake and Smiles (thanks Jeanette and Arthur) for the walk.



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Word of Mouth is the best way!