Happy Birthday Russell Vale Animal Clinic - | April 2012 |
April is a special month where we remember the birthday of Russell Vale Animal Clinic; where we acknowledge World Veterinary Day, and praise the hard work of Guide (and all service) dogs all over the world in International Guide Dog Day.
All of these days have alot in common. They are focusing on working towards improving the quality of health of human beings through our animal friends. With this comes a responsibility towards our animal friends in ensuring their mental, physical and medical needs are looked after.
It is human nature to take things for granted, including our pets, so we should all make the effort each year to celebrate the unique relationship we have with animals.
And thanks for joining the email list. We are slowly increasing our list categories to make sure you receive information relevant to you, so don't forget to check in every so often. Feel free to forward to a friend, as the more the merrier.
Last month was the Australian Veterinary Associations Polite Pets Month, which was a fantastic awareness program of anxiety related issues of our pets.
Help is available all year round, although starting therapy early is more likely going to have a better outcome, as anxieties become worse with no treatment.
You can subscribe to our Newsletter, or just to notifications of when we will be closed, or MedAlerts.
Contact Us | | 17 Bellambi Lane Russell Vale, 2518 02 42 845988
Mobile contact for out of normal hours - 0401349849 |
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- Summer may be over, but the fleas don't think so. Keep vigilant.
- Mosquito born diseases are on the increase.
- Council are going through pet registratin checks - all pets must be registered at six months old. Avoid fines.
Mossies Bite : When any vet speaks to you about whether your dog (or cat) is on Heartworm prevention, we are not trying to "sell" a product, but trying to ensure that you and y our pets stay healthy. It is not only dogs that can get infected with this disease.
But before you panic, you cannot get Heartworms from your dog licking you in the face, or any other fun activity. And you can't get it from changing your cat's litter tray. But you can get infected in exactly the same way as the dog and the cat get infected .... through a mosquito bite.
Are you secretly part of the Secret Cat Society - a unique group of individuals who secretly feed a cat which is not their own?
Have you thought about bringing this cat in to be scanned for a microchip? It might actually be someone's long lost kitty cat. My father's cat went missing for 18 months, and when he eventually was scanned, and then back to us, he was still his nice cuddly self, thanks to the wonderful people who fed him even if he was not their cat.
So if you have a secret cat, why not get it scanned for a chip, get it up to date on worming and flea control.
 | Perfect Match - Guide Dog Training | nternational Guide Dog Day
27th of April is International Guide Dog Day.
It is on this day that we recognise the amazing work of all assistance organisations around the world in letting our animals do what they love to do... help us.
On this day, all proceeds from Proheart SR-12 injections will be donated to NSW/ACT Guide Dogs from Russell Vale vets.
Appointments are necessary, and numbers we can see are limited. |
World Veterinary Day This day is in recognition of veterinarians around the world, and you would think about the work they do with animals alone. But, in actuality, the focus of this day each year is on the health of the World, of all animals, including people.
This year, the focus is on Antimicrobial Resistance, and is a reminder that many people have died as a result of overuse of antibiotics, with the bacteria developing a resistance to them.
Antibiotic usage in the production of our food is a contributing factor, as well as the antibiotics we use on ourselves and our pets, especially if the correct dose and strength is not given, and especially if you do not "finish the course".
One of the many ways we, as vets can help reduce the risk of resistance is to choose antibiotics on the basis of a Culture and Sensitivity only, rather than hand out the antibiotics like they are candy. |
 Proheart SR-12 for dogs A yearly injection for prevention against infection of Heartworms has been available in Australia for a few years now. It is one way of making sure your pet never misses a dose. Do not hesitate to ask if this is the right thing for your dog. Our Price: $please enquire as it depends on your dog's weight. 12 week old puppies - $20-30 (3 month protection only) 6 month old puppies - 50% of yearly price - please enquire as it depends on your dog's weight (and only provides 9 months of protection) Adults - annual injection - please enquire as it depends on your dog's weight.
thanks for reading.
Dr Liz
Russell Vale Animal Clinic |
$20 only
Heartworm Tests for Cats -
Our cats can aslo get infected with Heartworm and they also need protection. In cats, the signs are usually vomiting, rather than the breathing or heart problems we see in dogs, and in many cats, there are no signs of infection at all until it is too late.
As the test we use is a Feline Triple, your cat will also be tested for Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (Feline Aids)
| Offer Expires: 30th April 2012 - Does not include vet check fee of $40.00 |
Save 20% |
On Proheart SR-12 injection for dogs -
Proheart SR-12 is a once a year preventative for Heartworm disease for dogs only. Yup, that's right - it lasts for 12 months in the adult dog.
Conditions: Only for dogs who are not on any current Heartworm preventatives.
| Offer Expires: 30th April 2012. No rainchecks. |