To the Responsible Pet Owner
 | Don't I look pretty? |
Hi, it's Pandora here, and I've wrestled control of this part of the newsletter (albeit temporarily) from Dr Liz's hands. When I knew she was writing about responsible pet owners, I decided I had to give it a cat's view, as why would you want to read anybody elses? You would be a responsible cat owner if you..
- let us wake you at all hours of the day and night for feeding
- open the door for us to let us in and out when we choose.
- do not disturb us whilst we are asleep, contemplating World Peace.
- give us long pats when we want them, and leave us alone when we don't.
Whereas, I know what Dr Liz was writing about it was about the type of food, activity, microchip details, brushing teeth, general grooming etc - important stuff I am sure if you are human, but not if you are a cat. We both agree though on the bit about abundant love, affection and respect. I think that I will stick with my list, and I'll make sure Dr Liz reads it too! Yours, for happy, healthy pets Pandora (the boss) There is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast. ~Author Unknown
Dr Liz, Dirk & family on holidays
In April.... so don't panic!
| Dreaming..... |
It's Dr Liz here... My last holiday was in 2011, and that is a long time between recharging the batteries, especially as a vet.
So, recharging the batteries we are. Our website will keep you updated on what is going to happen at the vets during those few weeks.
For those that are new to our family, this blog may explain more about what happens and why.
Oh, and we taking our younger two children and going on a Cruise.
Dates? From 8th to the 23rd of April, 2013. |
Are you a responsible pet owner?
Well, of course you are....but all of us don't do everything we are supposed to be doing, and sometimes, life just gets in the way.
You are human.... so no need to feel guilty, but just take a good look at what things you are doing
 | What Breed Am I? |
for your pet, and then, the things you could be doing.
- Have you budgeted for veterinary emergencies? and have you considered Pet Insurance? We have a quote calculator link on our website. Did you know about our in-house interest free payments for those unexpected expensive moments up to $600 or for larger amounts with VetPay?

- Have you had your pet's microchip scanned and checked lately? Even if you know you have updated the details, have you double checked to make sure it was done at the council end? If your pet wears a collar, does it have a tag with a correct phone number? (basic, I know).
Your pet thanks you for taking the effort to check.
Hot Summer Skin Tips
 | Itchy? Or just trying to hear what you are saying? |
- If your pet is itchy, but you don't see any fleas, think of mosquitoes or other biting insects. Use flea control fortnightly, and consider mosquito repellant, like Troy Buzz Off (suitable for cats and dogs). Also remember that itchy pets are very good at grooming away any signs of fleas, so still use the Comfortis/Panoramis monthly (dogs only), or Advantage/Frontline fortnightly (cats and dogs). Rabbits, rats and mice, you can use Advantage or Revolution only, nothing else.
 | You don't have to cover your pet up to stop the itching |
If any sores look red or infected, but are not itchy, then using a medicated shampoo, such as PAW Mediderm may help.
- Do you know what a hot spot looks like? They are acute, intense yellow pus looking sores that can crop up anywhere, but usually on the head, neck, or lower back. Clipping them up, and cleaning them with betadine and water may help. If small, then you can just dab on witchhazel or Betadine. If the sore is larger, or yellow coloured (pus) use Dermcare Pyohex shampoo. Oh, and most times a vet visit is needed too, "for some drugs, dude" (spoken in a hippy drugged out voice").
- Do not overwash your pet this summer - and always use a good quality conditioner - we like Troy Oaticoat, and PAW Nutriderm - both of these are leave in conditioners.
Did you know, with the itching pets, comes an increase in the cases of back and neck pain,  | Astonishing Secrets - just don't let anyone else know! |
as the pet twists and weaves to relieve the itching, and then "does its back in". In February & March, we will start our "Astonishing Secrets" series on our blog, which will offer handy, "things you can do for your pet if it is unwell, before you get a chance to see the vet" tips. The "birds", otherwise known as 'Charlie & the Town Crier" will be your clue that it is an "Astonishing Secret". Feel free to share. |
Your Pet's Age Guess your pet's "human age" and then check the chart.
How close did you get?
Pandora is now the big "Four - Oh" (she turns 7 this year) even though she still acts 15!.
Should we have a party for her?
Days of our Pet's Lives
Who would've thought....
Have you ever watched the movie Groundhog Day? Well, it isn't a great movie, but the 2nd of February has been dedicated Groundhog Day.
February is Responsible Pet Owners Month,
if you couldn't tell from the heading.
Other interesting days...
14th February (not just Valentines Day), but it is also Pet Theft Awareness Day.
| Aaaw! | 20th of February - Love-your-Pet-Always Day
22nd of February - Walking-the-Dog Day
And .... my favourite
27th February is National Polar Bear Day (and a reminder that the environment for the Polar Bear, and other Arctic, and Antarctic Animals are under threat with thinning of the polar ice caps.
Your Monthly Competition - now up and running
Amazing Odds to Win
We heard, we listened, and people love to win stuff. We can't offer houses, or cars, or trips to exotic places. We are a family vet practice, and we want our family a chance to win.... our animalclinic family.
So we started our own animalclinic family competition, which you can enter through facebook or through our online shop (animalclinic).
Every month..... regular as clockwork... animalclinic is here for your every month!
And its stuff that is a bit more practical... stuff that your pet needs!
March is Polite Pets Month
 | Scary! Help? |
Free Behaviour Talks in March
But we need YOUR help! Email us your suggestions on what YOU would like to know about your pet's behaviour?
Keep updated on the dates and times through Facebook, PocketVet and the behaviour page on our website.
About Russell Vale Animal Clinic
I know many of you are following my blog, so thank you. As you can see from the highlighted section above, we are taking holidays in April. In one of my blog posts from last year, it explains in more detail why we close up shop, and go away. Want to read it? Go here!
In February & March, in the bellambivets blog, we will be doing an " Astonishing Secrets" series, offering advice on how to help your pet until you can get to see a vet. We look forward to your feedback, and ideas, on what you want to know.
As promised in my last newsletter, we will be having a photo shoot at the vets in the next month or so... if you are happy for your pet to be involved, or just be part of it yourselves, please send me an email, as we would really love to use photos of our own pets and people on all of our internet stuff, rather than rely on stock photos.
We are unique in the 'Gong as far as vet practices go, and we thank you for keeping us special. Thank You!
Your pet's paws are always in my heart  ... our animalclinic family.
Dr Liz
17 Bellambi Lane Russell Vale, 2518 Russell Vale Animal Clinic 02 42 845988
Breaking News...
 | Hear Hear - Important News Below |
We will be closed on Saturday 23rd of February, 2013, as Dr Liz will be attending a "Better Care" seminar in Sydney on Saturday and Sunday.
It will be up to date information on antibiotics, lameness in dogs, and the latest treatments for itchy dogs.
A bit on the wild side during February's Pet Dental Month
Did you know....
- the zoo's train their animals to have their teeth brushed EVERY day, and they can even train them to allow procedures such as root canals and extractions under local anaesthetic? so what stops our pet owners from brushing their pet's teeth?
- wild animals get dental disease too but who looks after them. Find out more through the Peter Emily Foundation.
 | Dental Care for Wild Animals |
Quick Links |
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 | Got an iphone? ipad? ipod? Get the PocketVet app! |
Then select Russell Vale Animal Clinic as your preferred vet!
Well, you are on our list, but
why not invite others?
Our animalclinic shop... your one stop shop to buy local, save local.
 | animalclinic - your pets place! |
Scalibor - released Dec 2012 - a 3 month tick control collar for dogs!
 | You know what ticks look like, now here is a new product to prevent them causing problems in your dog! |