Youth on Board Newsletters
Please read through our newsletters where you will find information about events, policy wins, and successes on our student organized projects, including:
- Student-to-Teacher Constructive Feedback -        
- Restorative Justice Practices and Changing Harsh Discpline Policies -
 - Student Evaluation of Teachers in Boston and Massachusetts -
- BSAC members teaching classes at Harvard University -
- Rallies & A National Convening, and more! -
  • Protecting and Uplifting Undocumented Immigrant Youth  (9/6/2017)
  • At Youth on Board, we stand with all undocumented immigrant youth and their families in the wake of the DACA repeal announcement by the Trump administration. We promise to continue to protect them by working with Boston Public Schools and by continuing to promote our BPS Student Rights App and are ready to expand our Open Doors project by partnering with immigrant youth organizers in order to strengthen our social movements and build a stronger and more unified resistance to hate and division.
  • Open Society Foundation grant launch's YOB's Open Doors Project!  (5/30/2017)
  • We are excited to introduce our latest project, Open Doors, that we developed in response to the hate and division in our current political climate. Additional news with the climate team holding idling action and Governor Baker signs letter supporting the Paris Climate Deal.
  • Working for Climate Justice!  (5/4/2017)
  • On Saturday April 29th, we joined thousands of concerned residents on Boston Common at the People's Climate March.

    For the past year, BSAC/YOB's Climate Team, understanding the vulnerability of Boston to climate change and the disproportionate impact climate change has on low-income communities, has worked to educate and engage their community to work for climate justice.
  • Foundation Budget Press Conference  (4/18/2017)
  • On Monday, April 10th, Youth on Board alumna Kalise Osula spoke alongside community leaders at a press conference held by Senator Sonia Chang Diaz regarding legislation she is sponsoring with the support of 80 state legislators.

    Five members of BSAC presented on each of their four subcommittees (Equity, Student Voice, Dismantling the School to Prison Pipeline, and Climate Justice) as part of their requirements to earn credit for BSAC as an elective course. This marks the 2nd years students have had the opportunity to receive credit for their leadership in BSAC and have it appear on their official transcript.
  • Boston Public Schools are Sanctuaries for Students and BSAC Presents New Climate Change Curriculum  (3/13/2017)
  • BSAC members Edward Tapia and Fania Joseph testified with other teachers, students, and parents about their experiences in the Boston Public Schools and advocated for BPS to become a sanctuary for students.

    BSAC members have been collaborating with BPS science teachers to develop official BPS climate change curriculum. BSAC presented the curriculum at the BPS Science Awards to announce that the web site just went live.
  • Calling out hate crimes and protecting immigrants  (3/6/2017)
  • The Boston Student Advisory Council adds two new pages to the Boston Student Rights app about the rights of undocumented students and bias-based conduct in schools.

    Youth on Board and BSAC members encourage members of the community to stand in solidarity with sanctuary schools at the Boston City Council hearing on March 7, 2017 at 5:30pm, see newsletter for more details.
  • Mayor Walsh / Boston Herald-ESSA / App live in Spanish!  (2/6/2017)
  • BSAC had two productive meetings with Mayor Marty Walsh last week. BSAC/YOB also submitted a letter and provided testimony to the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The letter was signed on by over a dozen organizations supporting our efforts to include School Climate as an indicator of student success in the state's ESSA implementation plan.

    Boston Student Rights App is
    Now Live in SPANISH!
  • Obama's Secretary of Education, App Video, Listening Project, and more!  (11/30/2016)
  • BSAC meets with the U.S. Secretary of Education, John B. King, introduces a new video for the Boston Student Rights App, interviews over 500 BPS students for the Listening Project, and defeats question 2 in MA!
  • We're Center Stage at City Hall, DESE, and American Reparatory Theater  (9/29/2016)
  • Youth On Board is starting the school year with a few accomplishments!
  • Youth Pass Forever, $5 Million for BPS & More Big Wins  (6/21/2016)
  • We're ending the year strong with four major wins for Boston Students! MBTA Youth Passes, $5 million dollars in funding and more amazing successes that have been achieved through youth organizing this spring.
  • BPS Student Activists receive the President's Award from the Massachusetts Teachers Association  (6/2/2016)
  • We are proud to announce that Barbara Madeloni, president of the Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA), honored student activists with the President's Award at the 2016 convention.
  • Powerful Student Testimony After Hundreds Walkout  (5/18/2016)
  • Students from several Boston high schools organized a walkout for the second time this spring to protest a budget shortfall that will affect BPS high schools, special education students, and early learning centers, among others.
  • Take the Test Event  (4/25/2016)
  • Recently Massachusetts and Boston policy makers were invited by the YOUNG Coalition (Youth Organizers for the Now Generation) to spend 45 minutes taking portions of PARCC and MCAS so they could experience what high stakes testing is like for students in schools across the state.
  • Can You Name the Six Domains of SEL?  (4/4/2016)
  • Two years ago, Youth on Board was one of eight programs selected to be part of national research project funded by the Susan Crown Exchange and conducted by the Weikert Center for Youth Program Quality.
  • BPS Walkout  (3/8/2016)
  • Students left school to protest a budget shortfall that would result in cuts to teachers' jobs, classes, and supplies.
  • MA School Climate Statewide Youth Summit  (1/26/2016)
  • Youth and adult allies from�Amherst, Boston, Cambridge, Fitchburg, Lawrence, Springfield�and�Worcester�convened in Worcester, MA on January 16th to share knowledge and skills and build youth power for public education in Massachusetts. Over 50 people attended the first Statewide Youth Summit to discuss policing in schools, student rights, and funding.�
  • Greenovate award and 1k+ app downloads  (6/17/2015)
  • BSAC is proud to receive the Greenovate award for all our work for climate justice. Check out our new Student Rights App!
  • Mayor Walsh and Student Vote  (4/10/2015)
  • Students met with Mayor Marty Walsh and are moving towards getting the student representative on the school committee at vote!
  • Celebrating 20 years with a new web site!  (3/23/2015)
  • Visit our new web site that we developed and learn more about our work and accomplishments during the past twenty years!
  • Superintendent Interviews  (3/3/2015)
  • BSAC members sat on an interview panel for the final four candidates for superintendent of the Boston Public Schools.
  • Ferguson statement  (11/26/2014)
  • YOB and BSAC's thoughts on Ferguson
  • Divestment for the City of Boston!!  (11/19/2014)
  • BSAC, in collaboration with community partners, work towards divestment in Boston.
  • Thanks for Listening BPS!  (11/7/2014)
  • BSAC is thankful to BPS for their longstanding partnership and listening to and supporting young people.
  • No Pepper Spray at BPS  (11/6/2014)
  • BPS police will not be carrying pepper spray
  • Tribute to Mayor Menino  (11/3/2014)
  • BSAC is grateful to our longstanding relationship with Mayor Tom Menino
  • 4th Annual Listening Project  (10/15/2014)
  • We spoke to over 350 students across the City of Boston about discipline practices at BPS.
  • Dayton OH Press Conference on Charter Schools  (10/10/2014)
  • BSAC member Savina Tapia spoke eloquently at a press conference on her experience at a charter school
  • We Helped make History - 400,000 Marching for Change!  (9/23/2014)
  • An amazing day marching with our allies in New York City! Read the coverage and see the photos
  • Charter School Cap Vote  (7/25/2014)
  • Working to ensure equity for all students in Massachusetts
  • March against the Keystone Pipeline   (4/29/2014)
  • BSAC joins thousands in DC to march against the Keystone Pipeline.
  • Globe article on Students' exclusion from superintendent search committee  (3/18/2014)
  • Globe gets it right! Many support students being part of the superintendent Search Committee
  • In the Boston Globe - Federal Guidance confirms BSAC's work on restorative justice!  (2/11/2014)
  • BSAC student representative to the Boston School Committee Ayomide Olumuyiwa was featured in a Boston Globe article.
  • Town hall and testimony  (12/13/2013)
  • BSAC co-organized Boston's Day of Action as one of 100 cities across the country working to take back public education. BSAC members also provided testimony to Mayor Walsh.
  • 3rd Annual Listening Project!  (10/8/2013)
  • Last week BSAC, and other YOUNG Coalition members, went to four T stations across Boston for our 3rd annual Listening Project.
  • Ice Cream with the Mayoral Candidates  (9/20/2013)
  • During the past week, young people from BSAC, BYOP and the YOUNG Coalition met with seven Boston Mayoral candidates in local ice cream shops to share their vision of the future of BPS.
  • Historic Change to Boston's Code of Conduct  (9/11/2013)
  • The fight to end the school-to-prison pipeline made historic strides last week in when the Boston Public School Committee adopted an entirely new Code of Conduct.
  • Obama Administration invited BSAC to speak June 2013  (8/13/2013)
  • The Federal Education Department's Youth Engagement team brought together over 100 ED staff and line viewers to hear students from three states tell their stories, with a major theme being the disconnect between young people and the political system that shapes their lives.
  • New Public Screening Announcement  (5/14/2013)
  • Youth on Board hosts screening of The New Public in Washington D.C. with AFT, OTL, and Anthos Media.
  • Kellogg Foundation Grant Announced  (4/12/2013)
  • Thanks to a generous grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Youth on Board is working on a national campaign to ultimately improve the educational process for ALL students.
  • BSAC Calls for Fair MBTA  (4/5/2013)
  • BSAC demands support for their proposal, which would prevent fare increases, as well as provide youth and senior passes.
  • BSAC Rallies for Progressive Tax Reform  (3/26/2013)
  • Hundreds of young people represent their communities to fight for state funding for education, transportation, infrastructure, and youth jobs through progressive revenue proposals.
  • School Based Campaigns  (3/1/2013)
  • BSAC has developed and campaigned for numerous policies that support and improve student rights in the Boston Public Schools.
  • BSAC calls for investment in our communities  (2/13/2013)
  • BSAC, along with the Campaign for Our Communities coalition and over 100 other groups, organized to raise awareness about the need to increase tax revenue to go towards education and more.
  • Harvard Law School invites BSAC to teach a class!  (11/27/2012)
  • BSAC alumni, Carlos Rojas and Will Poff-Webster were invited to teach a class at Harvard Law school.
  • 2012 BSAC Listening Project  (11/8/2012)
  • BSAC teamed up with Dignity in Schools to listen to over 400 people about unfair discipline practices at BPS.
  • We Are the Ones in the Classroom Conference  (10/25/2012)
  • We brought together over 70 people from 10 states to discuss improving teacher and student relationships and including student feedback in teacher evaluations and teaching practices.
  • Student Voice at BPS like never before...  (9/20/2012)
  • BPS institutes major changes to include student voices in new and exciting ways.
  • BSAC goes to Harvard!  (5/3/2012)
  • A team of BSAC members teach a course at Harvard Graduate School of Education.
  • BSAC goes to Chicago!  (4/2/2012)
  • A team of BSAC members flew to Chicago to take part in VOYCE's press conference on Student Voice in Teacher Evaluation.
  • We Are the Ones in the Classroom...Ask Us! - Video  (4/1/2012)
  • Watch our exciting video that tells the story how Boston pushed policy in Boston in Massachusetts to get students' voice in the classroom and in teacher evaluations.
  • MBTA Rally  (2/16/2012)
  • BSAC Listening Project  (10/7/2011)
  • June 29, 2011 BOE VOTE  (3/25/2013)
  • Student feedback is now an official part of teacher evaluations!
  • Post-Rally News Blast   (9/29/2011)
  • Can You Name the Six Domains of SEL?  (4/4/2016)
  • Two years ago, Youth on Board was one of eight programs selected to be part of national research project funded by the Susan Crown Exchange and conducted by the Weikert Center for Youth Program Quality. The project aimed to identify promising practices for building Social Emotional Learning skills and to develop a method for taking these practices to scale in thousands of out-of-school time settings.
  • BPS Walkout  (3/8/2016)
  • Students left school to protest a budget shortfall that would result in cuts to teachers' jobs, classes, and supplies.
  • MA School Climate Statewide Youth Summit  (1/26/2016)
  • Youth and adult allies from�Amherst, Boston, Cambridge, Fitchburg, Lawrence, Springfield�and�Worcester�convened in Worcester, MA on January 16th to share knowledge and skills and build youth power for public education in Massachusetts. Over 50 people attended the first Statewide Youth Summit to discuss policing in schools, student rights, and funding.�
  • Greenovate award and 1k+ app downloads  (6/17/2015)
  • BSAC is proud to receive the Greenovate award for all our work for climate justice. Check out our new Student Rights App!
  • Mayor Walsh and Student Vote  (4/10/2015)
  • Students met with Mayor Marty Walsh and are moving towards getting the student representative on the school committee at vote!
  • Celebrating 20 years with a new web site!  (3/23/2015)
  • Visit our new web site that we developed and learn more about our work and accomplishments during the past twenty years!
  • Superintendent Interviews  (3/3/2015)
  • BSAC members sat on an interview panel for the final four candidates for superintendent of the Boston Public Schools.
  • Ferguson statement  (11/26/2014)
  • YOB and BSAC's thoughts on Ferguson
  • Divestment for the City of Boston!!  (11/19/2014)
  • BSAC, in collaboration with community partners, work towards divestment in Boston.
  • Thanks for Listening BPS!  (11/7/2014)
  • BSAC is thankful to BPS for their longstanding partnership and listening to and supporting young people.
  • No Pepper Spray at BPS  (11/6/2014)
  • BPS police will not be carrying pepper spray
  • Tribute to Mayor Menino  (11/3/2014)
  • BSAC is grateful to our longstanding relationship with Mayor Tom Menino
  • 4th Annual Listening Project  (10/15/2014)
  • We spoke to over 350 students across the City of Boston about discipline practices at BPS.
  • Dayton OH Press Conference on Charter Schools  (10/10/2014)
  • BSAC member Savina Tapia spoke eloquently at a press conference on her experience at a charter school
  • We Helped make History - 400,000 Marching for Change!  (9/23/2014)
  • An amazing day marching with our allies in New York City! Read the coverage and see the photos
  • Charter School Cap Vote  (7/25/2014)
  • Working to ensure equity for all students in Massachusetts
  • March against the Keystone Pipeline   (4/29/2014)
  • BSAC joins thousands in DC to march against the Keystone Pipeline.
  • Globe article on Students' exclusion from superintendent search committee  (3/18/2014)
  • Globe gets it right! Many support students being part of the superintendent Search Committee
  • In the Boston Globe - Federal Guidance confirms BSAC's work on restorative justice!  (2/11/2014)
  • BSAC student representative to the Boston School Committee Ayomide Olumuyiwa was featured in a Boston Globe article.
  • Town hall and testimony  (12/13/2013)
  • BSAC co-organized Boston's Day of Action as one of 100 cities across the country working to take back public education. BSAC members also provided testimony to Mayor Walsh.
  • 3rd Annual Listening Project!  (10/8/2013)
  • Last week BSAC, and other YOUNG Coalition members, went to four T stations across Boston for our 3rd annual Listening Project.
  • Ice Cream with the Mayoral Candidates  (9/20/2013)
  • During the past week, young people from BSAC, BYOP and the YOUNG Coalition met with seven Boston Mayoral candidates in local ice cream shops to share their vision of the future of BPS.
  • Historic Change to Boston's Code of Conduct  (9/11/2013)
  • The fight to end the school-to-prison pipeline made historic strides last week in when the Boston Public School Committee adopted an entirely new Code of Conduct.
  • Obama Administration invited BSAC to speak June 2013  (8/13/2013)
  • The Federal Education Department's Youth Engagement team brought together over 100 ED staff and line viewers to hear students from three states tell their stories, with a major theme being the disconnect between young people and the political system that shapes their lives.
  • New Public Screening Announcement  (5/14/2013)
  • Youth on Board hosts screening of The New Public in Washington D.C. with AFT, OTL, and Anthos Media.
  • Kellogg Foundation Grant Announced  (4/12/2013)
  • Thanks to a generous grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Youth on Board is working on a national campaign to ultimately improve the educational process for ALL students.
  • BSAC Calls for Fair MBTA  (4/5/2013)
  • BSAC demands support for their proposal, which would prevent fare increases, as well as provide youth and senior passes.
  • BSAC Rallies for Progressive Tax Reform  (3/26/2013)
  • Hundreds of young people represent their communities to fight for state funding for education, transportation, infrastructure, and youth jobs through progressive revenue proposals.
  • School Based Campaigns  (3/1/2013)
  • BSAC has developed and campaigned for numerous policies that support and improve student rights in the Boston Public Schools.
  • BSAC calls for investment in our communities  (2/13/2013)
  • BSAC, along with the Campaign for Our Communities coalition and over 100 other groups, organized to raise awareness about the need to increase tax revenue to go towards education and more.
  • Harvard Law School invites BSAC to teach a class!  (11/27/2012)
  • BSAC alumni, Carlos Rojas and Will Poff-Webster were invited to teach a class at Harvard Law school.
  • 2012 BSAC Listening Project  (11/8/2012)
  • BSAC teamed up with Dignity in Schools to listen to over 400 people about unfair discipline practices at BPS.
  • We Are the Ones in the Classroom Conference  (10/25/2012)
  • We brought together over 70 people from 10 states to discuss improving teacher and student relationships and including student feedback in teacher evaluations and teaching practices.
  • Student Voice at BPS like never before...  (9/20/2012)
  • BPS institutes major changes to include student voices in new and exciting ways.
  • BSAC goes to Harvard!  (5/3/2012)
  • A team of BSAC members teach a course at Harvard Graduate School of Education.
  • BSAC goes to Chicago!  (4/2/2012)
  • A team of BSAC members flew to Chicago to take part in VOYCE's press conference on Student Voice in Teacher Evaluation.
  • We Are the Ones in the Classroom...Ask Us! - Video  (4/1/2012)
  • Watch our exciting video that tells the story how Boston pushed policy in Boston in Massachusetts to get students' voice in the classroom and in teacher evaluations.
  • MBTA Rally  (2/16/2012)
  • BSAC Listening Project  (10/7/2011)
  • June 29, 2011 BOE VOTE  (3/25/2013)
  • Student feedback is now an official part of teacher evaluations!
  • Post-Rally News Blast   (9/29/2011)
Youth on Board
58 Day Street
Somerville, Massachusetts 02144
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