Recently Massachusetts and Boston policy makers were invited by the YOUNG Coalition (Youth Organizers for the Now Generation) to spend 45 minutes taking portions of PARCC and MCAS so they could experience what high stakes testing is like for students in schools across the state.

Test takers had an opportunity to share how they felt taking the test and students talked about how they believe high stakes testing negatively affects their lives and education. We plan to have more of these events in the future and look forward to continuing this important discussion.

Thanks for taking the test:

Rahn Dorsey, 
Boston Chief of Education

Sen. Pat Jehlen 

Rep. Marjorie Decker 

Sen. Linda Dorcena Forry

Sen. William Brownsberger 

Read the press coverage by the Baystate Banner.

Please contact us at for more information.  

The YOUNG Coalition is made up of young people from BSAC and BYOP.


Youth on Board and BSAC

Youth on Board is a project of YouthBuild USA
BSAC is co-administered by
Youth on Board and BPS Office of Engagement