- e-Newsletter Archives | BDPA Chapters & ICT Industry news
- National Championship Receptions - DC Area
- 2014 Annual Scholarship & Awards Gala
- 2014 National BDPA Tech Conference Reviews
- - 2014 IT Showcase and HSCC Teams
- 2014 BDPA Oracle Scholars - 2014 Regional BDPA Tech Conference Reviews
- - 36th Annual National BDPA Technology Conference tickler
- 2014 BDPA Oracle Scholarship Announcement - BDPA Welcomes #BDPA14
- 2013 Remix: Slideshow Year-in-Review
- Coast Guard Officer Programs and HBCUs
- Internship Opportunities @ SiriusXM - Trending in Fall 2013--Awards & Recognition
- - BDPA Student Membership Thrusts
- New Tech-Inclusion video programs launched - Trending in Summer 2013--National Conference
- - BDPA Launches Ensign Stevenson, U.S. Navy
- National BDPA Small Business Week Mixers - Trending in Spring 2013--Students Must Learn How to Write Code
- - CBS airs Philly High School Computer Competition (HSCC) teams
- Robotics & STEM
- Women's History Month - Happy Holiday Message from Washington
- - Season's Greetings from the BDPA-DC and bdpatoday staff
- Networking & "Cliff" Tickets | December 2012
- - Holiday Networking Events
- Hiring opportunities for 2013 STEM Interns - Code BIG! | In December 2012 print edition...
- - Season's Greetings!
- 2013 STEM-IC Career Paths
- edX - Open-Source platforms for on-line education
- Code BIG or go home! Big-Data hack-a-thons erupt - Post-Election Industry Updates & Events
- - Happy Thanksgiving!
- BDPA Chapter Fundraisers
- Entry Level openings for Java Developers
- November 2012 newsletter [Archived] - Industry titans launch new devices, products & services
- - Community STEM initiatives evolve
- Local Chapters Announce Keynotes for Fundraisers - Industry Execs to Keynote NBDPA 12 Gala and CIO Panel
- - CxOs from Health IT, Telecommunications, Defense, and Federal Government invited
- NBDPA 2012 Keynote Confirmed; IRS Forms 990 Due | MAY 2012
- - Dr. Ernest McDuffie, NIST Cyber Czar, to keynote 34th Annual Awards Gala in Baltimore
- IRS Form 990 due for most NPOs whose fiscal year ended December 31, 2011
- NNOA STEM Scholarship application due date extended - WABJ and BDPA Host Panel and Reception | APR 2012
- Digital Journalism in the post-PC era
- Last bt eNewsletter in 2011
- - Cybersecurity & IP Bill could become law in 2012
- Fave STEM 2011 tax-deductible programs
- Join, Renew, Subscribe, or donate today - Season's Best | Memberships@BDPA
- - Join, Renew, or add a new Student Member
- BDPA Member Award & Best Buy Grant
- - Dr. Juan Gilbert wins Presidential Award
- BDPA-DC captures Best Buy Foundation Grant - Black In America "4.0" | Silicon Valley
- - Is Silicon Valley the 'New Promised Land?'
- Follow breaking industry news with us on Twitter - MDC3 is underway | Keynote Announced for DC Gala
- - Keynote Announced for Awards Gala in DC
- Baltimore hosts Maryland's Cyber Challenge & Conference (MDC3) - Steve Jobs | Thank you for changing our world!
- Tech Industry mourns loss of iconic legend
- Google no longer a "Tween"
- - Google Turns 13
- End of Quarter, new Events, & Intern opportunities
- New [Federal] Fiscal Year
- Upcoming events - BDPA iRadio on BlogTalkRadio.com
- - 2011 Emmy Award winner Mario Armstrong (CNN, BDPA-TV, et. al.)
- CAC Chair (BDPA Cincinnati): Patrick Nelson
- HSCC Alumni: Khalif Oliver
- NBDPA VP Strategy: Curtis Jenkins - bdpatoday (JOB$ Bill Heads to the Hill) | 09.12.11
- - U.S. Secretary of Education goes back to School
- Guerilla Marketing: Under Armour #UA - Education & Economy Tour | ITSMF Reception 15 SEP 11
- - CxO & Senior IT Executives hosted by ITSMF in DC
- MLK Memorial Dedication rescheduled for Sunday October 16th - MLK Memorial Dedication | COOP/DR planning for "IRENE"
- - MLK Memorial Dedication, Sunday August 28th
- NE states preparing for Hurricane Irene
- Continuity of Operations/Disaster Recovery planning - McDonald's President and COO welcomes NBDPA to Chicago
- NBDPA 2011 - Day #1 | 08.03.11
Opening Ceremonies
Follow live tweets on Twitter: + http://www.twitter.com/bdpatoday - bdpatoday (DC & NoVA Conference & Membership updates ) | 07.11.11
- Last Day for Conference Room Rates | Membership Renewals
- bdpatoday (BDPA TV Host wins Emmy) | 07.10.11
- Mario Armstong, BDPA TV host, wins Emmy for his college television program
- bdpatoday (Technology Conferences) | 07.07.11
- bt reviews upcoming third quarter technology events, NBDPA 2011, regional BDPA technology summits, TeraGrid '11, FOSE 2011, and others
- bdpatoday (iRadio debut) | 06.14.11
- NBDPA: Internet Radio Talk Show Debuts
- bdpatoday (SiriusXM Satellite Radio, Cisco Systems) | 06.08.11
- Securing mobile apps; Telecomm firms hosting Regional BDPA Conference events
- bdpatoday (Freddie Mac local Corporation of the Year) | 06.05.11
- Plus: Raytheon Awards $5000 to BETF for BDPA-LA and upcoming NBDPA Regional Technology Conferences
- bdpatoday (Code Wars II) | 05.29.11
- Code Wars | America's Cyber Threat encore presentation
- bdpatoday (Code Wars) | 05.26.11
- Code Wars | America's Cyber Threat
- bdpatoday (Regional Conferences & Career Expos) | 05.22.11
- IT Career Fairs - Cyber, STEM, and Diversity
- bdpatoday (Tech Latino 2030) | 05.11.11
- Tech Latino 2030 Legislative Forum
- bdpatoday (New Consoles in Gamers Hands by 2014) | 04.26.11
- - Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony to introduce new consoles by 2014
- COMTO extends 2011 Internship Application deadline - bdpatoday (The State of Wireless Technology) | 04.23.11
- Tablet and mobile devices; tracking software, and more...
- bdpatoday (QUAKE "9.0", SiriusXM JOB$, Math + Bracketology) | 03.15.11
- Earthquake Engineering averted skyscraper collapses; Careers @ SiriusXM Satellite Radio; Using 'March Madness' to reach-teach math
- bdpatoday (BEYA STEM 2011) | 02.16.11
- Black Engineer of the Year Awards, Washington D.C. Feb 17-19, 2011
- bdpatoday (Black Family Technology Awareness Week) | 01.30.11
- Black History Month news and industry events
- bdpatoday (Updated Holiday Events) | 12.10.10
- OMB Announces 25-Point Strategy to reform Fed IT; Win an Apple iPad from BDPA [see details and location]
- bdpatoday (Holiday Edition) | 11.28.10
- December 2010 | BDPA Oracle $cholarships & 2011 Internship Opportunities
- bdpatoday (Chapter Event Updates) | 11.05.10
- CxO's to keynote Local Chapter Scholarship Awards Banquets
- bdpatoday (STEM Alerts) | 10.21.10
- ORACLE scholarships available to BDPA Student Members
- bdpatoday (Sunday) | 08.08.10
- American Honda Foundation grants $25,000 to BETF for NBDPA's SITES Program
- bdpatoday (CNO keynote address overview) | 08.03.10
- Federal and Defense agencies seeking Cyber/STEM professionals to develop tomorrow's workforce
- bdpatoday (Conference Review) | 08.02.10
- Industry executives provide STEM and cyberspace HR capital insight to NBDPA conference attendees and small business owners
- bdpatoday (Career Fair) | 07.30.10
- National BDPA Technology Career Fair opens in Philadlephia
- bdpatoday (National BDPA Conference) | 07.28.10
- NBDPA Technology Conference Opens in Philadelphia
- bdpatoday (Top Secret America) | 07.21.10
- A special report | The Washington Post
- bdpatoday (Facebook Reaches 500M) | 07.20.10
- Face book reaches new milestones
- bdpatoday (10 gov Apps to Watch) | 07.19.10
- Top 10 gov Apps that outperform | GCN
- bdpatoday (Sunday) | 07.18.10
- - Veteran IT Firms
- National Veterans Small Business Expo convenes - bdpatoday (Media Advisory) | 07.17.10
- - NBDPA's Annual Golf Classic is Wednesday, July 28th
- Media Advisory for Defense Contractors - bdpatoday (New Weather.com) | 07.16.10
- The Weather Channel (TWC) launches a new web site
- bdpatoday (Career Fair Sponsors) | 07.15.10
- Annual NBDPA Technology Conference & Career Fair - FREE Registration to attend national Career Fair
- bdpatoday (Gold Sponsors 07.14.10) | Prudential Achieves Gold Level Sponsorship
- 14-days until National BDPA Technology Conference
- bdpatoday (All-Star Edition 07.13.10)
- BDPA expands professional netwroking, STEM and Community outreach to local ballparks
- bdpatoday (REMINDER 06.30.10) | 2Q10 Reports due
- End-of-Quarter
Update/Renew corporate, individual, and student memberships - bdpatoday (Sunday 06.27.10) | LISTA & BDPA Updates
- Obama Administration Presents STEM Challenges to LISTA
- bdpatoday (Sunday 06.20.10) | The Future Ain't What IT Used to Be
- Happy Father's Day
Tech Latino 2030 Begins
The Future Office - bdpatoday (Sunday 06.13.10) | $45 Million now available for STEM Programs
- DoD announces $45 Million for HBCUs and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs); TECH LATINO 2030 heads to Capitol Hill June 22-23, 2010
- bdpatoday (Chapter News) | Dr. Jesse Bemley receives top Award; Cyberspace transformations creates new jobs
- Dr. Jesse L. Bemley receives Lifetime Achievement Award from local chapter; Cyberspace transformations creating new opportunities for IT professionals and small businesses in Baltimore-Richmond corridor
- bdpatoday (Federal News) | Executive Panel to address STEM Workforce Issues & Initiatives with BDPA
- MGen. Ronnie D. Hawkins, Jr., Vice Director, DISA, to keynote BDPA Community Awards Luncehon; Executive Panel to address STEM Workforce Initiatives with BDPA.
- bdpatoday (Chapter News) | President Obama Nominates BDPA Member to EPA Post
- Malcolm D. Jackson, BDPA Philadelphia, nominated for senior EPA post
- bdpatoday (Chapter News) | CNO to Keynote 35th Anniversary Gala
- The 29th Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Gary Roughead, will be our guest of honor and keynote speaker during our annual premiere event and 35th Anniversary of NBDPA
- bdpatoday (2Q10) | Outlook
- Upcoming events for Second Quarter, 2010
- bdpatoday (HSCC) | 2010 Season Kickoff
- 2010 High School Computer Competition (HSCC) season begins in Nation's Capital
- bdpatoday (CAREER$) | Recruiters' Roundtable
- Q&A sessions with regional recruiters; Public/Private sector
- bdpatoday (BEYA) | 24th Black Engineer of the Year Award Honorees
- John Harris II, Vice President, Contracts and Supply Chain, Raytheon Company receives Black Engineer of the Year Award for 2010
- bdpatoday (BEYA) | Black Engineer of the Year Stars & Stripes Award
- LtGen. Dennis L. Via; Director, Command, Control, Communications and Computer (C4) Systems Directorate (J6); receives 2010 BEYA STEM Stars & Stripes Award
- bdpatoday (BFTAW) | Black Family Technology Awareness Week 2010
- BFTAW | HSCC students receive $50,000 from Oracle Foundation
- bdpatoday (Holiday Edition) | 12.24.09
- NORAD tracks Santa | U.S. Senate votes to pass historic Healthcare Reform Bill
- bdpatoday | 12.05.09
- Oracle Foundation Scholarships Awarded to NBDPA Scholars
- bdpatoday (Holiday) | 11.26.09
- Upcoming Events
- bdpatoday (Sunday) | 11.15.09
- The Week Ahead | New Broadband Plan headed to FCC From Congress
- bdpatoday (Sunday) | 11.08.09
- The Week Ahead | The Road to Philadelphia in 2010 Begins
- bdpatoday (DC) |10.17.09
- iNews: NICS joins petaflop supercomputer club
Acronym of the Day: NICS - bdpatoday (DC) |10.16.09
- iNews: "Second Life" solving real-world healthcare problems
Acronym of the Day: HIPAA - bdpatoday (DC) |10.15.09
- iNews: "Tech $ector" trumpets signs of a real rebound
Acronym of the Day: WPA - bdpatoday (DC) |10.14.09
- iNews: DOD budget forecast threatens new technology deployments
Acronym of the Day: IETF - bdpatoday (DC) |10.13.09
- iNews: U.S. Navy | BDPA Sponsor celebrates its 234th birthday, today
Acronym of the Day: NROTC - bdpatoday (DC) |10.12.09
- iNews: What if Christopher Columbus used GPS systems?
Acronym of the Day: GPS - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 10.11.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | '09 Black Tie "IT" Events expose unique career opportunities for FY10 ("IT" is who you know)
Acronym of the Day: RDC - bdpatoday (DC) |10.10.09
- iNews: 5 Key Challenges to DOD's Cybersecurity
Acronym of the Day: PKI - bdpatoday (DC) |10.09.09
- iNews: Panel recommends improvements to E-Verify
Acronym of the Day: OEM - bdpatoday (DC) |10.08.09
- iNews: Compuware to Acquire Gomez for $295 Million
Acronym of the Day: ERP - bdpatoday (DC) |10.07.09
- iNews: New Adobe Flash Tool Does Apple 'End-Around'
Acronym of the Day: CVV - bdpatoday (DC) |10.06.09
- iNews: Federal Register goes XML -- at last (Improves grant visibility and content customization)
Acronym of the Day: XML - bdpatoday (DC) |10.05.09
- iNews: Apple could sell more iPhones by ending exclusive AT&T deal
Acronym of the Day: QoS - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 10.04.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead
Acronym of the Day: XSS - bdpatoday (DC) |10.03.09
- iNews: AT&T Buys VeriSign Security Consulting Unit
Acronym of the Day: NEOSSat - bdpatoday (DC) |10.02.09
- iNews: Students live in a Digital World. Are schools and local communities ready to join them?
Acronym of the Day: RAT - bdpatoday (DC) |10.01.09
- iNews: Broadband for everyone?
Acronym of the Day: NAT64 - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.30.09
- iNews: IBM undercuts Google with discounted
e-Mail service
Acronym of the Day: iNotes - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.29.09
- iNews: University of Texas TACC system will help researchers with large-scale [HPC] analysis
Acronym of the Day: P2V - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.28.09
- iNews: President Obama addresses Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's 39th Annual Legislative Conference
Acronym of the Day: IGMP - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 09.27.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | Federal Fiscal Year 2010 (GFY-10) Begins
Acronym of the Day: IETF - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.26.09
- iNews: CBCF 39th ALC || Science & Technology Braintrust Overview
Acronym of the Day: NNTP - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.25.09
- iNews: CNBC || Hi-Tech Health Care Reform
Acronym of the Day: UCS - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.24.09
- iNews: Microsoft VARs: Demand Growing For Mobile Business Apps
Acronym of the Day: CAPI - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.23.09
- iNews: CIO.com || Career Change: 7 Do's & Don'ts
Acronym of the Day: FISMA - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.22.09
- iNews: FCC "Net Neutrality" Rules
Are A Win For Consumers
Acronym of the Day: IAX - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.21.09
- iNews: DELL to pay $3.9 Billion for Perot Systems
Acronym of the Day: SIM - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 09.20.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | NBMBAA Conference; Prince George's Classic; CBCF 39th ALC
Acronym of the Day: SOA - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.19.09
- iNews: NASA plans to spend billions for IT services
Acronym of the Day: I3P - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.18.09
- iNews: ODNI's Senior Advisor and Chief IC EEOD, to Keynote BDPA's Fall Awards Banquet
Acronym of the Day: ODNI - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.17.09
- iNews: How to earn "Green IT" street cred
Acronym of the Day: MAE - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.16.09
- iNews: Government Steps Into The Cloud | Launches APPS.gov
Acronym of the Day: SaaS - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.15.09
- iNews: Cyber criminals targeting small businesses
Acronym of the Day: PCI - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.14.09
- iNews: Facebook launches government page
Acronym of the Day: SAS - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 09.13.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | Join. Renew. Update BDPA Membership Profiles; FY09 ARRA Grant proposals due
Acronym of the Day: HP-UX - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.12.09
- iNews: Technology giants offer ideas on charging readers online
Acronym of the Day: IPTV - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.11.09
- iNews: Report: Obama close to appointing White House cybersecurity chief
Acronym of the Day: WBI - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.10.09
- iNews: Web 2.0 is Here to Stay-How About You?
Acronym of the Day: NBAR - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.09.09
- iNews: Paperless Boarding Passes for Smartphones Hit SFO
Acronym of the Day: HAVi - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.08.09
- iNews: Reform Bill Could Kill Contractors' Acquisition Expertise
Acronym of the Day: ARAX - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.07.09
- iNews: Study Finds Feds Need Major Hiring Binge to Fill its Ranks
Acronym of the Day: JOLTS - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 09.06.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | Congress returns from August recess
Acronym of the Day: VSAT - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.05.09
- iNews: Online Schooling Picks Up Students and Respect
Acronym of the Day: TDMA - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.04.09
- iNews: Digital Nation: We're All Gadget Geeks Now
Acronym of the Day: SCORM - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.03.09
- iNews: IBM Partners to Offer Green Data Center Degree
Acronym of the Day: BSB
- bdpatoday (DC) | 09.02.09
- iNews: Joint Forces Command to test new network encryption
Acronym of the Day: USJFCOM - bdpatoday (DC) | 09.01.09
- iNews: IBM Patents Facebook Remote Control
Acronym of the Day: FERPA - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.31.09
- iNews: bdpatoday | FY 2010 Rate Card available for federal buyers
Acronym of the Day: LEED - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 08.30.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | PRINT '09 Expo, Chicago IL
Acronym of the Day: ID3 - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.29.09
- iNews: bdpatoday | FALL 2009 Chapter Print Edition released
Acronym of the Day: vCOM - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.28.09
- iNews: APPLE Launches "Snow Leopard" Today
Acronym of the Day: MAC OS X - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.27.09
- iNews: Social Security Administration tests Microsoft HealthVault
Acronym of the Day: rDNS - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.26.09
- iNews: GIS goes vertical, with integration across state, local, federal lines
Acronym of the Day: GIS - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.25.09
- iNews: Energy Department to Invest $37 Million for R&D into Clean Energy
Acronym of the Day: SBIR - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.24.09
- iNews: 2009 Minority Enterprise Week Conference Invitation
Acronym of the Day: MEDWeek - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 08.23.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | MED Week 2009
Acronym of the Day: ESMTP - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.22.09
- iNews: 10 Cool Things You Didn't Know About Google
Acronym of the Day: STTR - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.21.09
- iNews: 2009 Minority Enterprise Week Conference Update
Acronym of the Day: MEDWeek - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.20.09
- iNews: DOD said likely to adopt limited social networking
Acronym of the Day: MBDA - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.19.09
- iNews: One-in-four hackers runs Opera to ward off other criminals
Acronym of the Day: FACTA - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.18.09
- iNews: Interreality: A New Paradigm for E-health | Mental Health Benefits of Video Games?
Acronym of the Day: 3DW - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.17.09
- iNews: IEEE program brings security vendors together
Acronym of the Day: IEEE - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 08.16.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | "Back To School"
Acronym of the Day: CBCF [Encore] - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.15.09
- iNews: Nine Lessons Learned from E-Medical Record Veterans
Acronym of the Day: EMR - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.14.09
- iNews: GSA Launches New Mentor Protege Program for Small Businesses
Acronym of the Day: JAAS - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.13.09
- iNews: Undersea Internet Cables Undergoing Repair after Typhoon Damage
Acronym of the Day: APCN2 - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.12.09
- iNews: Bowie State University student wins National IT Showcase Honors
Acronym of the Day: BPCP - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.11.09
- iNews: District HSCC Team Capture 3rd Place at National HSCC Tournament!
Acronym of the Day: CDMA - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.10.09
- iNews: Chapter "Three-peats" Highlight National BDPA Technology Conference; Navy Awards Full Scholarships during NBDPA Event
Acronym of the Day: NROTC - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 08.09.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead
Acronym of the Day: CBCF - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.08.09
- iNews: NBDPA 2009 Award Announcements
Acronym of The Day: NBDPA - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.06.09
- BREAKING NEWS: Historic Senate Vote Confirms Sotomayor to Highest Court
Acronym of the Day: SCOTUS - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.05.09
- iNews: Corps Officials ban internal access to Social Network tools including Facebook and Twitter
Acronym of the Day: D2D2T - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.04.09
- iNews: Farewell to Email?
Acronym of the Day: ITSMF - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.03.09
- iNews: Breaking down Microsoft and Yahoo!'s Search Deal
Acronym of the Day: BGAN - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 08.02.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead
Acronym of the Day: ECPA - bdpatoday (DC) | 08.01.09
- iNews: Layoffs leading to more self-employment
Acronym of the Day: RBAC - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.31.09
- iNews: In our next "e-Census", will your family be counted?
Acronym of the Day: ADCan - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.30.09
- iNews: New tool could help computer forensics move off the disk and into memory
Acronym of the Day: CAPTCHA - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.29.09
- iNews: IBM to Acquire SPSS, Inc. for $1.2 Billion
Acronym of the Day: SPSS - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.28.09
- iNews: Open Government & Innovations (OGI) conference roundup
Acronym of the Day: OGSA - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.27.09
- iNews: Got cyber skills? Uncle Sam wants you!
Acronym of the Day: J2EE - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 07.26.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | 10-days Until National Technology Conference, Expo & Career Fair
Acronym of the Day: MDD - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.25.09
- iNews: How to Find Job Posts on Twitter
Acronym of the Day: HPSS - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.24.09
- iNews: Congress eyes biometric authentication for job eligibility
Acronym of the Day: "Web 2.0" - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.23.09
- iNews: Senate amendment would end questions of small-business priority
Acronym of the Day: Ada - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.22.09
- iNews: Vets could get edge on no-bid contracts at VA
Acronym of the Day: VBR - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.21.09
- iNews: Department of Defense (DoD) Pushes Ahead With E-Health System
Acronym of the Day: CPG - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.20.09
- iNews: Japanese Scientists Aim to Create Robot-Insects
Acronym of the Day; AUVSI - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 07.19.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | 16 Days left to Register for NBDPA '09
Acronym of the Day: NOC - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.18.09
- iNews: Standards group forms Cloud Computing alliance
Acronym of the Day: WFQ - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.17.09
- iNews: FCC puts focus on wireless broadband
Acronym of the Day: DAML - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.16.09
- iNews: Is a National GIS on the map?
Acronym of the Day: GIS - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.15.09
- iNews: Anticipated Web 3.0 jibes with open-government goals
Acronym of the Day: FCAPS - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.14.09
- iNews: Robots help reduce medical errors for kids
Acronym of the Day: RIVA - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.13.09
- iNews: Microsoft CIO offers tips for moving apps to the 'Cloud'
Acronym of the Day: EPOD - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 07.12.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | 25 Days left to Register for 2009 NBDPA Technology Conference
Acronym of the Day: IKE - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.11.09
- iNews: Enjoy Unique Gaming & Robotics Experience at 2009 NBDPA Technology Conference
Acronym of the Day: DDoS - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.10.09
- iNews: 2009 Technology Conference Speakers & Highlights
Acronym of the Day: GRUB - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.09.09
- iNews: Ubuntu's maker: Google's Chrome OS 'no slam dunk'
Acronym of the Day: NCM - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.08.09
- iNews: Postal Service (USPS) goes open-source with tracking system
Acronym of the Day: PERT/CPM - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 07.05.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | Q4 Begins for FED$
Acronym of the Day: OLED - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.04.09
- iNews: NBDPA & WorkplaceDiversity.com announce 2009 winners of 'Best Companies for Blacks in Technology' Award
Acronym of the Day: gOS - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.03.09
- iNews: NBDPA Selects Career, Professional and Community Service Award Winners for 2009
Acronym of the Day: yotta
- bdpatoday (DC) | 07.02.09
- iNews: Bing beats Google to the punch, launches Twitter search
Acronym of the Day: QSIG - bdpatoday (DC) | 07.01.09
- iNews: Ad Industry Sets Seven Privacy Protection Principles
Acronym of the Day: NBAR - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.30.09
- iNews: DOD establishes Cyber Command to assume defense of military cyberspace
Acronym of the Day: FAWN - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.29.09
- iNews: Secure smart-grid meters sooner, not later, security expert says
Acronym of the Day: AMI - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 06.28.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | Independence Day
Acronym of the Day: APM - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.27.09
- iNews: Graduate Science Enrollment Rises, Bringing More Diversity
Acronym of the Day: BAPI - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.26.09
- iNews: Infotainment world and social networks rocked by Michael Jackson's death
Acronym of the Day: A+ (Certifications) - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.25.09
- iNews: AT&T Expands Smart Grid Ambitions to Your Home
Acronym of the Day: KBW - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.24.09
- iNews: High Performance Computing (HPC) in High Schools | Headed your way...
Acronym of the Day: EOT - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.23.09
- iNews: New organization to address social media interoperability, ID management
Acronym of the Day: SAML - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.22.09
- iNews: DC Team retains Regional HSCC Title | TeraGrid '09 begins
Acronym of the Day: MOOSE - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 06.21.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | Father's Day, TeraGrid '09, Road to Raleigh begins
Acronym of the Day: HIPPI - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.20.09
- iNews: Bowie State University set to host HSCC Regionals today
Acronym of the Day: BSU - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.19.09
- iNews: EPA offers business intelligence software as internal service
Acronym of the Day: EPA - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.18.09
- iNews: With SPACEBOOK, NASA leverages homegrown Social Networking
Acronym of the Day: APBI - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.17.09
- iNews: Top DC Computer teams set to defend Regional Title
Acronym of the Day: APBi - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.16.09
- iNews: DoE, NIST aim to secure smart grid
Acronym of the Day: FERC - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.15.09
- iNews: CollectiveX Unveils New Brand and Visual Identity as Groupsite.com
Acronym of the Day: DMZ - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 06.14.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | Annual Regional High School Computer Competition
Acronym of the Day: XDMA - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.13.09
- iNews: UNIX turns 40 this summer
Acronym of the Day: Unix - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.12.09
- iNews: DTV switch is "ON" | Millions to lose analog signals today
Acronym of the Day: ATSC - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.11.09
- iNews: LISTA honors Secretary of Labor during Latino Technology Legislative Forum
Acronym of the Day: ETA - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.10.09
- iNews: House approves STEM Education Programs
Acronym of the Day: H.R. 1709 - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.09.09
- iNews: Congress seeks more diversity in top ranks of career Feds | FCW
Acronym of the Day: SES - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.08.09
- iNews: Apple's World Wide Development Conference begins today
Acronym of the Day: WWDC - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 06.07.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | BDPA-GC, BDPA-NY, LISTA, and TCM events
Acronym of the Day: CSR - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.06.09
- iNews: Vortex2 captures evolution of a tornado | TWC
Acronym of the Day: VORTEX2 - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.05.09
- iNews: White House preparing Data.gov 2.0
Acronym of the Day: XBRL - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.04.09
- iNews: EPA to get Virtual Earth technology | BDPA-GC hosts Technology Summit
Acronym of the Day: NARUC - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.03.09
- iNews: Ursula Burns to succeed Anne Mulcahy as CEO of Xerox Corporation on July 1st
Acronym of the Day: IPP - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.02.09
- iNews: Beer! Helping the hiring process in a down economy?
Acronym of the Day: TCO 09 - bdpatoday (DC) | 06.01.09
- iNews: IT salaries on the rise | GCN; [TopCoder] begins today in Las Vegas
Acronym of the Day: KLOC - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 05.31.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | [TopCoder]
Acronym of the Day: GPU - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.30.09
- iNews: Information Silos Stand In The Way Of Interoperability
Acronym of the Day: ISS - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.29.09
- iNews: President to release report on cybersecurity today | HBCU STEM Conference @ Howard University today
Acronym of the Day: LDAP - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.28.09
- iNews: Air Force studying solar cells as lighter-weight power source for UAVs
Acronym of the Day: LATA - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.27.09
- iNews: The D Conference | All Things Digital
Acronym of the Day: D7 - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.26.09
- iNews: Sotomayor | Is Supreme Court nominee good for business or technology?
Acronym of the Day: SAP - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.25.09
- M E M O R I A L * D A Y
- bdpatoday (Sunday) | 05.24.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | Memorial Day
Acronym of the Day: UHDV - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.23.09
- iNews: Obama Welcomes Class of '09 Scientists & Engineers | Nominates USNA graduate to lead NASA
Acronym of the Day: TB - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.22.09
- iNews: NASA Launches 'NEBULA' Compute Cloud
Acronym of the Day: DMOZ - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.21.09
- iNews: GSA Debuts on YouTube
Acronym of the Day: DSx - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.20.09
- iNews: Nonprofits on Cutting Edge of Technology
Acronym of the Day: W3C - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.19.09
- iNews: Obama's emerging IT agenda could mean big changes
Acronym of the Day: WAWF - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.18.09
- iNews: The FBI expands use of social media
Acronym of the Day: FBI - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 05.17.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | INTEROP Las Vegas 2009
Acronym of the Day: PCI DSS - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.16.09
- iNews: INTEROP Las Vegas 2009 | Making the Mobile Enterprise
Acronym of the Day: Blu-ray - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.15.09
- iNews: Verizon Wireless to introduce MiFi 2200 this weekend
Acronym of the Day: MiFi - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.14.09
- iNews: As John Madden retires, his name remains in the game | EA Sports
Acronym of the Day: YACC - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.13.09
- iNews: Oracle FORMS shifting to new ADF
Acronym of the Day: OCx - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.12.09
- iNews: The House Passes R&D Technology Bill
Acronym of the Day: UIU - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.11.09
- iNews: Large firm may invest $1B in North Carolina | NBDPA 2009 convenes in Raleigh next August
Acronym of the Day: FCoE - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 05.10.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | Registration opens thru June 12th for Regional Technology Conference @ Bowie State University
Acronym of the Day: JAAS - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.09.09
- iNews: CDC enlists social networks to help combat swine flu
Acronym of the Day: CDC - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.08.09
- iNews: IEEE joins NSA to support and sponsor TopCoder 2009 computer programming competition
Acronym of the Day: TCO - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.07.09
- iNews: Twitter 'Not for sale'; DHS enforces H-1B
Acronym of the Day: IMAX - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.06.09
- iNews: Obama administration joins Facebook
Acronym of the Day: AHLTA - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.05.09
- iNews: Microsoft announces DigiGirlz Tech Camp 2009 - Register today for DC and other cities!
Acronym of the Day: Cinco de Mayo - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.04.09
- iNews: Can movie piracy be thwarted by the FBI or stopped by industry in the digital age?
Acronym of the Day: MPAA - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 05.03.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | Second Quarter 2009 NBDPA Board of Directors Meeting adjourns
Acronym of the Day: LASER - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.02.09
- iNews: Swine Flu "Infecting" Social Networks
Acronym of the Day: - bdpatoday (DC) | 05.01.09
- iNews: Google receives patent for floating data center
Acronym of the Day: CCIF - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.30.09
- iNews: Preparing for 'Data.gov'
Acronym of the Day: SCAP - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.29.09
- iNews: Verizon Wireless desperately seeks iPhone
Acronym of the Day: WCDMA - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.28.09
- iNews: Obama names members of technology council
*** In Memoriam: Clemon H. Wesley, Jr. *** - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.27.09
- iNews: Google adds enhanced TIFF and PowerPoint viewing to browsers
Acronym of the Day: MSSP - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 04.26.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | Grants.gov ARRA "Stimulus" announcement & funding alert
Acronym of the Day: EC2 - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.25.09
- iNews: New cyber command to manage military networks
Acronym of the Day: NRO - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.24.09
- iNews: City web sites now tracking new federal money; States preparing to receive $300 Billion
Acronym of the Day: PMO - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.23.09
- iNews: Agencies to hold online talks with IT Community
Acronym of the Day: OGC - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.22.09
- iNews: EARTHDAY is April 22nd, 2009
Acronym of the Day: EPA - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.21.09
- iNews: Oracle to buy Sun for $7.4 Billion
Acronym of the Day: NNOA - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.20.09
- iNews: President Obama names Aneesh Chopra White House CTO
Acronym of the Day: NSB - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 04.19.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | Congress returns to Washington
Acronym of the Day: EAI - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.18.09
- iNews: Youth Summit on Technology | Acting SECNAV to Address NNOA
Acronym of the Day: PTTC - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.17.09
- iNews: One More Day to Register | PTTC
Acronym of the Day: UML - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.16.09
- iNews: Fed CIOs urge more telework programs
Acronym of the Day: NIH - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.15.09
- iNews: Remembering Jackie Robinson
Acronym of the Day: "42" - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.14.09
- iNews: DoD & VA to develop life-long e-records
Acronym of the Day: AHLTA - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.13.09
- iNews: Youth STEM Summit this Saturday! | Who Tweets in Government?
Acronym of the Day: UMPC - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 04.12.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead
Acronym of the Day: IIOP - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.11.09
- iNews: States wrestle with stimulus funds
Acronym of the Day: DREN - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.10.09
- iNews: DHS' grants total in the millions for IT
Acronym of the Day: DHS - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.09.09
- iNews: DigiGirlz 2009 | Microsoft introduces high tech camps for girls
Acronym of the Day: OS 3.0 - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.08.09
- iNews: DISA seeks new information-sharing proposals from industry
Acronym of the Day: ISR - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.07.09
- iNews: HBCU Students take advantage of advanced internship planning briefing
Acronym of the Day: DARPA - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.06.09
- iNews: Tech Support for Diplomatic Efforts Arrive
Acronym of the Day: RAD - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 04.05.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead
Acronym of the Day: CMDB - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.04.09
- iNews: Navy to Extend Intranet contract
Acronym of the Day: NMCI - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.03.09
- iNews: Healthcare IT Conference | April 30th-May 1st, Bethesda, MD
Acronym of the Day: TCM - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.02.09
- iNews: Advanced Planning Briefing to Interns | Monday, April 6 @ Bowie State University
Acronym of the Day: APBi - bdpatoday (DC) | 04.01.09
- iNews: International CTIA Wireless 2009 Tradeshow Opens Today
Acronym of the Day: CTIA - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.31.09
- iNews: Internet Fraud & Preparing for April's Fools | *** March 31st deadlines; offers end today ***
Acronym of the Day: G-20 - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.30.09
- iNews: No Venture Capital? Entrepreneurs try Cloud Computing
Acronym of the Day: H1-B - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 03.29.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead
Acronym of the Day: PCIe - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.28.09
- iNews: College internship alerts & High School summer program announcements
Acronym of the Day: VLOG - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.27.09
- iNews: *** Intern Update Alerts *** | GSA Signs Deals with Web 2.0 Firms
Acronym of the Day: NSBE-AEDC - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.26.09
- iNews: *** Event Update Alerts *** | Ask President Obama a Question
Acronym of the Day: NTA - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.25.09
- iNews: Consumer Groups Seek Open Access to Stimulus-funded Broadband; * Advocacy Alert * | National Services
Acronym of the Day: KML - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.24.09
- iNews: NSF Scholarship Program Targets Need for Cybersecurity Skills
Acronym of the Day: SFS - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.23.09
- iNews: More Blacks Entering CompSci Fields
Acronym of the Day: NSBE - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 03.22.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | NSBE's 35th Annual National Convention
Acronym of the Day: FOIA - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.21.09
- iNews: Small Business & Federal Procurement Opportunities
Acronym of the Day: OSDBU - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.20.09
- iNews: Multi-Million Dollar Small Business IT Support Opportunity @ MWAA
Acronym of the Day: LDBE - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.19.09
- iNews: IBM in Talks to Buy Sun | Study Reveals Fed Stimulus IT Buy
Acronym of the Day: FDCC - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.18.09
- iNews: World Wide Web Turns 20 | JEOM Internships Available
Acronym of the Day: JEOM - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.17.09
- iNews: Cisco Enters Server Market
Acronym of the Day: UCS - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.16.09
- iNews: NASA improves 'Internet in Space' | Software Radios
Acronym of the Day: CoNNeCT - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 03.15.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | Green IT
Acronym of the Day: EO - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.14.09
- iNews: Bracketology 101
Acronym of the Day: Ides [of March] - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.13.09
- iNews: GRANT$ for Global Youth Service
Acronym of the Day: YSA - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.12.09
- iNews: "Silver Line" Gets Green Light from Feds to Dulles Airport | DOT rolls out large 8(a) IT COE solicitation to industry, today
Acronym of the Day: MWAA - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.11.09
- iNews: INTERNS | Sign up with BDPA to receive special career announcements or discounts for members only
Acronym of the Day: CA - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.10.09
- iNews: President to sign Omnibus Bill | Seeks federal procurement overhaul
Acronym of the Day: OFPP - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.09.09
- iNews: 2009 HSCC season unfolds | Barnes & Noble ventures into e-book market
Acronym of the Day: COOP - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 03.08.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | FOSE 2009 & U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 19th Annual Legislative Conference
Acronym of the Day: SSD - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.07.09
- iNews: Top Six IT Job Hunting Tips From Executive Recruiters | CIO
Acronym of the Day: BI - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.06.09
- iNews: Obama Names Kundra as Federal CIO | GCN
*** In Memoriam: Ollie Morgan *** - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.05.09
- iNews: Education "Technology" Gets Million$ | FCW
Acronym of the Day: NTIA - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.04.09
- iNews: Naval IT Day | AFCEA (NOVA)
Acronym of the Day: AFCEA - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.03.09
- iNews: White House IT Teams Thwarted By Government Bureaucracy
Acronym of the Day: ELINT - bdpatoday (DC) | 03.02.09
- iNews: Women In Technology | Women History Month Begins
Acronym of the Day: WBENC - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 03.01.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | Omnibus Appropriations Bill & gearing up for FOSE 2009
Acronym of the Day: GDP - bdpatoday (DC) | 02.28.09
- iNews: Transition Survey | Fed CIOs see Infosec as Greatest Challenge
Acronym of the Day: ITAA - bdpatoday (DC) | 02.27.09
- iNews: Largest Federal IT Expo/Career Fair Just 12-Days Away
Acronym of the Day: FOSE - bdpatoday (DC) | 02.26.09
- iNews: ITSMF's Executive Protégé Program
Acronym of the Day: EPP - bdpatoday (DC) | 02.25.09
- iNews: Cable Companies Fire Back at HULU and YouTube
Acronym of the Day: HULU - bdpatoday (DC) | 02.24.09
- iNews: USA.gov Moves to Cloud Computing
Acronym of the Day: GSA - bdpatoday (DC) | 02.23.09
- iNews: Simulators and Robots are a Hit for Youth Participants
Acronym of the Day: RADAR - bdpatoday (Sunday) | 02.22.09
- iNews: The Week Ahead | Richmond Youth Demo @ BEYA
Acronym of the Day: NxT - bdpatoday (DC) | 02.21.09
- iNews: BDPA Members Win BEYA Modern-Day Technology Leadership Awards
Acronym of the Day: AFRICOM - bdpatoday (DC) | 02.20.09
- iNews: IT Spending Proposals in STIMULUS package
Acronym of the Day: ICANN - bdpatoday (DC) | 02.19.09
- iNews: Will Mathletics Cause Sparqs to fly?
Acronym of the Day: SPARQ
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