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  Sunday                                                                                     May 2009 | Vol. 31 | 05.31.09
Featured articles and blogs | bdpatoday
June 2009 Editions of bdpatoday from participating chapters feature local news, TeraGrid 2009 Previews, career opportunties for recent graduates, and an industry overview of this year's National BDPA Technology Conference at the new Raleigh Convention Center next August. National BDPA monthly news online from BDPALINK. Daily iNews from bdpatoday also available. 

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In case you missed one...
BDPA Washington
Technology Conference 
Foundation (BETF) 

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National BDPA & Groupsites
For dates, times, directions, and points of contact, click here to view this week's calendar or enter industry-related and BDPA Chapter events in your community.
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Click here to update NBDPA membership or MAP profiles with your newest or personal email account and mailing address. Join one of our chapters, or process current BDPA membership account renewals. Receive up-to-the-minute Industry, Career, Scholarship, Internship, Conference and Program Meeting announcements to empower your community. 

 Featured Sponsors

 We make IT rock around the world.

 The Week Ahead

Upcoming Technology  & BDPA Events:
BDPA (Las Vegas) | Monday, June 1st
World Programming Contests and Software Development Competition.
Learn more...
BDPA (Participating Chapters) | Monday, June 1st
bdpatoday|Chapter news serial publication begins its third year. Discover more ... 
BDPA (Participating Chapters) | Tuesday June 2nd
Legislative Meeting (Conf Call):
Final Preparation for Annual LISTA Legislative Technical Forum, Washington, D.C., June 9-10, 2009. See details...
BDPA (DC & NoVA) | Friday, June 5th
FIRST FRIDAY 2.0 Networking Social:
  Marriott Residence Inn National Harbor, 5:30p to 7:30p; details...
U.S. Senate
State Work Periods end
Reconvenes, Monday, June 1, 2009 at 2:00 pm 
after a period of morning business. Resume consideration of the motion to proceed to S.146, the Railroad Antitrust Enforcement Act
U.S. House of Representatives
Memorial Day District Work Periods end
Reconvenes, Tuesday, June 2, 2009. at 2:00 pm.
Click here to add your next STEM or technical event to BDPA's Groupsite or click here to write or blog about technical and community success stories with

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BDPA Groupsites enhanced by CollectiveX
Acronym-of-the-Day | Sponsor


 Acronym of the Day
What is a GPU?
A graphics processing unit or GPU (also occasionally called visual processing unit or VPU) is a specialized processor that offloads 3D graphics rendering from the microprocessor. It is used in embedded systems, mobile phones, personal computers, workstations, and game consoles. Modern GPUs are very efficient at manipulating computer graphics, and their highly parallel structure makes them more effective than general-purpose CPUs for a range of complex algorithms. In a personal computer, a GPU can be present on a video card, or it can be on the motherboard. More than 90% of new desktop and notebook computers have integrated GPUs, which are usually far less powerful than those on a video card.
GPU computing is the use of a GPU to do general purpose scientific and engineering computing. The model for GPU computing is to use a CPU and GPU together in a heterogeneous computing model. The sequential part of the application runs on the CPU and the computationally-intensive part runs on the GPU. From the user's perspective, the application just runs faster because it is using the high-performance of the GPU to boost performance.


sp09Spring 2009 Edition

bdpatoday | Spring 2009


Your Spring 2009 issue of bdpatoday now is available for local BDPA chapters, members, and industry stakeholders.

BDPA Members in certain media markets also receive monthly and daily online news directly from bdpatoday.

This special issue for Spring 2009 may vary from chapter to chapter as local content is provided or received from industry. Your Spring 2009 print edition features:  

  • National BDPA Technology Conference Preview | August 5-9, 2009
  • IT milestones during the Obama Administration's First 100-Days
  • An introduction to Green IT trends and careers
  • BDPA and HBCU/MIs collaborate to provide greater STEM opportunities
  • Government 2.0 - New sites and portals hosted by Uncle Sam

Join BDPA or subscribe to one of our newsletters today to remain connected to emerging industries and informed of important events happening near you.

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Raleigh Convention Center
Raleigh, North Carolina

Conference Theme: "Challenges for Today, Strategies for Tomorrow"
Presentation Dates: August 5 - 7, 2009

If not already done, it is not too late to pre-register and take full advantage BDPA corporate or member discounts.  Direct any questions for exhibits, career fair, plenary sessions, and group registrations (such as other non-profits, churches, schools, and camps interested in technological advances in our community and society) to or call 1.800.727.BDPA (2372).



BDPA, formerly known as Black Data Processing Associates, was founded in 1975.  The Washington, D.C. Chapter (BDPA-DC) received its charter in 1978, and was incorporated in 1981. |  BDPA-DC is a 501(c)(3) public charity.  |
 bdpatoday  ISSN 1946-1429 is published by BDPA-DC and participating BDPA Chapters.