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Kadima Reconstructionist Community Weekly Updates Archive
Here you can find archived issues of Kadima Updates (weekly newsletters) and the Women's Torah Project newsletters, plus announcements of events Kadima has hosted. Visit Kadima's website at www.kadima.org and the Women's Torah Project website at www.womenstorah.com.

Kadima, Seattle's premiere progressive Jewish Community, integrates celebration, study, and work for social justice through programs; holidays celebrations; Shabbatot; alternatives in education for all generations; activism for a just, peaceful and healthy world; and many avenues to a warm Jewish community. Kadima is a welcoming community that provides a comfortable setting for the free exchange of ideas and experiences!

Kadima's Women's Torah Project commissioned the first Torah in history to be scribed and completely embellished by women. It was literally sewn together in community and celebrated in mid-October, 2010, with a four-day Torah siyyum at Hillel UW in Seattle, culminating in the inaugural Shabbat service with the Torah.

Kadima is a co-founder of the Middle East Peace Camp for Children. www.middleeastpeacecamp.org.
Kadima Reconstructionist Community
12353 8th Avenue NE
Seattle, Washington 98125
(206) 547-3914

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