January 10, 2013  /  28 Tevet 5773


Shabbat morning service, January 12th, 10 am
MLK Jr. Day Rally and March, January 21st
Tu B'Shevat seder, Kabalat Shabbat, and potluck dinner, January 25th
Social Justice Group program: Assaf Oron on January 27th at 10:30 am
Save the Date! Kadima's Annual Gala Dinner & Auction
Sundays & Mondays schedules
Social Justice Group: How to participate and programs schedule
Snow and ice procedures
Judaic Studies, Hebrew Classes, and B'nei Mitzvah preparation program -- enrollment remains open
Bulletin Board: Jewish Camp grants; writing/art contest for 5th-12th graders
Kadima's online Judaica store!
Give a gift to Kadima
Kadima Calendar
Shop on line and check out Judaica Beautiful, our new online store!


Kadima Torah 

Celebrate Shabbat

Community spirit, song, and thoughtful discussion


Shabbat morning service

Saturday, January 12, 10 am



This Shabbat the reading is from Parshah Va'eira - Exodus 6:2-9:35.


Our celebration of Shabbat includes a potluck vegetarian lunch (scaled fish okay).


At Kadima House

12353 8th Ave. NE, Seattle (map)


Please let us know if you will need childcare: office@kadima.org or (206) 547-3914.




MLK marching  

Let Freedom Ring! 

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Rally & March
January 21 

  • Workshops: 9:30 - 11 am at Garfield High School (23rd & E. Jefferson)
  • Rally: 11 am at Garfield
  • March: 12:30 pm (from Garfield to the Federal Building on 2nd Ave.)
  • For info call: (206) 296-1002 or (206) 296-0321 or visit www.mlkseattle.org
  • If you would like to use Kadima's marching banner, let Kathy know: office@kadima.org or (206) 547-3914.

 "The problem of racism, the problem of economic exploitation, and the problem of war are all tied together. These are the triple evils that are interrelated."  --Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Big Sur campground   


Celebrate the New Year for Trees!
Show Respect and Love for Nature!

Tu B'Shevat Seder, Kabalat Shabbat, and

Potluck Dinner
6:00 pm on Friday, January 25th 


Our hosts: Lois Gaylord and Kevin Cain

This will be a participatory seder, using the Kadima Tu B'Shevat Haggadah of readings and songs.

Please bring a vegetarian dish to share (scaled fish okay).

Please RSVP by January 22 to office@kadima.org or (206) 547-3914.

Kevin and Lois
13528 23rd Place NE
Seattle, WA  98125 (map)



Kadima Social Justice Group program: 
Assaf Oron reflects on the Gaza
bombardment and the Israeli Elections
January 27th at 10:30 am

Kadima House

12353 8th Ave NE, Seattle (map)


Assaf Oron, Kadima fellow-traveler and member of the Middle East Peace Camp community, joins us to reflect on the most recent bombardment of Gaza and the Israeli elections. Born in Israel, Assaf did his military service in Gaza and has family close to the Gaza boarder. Assaf is a member of Jewish Voices for Peace and a faculty member of the University of Washington. 



Kasbah exterior


Sunday, March 3, 2013, 5 to 9 pm
Kadima's Annual Gala Fundraiser
Dinner-Auction-Talent Show

Kasbah Authentic Moroccan Restaurant
on Crown Hill in Ballard


Adults $40 (13 and older), children $20 (12 and younger), children 4 and under no charge. This is a fundraiser; be a mensch and purchase your ticket at a mensch's price of $60! Are you ready? Reserve you tickets via the office by February 20th: (206) 547-3914 or office@kadima.org!



Kadima Sundays & Mondays

Sundays (10 am to noon)
January 27
February 10 & 24

January 14 & 28
February 4, 11 & 26 
Hebrew 1: 4:30-5:30
Hebrew 2: 5:30-6:30
Hebrew 4: 5:45-6:45
B'nei Mitzvah 7:00-8:00

Kadima Social Justice Group!

If you are interested in joining the Social Justice Group's listserv please contact Sima Kahn via office@kadima.org. The listserv will keep people apprised of opportunities for engagement in various areas in which the Social Justice Group is interested.

Mark your calendar for these upcoming events hosted by Kadima's Social Justice Group:

January 27th @ 10:30 am
Assaf Oron, Kadima fellow-traveler and member of the Middle East Peace Camp community, joins us to reflect on the most recent bombardment of Gaza and the Israeli elections. Born in Israel, Assaf did his military service in Gaza and has family close to the Gaza boarder. Assaf is a member of Jewish Voices for Peace and a statistician the University of Washington.

February 10th @ 10 am
Brynn Smith from Safe and Just Alternatives Washington, a burgeoning campaign to end the death penalty in Washington State, will join Kadima to lead a discussion on Capital Punishment, update us on SJAWA's campaign progress, and tell us how we can help.

March 10  @ 10 am
David Loud, Kadimanik extraordinaire, will talk with us about the current and future state of HEALTH CARE in this country!

March 24th @ 10 am
Jonathan Rosenblum, Kadima School dad and longtime Seattle labor organizer, discusses his work and the current urgencies in the movement.

Baby, it's cold outside!

Snow Procedure for Sunday Mornings
Snow, ice, or inclement weather closure for Sundays:  
If you would not drive on the roads, you can bet that school is closed and programs are canceled. Safety is first.
In the event of a Sunday morning closure, Kathy will put a message on the Kadima answering machine, (206) 547-3914, and on the website.

Kadima Monday Hebrew and B'nei Mitzvah Classes Snow/Ice Procedure

In the event of snow or inclement weather this is our Monday procedure:
If it is snowing outside--stay home, stay off the roads.  
Because these are late afternoon and evening classes, if roads are icy or likely to freeze we will not have classes. 

Hebrew school checklist

Pre-K, Judaic Studies, Hebrew, and B'nei Mitzvah program


Download an Enrollment and Registration form.  


Kadima offers...


Modern Conversational Hebrew Classes

For 3rd-8th grades.


Twice Monthly Sunday School Classes for Grades K-7 and a B'nei Mitzvah Program

Visit our website for more information about our Sunday School and B'nei Mitzvah program, or contact Sharron Lerner, Education Director, at slerner@kadima.org or (206) 547-3914.


Pre-Kindergarten Program

For children 4-5 years old. Developing Jewish identity and kindergarten readiness skills. The Pre-K program will serve as an introduction to Jewish songs, stories, traditions, and progressive Jewish values. The class meets Sundays, twice monthly, 10 to noon at Kadima House. View or download the Pre-K flyer. Contact Sharron Lerner for more information.





Jewish campers 

Find Your Jewish Camp!

The Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, in partnership with the Foundation for Jewish Camp, is pleased to offer One Happy Camper -- camper incentive grants for Washington State residents attending Jewish overnight camp for the first time.





Art contest 2013 
Washington State Holocaust Education Resource Center
Entries accepted now through April 19. Open to students in grades 5-12 in WA, OR, ID and AK. Click here for contest theme and guidelines.


Judaica Beautiful, Kadima's online Judaica store


Judaica Beautiful large logo  


Home Decor � Candy � Candlesticks � Kiddush Cups � Havdalah & Spice Boxes � Shofars � Yads � Seder Plates � Apples & Honey � Jewelry � Toys & Books � B'nei Mitzvah Gifts � Chuppahs � Greeting Cards � Menorahs � and more


Kadima will earn 25 percent from each sale! Access Judaica Beautiful from the Bulletin or from www.kadima.org



Seattle's premier progressive Jewish Community integrates celebration, study, and work for social justice, through programs, holidays, Shabbatot, education for all generations, activism for a just, peaceful and healthy world, and many avenues to a warm Jewish community. Think of Kadima as your "Jewish Salon," a comfortable setting for the free exchange of ideas and experiences!

Kadima's Women's Torah Project has completed the first Torah in history to be scribed and completely embellished by an international community of women, and to be sewn together in community.

Kadima is a co-founder of the Middle East Peace Camp for Children, which has been held every summer for more than ten years.

Contact Kadima!
(206) 547-3914

Find us on Facebook

Make Kadima House a sanctuary filled with learning, celebration, activism, spirit and warm community!


Donate via
NetworkForGood.org, where Kadima is a non-profit client, and you can sign up to make a donation monthly -- easy on the pocketbook! 
 �  Send a check:  Kadima, 12353 8th Ave. NE, Seattle WA  98125  �  Call the office, (206) 547-3914, with credit card info  � Members may call to add a donation to their account.

Network for Good banner   





Shabbat Morning Service & potluck lunch

Saturday, January 12
10 am
at Kadima House 

Kabbalat Shabbat, Tu B'Shevet seder & potluck dinner

Friday, January 25
6 pm 
at the home of Lois Gaylord & Kevin Cain

Kadima Social Justice Group program: Assaf Oron talk

Sunday, January 27
10:30 am
at Kadima House

Kadima's Annual Gala Dinner-Auction-Talent Show
Sunday, March 3
5-9 pm
at the Kasbah Authentic Moroccan Restaurant

Regarding Rosh Chodesh for Teen Girls, please contact Sharron Lerner. Regarding leading, attending, chanting Torah and/or helping with Shabbat services, contact the Kadima office.




Judaica Beautiful logo  

Amazon.com here

iTunes image
iTunes.com here

-- apps and iBooks, too!


Starbucks here

Or donate directly to Kadima
via Network for Good:  

Network for Good banner     

(click on icon) 



If an event title is underlined you can click on the title to open a link to more information. 



Wednesday, Jan. 16  �  7-9 pm  �  JFS (1601 16th Ave, Seattle)
Emotion Coaching: An Essential Part of Your Parenting Toolbox!
FLEE motion coaching helps parents guide their children through life's ups and downs in a way that builds confidence, resilience and strong relationships. Developed by Dr. John Gottman, this process helps your child learn how emotions work and how to behave in healthy ways when feelings are strong--skills that help them thrive socially and academically. Learn and practice with a small group of other parents and parent educator/Certified Gottman Educator and co-founder of GROW Parenting, Melissa Benaroya, LICSW. Advance registration recommended. $18/person or $25/couple. Scholarships available. Contact Marjorie Schnyder, (206) 861-3146 or familylife@jfsseattle.org.

Endless Opportunities: Free educational, social, recreational and volunteer activities for adults age 60+. Open to the public.
Thursday, Jan. 24 �  10:30 to noon  �  Temple B'nai Torah (15727 NE 4th St, Bellevue) 
The Affordable Care Act
Chewon Lee from the Consumer Protection Division of the Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner will discuss the Affordable Care Act ("ObamaCare"). What is it? What has Washington State done to implement it? What changes are planned for the future and how will they impact you? RSVP to Ellen Hendin by Thursday, January 17: (206) 861-3183 or endlessopps@jffseattle.org.

Tuesdays  �  7-9 pm  �  Jewish Family Service (1601 16th Ave, Seattle)
When to Worry: Understanding Changes in Aging Parents
  • January 29: Difficult Behaviors: Responding to Depression, Mental Illness & Substance Abuse
  • February 19: A Teamwork Approach to Caring for Your Parents
Space is limited. Register in advance and receive a discount! $15/person at the door, $10 in advance. Scholarships available; ask if interested. RSVP to Leonid Orlov at (206) 861-8784 or familylife@jfsseattle.org.

Endless Opportunities: Free educational, social, recreational and volunteer activities for adults age 60+. Open to the public.
Thursday, Jan. 31    10:30 - noon    Temple De Hirsch Sinai (Bellevue: 3850 156th Ave SE)
A Political Conversation - TENTATIVE
Mike Cate, Senior Political Producer from KING 5 TV, will analyze and share his observations of the past election cycle. Learn about the political process and the politicians who have just been inaugurated. RSVP to Ellen Hendin by Friday, January 25: (206) 861-3183 or endlessopps@jfsseattle.org.

For Ages 5 - 8: Begins in January
Kids Club: Helping Children who have Witnessed Domestic Abuse
A 10-week series for mothers and their children using art, games and interactive activities to:
  • Give children a place to process what they have experienced.
  • Give parents age-appropriate tools to talk to their children about their experiences.
  • Create a supportive environment for parents and children to strengthen their relationships with each other.
  • Reinforce behaviors that promote healthy relationships.

FREE & Confidential. Register early to secure your spot. All are welcome: families from all religions, communities and cultures. Childcare available. Contact Project DVORA, (206) 461-3240 or contactus@jfsseattle.org for more information. 



Wednesday, Feb. 6  �  7 - 9 pm  �  JFS (1601 16th Ave, Seattle)
Early Learning and Early Experiences: Unraveling the Mystery
From turning their heads to saying first words, from pointing their fingers to reading favorite books, the developing minds of young children astound us every day. UW I-LABS is exploring how early experiences affect lifelong learning. Pioneering brain imaging technologies reveal how research will connect brains, behaviors and the environment to fully support every child's learning. See how these exciting findings can inform everyday practices at home and school with your child right now! A limited amount of baby sitting may be available by advance reservation only. Advance registration required. $20/person. Financial assistance available. SCCC Parent Education Student: cost may be covered by class tuition, please ask. Contact Marjorie Schnyder, (206) 861-3146 or familylife@jfsseattle.org.  



March 2 to 10
18th Annual Seattle Jewish Film Festival
New this year: 6-packs of tickets for $60. Full lineup announced on Feb. 1st.




If an event title is underscored you can click on the title to open a link to more information.


Woody Allen  

Now through Jan. 17  �  Grand Illusion Cinema (1403 NE 50th St, Seattle)
The Stranger presents: Woody Allen in the '70s
Classic Woody Allen films, all on glorious 35mm film!
MANHATTAN: Jan. 11-13
LOVE AND DEATH: Jan. 13-17
Complete showtimes here.




Elles: Pompidou
Closes Sunday! Now thru Jan. 13  �  Seattle Art Museum downtown
A landmark exhibition of more than 130 works of art made by 75 women artists from 1907 to 2007. Organized by the Centre Pompidou in Paris, home to the Mus�e National d'Art Moderne -- one of the largest collections of modern and contemporary art in Europe -- this exhibition is an unforgettable visual experience that will challenge visitors' assumptions about art of the past century. This ambitious survey of daring painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, video, and installations by innovative women artists offers a fresh perspective on a history of modern and contemporary art. Artists include Sonia Delaunay, Frida Kahlo, Dora Maar, Diane Arbus, Marina Abramović, Louise Bourgeois, Atsuko Tanaka, Cindy Sherman, Sophie Calle, Hannah Wilke, Nan Goldin, Tania Bruguera, and others.

Thursday, Jan. 17  �  6:30 - 8:30 pm  �  Museum of Flight, Seattle
The Bombing of Auschwitz
Why didn't the Allies bomb Auschwitz? Robert Herschkowitz, historian, Boeing engineer, retired Naval Commander, and Holocaust survivor, will discuss one of the most debated questions of World War II. Free & open to the public. RSVP. Sponsored by the Holocaust Center and the Museum of Flight.

ParentMap lectures

Parent Map's 10th Annual Lecture Series
Jan. 24 - Myla and Jon Kabat-Zinn, Mindful Parenting: Nuturing Our Children, Growing Ourselves
Feb. 12 - Laura Kastner, Ph.D., The Tween + Teen Years: Strategies for Wise-Minded Parents
March 14 - Denise Pope, Ph.D., The Resilient Student: Finding Balance in Today's Culture of Competition
April 10 - Susan Cain, Quiet Kids: Raising an Introvert in a World That Won't Stop Talking
April 30 - Adele Diamond, Ph.D., Bright Young Minds: Early Learning, Play and Executive Function
May 7, John Gottman, Ph.D., Making Love Last and Marriage Work.
Purchase tickets here.

Now through Jan. 27  �  Village Theatre in Everett

Fiddler on the Roof 

This new production of the classic hit musical is getting rave reviews all over town!



Now through Feb. 24  �  Bellevue Arts Museum
BAM Biennial 2012: High Fiber Diet
Bringing together more than 40 contemporary artists, BAM Biennial 2012 explores one of the most thriving media today: fiber. With its versatility and ready availability, fiber has long had its firm place in the Do-It-Yourself movement, yet is often underexposed in the traditional art world. Shining a spotlight on fiber art created in the Northwest, High Fiber Diet celebrates both the region's rich traditions as well as new expressions, where concepts of art and craft merge.






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