Changing Lives Foundation helps families and friends of someone struggling with alcoholism, addiction or substance abuse. By providing resources and information, written and spoken in "plain English" we focus on how individuals and families recover from these problems.
Providing substance abuse help to families in need. Over 30 years of real-life, hands-on experience and success.
We are convinced that people can recover and make dramatic changes in their lives.
- January 2016 "Wishing you beautiful moments..."
- Part one, yearly recap: "A Year Without, Our Addicted Child, What's a Monkey Fist?"
- June 2015 "The Accidental Addict and Relapse: What to do."
- - "The Accidental Addict" "What To Do if Your Loved One Relapses?" "How to Respond When Offered A Drink In Recovery?" plus our latest review of a great new book by first-time author, Barbara Bice, titled "Just Right: The Road from Addiction to Redemption."
- January 2015 "How Addiction Affects the Entire Family."
- -How addiction affects the entire family, A year without, Isn't addiction just a willpower problem?, How to tell if someone is an addict/alcoholic or just a heavy user.
- Christmas 2014 "The Best of Times, The Worst of Times."
- -The Best of Times, The Worst of Times, Interview with God, Surviving holidays with dysfunctional family, Fiance needs to get drunk every night.
- December 2014 "Yes!!!! I am an Addict's Mom."
- -Yes!!!! I am an Addict's Mom, Why does Utah have a Heroin problem?, Why is addiction called a family disease?
- June 2014 "Addicts Don't Want to Die."
- -Addicts Don't Want to Die, Drug abuse in older people, Wife of an alcoholic. An amazing story, Grandparents as parents.
- April 2014 "Raising the Bottom:
- -Surviving Holidays, Raising the Bottom, Can a person just cut down?
- November 2013 "Siblings: The Forgotten Ones"
- -Siblings: The Forgotten Ones, Listen to the book!, Optimistic...even if only for a few moments, Low Cost, No Cost Alcohol and Drug Treatment Resources
- July 2013 "Addicted Child? What Do You Do?"
- -The Addict’s Mom explores what to do when you have reached your bottom line with your addicted child (Podcast 60min.). This could be the most important hour you ever spend!
- May 2013 "Are Some People Beyond Hope for Recovery?"
- -If helping turns to continued rescuing, the person never learns to solve his or her problems and becomes dependent on the helper.
- March 2013 "Can a Person Just Cut Down on their Drinking?"
- -When we are talking about cutting down, the implication is that the person has the ability to control how much he uses without going overboard or having problems. Lack of control is perhaps the biggest sign of addiction.
- April 2012 "Is it Okay for a Recovering Addict to Smoke Pot?"
- -This has also been referred to as the “marijuana maintenance plan.”
Regardless of what a person’s past drugs of choice were, smoking pot during recovery is a very bad idea. - January 2012 "Rock Bottom, Raising the Bottom or Tough Love?"
- -Why wait for them to "hit bottom"? Why not help them by raising their bottom? There are ways to encourage someone to reach for help much earlier.
- December 2011 "When an Adult Child Recognizes a Problem with Alcohol
- -Are there things that we, as the parents, can do to bring the adult child closer to getting help? Are there things to avoid saying or doing?
- September 2011 "Pulled from the Wreckage"
- -Changing Lives friend and loving grandmother "Gramma Carole" walks the hospital corridor with her beloved grandson as he struggles with the tremendous grip of addiction.
- August 2011 "Time to Wake Up to the Alcohol and Drug Addiction Epidemic"
- - I receive calls--lots of calls, from those who have come to their wits' end trying to help someone close to them.
- May 2011 “Is it Okay to Take Opiate Pain Medication in Recovery?”
- - Avoiding prescription drug addiction
- March 2011 “Help with Having That Most Difficult Conversation”
- - Is it a conversation you dread and keep putting off, even though you know how important it is?
- January 2011 2011 “Is an Addict Ever Cured?”
- - Even quitting use completely, for many years--does not mean that someone is cured.
- December 2010 "Exposing the Myth of Smoked Medical Marijuana"
- - Does marijuana pose health risks to users?
- November 2010 "12-Step Recovery and Things of God"
- - A perfect match.
- October 2010 "Detachment. How Can I?"
- - How do I learn to detach with love?
- JULY/AUGUST 10 "Does Treatment Have To Cost A Lot?"
- - What Are Our Other Options?
- March/April 10 "Dan's Story"
- - A Mother's Painful Lessons Learned.
- Jan./Feb.10 "Willpower."
- - Isn't Addiction Just A Willpower Problem?
- Nov./Dec. 09 "Siblings: The Forgotten Ones."
- - How Siblings Get Hurt.
- August/Sept. 09 "Powerless over Alcohol."
- - Step One; What's the Big Deal About Step One?
- June/July 09 "Yes, Your Kid Is Smoking Pot."
- - What Every Parent Needs to Know Now.
- Apr/May 09 "Insider Tips on Addiction Recovery During A Recession"
- - Insider Tips on Addiction Recovery During A Recession.
- Feb/March 09 "Pain Meds Cause More Pain"
- - Pain Meds Cause More Pain.
- Dec/Jan 09 "Alcoholism. No Big Deal?"
- - Alcoholism. No Big Deal?, Free CD.
- Oct/Nov 08 "Low Cost Help for Recovery"
- - Does Treatment Have to Cost A Lot?
- July 08 "Relapse. It Happens."
- - Relapse. It Happens.
- May 08 "Meth: The Devil's Drug"
- - Meth Myths - Can Meth Addicts Really Recover?
- March/April 08 "The Accidental Addict"
- - The Accidental Addict - Drug Rehab Can Be A Tough Sell to Prescription Drug Addicts.
- February 08 "Teens"
- - Meanest Mom . . . takes tough love approach - Raising Kids in the Twenty-first Century. What did I do wrong?
- January 08 "Intervention"
- - Interventions (believe it or not, you do them all the time!).
- December 07 "Holiday Stress "
- - What Should I do With STRESS?
- November 07 "Anticipating Problems"
- - Anticipating Problems During the Holidays?
Changing Lives Foundation 1543 Alpine Ave. Berthoud, CO 80513
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