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from our Changing Lives Foundation Blog
~by Joe Herzanek
Q: Can a person just cut down on their drinking?
A: Yes, a person can just cut down.
But not if the person is an alcoholic or drug addict. When we are talking about cutting down, the implication is that the person has the ability to control how much he uses without going overboard or having problems. Lack of control is perhaps the biggest sign of addiction. Lack of control is perhaps the biggest sign of addiction.
"It is so easy to slide into believing that the alcoholic drinks "because of a problem. And that if the alcoholic just "gets to the root of the problem" the drinking/drugging problem will just "wither away" by itself."
______________________________ MIRACLES HAPPEN: WINE INTO WATER ~By Judy Herzanek
Narrator J.D.Hart surprises Country Singer
T. Graham Brown with recovery book featuring
Several years ago as we were updating Why Don't They Just Quit? for our second printing I stumbled upon a music video that immediately cut to my heart. As soon as I heard it, it literally became part of me. I knew right away that the lyrics needed to be shared with our readers. "Wine into Water" was added to Part 4: Life in Recovery. Several months ago, (December 2012) as we were preparing our Audio version of "Why Don't They Just Quit?" I received a message from our talented narrator J.D. Hart. He told me: "Last night I was finishing up Part 4 and I suddenly had to stop my narration. I got a bit choked up when I was in the middle of the Wine into Water lyrics. You see, the song is very emotional to me as I 'watched' T. go through some very tough times." As J.D. told me this, I pondered the way God works to bring about healing from very bad situations, the way He connects people at just the right moment and literally orchestrates events in our lives--working behind the scenes.

(entire book, 6 Hrs. 54 Min.)
Also available on
- Is a Relapse--Failure?
- If someone can stop using . . . they "aren't" an addict--correct?
- If both parents are addicts, does that increase the child's chances of addiction?
- How can I know if my addicted friend or loved one is telling me the truth? ______________________________
"I got the job!" I had to pause and take a breath as I thought about my daughter's words. I was thrilled that she had been hired for a new job and was now moving to northern California close to home after six years. This hasn't always been the case for my daughter. I clearly remember the day when I discovered that my daughter was a crystal meth addict. ______________________________ Please visit our Changing Lives Facebook Page and "like us" to receive multiple daily updates of "hand-picked" addiction recovery news and information. (click here)