"Meth . . . the Devil's Drug." No matter what a person's spiritual belief may be, I'm sure we can all agree that Meth has to be one of the most sinister concoctions ever created.
This is by far, the most dangerous drug on planet Earth. In a very short time, it is capable of devestating anyone's life who is foolish enough to start using it. What starts out as a "love at first sight, dream come true" soon becomes a "nightmare from Hell" experience.
The intense pleasure that lures someone to keep using soon fades and turns into a compulsion to use larger and larger quantities just to feel "normal." People who use this drug often become very paranoid and are prone to violent and bizarre behavior.
Meth is sometimes called "The Walkaway Drug", as men and women will walk away from everything that once was important to them--jobs, families, spouses, and children are all sacrificed for this drug.
One of the myths about Meth is that people can't or won't quit using it. I'm not saying that it's easy, but just the same--many people do quit. It happens all the time.
This newsletter is packed with valuable information and resources that explain how to help someone begin the journey of recovery--even from Meth.
Special Offer
"Meth . . . The Devil's Drug"
Occasionally, we feature a limited-time product, chosen exclusively for our friends, newsletter subsribers and past customers.
This month, to accompany our topic of Meth addiction and recovery, we have reproduced a limited quantity of the DVD
"Meth . . The Devil's Drug"
(a 48 minute, 2-part series from Recovery Television.)
"Meth . . . the Devil's Drug" guests Dr. Nicholas Taylor and Tonya Wheeler share powerful insights on America's deadliest drug. Host: Joe Herzanek
This show provides answers to those who are curious--about how people get started using Meth, what it feels like to be addicted to it, common misconceptions regarding those who use Meth, how difficult it is to stop using, and how to help someone who needs help but maybe doesn't "want" it right now.
Tonya, a person with long-term recovery from this drug, gives heartfelt testimony and speaks candidly about how it feels during the first few months after quitting use, she addresses the myth that Meth addicts stop loving their children and describes what life in recovery is like for her now.
This series offers understanding, answers and hope. People can and do recover from Meth addiction every day.
An uplifting "must watch" for those interested in this topic!
Tonya Wheeler CAC III/President - Advocates for Recovery
Dr. Nicholas Taylor/Taylor Behavioral Health, Montrose, CO Founder of: The Delta Methamphetamine Community Based Treatment Model
Dr. Taylor lectures nationally on the
clinical components of Meth and how people recover.
To order your copy of this DVD, please send a $20 check (covers production, shipping & handling) to:
Changing Lives Foundation 4000 Hawthorne Circle Longmont, CO 80503
- Please include your name and shipping address -
Meth Myths Can meth addicts really recover?
by Joe Herzanek
Methamphetamine is much different from regular amphetamine pills. Without going into a chemistry lesson, meth is simply a more refined or condensed form of amphetamine. It is much more powerful than what most people might think of as diet pills or speed. It produces both an intense feeling of energy and strong euphoric pleasure at the same time. Some of the intensity depends on how quickly it gets into the system. This drug in pill form, taken orally, is slow to produce this effect. Injecting it or smoking it is a completely different experience. By smoking meth, large amounts o f the drug can be dumped into the bloodstream, which is carried to the brain in a matter of seconds.
What does this feel like to the user? In the real world, for most people, sex is perhaps the most pleasurable feeling one can have. Several recovering meth users have told me that it is like having one hundred orgasms all at once. I can only imagine. History Developed in the late 1800s in Germany, the chemical make-up of methamphetamine has changed a few times over the years. Meth is an amphetamine drug that is prescribed for use in nasal decongestants and bronchial inhalers, treating narcolepsy, attention deficit disorder, and obesity. Prescribed under the name Desoxyn, this drug suppresses the appetite and increases energy levels, causing increased activity. For some people suffering from ADD, it has the opposite effect--slowing them down. Both legal and illegal use of this drug has been with us for many years.
Amphetamines or speed was common back when I was using. Meth was more difficult to be found. During those years, cocaine was the drug of choice. When I used meth in pill form, I could definitely tell that it was not a typical form of speed. The effect was also much longer lasting. I do know one thing for certain. If there had been a smokeable form of meth back then, I would not have hesitated for a second to use it. Smoking cigarettes, smoking pot, smoking anything was considered no big deal.
Chasing the High Before anyone runs out to try this, let me tell you more about it. With this drug, use turns to abuse, which turns to addiction very quickly. It's almost impossible to get that initial feeling of intense pleasure to happen more than a few times. We often hear the term chasing the high, meaning that once the user has this almost unbelievable experience, they want to repeat it. This is like trying to catch up to something that is always right in front of you, but never in reach. Chasing, running faster, and trying harder doesn't work--yet the user doesn't stop trying. Chasing that first euphoric experience can continue for a long time. In fact, some will die trying to catch it.
Consequences This particular drug also has some devastating effects--both on the body and mind. It is not uncommon for users to stay awake and active for days at a time. After being up for several days, users will start to hallucinate, seeing what is referred to as "shadow people"--a type of hallucination that seems to be unique to users of this drug. People high on meth will often become paranoid and obsessive, thinking the police are watching them. One user told me he became so obsessed with the color black that he painted the entire interior of his house that color.
Another woman told me she thought her car radio was talking to her personally, and if a helicopter flew overhead she believed the people in it were watching her. Another man, who visited online chat rooms to arrange meetings for anonymous sex, said that the Internet is loaded with meth addicts looking for the same thing.
The physical consequences of meth use are more obvious: it eats away the enamel of the teeth and produces skin lesions. Lack of sleep and food for long periods of time will take its toll on the body and bring it to the point where it just can't function any longer. The drug will eventually stop working and the user may crash and sleep for days.
Does this sound like fun or what? I mean, why would you want all this to stop?
Recovery from Meth Addiction Do people really recover from meth addiction? Can they recover? You may have heard the myth, People cannot recover from addiction to meth. Why has the myth evolved? It is probably because meth use has exploded over the past decade. Meth labs and meth-driven crimes receive a lot of press coverage, so there is a general assumption that addiction to methamphetamine is out of control and there is no hope of recovery.
People become addicted to meth more quickly than to various other drugs, and because of this, many are led to believe that nobody can get off this stuff. However, just because we have more and more people addicted to this drug does not mean that they can't recover. People recover from this drug very frequently. In fact, the recovery rates for meth addiction are about the same as for other drugs such as cocaine, alcohol, and heroin.
Is meth use a big problem? Yes! Do people do some crazy things when they are high on this drug? Yes. Is this impacting the crime rate? Yes. Do people become violent and unpredictable on this drug? Yes. But another "yes" is that people can and do recover from addiction to meth. It may require a longer period of treatment for recovery, and some of the physical damage from the drug may take longer to heal, but nonetheless people frequently get off this drug.
Recovery rates from addiction are about the same, regardless of the drug of choice. Heroin, alcohol, tobacco, painkillers, and meth all have one thing in common: If the "want to" is there, users can recover. This may sound simplistic or trite, but it is true. In fact, a former meth addict who is in long-term recovery once told me, "No one's case is special or unique. Those who want to quit badly enough can recover."
But what if a person doesn't want to? They may say they don't, because they can't imagine what life would be like without the drug, and they don't believe they could live without it. Sometimes they need to be coerced to seek help, and the "want to" comes much later, after a period of time in treatment. Treatment works for these people as well. Don't let anyone tell you it doesn't.
This article is excerpted from Chapter 18 of Joe's book "Why Don't They Just QUIT?"
to learn more about the book and companion DVD "Why Don't They Just QUIT?"
Recent Feedback
Dear Friends, Changing Lives has had the pleasure of hearing from many of you.
With their permission, we are honored to share some of the reviews, feedback and
experiences, with the hope that you too, will know that you are not
alone, and to "never give up hope."
"I am finding your book full of amazing information. My son has been on drugs for 6 years and finally is in a rehab for six months. He is doing the 12 steps very seriously and doing very well in the program. My husband and I invited him to come home and start his life once again. We have been going to Alanon and thought we would start going to family counseling with him to make sure we stay on track at all times. I want to make sure that I don't ever enable him again and feel a little scared. Thank you."
-SM, Indio, California
"God bless you. I attend al-anon, but when I saw the ad on internet for your book, I felt it was exactly what I needed to read.
Al-Anon and AA are a God-send, but I have found other "books" to be very
general and a little outdated with today's times. Joe's book has
answered so many questions for me that I can relate to and put into
practice. It is a must-read for anyone struggling with an addiction or
an addict in their life."
-DB, Lakewood, Colorado
Recent Reviews:
"One of the most frustrating and demoralizing experiences men and women have is watching the horrifically destructive impact of addiction upon the health, life, and relationships of a loved one. Often the disastrous consequences of addiction are so severe that we are led to shake our heads and wonder why the addict cannot simply stop the addiction that has so enslaved and ruined them.
In "Why Don't They Just Quit?: What Families And Friends Need To Know About Addiction And Recovery", drawing upon thirteen years as an addiction counselor working in the Colorado criminal justice system, Joe Herzanek (himself a recovering addict who founded and presides over the Changing Lives Foundation) provides answers to more than thirty common (and not so common) questions that non-addicts have with respect to a loved one's addiction.
Herzanek explains with illustrative clarity why addicts don't really have to hit 'rock bottom' before they are willing to be helped; when helping an addict is counter-productive; why quitting an addiction is not the same thing as recovering from that addiction; how to deal with an addict who has relapsed; how to obtain a 50% (or more) reduction in the medical costs of addiction treatments; why a parent would leave their own child due to a parent's addiction; why an effective intervention need not be an ambush-style confrontation with the addict.
Articulate, 'real-world' practical, thoroughly 'user friendly', and strongly recommended reading, "Why Don't They Just Quit?" is also available on DVD. Counseling centers and community libraries are particularly encouraged to buy a "Why Don't They Just Quit?" book/DVD set."
- Midwest Book Review, Oregon, WI
"Wow! Thank you so much.... I will definitely spread the word to my friends who could use this book\DVD as well. Your customer service is outstanding..."
-JS, Providence, RI
"Everyone's heard an addict's story - in one way or another. But, has anyone ever really understood it? From the opening page of this book, the reader is treated to real-life stories, practical tools and thought-provoking quotes that illustrate the journey to... through... and from addiction.
The dynamics of the addict and their social structures are finally explained; from the environments they migrate to, the people they surround themselves with and finally, to the families that suffer as they watch their loved one's battle with addiction.
An addict does not have to be one who is addicted to alcohol, a narcotic or a prescription. It could be food, or acceptance, or the overwhelming need to 'save' someone. No one is left behind in their quest for information in 'Why Don't They Just Quit'.
This book will help not only the addict who doesn't yet 'recognize' themselves. But, it could also help the family and loved ones who just don't get... why they don't just quit!
This book is a page turning, 'Most-Frequently-Asked-Questions' life-manual for anyone who wants to understand addiction and how it happens. With it, an addict is given the map on how they got that way; and the tools they'll need to find their way back. Family, friends and the addict's significant others are encouraged to face the role they play in the addict's life.
"Don't clean me up... I need to remember - and see - what I have done."
Everyone caught in the web of addiction is allowed, with this book, to interpret their actions and how they may be enabling the addict. Most of all, the addict learns to understand that quitting their addiction does not mean that they are no longer an addict . . . but that they are a recovering one.
To stop using... does not 'fix' you. You must fix you!"
- Robin R. Rogers, Cheney, WA /Author of "ROCK BOTTOM"
Thank you for partnering with us in the battle to free those we care about from the bonds of addiction. I believe that your family and relationships can be fully restored and that you can play an important role in changing someone's life immediately.
Remember to never give up hope!

-Joe Herzanek Changing Lives Foundation
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information that can be used right now, to help someone you care about
break the bonds of addiction.
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- Q&A "ASK JOE" -
Chasing the sensation.
Whether it was drugs or sex or whatever.
Those things had become my main focus in life.
-Rick Allen

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Quick Links Click on the links below for more valuable info.
More info on Meth: from Changing Lives
How You Can Make a Difference in Getting a Loved One Started in Recovery
Parents. The Anti Drug
Meth: How dangerous is it to Teens?
Street terms for Methamphetamine:
NIDA for Teens (the science behind drug abuse) I just stumbled on this site, which is packed with interesting and useful info about drugs and alcohol that is written especially for teens. Check it out!
More About Us.
Intervention: Is there a stranger living in your home?

Click here for short clip on intervention
. . . an interview with lecturer and interventionist Dr. Judith Landau
Read testimonials from families who have have experieced life-changing results!
If you would like to purchase the entire intervention show with Joe Herzanek and Dr. Judith Landau, please contect us at:
Real People Real Stories Click on the name below each person's photo to read their story of recovery!

Fort Payne, AL
Hello my name is Tiffanie and I am a person in recovery from drugs and alcohol.

Jeff Tuttle
Hendersonville, TN
I am an Entertainer (singer/songwriter/ recording artist).
In the mid
90's I became addicted to Hydrocodone.
As time went by my addiction
grew to the point that I was doing illegal things to feed my habit.

San Clemente, CA
At the age of 19, I moved from small-town Pennsylvania to New York City to pursue a career in acting.
If the "want to" is there, people do recover.
Sometimes they need to be coerced to seek help,
and the "want to" comes much later, after a period of time.
- Joe Herzanek "Why Don't They Just QUIT?"