January  /  February  2010
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We have officially sold our last Why Don't They Just Quit? book.
The good news is that the 2010 revised and updated version #2 is now available at both our (soon to be updated) website and Amazon.com.

For our newsletter subscribers, all book orders (placed through our website) through March 1, 2010 --will be signed by Joe.

Please read an excerpt on "Willpower" from the new book (below) and don't miss the inspirational video from an extraordinary young woman (scroll to the bottom of this page and watch till the end).

We have MORE exciting news to be announced in the next few weeks. Stay tuned.

Last but not least, we want to wish you a healthy, hopeful new year. Thanks to every one of you for your support, friendship and prayers.

Grace and peace,
Joes signature
Please keep this email in your inbox to forward to someone you care about. It's an easy way to help a friend or loved-one who may be feeling very alone.


Q.   Isn't addiction just a willpower problem?
A.   No.
When men or women begin using alcohol or drugs, willpower does play an important role. Deciding to drink or use drugs the first few times is simply a choice. The person may find the initial experiences enjoyable and pleasurable, but that doesn't make them an addict or alcoholic. Certain drugs can have a much more powerful effect than others, which the user may want to repeat. Just the same, it takes time to become physically and mentally dependent.
Over time, the brain and central nervous system will expect the drug to come in from the outside. This is where physical dependence begins: stopping the use now will result in some signs of withdrawal. Mental or psychological dependence also plays a role in addiction. Once the person develops a physical and mental dependency (i.e. an obsession), willpower becomes less effective. The longer a person continues to use and build tolerance, the more difficult it is to just quit with willpower alone.

There is much to be said regarding this subject of willpower, or lack of it. Many recovering people swear, If not for a power greater than myself, I would still be using. Many addicts who recognize their need to quit do not want to quit. Where then will this desire come from?

Whether this power comes from the person's spiritual life, or the power of their group or caring friends, recovering people recognize that sheer willpower does not work for them. At some point in recovery, a desire to stop using manifests itself in a person's consciousness.

Call it what you will; I call this a miracle.

~ Joe Herzanek

Footprints in the sand

~ Footprints in the Sand ~

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there was one only.
This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints, so I said to the Lord,
"You promised me Lord, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there has only been one set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
have you not been there for me?"
The Lord replied, "The years when you have seen
only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you."

~ Author (still) unknown

This article is excerpted from the 2010 Revised and updated book "Why Don't They JUST QUIT? What friends and families need to know about addiction and recovery."

Article photos by Judy Herzanek

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"We didn't cause it,
we can't cure it and can't control it!

~ The Three Cs of Alanon
People collage
Recent feedback from our readers

We received this email the day before Christmas. With her permission, we are sharing Angela's joy with you.

Dear Changing Lives,
I just want to say that I read Joe's book; it helped me to understand a lot about addiction. I have a son who just turned 26 on Dec.16th. He has been into drugs ever since he was a teen. It became very bad and out of control a few months ago. I didn't know what to do. I was running out of options. I knew that if I didn't do something quick I was going to lose my son.

I soon found out through my sister about something called section 35. I had never heard of it before. I don't know if you are aware of such a thing but here in Pittsfield, MA you can file section 35, go up in front of a judge and tell him that your child is heavy into drugs and that you want him into a treatment center. The judge hears your case and then puts out an order to have the person picked up.

That is what happened in my case. I thank God that I did. I told the judge I did not want to have to go down and identify my son at a morgue. That's how bad he had gotten.

The judge was very sympathetic. It was the hardest thing I think I ever had to do in my life. His father and brother were very supportive to this action. He was taken down to Brockton, MA at a MATC. He was there for 25 days, He didn't like me at first; when he would call I could hear  the anger in his voice--but after about a week, the anger left and he began to thank me for doing what I did. He told me that he knew that if I didn't do what I did I would have probably found him dead.

When we went down to get him and I saw him, it was amazing. A person who just 25 days prior to this, looked like death, actually had a glow about him. I was amazed. Even his father could not believe it.

The people at this center were very nice. My son made friends there and told me of how the people there were very supportive. They helped him a lot. He is going on six weeks clean and hopefully many more to come. He has found a NA meeting which he attends weekly.

I pray every day for him in hopes of staying clean. He knows now that he has a lot to live for (his children and his family and mainly for himself). I tell him it is such a joy to be around him lately; he is more attentive to his children, has much more patience, and laughs a lot.

Its wonderful to see. Well I could go on and on but I just wanted to give you the basics. Oh by the way I told them down in Brockton about the book Why Don't They Just Quit?. . . told them it was awesome.

Once again thank you. I would recommend this book to anyone who has a loved one going through an addiction problem. I have my son back. That is the best Christmas present a parent could ever ask for. Praise God.
~ Angela U.
Dec 24, 2009
 Recovery Now! Logo
Listen Now!

Over the past couple years I have taped various radio interviews. Among these were several with a wonderful weekly show called "Recovery Now!"

Host Ned Wicker and I have engaged in easygoing discussions which cover a multitude of topics.

Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone you love is to detach from them.
30 min.  Listen Now

Past shows:
"Is there a conflict between Christianity and the Twelve Steps?"
Joe Herzanek discusses the relationship between Christianity and the 12-step program of recovery and how they are related.
30 min.  Listen Now
(Click here to read all twelve steps).

Step 12: Staying Connected
Giving back and staying connected are the key parts of the last step in the 12-Step process. How do you stay in recovery?
30 min. Listen Now
(Click here to read all twelve steps).

A Summary of all the 12 Steps
A quick review of each step and why you need each one to recover from addiction and to avoid relapse. We've gone through each of the steps now, and this time we review all with Joe Herzanek, author of "Why Don't They Just Quit?"
30 min. Listen Now
(Click here to read all twelve steps).

Ned Wicker.LG
Ned Wicker/Host: Recovery Now!
Addictions Chaplain
Waukesha Memorial Hospital Lawrence Center
Waukesha, WI


(Sept. 15 & 22 Recovery Now! shows, plus Joe's 60 minute interview with Berk Lewis "Next Step Radio")

Email us at:
Ask for the FREE AUDIO CD, include your name and mailing address.

 "I have to live; I'm not done."

Chauntal Lewis

"Don't be afraid to show the world
exactly who you are."

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I assure you. . . if I can do it, anyone can!
~ Joe

Issue: 6
In This Issue
Willpower. Isn't addiction just a willpower problem?
Recent feedback from our readers
Detachment. Listen Now!
"I have to live; I'm not done."
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Ask Joe: My 50 yr old daughter will not admit she is drinking
NEW! 2010 Second Edition Revised & Updated
New Resource Links
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Ask Joe

Tiny Joe Smile

Q  Dear Joe:
 My 50-year-old daughter will not admit she is drinking.  She has lost her job and her driver's license. Her husband will soon be getting a divorce (he drinks). He is afraid he will lose his half of the house so he hasn't left, and he does drive her places. 

Your book has been a godsend. I have a guideline. I no longer say hurtful things to her. My problem is I cannot be honest with her or she hangs up the phone on me. 

She goes to AA meetings, comes home and gets drunk. She then calls me and I just don't know how to deal with her and be honest.  Please help me.
--Angela B.

Read Joe's response

Did You Miss an Issue?


In it you will find:



- Q&A "ASK JOE" -


& Updated
2010 Edition
LR WDTJQ Book on Black
Added material includes:

More Q&A with Joe

A must-read,
 real-life story
from a Colorado mother

Additional resources

Updated material throughout


Best Self-help Book 2008
Next Generation Indie Book Awards

NIEA Finalist Award

Health Category
National Indie Excellence Awards


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LR WDTJQ Book on Black

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"Always look at what you have left. Never look at what you have lost."

~ Robert H. Schuller

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Chaplain Joe Herzanek
Changing Lives Foundation
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*Disclaimer: The information provided in this email is for educational purposes only. The views expressed herein are those of the author only. Knowing that each person's situation is different it is very important that you meet with/consult a professional in this field before acting on any perceived advice given.