Please forgive us for our last newsletter. We experienced a big link issue with broken links from here to our blog. For example, many of you clicked on "read more" from our Feature Story and were sent to an "unknown page." We have just repaired all broken links and are resending for that reason. Please don't think we will be clogging up your mailboxes during this busy time.
I did add something that we believe will help you get through these holidays with your sanity though! Scroll to the bottom to read "Letting go."
Where did the Summer go? Colorado is a "Winter Wonderland" as I look out the window. Again, we've spent some time carefully putting this newsletter together for you. I hope you take a minute to check out our article on siblings, a completely revised Resources List, a new Ask Joe, "Should my husband back off?" and please scroll all the way down to listen to a nice music video titled "Last Call To Alcohol."
Please keep this email in your inbox to forward to someone you care about. It's an easy way to help a friend or loved-one who may be feeling very alone during this often stressful season.

 Siblings: The Forgotten Ones
How siblings get hurt
I was blind to how my actions were affecting my brother and two sisters.
--Joe Herzanek
Siblings often find themselves caught in the middle of the recovery process. In the story of the prodigal son, a father waits and watches expectantly for the return of his wayward child. The boy left home and not only squandered his inheritance, but also wasted a big chunk of his life. But there is so much more to the story. As we take a closer look at the entire family, we see that "the rest of the story" can apply to families and siblings today who are struggling with the early stages of recovery.
I know from firsthand experience how siblings can suffer. During my addiction, I was blind to how my actions were affecting my brother and two sisters. Actually, the entire family did not understand what was happening. Even now, more than thirty years later, some members of my family remain bitter, and we have never been able to resolve those hard feelings.
There is only so much time in any given day and when there is one high-maintenance family member, often the other children are neglected. Parents have a limited amount of energy for each day, and then they reach a point of exhaustion. In my case, which again is not unique, I received more than my share of attention. I, like many other addicts, was a very needy person. My life was one crisis after another. There were many occasions when I needed money. I drained my parents of their finances as well as their time and energy. Who suffered? At the time, it was far from obvious, but as I look back it is clear that my brother and sisters--basically good, low-maintenance kids--were the innocent victims. Read more*
*NOTE: We've been having trouble with the above "Read more" link-for PC users. If you have a problem getting to the rest of the article, click on one of these links "Why Don't They Just Quit?" or "Changing Lives" and click on the BLOG button. Scroll down to the article (it's about 3 or 4 articles down). Sorry for the problem (clearing your cache can sometimes take care of the problem as well).
This article is excerpted from the book "Why Don't They JUST QUIT?"

"It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness."
~ Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady
 Now you can join our Facebook Fan Page.
Thanks to all who have signed up for our Why Don't They Just Quit? Book and DVD Fan Page! We now have 55 "followers" and we are growing every day.
This is where you will find interesting news items and recovery-related posts--sort of an extension of this newsletter. You can also comment and post your own "discoveries" for others to enjoy.
If you still haven't joined Facebook, I assure you. . . if I can do it, anyone can! ~ Joe
"I will never forget when we met and prayed together."
Below is a nice note
I recently received from a woman who was leaving the Jail. It's this kind of
encouragement that "makes my day."

Dear Joe,
I've read your book "Why Don't They Just Quit?" and it's the
best self-help informational, motivational and daily reference book I've ever
read. I would greatly appreciate it if you could get me one that I can take
with me when I leave the jail. I leave on Sept. 29, 2009 and I want to carry
your book with me everywhere. I've "got it" and recovery is now my main and
only priority when I get out of Jail.
I'm going to meetings, treatment and doing testing daily.
Your book is such a positive influence on me, very impactful and it will help
with my recovery on a daily basis. It's one of my "must haves"! I want to use
it for continuous reference, relating and support--kind of a daily devotional
recovery book for me.
Thank you so much for all you do. You have been so positive
for me and I will never forget when we met and prayed together. I would also
like to do that again if you have time.
Thank you so much.
Hope to see and pray with you
one last time before I go. If not, please pray for me.
~ Melissa
". . . for wisdom (discernment) is more precious than rubies, nothing you desire can compare with her."
~ Proverbs 7:11
 Listen Now!
Click here to listen to Brand New show "Is there a conflict between Christianity and the Twelve Steps?" (see all Twelve Steps).
the past couple years I have taped various radio interviews. Among
these were several with a wonderful weekly show called "Recovery Now!"
Host Ned Wicker and I have engaged in easygoing discussions which cover a multitude of topics.
Step 12: Staying Connected Giving back and staying connected are the key parts of the last step in the 12-Step process. How do you stay in recovery? 30 min. Click here for the Program
A Summary of all the 12 Steps A quick review of each step and why you need each one to recover from
addiction and to avoid relapse. We've gone through each of the steps now, and this time
we review all with Joe Herzanek, author of "Why Don't They Just Quit?"
30 min. Click here for the Program
New! Have been recorded: coming soon! Step 6 of the Twelve Step program: Were entirely ready to have God
remove all these defects of character. A subtle but very key step in recovery.
Step 7 of the Twelve
Step program: Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. This step
really accelerates change in a person's life as they move into recovery from addiction.
 Ned Wicker/Host: Recovery Now! Addictions Chaplain Waukesha Memorial Hospital Lawrence Center Waukesha, WI
(Sept. 15 & 22 Recovery Now! shows, plus Joe's 60 minute interview with Berk Lewis "Next Step Radio")
Email us at: whydonttheyjustquit@gmail.com Ask for the FREE AUDIO CD, include your name and mailing address.
~ Last Call To Alcohol ~

Last call to alcohol. A story of addiction and recovery. A
goodbye letter to my alcoholic past.
how to move to new steps and celebrates finding tools to recovery.
Video shot at Seabreeze Tavern at Rio Del Mar Beach, Aptos.Original music written and composed by Keaven Shine. Video by Denise Gallant, Video4.Dedicated to the alumna group
of CHOMP in Monterey and Make My Day group in Watsonville and Stag 11
Aptos. Watch now . . .
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle." ~ Unknown
Ask Joe

Q Dear Joe: My son went to rehab for 30 days and just got out of jail
(45 days). He is back living with my husband and me. My husband calls him
constantly during the day to see what he is doing, He averages at least once an
hour. When my son gets ready to go
out for a walk or a bike ride, my husband right away is on him with 20
Am I wrong to think that all the questions and constantly
checking on my son is pushing him back into trouble? When my son went to jail,
he had a fight with his dad and ended up getting caught doing drugs. He ended
up getting arrested and we did leave him there for the 45 days (His drug of
choice is heroin). I feel that my
husband needs to back off or my son will be back to the drugs. How are we
supposed to treat our son?
I have read your book and really learned a lot from it. I
even passed it along to a friend of mine that was going through her son's problem
with vicodin and alcohol.
Walking on eggshells in Illinois,
~ Julie E., Chicago, Ill
Did You Miss an Issue?

In it you will find:
- Q&A "ASK JOE" - |
"God will light your path, one step at a time."
~ Alan Ahlgrim, Lead Pastor Rocky Mountain Christian Church, Niwot, CO
Letting go.
Today I will practice detachment by letting go of things I can't control.
Detachment means standing back and looking at a situation without
having a hand in it. Watching fireworks is practicing detachment.
Flying a kite is not. Allowing friends the freedom to have their own
opinions is practicing detachment. Feeling compelled to change their
minds is not. Watching a child create her own drawing is practicing
detachment. Holding her hand while she draws is not.
I can't control other people, their actions, or their beliefs by
forcing them to act or believe as I do. Detachment helps me see the big
picture, since I can see things more clearly from a distance.
Today, and from now on, I will practice taking care of myself by
detaching from people or situations that aren't good for me. Today I
will pay close attention to when I am trying to force the issue, and
I'll remember that my time would be better spent leaving it alone These words of wisdom came to me from the "There is always hope" Facebook Fan Page. |
Chaplain Joe Herzanek
Changing Lives Foundation
The information provided in this email is for educational purposes
only. The views expressed herein are those of the author only. Knowing
that each person's situation is different it is very important that you
meet with/consult a professional in this field before acting on any
perceived advice given.