It is officially the fall season, and I can see snow in the mountains of Colorado from my office. We have a lot happening at Changing Lives to share with you today, and more to come soon! It has been my pleasure to partner more and more with our subscribers via phone counseling --to help your friend or loved-one find sobriety. This is my passion. Don't miss my new article below; I've been meaning to write this one for some time! Keeping hope alive,
Feature Article:

12-Step Recovery and "Things of God" A Perfect Match ~by Joe Herzanek I'm often asked, especially by many in the Christian Community, if the AA 12-step program conflicts with Biblical Christianity. Some feel that the two just don't go together. Personally, after three decades of studying and being part of both groups, I have to disagree.
Some in the faith community have come up with alternative support groups to the AA 12-steps. These well-meaning Christians, in my opinion are attempting to "reinvent the wheel." The real rub seems to come from the term "Higher Power." There are people who feel that if they don't say "Jesus Christ-the Son of God" during these meetings, that they are somehow denying their faith. This is just not true. 
Changing Lives News:
Joe Herzanek: Keynote Speaker at Colorado Springs Drug Court Graduation
 | Joe Herzanek shows his "before" picture at Drug Court Graduation |
Changing Lives was honored to speak at Colorado Springs' recent Drug Court Graduation on Oct 26th--presided over by Magistrate Lisa Kirkman.
We anticipate a feature article by the Colorado Springs Gazette, which we will share with our readers very soon.
Book Excerpt of the Month:
Coping with family tragedies: Chase Block is the 15-year-old author of the new book, Chasing Happiness: One Boy's Guide to Helping Other Kids Cope with Divorce, Parental Addictions and Death.
I was a 13-year-old kid growing up in Jacksonville, Florida, when I decided I wanted to help other kids whose parents were divorcing. My own folks split when I was 6, and then had other relationships, marriages and divorces. I felt I could help my friends learn what to expect when they were facing similar family shifts.

DVD Excerpt of the month:

Click here to watch
Joe Herzanek helps to sort out the question "How do I confront this person?" when someone is faced with needing to confront a loved-one's drug or alcohol abuse.
Question #2 excerpted from: "The 10 Toughest Questions Families and Friends Ask About Addiction and Recovery."

Featured resource:
Nar-Anon Family Groups (Not to be confused with Narconon!)
Thanks to Jonnie G. for your comment on our resource page. This is truly a great resource.
Nar-Anon is a 12 step recovery group for loved ones of addicts. There are meetings all over the world where family members and anyone affected by the drug abuse by another will find experience, strength and hope through the sharings at meetings, the literature and one on one sponsorship. We are not affiliated with any other group. We do cooperate with NA AT CONVENTIONS AND uNITY EVENTS.. We also have begun Narateen for young people 12-20 who's lives are affected. Narateen is a safe place (usually held coinciding with Nar-Anon meeting in next room) for kids to talk, and to learn from the steps, & traditions how to cope and even thrive, despite the addict's using. Our website is

Recent Radio Interviews:
 The Afflicted & Affected (North Carolina)
Hosted by Chris Schroeder, The Afflicted & Affected offers podcasts and video webcasts for professionals and individuals in recovery from alcohol, substance abuse and other addictive disorders. The shows highlight the most current and effective treatment methods for addictive illnesses as well as the latest tools available for building a successful long-term recovery. Click to access The Afflicted & Affected Radio Show website Listen to Chris Schroeder interview Joe (October 11, 2010)
For a complete listing of all Joe's radio interviews click here
(Sept. 15 & 22 Recovery Now! shows, plus Joe's 60 minute interview with Berk Lewis "Next Step Radio")
Email us at: Ask for the FREE AUDIO CD, include your name and mailing address.
Feedback from you:
 (All feedback is posted with permission from the sender. We have changed a few details to protect their anonymity)I've just received my "10 Questions DVD." This tape is awesome . . . I am managing 3 recovery houses as 12-step work. In other words I am like the house dad for 3 different houses. I like this tape soooo much I am going to have our house meeting around this tape. I don't know Joe but boy can I relate to him so far . . . I can't explain the gratitude I have for you guys. Love ya both, ~Charlie V. (Independence, MO)I heard Joe speak one week after we had done an intervention that had led to my 21 year old alcoholic/addict son going to an inpatient treatment center. I was hungry for all the information I could get about the disease of addiction, although I had been involved for over two years in the Palmer Drug Abuse Program Family Group and knew a lot about the disease of addiction and co-dependency. Joe's talk provided with me new information as well as hope for my son. ~ Martha M. (San Antonio, TX)
You don't know me, but I recently became inspired to seek positive change in my life by completely taking some advice from you that I found on a short video clip on YouTube. My husband is a drug addict, addicted to crack cocaine and marijuana. He desperately tried to keep it from me, despite even being caught using multiple times. He made me believe I was going insane. In the heartache of dealing with my loved one's addiction, I Googled "why won't he just quit" as I threw up my hands in complete surrender. Up popped your book and DVD and a short video segment. I was awestruck in how much the similarities of dealing with addiction were prevalent in my own life.
Needless to say, I took your advice of complete detachment and it made my husband recognize his addiction in his life. He admitted to it and is now seeking intensive rehab to eliminate this evil addiction that robbed me of a husband and a father to my son.
I thank God for the "serendipity" experience that I had in finding a solution when I was unsure of what to do next. I feel an anointing on your words and I am looking into getting your books to continue to help my family overcome this. Thanks. In His Hands, ~Tessa R. (Little Rock, AK)
Joe! I was just thinking of you and your wife today!!! I cannot thank you both enough. Your phone call to help me work things through with my son about 6 weeks back was truly above and beyond and I remain touched and blessed.I will be seeing him for the first time in 8 weeks on Friday. You gave me sound advice and I am putting it to use. But mostly--knowing you care, and knowing you're out there doing what you do--means everything! God Bless you!!! ~Marilyn O. (Pascoag, RI) I wish I would have looked at this sight many months ago maybe it could have saved my family and the ones that I loved for the pain and the hurt that we now must go though all over again. ~Michele M. (Orlando, FL) "The Ten Toughest Questions?" Anyone who is "looking," "seeking" answers, or "willing" will benefit. This DVD is extremely helpful because it cuts thru the junk & spells things out short, sweet & with no-nonsense, to-the-point input that is positively right-on and freely encouraging. You have no doubt you can get the help you so desperately need. I thank God for your good and faithful work!! Feel free to use my name. Love and blessings to you this amazing new year. ~Patsy M.(Loveland, CO) I ordered your book because a dear friend of mine relapsed after more than 20 years of sobriety. I was at a loss as to how to deal with her issues. She's now one month sober again, and doing well, but she did hit bottom before she was able to reach out for the help that had always been there. Thanks for the very helpful insights. We are all praying for her . . . one day at a time. ~Sheri M. (Newberry, MI)I wanted to share with you that my youngest son just graduated from DEN Drug Court after 5 long yrs in the system. He said it was extremely emotional for him because he's acutely aware of the pain and destruction he caused his family and himself. He's now totally free of all legal issues that he faced. I have seen a marked difference (for the positive), in his attitude and way of thinking this past year. As far as I'm concerned, "It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop". I'm so proud of him, I could burst wide open. I'm the happiest I've been in at least 15 yrs, knowing that my two sons are drug free and continue their recovery. I have so much to be thankful for and continue to pray for their well-being everyday.I'm still very grateful to you for writing the book, "Why Don't They Just Quit", as your words were instrumental in restoring my mental health and guided me through the most difficult time I've ever experienced in my life. With gratitude and love, ~Janet P. (Ft. Lauderdale, FL)I recently started reading your book,"Why Don't They Just Quit?" There are things in this book that I had wondered about, but did not know how to begin to find the answers. Thank you Joe for your help, and thank God for using you and your wife, Judy to become part of my life and family. ~Charlene R. (Portland, OR) |
Have You "Tried Everything?" Wise Counsel for Your Situation
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Al-Anon Group Finder
(Finding a group you like is similar to finding a church you like--you may have to try a few different meetings.) _________
AA Grapevine
The international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous,
with thousands of stories and letters from those finding a solution to alcoholism. _________
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