February  2011
Orange Changing Lives Header

By now, Changing Lives is well into the new year and keeping very busy. This latest issue is packed with current news, more Q&A, new articles along with a "classic gem" about relapse from 1947. Please take a moment to listen to a great rendition of "Everybody Hurts" (REM live in London) at the bottom of this page.

Thanks to everyone for your comments, warm holiday greetings and support. We truly love hearing from you, our readers--as some have become special friends.

Keeping hope alive,

~ Joe & Judy Herzanek

PS: Subscriber-only 10% off coupon at the bottom of this email.

Is an Addict Ever Cured? ~ by Joe Herzanek   

Is an addict ever cured?In today's world in which more and more information is readily available, there seems to be more and more confusion regarding the topic of an "Addiction Cure." Is there a cure for addiction? Some people would argue quite convincingly that there is.


I will point out that "even quitting use completely, for many years--does not mean that someone is cured."

CONTINUE READING: "Is an addict ever cured?"


In The News:
Joe Herzanek and Drug-Addiction-Support.org
Joe HerzanekForm Working Relationship

Author, counselor and lecturer Joe Herzanek has joined the team of Mission Enabled and will become an At Large Editor of Drug-Addiction-Support.org and Alcoholism-Support.org and make regular appearances on the "Recovery Now."  




 Jan 17, 2011 -- Author, counselor and lecturer Joe Herzanek has joined the team of Mission Enabled and will become an At Large Editor of http://drug-addiction-support.org and alcoholism-support.org and will also make regular appearances on the internet radio show "Recovery Now."


Drug-Addiction-Support.org Form Working Relationship


DISCOVER MANY OF JOE'S POSTS: on the info-packed website
Drug-Addiction-Support.org (Start by clicking on the below "Welcome")


A Welcome Friend!  

Warnings and Threats ~ by Jim Fay 

Jim Fay

Jim Fay 



Little Cleo looked out of the corner of her eye at her Mom with one of those testing looks, then pushed her child sized grocery cart into the legs of her sister.


"Quit that," warned Mom. "I've warned you about that three times already. If you do it again I'm going to take it away!"


Three minutes later Cleo was doing it again.


CONTINUE READING: "Warnings and Threats"


William D. "Silky" Silkworth, MD

William D. "Silky" Silkworth, MD

  Relapse explained:
"Slips and Human Nature"


This is the best description of the cause of relapse we have ever read.


The following was published in the A.A. Grapevine, January 1947. Dr. Silkworth contributed the two letters included in "The Doctor's Opinion" in the Big Book.


The mystery of slips is not so deep as it may appear. While it does seem odd that an alcoholic, who has restored himself to a dignified place among his fellowmen and continues dry for years, should suddenly throw all his happiness overboard and find himself again in mortal peril of drowning in liquor, often the reason is simple.

CONTINUE READING: "Slips and Human Nature"


"I was pretending to go to Narcotics Anonymous meetings."

My name is Jaimie and I'm an addict

My name is Jaimie and I'm an addict.

I was sick in active addiction, and was pretending to go to Narcotics Anonymous meetings. I was really going and getting high, but saying I was going to meetings bought me time.

CONTINUE READING: "Pretending to go to Narcotics Anonymous"

Married to an addict

I was married to an addict 20 years ago, he was the love of my life and father to my 2 eldest children. We met when young and both had a habit initially. When I became pregnant I stopped the drugs but he never did. I remember feeling so angry and frustrated with him for not putting us first and pushed and pushed him into rehab.

CONTINUE READING: "Married to an addict"

Featured Video Clip:

"Everybody Hurts Sometimes"
Listen to R E M live (London) 

REM Everybody Hurts Sometimes

When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone,

When you're sure you've had enough of this life, well hang on

Don't let yourself go, 'cause everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes


Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it's time to sing along

When your day is night alone, (hold on, hold on)

If you feel like letting go, (hold on)

When you think you've had too much of this life, well hang on


'Cause everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends

Everybody hurts. Don't throw your hand. Oh, no. Don't throw your hand

If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone


If you're on your own in this life, the days and nights are long,

When you think you've had too much of this life, hang on


Well, everybody hurts sometimes,

Everybody cries. And everybody hurts sometimes

And everybody hurts sometimes. So, hold on, hold on

Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on

Everybody hurts. You are not alone



More In The News:

(Links to current, interesting articles)

Specialty "Bath Salts" Linked to Hospitalizations, Suicides
Alarming numbers of adolescents and others are ending up in emergency rooms and mental hospitals after using "fake cocaine" -- a powder legally sold as bath salts

Cars Fueled by Four Loko?
Unfit for human consumption, banned cans of high-octane Four Loko are being recycled into ethanol-and used in gasoline.

Hazelden launches treatment program for lawyers

New program offers tailored treatment for a profession afflicted by twice the addiction rate as the general population.

Alcohol Withdrawal in the E.R.: A Maze of Red Tape 

You'd think recent advances in health reform would have made it easier to get mental health and substance abuse treatment. Think again.

Previous Posts from our Blog:

Detachment in the Real World--and The Monastery

Study Suggests Spirituality is Key to AA

Ask Joe: "I need help because I'm not able to deal with my live-in fiance's need to get drunk every night"


 Addiction Denial: The Elephant in the Room



Feedback from you:

We are extremely thankful
to each and every one of you
for your heartfelt comments.

(All feedback is posted with permission from the sender. We have changed enough details to protect their anonymity
when requested.)


"I just wanted to say thank you for your help via phone and rush order concerning my situation with my 23yr old daughter when my son-in-law called you after I found your site on the internet. I could not believe Mr. Herzanek personally took this call as I sat and listened on speaker after asking him to call for me because I was almost frozen with fear and confusion as what to do.


I think the best option will be via phone counseling with Joe. I'm reading your  book on my Kindle till the order gets here.Thank you and your wife again; I thank God for people like you--who really care."
~Dana T. (Chicago, IL)


"Everyone--young or old needs to read this book. After 25 years of drinking it has saved my life."

~ Craig Meek (New Philadelphia, Ohio)

"Just wanted to say a BIG thank you for all the info in the book. It has been my bible for about 4-5 months. It has saved my sanity a lot. We are not even near a normal life with my son. I just keep on hoping tomorrow will be the day. It all started 3-4years ago as a drug addict by prescription and has excelled from there into heroin and many other drugs that can be shot up. I ready from the book every day."
~Dottie (Moline, IL)

"I can't begin to express how much I appreciate your Newsletters.  When I am having a tough time I revert back to the newsletters you've sent and I have saved. The interview that you had with KHLT Recovery Broadcast was awesome.  


I'm very Thankful for people like you.There are a lot of people out there that are hurting and do not know how to handle situations they are not familiar with. The insight Joe gives to people is amazing. He has been there, done that . . . Keep up the Great work!"
 ~Celia Wright (Lodi, CA)   

"Thank you for  the work you are doing for so many. I'm so thankful God has given you the words for the book and video; I am seeing these resources minister to many of our people at Community Bible Church. Have a blessed Christmas!"
~ Patti C. (San Antonio, TX)


"I've saved some of the newsletters in my inbox, often for many months, so I could re-read them.  I've saved parts of them on my hard drive, and printed segments of them - there's probably one on my desk right now.  I bought "Why Don't They Just Quit?", too - I can see it in my bookcase.  I think you are doing a wonderful thing and a lot of other people feel the same way.


Reading the stories from the newsletters helped me to understand that I was not losing my mind. They let me have more patience and understanding about our situation, helped me realize that I was not always wrong (as I was told I was), and even helped me be more firm with my decisions when I finally decided that I was not going to deal with this any longer. Please continue your work as I'm sure you've helped, and will continue to help, many people in similar situations."
~ Shannan S (Cambridge, MA) 


"Thank you for featuring our outreach magazine, Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism 2011 on your blog today. I also looked over other features of your Web site and blog. Your support and referrals of Al-Anon Family Groups is greatly appreciated. Forty-six percent of our adult Al-Anon members reported being referred to Al-Anon by professionals such as yourself . . . thank you for your referrals to Al-Anon."

~ Claire Ricewasser
Associate Director Communications-Professionals
Al-anon family Group Headquarters, Inc.

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Issue: 13
In This Issue
Is an Addict Ever Cured?
Warnings and Threats
Relapse explained: "Slips and Human Nature"
"I was Pretending to go to Narcotics Anonymous Meetings"
Married to an Addict
"Everybody Hurts Sometimes"
Substance Abuse Phone Counseling
Helpful Links
New Resource Links

"Tried everything?

Nothing is working?"

Substance Abuse Phone Counseling for Families

Joe Herzanek #6LR
Joe Herzanek CAP

One-on-one phone counseling.

Providing substance abuse counseling to families in need.

Over 30 years of real-life, hands-on experience and success, saving you money, time and unnecessary heartache.

I specialize in  tough, "seemingly impossible" situations.

Serving clients across the USA by phone, or in person.
Orange Read More


Call anytime:
(303) 775.6493

or Email: jherzanek@gmail.com


Did You Miss an Issue?


Click on each title
to find:

- Q&A "ASK JOE" -

Why Don't They Just Quit?
Revised & Updated 2010 Edition

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FREE 90-Minute
Roundtable Discussion DVD
with Combo Pack



Best Self-help Book 2008
Next Generation Indie Book Awards


Health Category
National Indie Excellence Awards


Helpful Links

Drug Addiction Support

The key to dealing with drug addiction is the right information. If you've ever wondered how drug addiction impacts your life this site is for you.



Nar-Anon is a 12 step recovery group for loved ones of addicts. There are meetings all over the world where family members and anyone affected by the drug abuse by another will find experience, strength and hope through the sharings at meetings, the literature and one on one sponsorship.




View Changing Lives Entire List of Resources for Families of Addicts/Alcoholics

AA Big Book Search
Search the Big Book online (Very cool!)



A community of parents who support each other through problems from their teens' alcohol and drug use.

About Recovery
Addiction resources by state
National helpline available
24 hours a day.


Al-Anon Logo
Al-Anon Group Finder

Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism 2011
Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism 2011
Changing Lives strongly encourages finding a good 12-step group and attending regularly. This  Al-Anon publication can answer many of your basic questions.

 Changing Lives Rssource Page

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"Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn."

~ Harriet Beecher Stowe


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*Disclaimer: The information provided in this email is for educational purposes only. The views expressed herein are those of the author only. Knowing that each person's situation is different it is very important that you meet with/consult a professional in this field before acting on any perceived advice given.
Joe Herzanek, CAP
President: Changing Lives Foundation
Providing families in need with over 30 years of real-life, hands-on experience and success.

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