December  2010
Orange Changing Lives Header

We hope this finds you
hopeful for better times ahead and grateful for the many blessings that money can't buy!

We realize you don't have time to read all of this! And as usual, this issue is packed with brand new material. Please consider keeping it in your mailbox to refer to when you have the chance.

Don't miss our Open House invitation, 3 great articles, FREE gift wrap offer plus more* and a suggestion about how you can make a life-changing difference in someone's life this holiday season.

We've received numerous requests from our subscribers--to speak in your city. Please help make this happen by suggesting one of our interactive, fast-paced workshops to your church, group or organization. We'd love to fill our calendar and be able to meet each of you in person this year! Email us for workshop details and our schedule. We begin 2011 with a January workshop in Kansas City.
Joes signature
*Exclusive Subscriber-only offer at the bottom of this email.

We're often asked to give our opinion on Medical Marijuana, since there are so many dispensaries in Colorado. This month we've posted The Facts from the USDEA (below). You decide.

Exposing the Myth of Smoked Medical Marijuana
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Banner


Q: Does marijuana pose health risks to users?

  • Marijuana is an addictive drug with significant health consequences to its users and others. Many harmful short-term and long-term problems have been documented with its use:
  • The short term effects of marijuana use include: memory loss, distorted perception, trouble with thinking and problem solving, loss of motor skills, decrease in muscle strength,
    increased heart rate, and anxiety.

Q. Does marijuana have any medical value?
Q. Does marijuana harm anyone besides the individual who smokes it?

Q. Is marijuana a gateway drug?

~Read more about Exposing the Myth of Smoked Medical Marijuana

Healthy Characteristics
for Women in Recovery From Loving Too Much

Women who love too muchAt Changing Lives we find that most of our clients are women who seem to deal with common challenges. In our next few newsletters we will be posting helpful tools for all who face these situations. Hope this one is helpful.


1. We accept ourselves fully, even while wanting to change parts of ourselves. There is a basic self-love and self-regard, which we carefully nurture and purposely expand.

2. We accept others as they are, without trying to change them to meet our needs.

~read more about women who love too much

How do you handle drinking during the holidays?
Listen now

Welcome to "First Steps to Al-Anon Recovery" from Al-Anon Family Groups. This is a series of podcasts to discuss some common concerns for people who have been affected by someone else's drinking.

Today we have Crystal with us. Crystal is an Al-Anon member whose holidays have included several awkward family situations.  She is willing to share some of the ways she handles a loved one's drinking.

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The Haven: Baby Haven
Featured resource:

New Baby Haven . . . closer to reality!
Note: The Haven is our all-time favorite recovery program for women. A visit to this "incredibly successful" facility is all it takes to fall in love with the Moms, their babies and the amazing miracles that take place here every day.

Read this heartwarming story about the origins of The Haven by Julie Crow: Chief Operating Officer and Haven Director

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Featured Book:

Vol 4 Wisdom of the RoomsVolume 4 Now Available!
by Joe Herzanek

Contains some of the best Wisdom Quotes yet!

To Order Your Signed Copy

 Surviving Meth: Local dads win back their lives, their kids

Surviving Meth
Justin Misner, 48, left, and Todd Meyer, 38, met in a Salvation Army program for meth addicts about three years ago and now are best friends and neighbors.


On a recent day in the late afternoon, Todd Meyer is deep in conversation with a visitor, and his two young children are hungry. Because he wants to finish the train of thought, he turns to a third adult in the room - his next-door neighbor Justin Misner - for help.

"Justin, will you make 'em a quesadilla?" Meyer asks.

Without a word, Misner gets up, herds 7-year-old Brooklynn and 4-year-old Lain into the kitchen and starts making dinner. Misner doesn't have to ask where anything is or try to persuade the kids to stay with him and leave Dad alone.

Misner is like family; Meyer and his two kids see Misner and his three young children almost daily, and they move easily between one apartment and the other for quick visits. It's the kind of close bond that can form when next-door neighbors have a lot in common, and Meyer, 38, and Misner, 48, have more in common than most.

~read more about surviving meth

 From the Colorado Springs Gazette, March 7, 2010
Barbara Cotter
Photo by Kevin Kreck

Feedback from you:

We are extremely thankful
to each and every one of you
for your heartfelt comments.

(All feedback is posted with permission from the sender. We have changed a few details to protect their anonymity
when requested)

"Everyone--young or old needs to read this book. After 25 years of drinking it has saved my life."
~ Craig Meek (New Philadelphia, Ohio)

"Thank you for  the work you are doing for so many. I'm so thankful God has given you the words for the book and video; I am seeing these resources minister to many of our people at Community Bible Church. Have a blessed Christmas!"
~ Patti C. (San Antonio, TX) 

"I've just received my "10 Questions DVD." This tape is awesome. I am managing 3 recovery houses as 12-step work. In other words I am like the house dad for 3 different houses. I like this tape soooo much I am going to have our house meeting around this tape. I don't know Joe but boy can I relate to him so far . . . I can't explain the gratitude I have for you guys."

~ Charlie V. (Independence, MO)
(Note: we got such a kick out of Charlie's posts on the "Friends of Bill" site we decided to re-post our favorites on our blog--with a separate section called "Charlie's Corner: "Sobriety is a HOOT!" Take a look. You're sure to be entertained by his wit and his story.)

"I heard Joe speak one week after we had done an intervention that had led to my 21 year-old alcoholic/addict son going to an inpatient treatment center. I was hungry for all the information I could get about the disease of addiction and co-dependency. Joe's workshop provided with me new information as well as hope for my son."

~ Martha  M. (San Antonio, TX)

"It is my pleasure to write a general letter of character for Joe Herzanek. I have been a mentor to Joe over the past few years.

Joe is a good man of strong moral character. He goes out of his way to be helpful to people. His professional work with addicts and their families has been of exceptionally high quality.

Joe's recent publication, "Why Don't They Just Quit?" has been useful to me in my practice of Psychiatry. An important aspect of Joe's stability and good character is his strong commitment to his Christian faith."

 ~James B. Raybin, M.D.
Board Certified in Psychiatry (Boulder, CO) 


"'Why Don't They Just Quit?" is a no-nonsense user's guide to understanding addiction in simple terms. I have struggled for years with substance abuse involving mutliple family members. Reading "Why Don't They Just Quit?" gave me the insight I needed to stop feeling helpless and start being proactive about my situation."

~ Crystal E. (Florida)

"A brutally honest--yet optimistic book for anyone struggling with addiction and recovery. Also, appropriate for loved-ones who might have difficulty understanding the physical and emotional problems endured by addicts, while they are on drugs and while they are sober. The author shares his honest experiences and even in doing this, relays the trouble he continues to face, even now that he is clean and sober.

This text is extremely useful and easy to read and skim, thanks to appropriate use of subheads, text boxes, question-and-answer format, and the useful glossary in the back of the book, which covers many important terms those trying to quit drugs or loved-ones should be familiar with."

 ~ Writer's Digest International, Self-Published Book Awards

 "I can't begin to express how much I appreciate your Newsletters.  When I am having a tough time I revert back to the newsletters you've sent and I have saved. The interview that you had with KHLT Recovery Broadcast was awesome.

I'm very Thankful for people like you.There are a lot of people out there that are hurting and do not know how to handle situations they are not familiar with. The insight Joe gives to people is amazing. He has been there, done that . . . Keep up the Great work!"
 ~Celia Wright (Lodi, CA)

"Thank you for featuring our outreach magazine, Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism 2011 on your blog today. I also looked over other features of your Web site and blog. Your support and referrals of Al-Anon Family Groups is greatly appreciated. Forty-six percent of our adult Al-Anon members reported being referred to Al-Anon by professionals such as yourself . . . thank you for your referrals to Al-Anon."
~Claire Ricewasser
Associate Director Communications-Professionals
Al-anon family Group Headquarters, Inc.

 ~ Holiday Combo Pack Offer ~
Book, 10 Questions DVD,
 Plus FREE 90-minute

Roundtable Discussion DVD
Free DVD w/Combo Pack
 Special Holiday Offer exclusive to our Subscribers
Additional 10% off the above price
(use coupon code below)
Issue: 12
In This Issue
Exposing the Myth of Smoked Medical Marijuana
Women in Recovery From Loving Too Much
How do you handle drinking during the holidays?
Baby Haven Almost A Reality
Surviving Meth: Local dads win back their lives, their kids
Wise Counsel with Joe Herzanek CAP
Please join us for a Christmas Open House

"Tried everything?

Nothing is working?"

Counsel for Your Situation

Tiny Joe Smile
Joe Herzanek CAP

Providing substance abuse counseling to families in need.

Over 30 years of real-life, hands-on experience and success, saving you money, time and unnecessary heartache.

I specialize in  tough, "seemingly impossible" situations.

Serving clients across the USA by phone, or in person.
Orange Read More

(303) 775.6493

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Are you local
to the Denver Area?

Herzanek Open House Invitation


Did You Miss an Issue?


Click on each title
to find:

- Q&A "ASK JOE" -

Why Don't They Just Quit?
Revised & Updated 2010 Edition

Scroll to bottom of page for Subscribers-only
Holiday Offer

LR WDTJQ Book on Black

FREE 90-Minute
Roundtable Discussion DVD
with Combo Pack


Best Self-help Book 2008
Next Generation Indie Book Awards

Health Category
National Indie Excellence Awards

Helpful Links

Using Al-Anon's Steps in Our Personal Lives
This series of podcasts discusses how Al-Anon's Twelve Steps have helped people successfully handle a variety of challenges associated with the family illness of alcoholism.

intended to give anyone unfamiliar with Al-Anon exposure to the Twelve Steps. One step featured each month.

View Changing Lives Entire List of Resources for Families of Addicts/Alcoholics

AA Big Book Search
(Search the Big Book online. Very cool!)



A community of parents who support each other through problems from their teens' alcohol and drug use.


About Recovery

Addiction resources by state
National helpline available
24 hours a day.


Al-Anon Logo
Al-Anon Group Finder

Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism 2011
Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism 2011

Changing Lives strongly encourages finding a good 12-step group and attending regularly. This brand new Al-Anon publication can answer many of your basic questions.

 Changing Lives Rssource Page

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*Disclaimer: The information provided in this email is for educational purposes only. The views expressed herein are those of the author only. Knowing that each person's situation is different it is very important that you meet with/consult a professional in this field before acting on any perceived advice given.
Joe Herzanek, CAP
President: Changing Lives Foundation
Providing families in need with over 30 years of real-life, hands-on experience and success.

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