~ Craig Meek (New Philadelphia, Ohio)"Thank you for the work you are doing for so many. I'm so thankful God has given you the words for the book and video; I am seeing these resources minister to many of our people at Community Bible Church. Have a blessed Christmas!"
~ Patti C. (San Antonio, TX)
"I've just received my "10 Questions DVD." This tape is awesome. I am managing 3 recovery houses as 12-step work. In other words I am like the house dad for 3 different houses. I like this tape soooo much I am going to have our house meeting around this tape. I don't know Joe but boy can I relate to him so far . . . I can't explain the gratitude I have for you guys."
~ Charlie V. (Independence, MO)(Note: we got such a kick out of Charlie's posts on the "Friends of Bill" site we decided to re-post our favorites on our blog--with a separate section called "Charlie's Corner: "Sobriety is a HOOT!" Take a look. You're sure to be entertained by his wit and his story.)
"I heard Joe speak one week after we had done an intervention that had led to my 21 year-old alcoholic/addict son going to an inpatient treatment center. I was hungry for all the information I could get about the disease of addiction and co-dependency. Joe's workshop provided with me new information as well as hope for my son."~ Martha M. (San Antonio, TX)
"It is my pleasure to write a general letter of character for Joe Herzanek. I have been a mentor to Joe over the past few years.
Joe is a good man of strong moral character. He goes out of his way to be helpful to people. His professional work with addicts and their families has been of exceptionally high quality.
Joe's recent publication, "Why Don't They Just Quit?" has been useful to me in my practice of Psychiatry. An important aspect of Joe's stability and good character is his strong commitment to his Christian faith."
~James B. Raybin, M.D.
Board Certified in Psychiatry (Boulder, CO) "'Why Don't They Just Quit?" is a no-nonsense user's guide to understanding addiction in simple terms. I have struggled for years with substance abuse involving mutliple family members. Reading "Why Don't They Just Quit?" gave me the insight I needed to stop feeling helpless and start being proactive about my situation."
~ Crystal E. (Florida)
"A brutally honest--yet optimistic book for anyone struggling with addiction and recovery. Also, appropriate for loved-ones who might have difficulty understanding the physical and emotional problems endured by addicts, while they are on drugs and while they are sober. The author shares his honest experiences and even in doing this, relays the trouble he continues to face, even now that he is clean and sober.
This text is extremely useful and easy to read and skim, thanks to appropriate use of subheads, text boxes, question-and-answer format, and the useful glossary in the back of the book, which covers many important terms those trying to quit drugs or loved-ones should be familiar with."
~ Writer's Digest International, Self-Published Book Awards
"I can't begin to express how much I appreciate your Newsletters. When I am having a tough time I revert back to the newsletters you've sent and I have saved. The interview that you had with KHLT Recovery Broadcast was awesome.
I'm very Thankful for people like you.There are a lot of people out there that are hurting and do not know how to handle situations they are not familiar with. The insight Joe gives to people is amazing. He has been there, done that . . . Keep up the Great work!"
~Celia Wright (Lodi, CA)
"Thank you for featuring our outreach magazine, Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism 2011 on your blog today. I also looked over other features of your Web site and blog. Your support and referrals of Al-Anon Family Groups is greatly appreciated. Forty-six percent of our adult Al-Anon members reported being referred to Al-Anon by professionals such as yourself . . . thank you for your referrals to Al-Anon."~Claire Ricewasser
Associate Director Communications-Professionals
Al-anon family Group Headquarters, Inc.
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