We want to take a moment to thank every one of our friends, readers and supporters for your continued partnership with us as we strive to heal hurting families and promote recovery.
God Bless each and every one of you!
~ Joe & Judy Herzanek
 | Interview With God |
We've been saving this very well done, inspiring video to share with you during the holidays. This one clearly stands above all the others and is worth a few minutes. When you need a short break to clear your head and put life into perspective, please take time to enjoy this.
"Amazing-filled my heart with wonder. Re-inspired a sad, tired soul. God's hand must have truly been guiding the creators of this video. I wonder how many lives it will change. Thank you." ~Nancy Rodstro
For families who have to endure the holidays with a loved one stuck in a cycle of addiction, this time of the year, meant to be the most joyous for families--can be dreaded for some.
Dysfunctional Family or not, this article is so full of great information that we re-post it often. It never grows old!
"10 Tips for Surviving Holidays with the Dysfunctional Family"
Two of our favorites:
#4. Nowhere is it written that there shall be alcohol whenever a family gets together.
#9. Provide escape routes.
I need help because I'm not able to deal with my live-in fiance's need to get drunk every night. I'm not comfortable with it.
He says I need counseling to just deal with it because. . .
- Is a Relapse--Failure?
- If someone can stop using . . . they "aren't" an addict--correct?
- If both parents are addicts, does that increase the child's chances of addiction?
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Addiction is called a 'family disease' yet many will dispute this by responding "I do not have the problem."
Also available on Amazon.com
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and comments from previous clients
Over time, I have come to expect that the phone-ringing picks up the pace during the holidays. Make some plans now to begin doing the right things AND to stop doing some or all of the wrong things. Plan to learn what works and unlearn or quit doing what will never work.
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