 | Chaplain Joe & Judy Herzanek |
Happy Spring!
We're thrilled to share our latest information, to help you navigate the world of addiction and recovery and help your family.
We've enjoyed getting to know some of you better through social media (mostly our Facebook pages and private group). Please consider connecting with us if you haven't yet (links below).
In this May edition, we bring you our latest from the Changing Lives Foundation Blog, including: > Are some people beyond hope for recovery? > New book review: Roaring Drunk: An Idiot's Guide on Becoming an Alcoholic.
> Newest resource to help families struggling with addiction:
We appreciate your posts, prayers, support and comments to our blog and Facebook pages. God Bless,
~ Joe & Judy Herzanek
Remember to keep this newsletter handy so you can access our many NEW resources and links. We have packed a TON of material in this one.
Please share this newsletter with anyone you know who can use some support and encouragement.
Sober Living, Halfway Homes, Family Help, Online Resources and More.
Are you tearing your hair out trying to find reasonably-priced help for an addicted loved one?
Are you also looking for help for yourself and your family as you deal with their addiction?
(entire book, 6 Hrs. 54 Min.)
Also available on Amazon.com
receive "Why Don't They Just Quit?" Audio CD FREE!
(please--only for those who have not won anything from Changing Lives this year)
Recent Posts
from our Changing Lives Foundation Blog
Q: Are some people beyond hope for recovery?
Other than a very small percentage of those who are severely mentally ill, I would say no. For every pathetic story of a life that appears beyond hope, there is also an equally dramatic story of recovery.
What can happen is that some people may be beyond help. What I mean is that at some point the helper will need to step back and let the person experience their own epiphany-and too much helping can have the opposite effect.
If helping turns to continued rescuing, the person never learns to solve his or her problems and becomes dependent on the helper. Involving an addiction professional for objective advice is important for tougher cases. It is important for the friend not only to get the advice, but to follow it as well.
Never give up hope.
- Is a Relapse--Failure?
- If someone can stop using . . . they "aren't" an addict--correct?
- If both parents are addicts, does that increase the child's chances of addiction?
- How can I know if my addicted friend is telling me the truth?
Please visit our Changing Lives Facebook Page and "like us" to receive multiple daily updates of "hand-picked" addiction recovery news and information. (click here)
BOOKS WORTH READING: Roaring Drunk: An Idiots Guide on Becoming an Alcoholic~by John T. Newton
It is possible that absolutely anybody who uses alcohol has the potential to turn into an alcoholic, if they drink enough of it for long enough.
~John T. Newton
Amazon listing
You'll find a list of our favorites, and can click to read our review for each.
 For as little as $10 you can donate a "Why Don't They Just Quit?" book to someone without the means to pay and choose one of our Recovery Television DVDs for yourself! Choose from 10 topics
Contact Us to arrange a book or DVD shipment to a friend.
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NEW on Kindle:
Highly RecommendedThe perfect companion to Toby Drews' bestselling series of books, " Getting Them Sober'' Covers dozens of topics, that Toby has counseled families about for the last 30+ years, such as:"PROBLEMS'' DON'T CAUSE ALCOHOLISM
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 This is a private group--which means anyone can join and safely post without "the world" being able to see.
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Why Don't They Just Quit?
What families and friends need to know about addiction and recovery
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